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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


I raise my hands, showing my empty palms in sarcastic feign of surrendering. "Freelancer. Dues. You sure know how to make an honest criminal feel unimportant," I chuckle. "That being said, I have come to discuss finally making things official. Nearly starving to death on a prison ship for the better part of a year makes a man realize the risk we all assume, as well as the necessity of a support system."

The cat-headed woman pauses, then grins, slowly, but it's more like BARING TEETH than anything resembling humour.

Well. If it's business we're talking, it's business we're talking. Hand over your weapons and I'll tell the bosses.​

Her hand is never far away from the hilt of her own sword, as if itching for any excuse. Waymore, what do you do?

I whisper to my conspiratorial compatriots, "So we're causing a distraction when the Thief needs out? How are we going about that again? And please don't say set fire to the whole place."

Walled garden, no living person nearby...
"First let's find the entrance, then we think about the distraction once we know its size and location. And I hope we can find a way without harming this already dying garden."

I walk around the periphery, hitting my club on the walls and the ground to hear a hollow noise.
If I did not encounter anything,
I then get down on all fours and rummage through the roots, flowers and rocks.

Discern Realities, 2d6+WIS. (3+2) + 2 = 7

"Maybe you can ask the spirits of this garden if they know of the entrance Serrick. Every second we delay means way more trouble. For Waymore."

Serrick lightly prods the ground, then crouches by the fountain. He dips a finger into the water experimentally and pops it into his mouth, making a face.

Your funeral.

Nothing like normal well-water... give me a second. Thrakdur, a little help?​

He sniffs the air, experimentally, then beckons Thrakdur over. Together, muscles straining, they drag the basin sideways to reveal a SANDSTONE WELL. Basso reaches over the edge and pats the wall experimentally as the dribble of water begins to drip into the void.

There's a ladder of sorts here, but I wouldn't chance it myself. Too old, too fat now.
He chuckles.

No, I'll stay here. Put the basin back over the top and... I don't know, meditate. Just rap on the bottom if you need a quick exit, hey?​

CLOSE on the hole. The ladder is closer to a series of grooves roughly hewn in the side of the wall than anything solid; it's a dangerous climb into the darkness. What do you do?


Is the hole larger than our wingspan? If its walls aren't very wet, we could apply strength to opposite sides to avoid falling as we climb down.

And depending on what we choose, I'll fly down as an owl and check what's there.

edit: we say "envergadura" for both the distance between the middle fingers of each hand and the wingtips of an animal, don't know if "wingspan" works for both cases too


I still have my grappling hook, so we can use it after Serrick flies down and looks around.

Wingspan means both in English as well. At least American English. At least in American Basketball English.


Discern Realities gave me a +1; how long am I allowed to keep it? Could I use it on this Wild Essence?

"Well, Basso, we've found the entrance and we have ropes to get down and back up safely. Thank you for all your help; now it's our time to save our friend."
I open the hole back up with the Thrakdur's aid and wait until he leaves to change skins.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (3+6) + 2 = 11

I expected to feel pain from the transformation, but it went smoothly and quickly... eh, it's probably a fluke.

I dive into the darkness, memorizing the distance to know if they'd need more than one rope. (if this counts as a hold, then I'm using it)


I step closer, confidently, keeping my hands up. "I look to join the Guild and you intend to rob me? I think not. I'll be keeping my weapons. Besides, you think me foolish enough to start a fight with a den of armed rogues? Stop with this foolishness and take me to the head honcho. Tell them Waymore of Westbrook seeks to come to terms."

I'll roll a charisma check for convincing her:



I step closer, confidently, keeping my hands up. "I look to join the Guild and you intend to rob me? I think not. I'll be keeping my weapons. Besides, you think me foolish enough to start a fight with a den of armed rogues? Stop with this foolishness and take me to the head honcho. Tell them Waymore of Westbrook seeks to come to terms."

I'll roll a charisma check for convincing her:


Sounds like a Parlay to me, with the surety of not starting a fight.

Fine. Keep your weapons. But-​

She draws her sword. It is jet-black, smooth, and it definitely does not catch the light. As Waymore approaches, she levels it inches away from his stomach.

Don't try anything. And you're not going anywhere alone.​

She gestures roughly forward, through the door. Another set of stairs, heading deeper still, though this is decidedly more homely than the rough passages in the darkness Waymore traversed to get here. It's lit by torchlight, for one thing.

Waymore, what do you do?


Discern Realities gave me a +1; how long am I allowed to keep it? Could I use it on this Wild Essence?

I'll give you a +1 to... I dunno, any action that requires a roll while inside the way down the well.

"Well, Basso, we've found the entrance and we have ropes to get down and back up safely. Thank you for all your help; now it's our time to save our friend."
I open the hole back up with the Thrakdur's aid and wait until he leaves to change skins.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (3+6) + 2 = 11

I expected to feel pain from the transformation, but it went smoothly and quickly... eh, it's probably a fluke.

I dive into the darkness, memorizing the distance to know if they'd need more than one rope. (if this counts as a hold, then I'm using it)

Serrick, you gain the form of a Tiger Owl (flying, darkvision) and 3 hold to spend on the following moves: Go for the Eyes, Hunter's Flight and Ominous Hooting. You don't need hold to explore the well.


Darkness, a shaft of light cutting through the murk from above, and then, the owl Serrick, fluttering down, riding the meager air currents. Water drips into a shallow layer of filth that covers the ground.

From SERRICK'S P.O.V, dark vision filtered. Rats scurry away, frightened by the sudden, unexpected appearance of a predator. A damp, sorry place. A tunnel extends in two directions, sturdy but decayed brickwork, rotting wood and fungi covering the walls. Not so much a sewer as a space between rotten buildings that was boarded up and forgotten.

CAMERA UNDER SERRICK as he swoops and flutters. It's about three stories up to where the feeble light shines through.

What do you do?


Sounds like a Parlay to me, with the surety of not starting a fight.

Fine. Keep your weapons. But-​

She draws her sword. It is jet-black, smooth, and it definitely does not catch the light. As Waymore approaches, she levels it inches away from his stomach.

Don't try anything. And you're not going anywhere alone.​

She gestures roughly forward, through the door. Another set of stairs, heading deeper still, though this is decidedly more homely than the rough passages in the darkness Waymore traversed to get here. It's lit by torchlight, for one thing.

Waymore, what do you do?

I follow where she indicates, dropping my hands but keeping them from getting anywhere near my weapons. As I'm escorted down further, I make sure to take in every detail as best as I can internalize, no matter how insignificant. Her blade was expensive and showy, and if the one that answers the door is packing such a nice sword I find myself curious as to how extravagant these thieves have allowed themselves to become. Business must be good.

"Nice sword," I say to her as we descend. "So many in our ilk settle for daggers, but I've always believed that if a situation necessitates deadly force, the need for subtlety can be comfortably abandoned."


I follow where she indicates, dropping my hands but keeping them from getting anywhere near my weapons. As I'm escorted down further, I make sure to take in every detail as best as I can internalize, no matter how insignificant. Her blade was expensive and showy, and if the one that answers the door is packing such a nice sword I find myself curious as to how extravagant these thieves have allowed themselves to become. Business must be good.

"Nice sword," I say to her as we descend. "So many in our ilk settle for daggers, but I've always believed that if a situation necessitates deadly force, the need for subtlety can be comfortably abandoned."

(growling) I'm on guard duty in a frrrrrriggin' sewer. Subtlety doesn't enter into it.

The staircase is plain, unornamented, but for the occasional torch. The two of them arrive at yet another door, which the woman raps with her non-sword hand.

Burke! Tell Parliament Waymore of Westbrook seeks to... what was it you said? Oh, yeah. Waymore of Westbrook seeks to come to terms.

(o.s) Waymore of Westbrook? You don't say.

The door swings open, revealing a huge man - BURKE - as tall as an elf, but much more powerfully built. He doesn't look like a thief at all, dressed in a dirty frock coat and an incongruously faded bow tie. He pauses.

You let him keep his gear? You're getting soft, Ko.

Sod off. I could gut him before he even has time to blink.

Waymore, Waymore, Waymore. What was it you said last time? It'd be a cold day in the seven hells before you'd bow your head?​

He chuckles.
Devils' best rug up, then. Hah. Hah. Hah.​

Ko prods Waymore inside. Inside is some kind of antechamber, an oddly comfortable room for a place - presumably - underground. A set of red chairs and a lounge, ragged but plush, sit by a glowing fireplace, above which stands a tin-iron stove and a chipped porceline teapot. In fact, it seems almost like a comfortable sitting room for a high-class house, but everything is slightly dilapidated. A battered wardrobe sits next to an obviously broken grandfather clock. Burke pushes open a wide wooden door and exits as Ko motions to a chair.

He's got to tell ahead, obviously. You - stay here.
...you want some tea?

Waymore, what do you do?


"None for me, thanks." I say, sitting. "A bit too early for it." The chair is comfortable, well-worn. The last time I was down here, they weren't trying nearly as hard to impress. All you ever really need to keep a bunch of thieves happy is a decent bar, but their effort here is almost cute. What's not nearly as entertaining is the presence of Burke, a fellow I've never gotten along with. I wasn't looking forward to humbling myself at all, but Burke is going to make this really sting.

Heading to bed for the night, y'all.


Serrick, you gain the form of a Tiger Owl (flying, darkvision) and 3 hold to spend on the following moves: Go for the Eyes, Hunter's Flight and Ominous Hooting. You don't need hold to explore the well.


Darkness, a shaft of light cutting through the murk from above, and then, the owl Serrick, fluttering down, riding the meager air currents. Water drips into a shallow layer of filth that covers the ground.

From SERRICK'S P.O.V, dark vision filtered. Rats scurry away, frightened by the sudden, unexpected appearance of a predator. A damp, sorry place. A tunnel extends in two directions, sturdy but decayed brickwork, rotting wood and fungi covering the walls. Not so much a sewer as a space between rotten buildings that was boarded up and forgotten.

CAMERA UNDER SERRICK as he swoops and flutters. It's about three stories up to where the feeble light shines through.

What do you do?

I almost feel bad describing my actions as simply as this.

I pick the path not chosen by the rats and fly that way; their noise could alert whoever's there before I even reach them.
Seeing the Owl descend into the darkness, I shrug evenly and turn to Thrakdur.

"So, all those Steppelander's falling prey to this guy we're after... What do you think he did to them to get them to follow? I wouldn't imagine your tribes to fall into such traps from outsiders."


Seeing the Owl descend into the darkness, I shrug evenly and turn to Thrakdur.

"So, all those Steppelander's falling prey to this guy we're after... What do you think he did to them to get them to follow? I wouldn't imagine your tribes to fall into such traps from outsiders."

Im assuming that Serrick has shared the information he gained from his vision etc.

"I don't know. They were foolish enough to worship Shorn, it's not a surprise they were so easily tricked by the Patchwork Man. Do you suspect magic? Mundane stupidity is more common."


I almost feel bad describing my actions as simply as this.

I pick the path not chosen by the rats and fly that way; their noise could alert whoever's there before I even reach them.


Serrick soars aloft through the darkness, gliding on invisible breezes; if what was before was an underground alleyway, this opens up into an underground street. Collapsed buildings, crushed by titanic slabs of stone from above; foundations built on the ruins of the past.

Movement catches Serrick's eye: more rats. The rats scurry past something else, moving too, much more subtle than the vermin. Two raggedy figures, in conversation; ROGER (tiger-headed but strangely slim) and FITZ (girl with short-cropped hair). Both are armed, with short sheathes strapped to their belts. They stand right beneath a weathered sign that still proclaims, in barely readable font, THE ZEN.

Come on, Fitz, it's just a little...

Y-yeah, and just a little translates to a lot of pain. Ain't worth it. Ain't worth it.

Ain't no harm in it! Nobody knows about this damn path. Don't know what the Speaker is thinkin', putting us down here. We should be up there, cuttin' purses.

I cut the purses. Y-you're the distraction.

Look, my point is, if we're gonna stand around in the dark, we may as well get drunk. Maybe do some other stuff.

(disgusted) Ugh. Y-you're such a friggin' b-boy, Rog.

What? What?

As Serrick flies above, Roger looks briefly up, sniffing the air.

W-What is it?

...dunno. Fresh air.​

(he sniffs again.)

Bird or bat. Not sure.

Should I be w-worried?​

Roger steps backwards, into the shadows. He's barely visible, even to Serrick.

Ain't smelled fresh air down here before. Stay sharp.​

Serrick, what do you do?


So, all those Steppelander's falling prey to this guy we're after... What do you think he did to them to get them to follow? I wouldn't imagine your tribes to fall into such traps from outsiders.

I don't know. They were foolish enough to worship Shorn, it's not a surprise they were so easily tricked by the Patchwork Man.​


Do you suspect magic? Mundane stupidity is more common.

(o.s) You guys going to get a move on? If I know Way, he's already knee deep in excrement and he doesn't even know it.​


He smelled the air I brought with me, but did not hear nor see me. That's good.

I need to learn more about these passages, though. I'll keep riding the current forward until someone else appears, and if they're still here by the time I get back I'll rip one's face.

Serrick was not taken aback by the feline humanoid because he's seen that race before, while the fishfolk were something completely new.

edit: I saw your edit now, I thought Basso had gone away before my transformation. If Basso's still with us then I found a way to disappear without being seen by him; I wouldn't let him know I'm a skinchanger.


He smelled the air I brought with me, but did not hear nor see me. That's good.

I need to learn more about these passages, though. I'll keep riding the current forward until someone else appears, and if they're still here by the time I get back I'll rip one's face.

CUT BACK to Serrick gliding above their heads; we move with him as he soars. We see what he sees, as he glides through the streets of a buried city, titanic slabs of earth jutting out here and there, collapsed buildings blocking off streets. The ceiling is rough, uneven, and Serrick has to duck and dive to avoid the steadily lowering cavern roof, until at last he is forced to spin back around towards the Zen.

Serrick, what do you do?

edit: I saw your edit now, I thought Basso had gone away before my transformation. If Basso's still with us then I found a way to disappear without being seen by him; I wouldn't let him know I'm a skinchanger.[/I]

Basso is outside the walls of the garden, keeping watch.


Hmm... the path funneled out too much for me. Let me go back all the way and see if that couple is still there.

No one would bother to come here and aid them; at worst the other will run to their hideout, causing a distraction for Way.


"None for me, thanks." I say, sitting. "A bit too early for it." The chair is comfortable, well-worn. The last time I was down here, they weren't trying nearly as hard to impress. All you ever really need to keep a bunch of thieves happy is a decent bar, but their effort here is almost cute. What's not nearly as entertaining is the presence of Burke, a fellow I've never gotten along with. I wasn't looking forward to humbling myself at all, but Burke is going to make this really sting.

Heading to bed for the night, y'all.


Waymore lounges casually in a chair, eyes almost closed, as Ko sips from a mug of tea, sword in her other hand but lowered and pointing at the ground. Ko appears to be thinking about something.

(abruptly) You were here before the Guild, right? What was that like?​

Waymore, what do you do?

Hmm... the path funneled out too much for me. Let me go back all the way and see if that couple is still there.

Indeed they are.


I thought Serrick was scouting and then coming back? The three of us up top still don't even know how deep the hole is.


I rise as high as I can, nearly touching the roof, until I'm right above the tiger man. Then, I stop flapping my wings and dive vertically as if about to hunt a prey.
I keep matching the movement of his head with the position of my claws and when I'm near enough I cut his eyeballs and begin to fly away towards the surface.

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX+1 (Discern Realities). (6+3) + 0 + 1= 10

The defy danger was to accurately aim at his eyes, and you better be sure I'm outta here and going up the well. I used two of my holds on this move.


I'm off to bed, guys. If you're still around here assume that I managed to get back up, told you all what happened including the fact that you'll need 2 ropes tied together and flew down again to change into human.


"Well..." I begin, stretching out, "I wouldn't say I was here before the Guild. The Guild has always been around, in one form or another. As long as there have been purses to cut, pockets to pick, and heists to pull, our kind has had a need to band together and support one another. But it has peaks and valleys. One administration will be corrupted to heavily by officials and guards, so the members will overthrow them and scale things back. Years pass, and then they'll get more bold again. Start striking out, make big moves, provoke the wrong people and get forcefully shut down. Remaining members rebuild in secret, etc. You get it. I started making waves as a thief and rising up in prominence between administrations, you could say. There was still a semblance of a guild, but at that time a few old codgers who couldn't break into the bathroom taking half of my earning wasn't exactly tempting. So I never joined, even as the Guild built back up and made more waves. "

I sit up in the chair again, leaning forward and bowing my head a bit. "But a botched job down south landed me in Hangman's Harbor. Now that I'm out and in an area I'm more comfortable in, I can see the appeal of the Guild having my back."


I sit up in the chair again, leaning forward and bowing my head a bit. "But a botched job down south landed me in Hangman's Harbor. Now that I'm out and in an area I'm more comfortable in, I can see the appeal of the Guild having my back."

I don't get it. All this crap about Parliament or having a Speaker or needing to be announced or whatever. Like we're supposed to be respectable. Who sees us?
She puts the mug down.

Every gang's got to have their senator, their representative. It's dumb. I don't understand. I don't know what's going through their minds-

The door opens and Burke reappears, self-consciously adjusting his tie.

All ready. If you'd just step this way...​


I rise as high as I can, nearly touching the roof, until I'm right above the tiger man. Then, I stop flapping my wings and dive vertically as if about to hunt a prey.
I keep matching the movement of his head with the position of my claws and when I'm near enough I cut his eyeballs and begin to fly away towards the surface.


Serrick PLUNGES out of the sky, straight into Roger's head, who STUMBLES BACKWARDS, CURSING and LASHING OUT with his hands.


A HELLISH scream. Ko instantly snaps into an alert crouch, levelling the sword at Waymore by reflex.

What the fuck was that?​


Fitz has whirled and is running towards Roger, who is on the ground clutching his face, as Serrick rockets away unheeded overhead.

What the fuck happened, Rog?​

Roger is cursing ferociously, but he levels a finger and points upwards at the furiously retreating bird.


Thrakdur and Deken back away from the edge as Serrick ROCKETS UP and assumes a more familiar form.

We heard a scream-

There's a buried city down there. Two guards, I attacked one, tiger-headed guy. Only sign of activity's in this old hotel or something. You'll need two ropes tied together to get down.

How are we-

I'm going back down. Meet you there.​

He falls backwards, letting himself plummet down into the well. Thrakdur, Deken, Ein: what do you do?


The owl glides down, rising in a crest before it hits the ground, and transforms back into the druid Serrick in one smooth, practiced motion. There is nobody around to see the display. Serrick, what do you do?


Burke has stepped outside the door they entered from while Ko stands over the seated Waymore, sword point at his throat, pressing him back into the chair, staring at him. She doesn't look around as Burke re-enters.

The fuck was that then? Friend of yours? Don't say "nothing".

Sounded like Roger. He's on the other side of the building.

You better go see what's up then.

Now hold on, I'm the gatekeep-

I've got. This. Under control.

CLOSE on her blade at Waymore's throat. It's perfectly still. Burke rolls his eyes, but leaves out a seperate door.

Don't. Try. Anything.

Waymore, what do you do?


"I think that decides what we do next"

I say taking a second rope out of my pack (Adventurer's Kit) and tie it to the grappling hook and rope I've already secured.

"I'll go first,

Or second I guess"

I'm trying to get down as quickly as possible so I'm using Dex rather than Str.



I'll stand by the bifurcation, waiting to lead them through the correct path.

That means I'm not seeing what's happening in the street.


I'm trying to get down as quickly as possible so I'm using Dex rather than Str.

Choose one: you dislodge a large chunk of stone which will fall, in your haste to descend, or you drop and damage something on your person while stopping the stone from falling.

The hidden novel in your email tag is incredible, by the way.


With the blade uncomfortably close to my throat, I try to discreetly swallow a lump and look up at her with assurance. "You do realize I came here precisely because I don't have backup, right? If I had a merry band of armed friends willing to assist and protect me, why in the seven hells would I be down here humbling myself before the likes of Burke? It's not as though I'm here for the decor."

I'd raise my hands, but I'm afraid any movement at this point would set her off, so I simply grip the arms of the chair tightly. I don't have much at my disposal presently, but do have a few nuggets of information that may help to unsteady her arm. "You are awfully quick to set off, though. It's no wonder your bosses have moved on from heists to plotting assassinations."

I need not spend my intel to reveal this to her, right? Since I heard it originally from Liana.


Do I still need to pick if I am now falling? If so I dislodge a rock hoping it doesn't land on Serrick, but instead alerts him to me falling. If instead I need to deal with the falling I spread out my arms and legs attempting to wedge myself between the walls of the well using my Str to slow my fall.

Defy Danger Str: (3+1)+2=6. This adventure is off to a wonderful start.


I'll stand by the bifurcation, waiting to lead them through the correct path.

That means I'm not seeing what's happening in the street.

I Climb down as well

Thrakdur, sorry bud.

Do I still need to pick if I am now falling? If so I dislodge a rock hoping it doesn't land on Serrick, but instead alerts him to me falling. If instead I need to deal with the falling I spread out my arms and legs attempting to wedge myself between the walls of the well using my Str to slow my fall.

Defy Danger Str: (3+1)+2=6. This adventure is off to a wonderful start.


TIGHT ON Thrakdur and Deken, who are carefully clambering down the side of the well, near the bottom. Suddenly, Thrakdur's foot finds an unstable piece of rock, which drops downwards, sending the rope swinging. He clutches to the rope for dear life-

-but the movement has unbalanced Deken, who scabbles frantically with his feet as he lurches sideways.

Thrakdur takes an accidental foot in the shoulder, and, unexpectedly pained, lets go.


Serrick is craning his neck upwards, startles, and steps smartly aside as a small rock slams into the ground. Then he gasps. Thrakdur is plummeting towards him, arms spread, trying to cling to the wall and failing miserably. Thrakdur, take 1d4 damage; Serrick, what do you do?

With the blade uncomfortably close to my throat, I try to discreetly swallow a lump and look up at her with assurance. "You do realize I came here precisely because I don't have backup, right? If I had a merry band of armed friends willing to assist and protect me, why in the seven hells would I be down here humbling myself before the likes of Burke? It's not as though I'm here for the decor."

I'd raise my hands, but I'm afraid any movement at this point would set her off, so I simply grip the arms of the chair tightly. I don't have much at my disposal presently, but do have a few nuggets of information that may help to unsteady her arm. "You are awfully quick to set off, though. It's no wonder your bosses have moved on from heists to plotting assassinations."

I need not spend my intel to reveal this to her, right? Since I heard it originally from Liana.

No need for intel.



What? What are you talking about?​

Her sword point lowers, just a tad, no longer tickling Waymore's neck, but it's clear she's still ready to use it at a moment's notice.

We're not killers. Not by trade, at least. We just-

She is interrupted by Burke, re-entering the room. Ko doesn't turn around.


Roger got himself attacked by a bird or something. Poor bastard's eyes are wrecked.

A bird?


What's a bird doing down here?

Search me. Whatever. It's just a bird, right?​

Burke approaches and places a hand on top of Ko's sword, gently lowering it. Ko lets him, but doesn't stop staring at Waymore.

I already announced him - we should get him in there if I announced him.

I don't give a da-

They're sticklers for propriety, they are. Least they are now.​

Ko visibly deflates as Burke drags Waymore out of the chair, then grabs his other arm and locks it behind his back as he rises.

You got an appointment to keep, my friend. Hah. Hah. Hah.

Listen, Burke-

I'll take him; you go help out Fitz, okay?​

He hustles Waymore out through the door as Ko stares after them.


Burke is pushing Waymore ahead of him through a corridor as wrecked as the rest of The Zen. Faded paintings and wall hangings line the wall, the wood screeches and shifts as the two move along.
Waymore, what do you do?


I try my best to grab him as he falls, while healing some of his small injuries by touching his legs and sending my energy.

"Got you... I thought you were good at climbing, heh. This new trick came in handy earlier than I expected."

Balance, 1d4 = 2

this heal should be applied after his own roll


Defy Danger STR to catch him!

/edit Serrick, you don't have any balance to spend; you haven't dealt any damage to anything.


Defy Danger STR to catch him!

/edit Serrick, you don't have any balance to spend; you haven't dealt any damage to anything.

Defy Danger, 2d6+STR. (6+2) + 0 = 8

damn you're heavy, Thrakdur


that scratch as owl did not count?

edit: eeh, of course. I ripped his eyeballs in my post but did not roll for damage. So mechanically I haven't dealt damage :p


Defy Danger, 2d6+STR. (6+2) + 0 = 8

damn you're heavy, Thrakdur


that scratch as owl did not count?

edit: eeh, of course. I ripped his eyeballs in my post but did not roll for damage. So mechanically I haven't dealt damage :p

Ah, actually it did (i'm keeping track of damage), so give him the heal anyway if you want (my error, so I won't make you play it as said). As for the defy danger... Thrakdur's a heavy guy. Either he's going to slam you to the ground when you land, or you can try and catch him without falling over at the cost of some minor damage. What do you think?



I heal Thrakdur, and suffer some minor pain from catching him in the air. d4? If so, 4

"Ungh. I don't know what's out there, let's wait for the others."


Serrick, eyes wide, braces himself as Thrakdur barrels into him, driving the wind from his body; Serrick, take d4 damage. Healing energy flows into Thrakdur as Serrick carefully lowers him to the ground and wipes his brow.

Ugh... I don't know what's out there. Let's wait for the others.​


Anyone seen UltimateTrainer around recently? I know it's their first game, but they post a lot less than ya'll.


I breathe a sigh of relief as I'm ushered away from Ko. The first time in my life I've been happy to see Burke. The seed of doubt has been planted with Ko, and that's all it takes to grow into dissension. That should hopefully make things easier when the commotion really starts. As we walk, I slide a hand into my pocket and clutch Liana's ring. It won't fit any of my fingers, but hopefully I'll be able to hear something from its partner. Get an idea of where it is.

As I clutch the ring in my pocket, I do my best to make some small talk with Burke. "I'm not gonna hear the end of this, am I?"


I thank Serrick for both catching and healing me as we wait for the rest of the group.

Two questions:
1.How dark is it down here? If I can see to about bow range I take out my bow. If I can't see that far I take out my axe.
2.Can Serrick communicate with us in animal form? Does he perhaps have some sort of Animorph like Thought-Speech?


No to both of you, Jintor and Tiamat.
I can only communicate through gestures or ways that are not strictly related to my current animal form.
For example, I'm able to write my thoughts in the dirt/sand/ground with my paws or my beak. Since I suck at biology and don't know if that's possible or not, let's assume that I can also hear you clearly in all forms.
Anyone seen UltimateTrainer around recently? I know it's their first game, but they post a lot less than ya'll.
Sorry I've just been too focused on school since there's midterms coming up.

Hearing a loud commotion from down the well, I carefully try to climb down the well.

Defy Danger(Dex) right? 2+4+(1)=7 and dislodge the rock.


Two questions:
1.How dark is it down here? If I can see to about bow range I take out my bow. If I can't see that far I take out my axe.

It's pretty dark; the axe might be a better choice.

Sorry I've just been too focused on school since there's midterms coming up.

Hearing a loud commotion from down the well, I carefully try to climb down the well.

Defy Danger(Dex) right? 2+4+(1)=7 and dislodge the rock.

Another rock plummets down with a SPLASH as Deken and Ein both carefully clamber to the bottom of the rope.

You're all here now. What do you do?


I breathe a sigh of relief as I'm ushered away from Ko. The first time in my life I've been happy to see Burke. The seed of doubt has been planted with Ko, and that's all it takes to grow into dissension. That should hopefully make things easier when the commotion really starts. As we walk, I slide a hand into my pocket and clutch Liana's ring. It won't fit any of my fingers, but hopefully I'll be able to hear something from its partner. Get an idea of where it is.

As I clutch the ring in my pocket, I do my best to make some small talk with Burke. "I'm not gonna hear the end of this, am I?"


Burke has one of Waymore's arms twisted and forced behind his back, but his other one slides almost imperceptibly into his pocket, pulling out THE RING before sliding it back in. As he touches it, voices begin speaking.

...then it's decided?

Yes. We'll do it.

You're... asking rather a lot.

I'm well aware. But you'll be compensated.

(To Burke) I'm not going to hear the end of this, am I?

Shut it, you.

Now we turn to the matter of... the freelancer...

"Waymore of Westbrook". Isn't he that cat that got shipped a whiles back?

So I heard. Liz, the lights, if you please...

Now, Way, you show a little respect now, you hear?

They have arrived at a massive door, as if to what was once presumably a ballroom. Burke shoves Waymore roughly forward, stops to straighten his tie again, and knocks three time. The knock echoes slightly, as if next to a speaker getting feedback; Waymore winces and pulls his arm out of his pocket, but Burke doesn't notice.

Waymore of Westbrook!​

He shoves open the doors roughly and pushes Waymore inside.


The only light is from the door opening, casting a huge shadow of Waymore and Burke, and then it swings shut. Then the click of a finger, and candles set here and there on the ground spontaneously alight, illuminating the two of them and, to an extent, the rest of the room.

The ruins of an old ballroom; above the two of them, on a stage, is a table. The lights are arranged so as to keep the occupants of the table silhouetted in their glow. Four figures stand there, looking at Waymore.

Waymore... Waymore, Waymore. The prodigal son... returns.​

Waymore, what do you do?


"First of all, lovely lighting arrangement, honestly. It must've taken a few hours of coordinating to get the silhouettes just right," I chide. They won't appreciate the joke, but this room is just so fucking on-the-nose I couldn't help it. Still, I need to keep this conversation going until my opportunity presents itself. "That being said, I come here this morning with interest in joining The Guild formally. You know my skills. You know my deeds. And you know I'm more valuable to you on your side than out of your view. And less dangerous. The fact of the matter is, I'm reaching a point in my career where having people at my back is more valuable than having what would be dues money in my pocket."


He can certainly talk the pitter-patter.

But can he still walk the walk?

You were seen exiting the premises of the Golden Koi. A ruckus was had, apparently. Not what I would call a quiet operation.

Mmm. Mmm. You've not been... keeping quiet company, my boy.
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