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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


"I was on a job, the ruckus created a perfect opportunity for me to get what I needed and get out, with no one the wiser. Opportunities are fleeting, and I've never been one to sit back wait for the next one to come along." I hadn't exactly anticipated their knowledge of my affiliation with the rest of the group, but it's too late to fret over that now. "The rabble that caused the commotion weren't there with me, they just happened to inadvertently create an opening for me. Besides, I wouldn't talk about walking loudly with your patchwork-cloaked underling waltzing about town in such... unique attire. He may as well carry a sign that reads 'I'M UP TO SOMETHING!'"

I'm off for the night. This is getting quite fun.


I hope this doesn't turn into one of those situations where the rest of the group just so happens to be standing outside the door as Waymore refers to the, as rabble and somehow don't realize that it's obviously a lie and for some reason forget this is all part of the plan and think that Waymore actually isn't their friend and run off crying leaving Waymore by himself.


I hope this doesn't turn into one of those situations where the rest of the group just so happens to be standing outside the door as Waymore refers to the, as rabble and somehow don't realize that it's obviously a lie and for some reason forget this is all part of the plan and think that Waymore actually isn't their friend and run off crying leaving Waymore by himself.

I mean, if y'all wanna roleplay that I could check with Jintor what I need to roll for a "WAIT, IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" check.


"Now that we're down here: I scratched the tiger guy's eyes and he probably won't see nothin' for a long time. There was a girl with him too.
If you heard the scream from up there, they could have heard the sound of the rocks falling down the well echoing here. We may not be able to surprise them."

I head to the underground street.


"Now that we're down here: I scratched the tiger guy's eyes and he probably won't see nothin' for a long time. There was a girl with him too.
If you heard the scream from up there, they could have heard the sound of the rocks falling down the well echoing here. We may not be able to surprise them."

I head to the underground street.

I follow Serrick my axe at the ready.


The team carefully make their way, hiding behind rubble and natural outcroppings, to find a tableau. Roger is lying on the ground, whimpering and being bandaged by Fitz, near the door to The Zen. Ko rushes in, sword in hand.

What happened?

I-I-I don't know- one minute Rog said he smelled fresh air, th-th-then some g-godamn bird just swooped out of the sky!

How's Rog?

I g-gave him something, but it's p-p-pretty bad. I...


Something fell-

Yeah, I heard. Shit. Some idiot came in the other entrance at the same time. This is a set-up, I know it.​

Roger whimpers, and Fitz bends over him again.

C-come on, Rog... it's gonna be o-okay...​

What do you do?


"I was on a job, the ruckus created a perfect opportunity for me to get what I needed and get out, with no one the wiser. Opportunities are fleeting, and I've never been one to sit back wait for the next one to come along." I hadn't exactly anticipated their knowledge of my affiliation with the rest of the group, but it's too late to fret over that now. "The rabble that caused the commotion weren't there with me, they just happened to inadvertently create an opening for me. Besides, I wouldn't talk about walking loudly with your patchwork-cloaked underling waltzing about town in such... unique attire. He may as well carry a sign that reads 'I'M UP TO SOMETHING!'"

I'm off for the night. This is getting quite fun.

Perhaps... that is... his purpose?

Any man may wear patchwork.

Never mind that. Go back a second. What is it exactly you're proposing to offer here?​


I'M conflicted because I have an idea, but it also a very bad one. I don't know if you'll let us retcon it if everyone disagrees. It probably works as a distraction.

I whisper to Serrick
"Follow my lead"

Then as loudly as I can I yell


And run at a full sprint through the three people trying to get past them.
I was struggling to come up with a plan how to get past them.They already have their weapons out and would probably strike you before even reaching the door. Maybe Serrick turning into a bear first and attacking seems to catch them completely off guard first?


...why would you do this? Now I have to follow your plan now since you yelled so loud everyone in this place heard it, but there was plenty of ways to solve this situation in a better way.


Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (2+2) + 2 = 6

And it's unfair if we can retcon. Let's just go through this I guess.


Well we don't need to get past them or even fight them right? Just draw enough attention away from Waymore so he can get the ring right? I'm not stopping if I get past them, I'm going to keep running as if I'm being chased by a bear Because I'm being chased by a bear.

We're supposed to be a distraction not an attack force. Plus they still won't know about Deken and Ein.


Jintor, I know you have to say my possible moves and what will go wrong due to my low roll, but for now:

I scream filled with anger as my transformation begins and what is a human shriek turns into a monstrous bellow, and then to a ursine roar. A roar so loud rocks fall from the roof as the whole place trembles.

I then...



My animal instinct took over. I run to the nearest humans, in this case Fitz and Ko. After them, Thrakdur up ahead.


You could have said all that before running by yourself.


Oh, what a time for a bad roll! Serrick gains 1 hold, taking the form of a Brown Bear and gaining the following moves: aggressive roar, rending claws and ferocious strength.


CLOSE ON Serrick, Thrakdur, Deken and Ein, observing the scene from hiding. Thrakdur grins to himself.

(whispering) Follow my lead.

What are you- oh, shit.

CUT TO the guards, still attending to Roger, when-


What the-​

A furious ursine roar rings out as Thrakdur appears suddenly sprinting around the corner, Serrick - in the form of a shaggy brown bear - in hot pursuit. Ko reacts like greased lightning as Thrakdur attempts to barrel through, ELBOWING him in the throat and DROPPING him to the ground.

(breathless) Fitz! Hikaris!

O-on it!​

As the bear charges, Fitz scabbles in a back pouch and flings something right at Serrick.


First -
Serrick, a hikari nut is coming straight for your face! Defy Danger in some way to avoid its blinding glare, and what do you do?

Thrakdur, you are on the ground winded, a cat-headed woman with a sword poised over your chest. What do you do?

Deken and Ein, nobody knows you're here. What do you do?


Is it cool if I do something like this?

If Serrick dodges the Hikari Nut:

I scramble away from her yelling

"What are you doing! A bear! Help! Help!"

If it hits him:

While still on the ground I hug her leg.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Shandur praise you! You saved my life! Thank you!"


For the record, I'm mad because my powers are not something to be abused, nor to be taken lightly. I do not like when others tell me how to use them, as seen when I was asked to turn into a horse to deceive Honest what-his-name


*GRRRRRRR* My instincts tell me this is harmless, yet will confuse my eyes (actually it's from seeing Ein throwing a similar ball before). I try to grab that white ball in my mouth and break it with a bite or at least keep it inside my mouth.

Defy Danger, 2d6+INT. (6+6) + 1 = 13 since it went fine, I'll keep acting

*GRRRR* I hit that woman near that tiger with my right paw, pressing her to the ground. It could hurt more if I used my claws, but my only objective is to thrash around.

Damage = 1, she's crouching over Roger, I don't think I need to roll for Hack and Slash

*GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* I move immediately to cut that other woman's back with my claws.

Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (3+5) - 1 = 7, Damage = 6


This could be an interesting development between Serrick and Thrakdur. He sees Serrick's powers at relatively commonplace and his philosophy is basically "If you have this power you should use it". Maybe this would be a good opportunity to change bonds later? If we don't all die of course.



I try to scramble away from the commotion, never breaking kayfabe acting as if I'm not terrified attempting to ignore her sword and not get in Serrick's way too much while yelling:

"Help! Do something! Help! A Bear! Aaaaaaah make it RUN AWAY"

Ignore this if this is too much, but I don't want Serrick to fight to the death he should run away and leave me if it gets too dangerous. Act like a frightened animal not a cool guy fighting guy. I even have a cover story that you guys don't know about.


I'm going to write it all up later, but to keep the action rolling - Fitz is on the ground, Thrakdur scrambles away from Ko, who herself jumps back from the bear. Fitz reaches into her pouch from the ground and tosses a bunch of caltrops at Serrick - defy danger dex to get out of the minefield. Thrakdur, your 8 means you get away from Ko but not from Roger, who reaches out for you blindly. What do you do?


I grab at him as he reaches out for me, perhaps a bit more roughly than someone in my position truly would.

"Help! HElp me! Please! Aaaaaaaaah!"

I yell as I pull him down towards me. If I hurt him in the process it's a bonus but not the goal.

Do I need to roll for this?


Luckily, she thought I would still be a big, brown bear and did not throw the caltrops far enough. A small, pink human manages to roll away from them quickly and successfully.

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (5+6) + 0 = 11

I use my club to get myself up.


I grab at him as he reaches out for me, perhaps a bit more roughly than someone in my position truly would.

