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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]

they're not grabbing you anymore, they shocked you to the ground and then are trying to deal with the others

In that case I spit in their general direction and shout, "Apostate Scum! Your weaves will fray like the cheap scarves they are!"

I close my eyes and attempt to visualize the power at play by these fel sorcerers. I seek out any locations of power they may be drawing from, whether it be objects, people, or location. (Detect Magic 6+3+2=11)

Basically I want to find a way to interrupt their spellcasting. Hopefully by finding out what here is magical - beyond the mages themselves.


THRAKDUR kicks at Burke, wresting his way out of his grasp, snatching up his bow and firing a VOLLEY OF ARROWS at the other cloaked figure as Ein leaps, but the figure GESTURES with a curt hand; they all (Ein included) smack into an invisible wall, the arrows falling to the ground, Ein bouncing off and rolling back upright, barely bruised.

(still paralysed) Apostate scum! Your weaves will fray like the cheap scarves they are!

(muttering) Away, away, away...​

The man BURSTS and reappears by the woman and the patchwork head as Deken closes his eyes. We SEE the man's lingering trail in Deken's mind's eye; it is not so much teleportation as very quick transportation, the mist and the general dampness of the cavern acting as a conduit much like the water of a less violent translocation ritual. The cloaked figures themselves are broiling masses of energy, compared to the simple silhouettes of Deken's companions; they WRITHE and STRUGGLE, many-in-one, one-in-many, though this is invisible to the naked eye. THEY THEMSELVES are their own sources of power. Even the fallen body of the Patchwork Man still struggles, though in reality it does not move.

We have work on the morn and no time to dally.

Victoria is still playing with your old friend.


He BURSTS as the Woman waves her hand. Deken sees a wall of force surround her, though no-one else does.

If you'd be so kind...​

As Aedred's head begins chanting, streams of energy (in Deken's view only) begin to peel towards the pair. Burke collapses to the ground once more. What do you do?

Thrakdur and Ein don't know the wall is there, but roll as normal and I will modify appropriately any results



Waymore rolls under the diving Roger, snatching up his sword, but an errant claw catches his bow off his back and FLINGS IT to the other side of the room. Roger spins and swings a mighty backhand right at Waymore: What do you do?

As Serrick howls in pain, the Patchwork Girl appears behind him, ready to strike, when there is another BURST as the other Patchwork Figure appears, too, hand holding back her arm.

Victoria. We are leaving.

What? B-

Save your strength for what's to come. We are revealed now; we must play our hand.

If we just killed them all-

Save your strength!

They are completely ignoring Serrick. What do you do?


The cat is blind or what? :p

I'm thinking we won't be safe in Xingchu anymore. Funny that I only thought about that now.
edit: There's the city guard with Zhao, then what will remain from these thieves, then those patchies who may be everywhere.


People who can phase in and out and move things in the air? Sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles.
I move to tiger's back and hit his head with my club while he's busy with Way.

Damage = 5


As my bow flies across the room, I look angrily at the beast. I rear back with my sword and stab it furiously towards Roger, aiming to put it directly through what remains of the creature's right eye and whatever lies behind it.

"This has gone on FAR too long, don't you think?"

2d6+STR: (5+5)+1=11

Damage = 4

Edit: Oops, I suppose a defy danger is in order first.

2d6+DEX: (1+6)+2=9


you full hit and trade damage with rog, or you only get a glancing blow and take no damage? which do you want?


That was mostly a joke. I understand why he's still fighting, even though I wanted to put him down with that move.


The gravelly voiced man is Hiram Bleakwood, probably the oldest operating criminal on this hemisphere. He was the greatest, most famous thief in the world decades before most of us were born. Young taffers would trade tales of his deeds in dank back alleys and over pints of ale, laughing and back-slapping over the apparent impossibility of it all. Stealing a noblewoman's necklace off of her as they danced together at a ball, then robbing her husband's safe as they slept that night. Emptying a bank vault that was being actively watched by half a dozen guards all night. Dulling the edges of every sword in a military encampment within a few hours to influence the tide of a battle the next day. I don't even know if half of them were true, but the man knows how to market himself and create legend. And he's been a central figure of the Thieves' Guild seemingly for as long as its existed around these parts. I robbed his house once, and instead of having me killed or made to disappear, he offered me an entry-level position in the Guild. I refused the position and responded by robbing his house again. After that, he had an associate break all ten of my fingers. We've had a mutual distaste for each other ever since.
As Aedred's head begins chanting, streams of energy (in Deken's view only) begin to peel towards the pair. Burke collapses to the ground once more. What do you do?

Thrakdur and Ein don't know the wall is there, but roll as normal and I will modify appropriately any results

"Thrakdur, Ein, Sorcrery surrounds the witch, your attacks won't penetrate - Go for the Nudsh-forsaken head!"

Roll to Aid - 6+1+1=8

Trying to visualize this correctly, There's a floating head (Aedred - Gravelly Voice?) and a woman near each other - the woman who was controlling Burke. The head is channeling some sort of spell. Ein and Thrak were attempting to hit the Woman, then this head bamf'd over here


"Thrakdur, Ein, Sorcrery surrounds the witch, your attacks won't penetrate - