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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


I grab my book, now a bit torn, and look at Thrakdur:

"Never do that again. My powers are not something to be trivialized, especially when we had plenty of time to think of a plan",

and move towards the entrance (without waiting for an answer), trying to find a spot covered in shadows to hide myself.
While walking I whisper a little lullaby to calm my nerves.

Balance, 1d4 = 4
Just some housekeeping but the 3 spells I have prepared are Magic Missile, Detect Magic, and Invisibility. I also have Arcane Ward up as long as I have at least 1 spell prepared, granting me a sixth sense for immediate daner - for myself and no one else.


Just some housekeeping but the 3 spells I have prepared are Magic Missile, Detect Magic, and Invisibility. I also have Arcane Ward up as long as I have at least 1 spell prepared, granting me a sixth sense for immediate daner - for myself and no one else.

So what you're saying is that we should use you as a sort of canary in a coal mine?

I move up to the entrance listening to see if our "distraction" worked.


Waymore steps back a few paces, hand hovering near his sword.

Thiiiiiiis is not how I was expecting this to go, I must admit.

Our goals have shifted.

What use profit? There are worthier goals.​

One figure moves closer to Waymore, into the light; it is the PATCHWORK MAN. Despite the situation, Waymore cannot help but notice that he wears THE RING'S TWIN.

Waymore of Westbrook... we really have no need for you.

It is... a shame.


The door bursts open as Roger bursts into the room.


What the hell-

...eating her! ...and then it's going to...

A- a- bear! And magery-

What is this?

Rog got attacked by a bird-

There's a bunch of guys right outside the hotel!​


It's a straight shot from the entrance to the Assemblyroom and it would be the work of a moment to charge in - or out. From where Serrick and Thrakdur are, they can also clearly hear a commotion up ahead. Everybody, what do you do?


In all the confusion, I quickly draw my shortsword and attempt to run the Patchwork man through. The need for subterfuge is clearly gone, at this point.

Any kind of advantage on this? I know it's not exactly a sneak attack, but I am catching him off guard.

If not, 2d6+STR is (5+3)+1=9

Damage (if applicable): 7


I change into a puma and wait until someone gets out of the building, then I dart towards them.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (5+5) + 2 = 12


In all the confusion, I quickly draw my shortsword and attempt to run the Patchwork man through. The need for subterfuge is clearly gone, at this point.

Any kind of advantage on this? I know it's not exactly a sneak attack, but I am catching him off guard.

If not, 2d6+STR is (5+3)+1=9

Damage (if applicable): 7

Waymore STABS him straight through the chest. There is a moment of shock, and then the Patchwork Man LOOKS UP at Waymore and GRINS-

-and BURSTS into a BLACK MIST, cloak, ring, all falling to the floor, the sudden lack of resistance on Way's sword dropping it to the floor. Burke blanches and runs out of the room, screaming. Roger, bloodied rag still tied around his face, senses something wrong and LEAPS at Waymore. We have lost track of the other cloaked figures.
Waymore, what do you do?


I change into a puma and wait until someone gets out of the building, then I dart towards them.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (5+5) + 2 = 12

Gain the form of a Yellowback Puma, 3 hold, and the following moves: Predator's Ambush, Cat-footed Leap, and Deathbringer's Wail. You use 1 hold on the following action:



We catch a split second of Burke running wailing out of the giant doors before Serrick LEAPS upon him, bearing him to the ground. (roll damage if that's what you did, otherwise you've just knocked him over). Serrick, what do you do?

Thrakdur runs up, axe at the ready, when suddenly-

Darkness coalesces behind him, streaming to a point, and then BAMF. He turns at the sound. The Patchwork Man has appeared, clutching his chest, but still grinning.

Ah, the Barba-​

Thrakdur, what do you do?


I swing my axe at him, hacking at him before he can react.

(6+6)+2=14 Dmg=5. Since my roll is higher than 12 I get to use my Smash! move so the thing make him lose is his right leg.

This is under the assumption that I cannot just make him lose his head. If a head counts I would rather do that.