"Help! HElp me! Please! Aaaaaaaaah!"

I yell as I pull him down towards me. If I hurt him in the process it's a bonus but not the goal.

Do I need to roll for this?

He's already on the ground though, he's lying there with some serious eye damage. What do you want to try and do?


Luckily, she thought I would still be a big, brown bear and did not threw the caltrops far enough. A small, pink human manages to roll away from them quickly and successfully.

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (5+6) + 0 = 11

I use my club to get myself up.

Ko isn't even phased and lunges at you, sword at the ready; Defy Danger in some way and what do you do?


He's already on the ground though, he's lying there with some serious eye damage. What do you want to try and do?

Oops. Okay in that case more of a grab him and climb over him in a fake panicked state, not minding if my knees and elbows happen to jab into him painfully? All with the same yelling. If I have time, and notice Serrick is back in human form I draw my axe and attack the closer of Ko or Fitz from behind


Oops. Okay in that case more of a grab him and climb over him in a fake panicked state, not minding if my knees and elbows happen to jab into him painfully? All with the same yelling. If I have time, and notice Serrick is back in human form I draw my axe and attack the closer of Ko or Fitz from behind

Roll damage against Fitz, who is watching Serrick with an open mouth. Serrick, is shifting between forms a visually disturbing process?


Ko isn't even phased and lunges at you, sword at the ready; Defy Danger in some way and what do you do?

I pick the first thing I carry with me that I can touch, in this case my book, and throw at her sword arm to distract...

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (1+4) + 0 = 5

and parry her blade holding my club horizontally.


Depends on my mental state. When I changed to bear I was so enraged I turned into a swelling mass of fur before finally looking like an actual bear. Now I was so mentally exhausted it went cleanly, without any horrifying appearance. In fact, that's why I'm only using dexterity to act.


I'm going to pause the action at this juncture and see if Deken and Ein (or Waymore possibly?) would like to do anything. Hell of an opener though!


Its funny cause Serrick is mad at Thrakdur for forcing him to use his powers flippantly and putting him into danger with barely a plan, while Thrakdur is mad that he won't get to use the backstory for why a bear was chasing him in a sewer and he had to break kayfabe after Serrick changed back into a human.

Oh and we all might still die.
I'm going to pause the action at this juncture and see if Deken and Ein (or Waymore possibly?) would like to do anything. Hell of an opener though!

I breathe a heavy sigh as Thrakdur's 'plan' unfolds. Seeing the re-shifted Serrick in danger, I move forward and huck my Dagger at Ko, grasping my hand into a fist as I activate the targeting and force magic. (Magic Missile - 5+6+2=13; 2+3=5 damage).


I lost my shit laughing at the idea of Thrakdur's plan, with Serrick just standing back there like "REALLY?" That should definitely affect bonds in some way. Good work, you guys.

"What I'm proposing is that I join The Guild. At least in some capacity, at a rank befitting my talents and experience. I get an infrastructure and support to fall back on in the off chance things go awry, as well as a steady stream of work, while you get a new member and another source of dues. It's not terribly complicated."

I begin to worry about my companions. They've no doubt followed my lead and are attempting something, but if I sit here talking to these old coots all day they could be killed. I need an opening, even if I need to make it myself.

If I want to spend my intel, do I roll anything for it? Or just bust it out?


The Intel gives a +1 to another roll, so you can just bust it out as long as it's narratively feasible. (Remember, it's something the fence whispered in your ear as you came down the stairs, so it can't be too complex)


"Besides," I say with a smirk, "I know you need all the new members you can get, since The Guild is bleeding gold as of late."

2d6+CHA+1 intel: (1+1)+1+1=4

Ooof. My lowest roll yet. That's what I get for busting out secondhand information like some kind of trump card.
"Come on Sven! We got to get you back to the circus troupe!" I come out with my oud nonthreateningly and begin to play a calming tune while all the mayhem is going on to calm Serrick down and make a good? cover story why there's a bear here.

Inspiring Presence I guess? 4+3+(2)=9
- An ally’s wounds are ignored and they heal +1d8
Serrick's wounds should heal 7hp.

"Night is quiet...
Trees are still...
Light is fading...
Pillows are filled..."


Though that'd be hella fun, let's pretend he did it as I was pressing Fitz down since me and Thrakdur did a lot by ourselves.


Can you imagine the situation?

"Oh, I'm here taking care of my boy 'cause a freaking bird ripped his eyes out. Why was a bird in an UNDERGROUND place? Dunno but oh well"

"Now what the hell is someone yelling about a bear? We ain't have these nowhere near this region. Probably some drunk-"


"...what? Why am I hearing a bear charmer? And what is this instrument? I've never heard it before"

"And now there's a wizard launching magic projectiles? I'M JUST A THIEF, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?"


Ok, let's take it from the top... rewind!


Serrick SNAPS ANGRILY at the hikari nut as it flies through the air, SWALLOWING IT WHOLE. Pause. It explodes in his mouth with a characteristic "whump", but he is completely unphased, and bats at Fitz with one paw.



Help! Do something make it RUN AWAY!​

As Thrakdur scrambles out of the way on his hands and knees, Ko whirls and STABS Serrick in one arm; roaring, his claws RAKE at her skin, and she leaps back.

CLOSE on Thrakdur, who all attention has turned away from, climbing to his feet, one hand reaching for his axe when ROGER suddenly grabs his leg.

You... horse-stink...

Ahhhhh get away get away GET AWAY!

He kicks madly at the flailing tiger-man, scrambling up and over, planting a few elbows and knees painfully in the fallen figure, looking at Fitz, who is scrambling in her bag. She FLINGS a handful of something at Serrick; CALTROPS.

Serrick sees them coming and SHIFTS as he rolls away. Fitz blanches and then goes wide-eyed as Thrakdur, from behind, SMACKS her on the head with the flat of his axe. She collapses.


Serrick, who is climbing to his feet, surprised as Ko lunges at him. Instinctively he reaches for and flings his book at her as she runs forward, to no effect. BAM! Serrick tries to block with the club, but Ko bounces off and uses the momentum to swing at him from a different angle. Serrick, take another d8 damage.

Ko and Serrick retreat from one another, Serrick's club outstretched, Ko panting heavily, when-

Come on, Sven, we've got to get you back to the circus troupe!

- the sound of a incongrous lullaby fills the air, Ein strumming soothing chords on his Oud for all he's worth. Serrick grins as Ko looks on in disbelief - turning to shock as a glowing dagger STREAKS into her from offscreen. She spins and looks at-


hand clenched in a glowing magical fist.


can't see any of this, but scrambles to his feet, behind Thrakdur. He sniffs, once, and turns and runs INTO THE ZEN. Team, what do you do?



...I'm proposing I join the Guild. At least in some capacity, at a rank befitting my talents and experience. I get an infrastructure and support to fall back on in the off chance things go awry, as well as a steady stream of work, while you get a new member and another source of dues. It's not terribly complicated.


Besides. I know you need all the new members you can get, since The Guild is bleeding gold as of late.

Another pause. The lights flicker slightly. For a split-second, the silhouettes kind of look... sort of... wrong. They don't cast shadows where they should. Or they cast the wrong kinds of shadows when they should.

Do we need that? I don't think we need that.

What makes you think we even care?

Things have... changed since... you've been gone, Waymore, my boy...

From near Waymore's position. Our eyes have adjusted somewhat to the gloom. We see they are all wearing cloaks of patchwork.

Waymore, what do you do?


Took 5 damage and got healed by Ein.


"Well, we came here to distract. Let's see what the tiger can do to aid us."

Is Ko still standing?


The "anyone can wear patchwork" line went completely over my head. Way to foreshadow, Jintor!

I step back as I begin to see them more clearly. Half of my brain is telling me to maintain the cover story, the other half is screaming to bail. My hand instinctively draws closer to my sword a few inches, but I'm not quite ready to flip the switch yet."Thiiiiiiiiiiis was not how I was expecting this to go, I must admit."


If Ko is still up I'll give her an axe smack as well.

No hack and slash since she's not paying attention to me right? Dmg=9

If she is not still standing I instead agree with Serrick and let the blind tiger man run off while still yelling about bears attacking me in case he hasn't figure it out.



If we're counting on blind Tiger-man to help us in our distracting we should let him go. If that's the case I start yelling again to keep up the charade even though it may be too late for that. Couldn't hurt.


The alternative terrible thing was something about how you must never listen to this.
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