A flash of silver as Thrakdur reacts before the Patchwork Man can even finish his sentence, axe swinging in a shimmering arc. A sudden fountain of blood as the man BURSTS again, this time leaving behind something rather more fleshy than his cloak - his HEAD, which drops to the floor.

rian- oh, bugger.​

His body, nonetheless, instantly coalesces behind Thrakdur again and lifts its hand with deadly purpose. Bolts of pure darkness ARC towards Thrakdur - Defy Danger in some way and What do you do?


I try to jump and roll out of the way.

Defy Danger Dex (6+1)+1=8

But am distracted a bit by the talking head. Chopping the head off usually works.


It's a zoo over here.


Damage, 1d6 = 3

I scratch his face, a recurring theme in tonight's events, and let him there as I keep running inside to help Waymore.
If I find the tiger guy, I run past him; he's had enough and unless he wants more trouble I'll leave him be.


I'm confused by my target's disappearance, but nonetheless focused as Roger leaps towards me. I roll deftly to the side, aiming to scoop up my sword and the ring's twin as I roll.

Defy Danger DEX: (5+2)+2=9


I'm confused by my target's disappearance, but nonetheless focused as Roger leaps towards me. I roll deftly to the side, aiming to scoop up my sword and the ring's twin as I roll.

Defy Danger DEX: (5+2)+2=9

Which one do you get, the ring or the sword?


Burke SCREAMS as Serrick claws at his face, then leaps off and bounds down the hallway. Thrakdur narrowly dodges the bolt, but trips over Burke, and crashes to the ground. The PATCHWORK BODY - and it is patchwork, for the colour of the arms is different to that of the head and to each other, obvious gashes and incisions splayed across - strides over to where the head is and picks it up.

This is proving to be a most interesting day.​

The body raises its other hand again. Thrakdur, Ein, Deken, what do you do?



Waymore looks shocked for a split second, then ROLLS neatly under the blind, leaping tiger-man and snatches up the RING'S TWIN. He looks up to find the other three cloaked figures have DISAPPEARED. A puma - Serrick (Serrick, do your animal forms have distinctive markings) - runs in, and Roger whirls, teeth bared, and roars. Serrick, Waymore, what do you do?


As Roger whirls around, I draw my bow and quickly knock an arrow. I take a moment to aim for his lower back, then release a short-range shot.

2d6+DEX: (1+3)+2=6. Yikes. Too close range for an effective shot, I'd wager.


I wince after hearing a voice from outside that reminded me of the Avatar, a bad feeling.

"Disappeared" as in they can't be there (as far as Serrick's eyes can see), or as in it's so dark I don't know where they are?

No, my forms are like the spirits that gave them to me, just like the real animals.

I'll stand by, watching for any sudden moves or sounds in the room.


As soon as Ein's arrow hits, I swing my axe at the Patachwork Man again, aiming for his detached head.

(5+4)+2=11 Dmg=4, Would my axe being forceful and messy help in knocking the head out of his arms?

You do 1d6 damage Ultimate_Trainer. The damage on your character sheet applies to all types of weapons.


you're on the ground thrakdur, you can't possibly ready an axe attack right now


Waymore whirls, notches an arrow, and TAKES A SHOT at Roger, but the arrow goes completely wide - then stops in mid air, and PLUNGES into Serrick! Serrick, take 1d6. CLOSE ON a shorted hooded figure emerging from the darkness, hand glowing with malicious energy, already gesturing with the other hand at Roger, who SCREAMS - this time in unmistakable pain, not animal fury. Behind his bloodied bandage, his ruined eyes are GLOWING a brilliant purple, and he lunges at the unarmed Waymore. What do you do?


I think you need to make a defy danger roll just to get up without getting attacked, but I'll use your previous roll for the swing


I wanted to try to use Con instead of using Dex all the time, but if you don't think it applies in this case the bonus is +1 instead. So it ends up being the same result.

I jump to my feet and charge at the Patchwork Man, lowering my shoulder and gritting my teeth trying to endure any attack I might suffer.

Defy Danger CON (5+1)+2=8

or Defy Danger DEX (5+1)+1=7 and I try to dodge his attacks as I charge instead


I took 2 damage

Once I see the hooded figure I immediately pounce on its body, pinning my claws on its clothes and whatever's underneath, and put him to the ground.

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (5+5) + 0 = 10 because I have an arrow stuck on my body, making my movements more difficult to be executed
Damage, 1d6 = 4

edit: scratch that; I thought about the consequences of the arrow after writing my initial post. It'd be unfair to change my actions.


With Roger lunging at me again, I grab my blackjack and attempt to jab the wooden butt-end of it into his temple to incapacitate him.

After all, it's been how many chapters now and I still haven't used my blackjack?

Defy Danger STR: (2+1)+1=4 Damn. I suppose blackjacks are only really effective when the target is unaware. At least I'm racking up XP.


Someone roll a d6 for Ein's damage, please.




An arrow THUDS straight through the Patchwork Body; its hands jerk reflexively up, sending bolts of darkness wildly across the room and into the charging Thrakdur; take 1d8 damage. He swings his axe wildly, hitting the out of the Body's hands, sending it flying across the room.


What sorcery is this?!?​

We see the DARKNESS around Deken BURST, hands thudding onto his shoulders; TWO CLOAKED FIGURES have appeared next to him, holding him in place. Beneath their robes we see the skin of the WOMAN is blue-green, while the skin of the OTHER FIGURE is a healthy pink-white.

Why... it's patchwork.

Unity in difference. Intriguing, yes, mage?

But not at this time. Aedred! We are leaving!

The two hands GRIP tightly to Deken's shoulders. An EXPLOSION of magical light as Deken is PARALYSED from the shoulders down. He falls to his knees. Both figures turn their attention to Ein and Thrakdur, raising their hands again. The Patchwork Man's body attempts to get around Thrakdur and move towards the head. Deken, take d6 damage and you can't move anything below your head. Deken, Thrakdur, Ein, what do you do?



Serrick spends a hold to successfully cat-footed leap onto the cloaked figure without rolling

Serrick LEAPS upon the figure, which is born to the ground, throwing off the hood; a GIRL, eyes wild, matted blonde hair contrasting with her PATCHWORK SKIN, a mottled collection of shades; her eyes, too, are different colours, but we only catch a glimpse before she snarls and BURSTS. Behind the mystified Serrick, Roger is furiously but blindly clawing at an exhausted Waymore, attempting to defend himself with a blackjack, when the Patchwork Girl APPEARS behind him and jams a hand into his back.

Sorry, old-timer.​

BAM! Waymore is BLASTED across the room in an explosion of purple energy. Waymore, take 1d10 damage as you slam into a wall. Serrick, Waymore, what do you do?


Ein's roll = 4


I go to where Way, almost falling down, is and touch his thigh while our eyes meet for a few seconds.

Balance, 1d4 = 1

I motion my head towards the door, making sure he saw this, and exit the room.


I take 3 Dmg - 1 for armor

I spin around the headless man and forcefully, yet messily try to hit him into the path of the two cloaked people's potential projectiles.

Hack and Slash:(5+3)+2=10, Damage = 6


I take 5 damage from the strike.

Raising myself up and struggling to regain my breath, I draw my bow again and aim not at Roger but at Patchwork girl controlling him. I take a moment to steady my hand, and let loose the arrow aimed directly at her head.

"I'll have you know, I'm 32."

2d6+DEX: (4+5)+2=11 Damage = 6
I take aim at the cloaked figure with the pink skin while rushing out of danger's way.

3+2+ (1)=6 While in motion, I sacrifice my accuracy for safety?


Taking 1 damage

"Pattern magic," I gasp, "where have I seen its kind before?"

Spout lore, 1+5+2=8

Excerpted from candid remarks from Orkus Valhalleon of Brii, Imperial Magister, 2nd Class, in conversation with Bastro Deken:

"...now, your average mage, they stick to one or two specialties. Yes, m'dear, I would like another drink, if you'd be so kind. Patchworkers, now, they take from here, they take from there... you've heard of spell weavers, I suppose? Lisa! Another chicken! Yes, spell weavers... well, it's like that, but where spell weavers concentrate on a single great spell, a single area, Patchworkers make themselves cloaks from many sources.

Now of course any mage can work in any field, and any number of fields indeed, but not well - present company accepted, of course! No, these lesser mages, they would be harmless, if not for their way of getting around it. Ah... that hit the spot. Well, what they do is, they take the essence of others and add it to their own form. They use that essence to power their magics. A most torturous existence, I can but speculate. We burned a cult out from under the Hills, but three moons past. I could not tell you the horrors... well, it is past now.

They lived in fear, as well they should have. Their tainted magic stinks to anyone who cares to smell it, so they had set up well away. We only discovered them by chance as a magister was forced by other matters to stay in the area a few days..."


Serrick leaps to the fallen Waymore and places one paw on his arm when there is a familiar BAMF. The Patchwork Girl appears behind the big cat and grabs him by the scruff of his neck, lifting him easily despite her slight size.

Now what a big kitty you are.

BLAM! She strikes him in the chest with another MAGICAL EXPLOSION, tossing the cat up into the air (Serrick, d10 damage) when an arrow SLAMS straight through her eye. PAN to reveal:

I'll have you know, I'm 32.

She turns to look at Way balefully as Serrick slams into the ground behind her, and then she BURSTS INTO MIST - which swirls, and clears as the glowing-eyed Roger LEAPS one more time directly at Waymore! Waymore, Serrick, what do you do?



Thrakdur spins around the stumbling body, striking it heavily with the axe; it staggers and falls over as the two cloaked figures unleash BOLT AFTER BOLT of darkness, piercing it - AND Ein, who drops his bow in shock and pain. Ein, d8 damage ignoring armour. The woman BURSTS and appears by the head.

Did you not hear me?

Oh, sod off. I don't get to practice this often, you know. You've just ruined a perfectly good body.

We'll get you a new one. Shall we?​

The other cloaked figure (the other man) gestures with one hand, and a hand shoots up and grabs Thrakdur's leg. It's Burke, but he looks decidedly as if he is not in control.

W-what is t-t-this...?!?​

Burke's other hand shoots up and attempts to latch onto Thrakdur, pulling him to the ground or pulling Burke back upright. Thrakdur, Deken, Ein; what do you do?


Sorry, I didn't see your post when you mentioned it. I kinda messed up the narrative flow a bit. My bad.

I try to roll under the wild-eyed beast and reclaim my sword, lest I run out of arrows.

Defy Danger DEX: (1+5)+2=8


I attempt to overpower Burke and pull myself free.

Defy Danger STR:(6+2)+2=10

Once free I pull out my bow and aim an arrow at the one who seems to be controlling Burke

Volley:(5+1)+1=7, Dmg: 1+1=2I take several shots and reduce my ammo by one.

Question: Does my Musclebound move apply to ranged weapons even though the standard Outlander doesn't have a bow? If so can I interpret forceful/messy as meaning my arrows can pin people?


No worries, it's not like I did much!

I took... 10 damage.


I howl in pain, a twinge so strong that brings me back to my normal form. As my body gets larger and my muscles contort, the arrow is dislodged from my pelt/skin.
I put my hands on the wound and clear my mind.

Balance, 1d4 = 2


Sorry, I didn't see your post when you mentioned it. I kinda messed up the narrative flow a bit. My bad.

I try to roll under the wild-eyed beast and reclaim my sword, lest I run out of arrows.

Defy Danger DEX: (1+5)+2=8

Hmmm. Okay, you succeeded, so there's no way you're taking damage, but if you get the sword, Roger is definitely going to inconvenience you in some way. That sound good?

Question: Does my Musclebound move apply to ranged weapons even though the standard Outlander doesn't have a bow? If so can I interpret forceful/messy as meaning my arrows can pin people?[/i]

Hell yes it does. You're a barbarian! barbarians gonna barbarian!

though maybe not in this instance for reasons I will show in a moment
I took 5 damage from the bolt

After dropping my bow and recovering from the shock, I take out my sword from my hip and help Thrakdur attack the robed person controlling Burke

Hack and slash 3+6+(0)=9 dealing 1 damage to it. :/ How much damage should I take?


I took 5 damage from the bolt

After dropping my bow and recovering from the shock, I take out my sword from my hip and help Thrakdur attack the robed person controlling Burke

Hack and slash 3+6+(0)=9 dealing 1 damage to it. :/ How much damage should I take?

Hmmm... let's say a d6, since this is hand-to-hand.
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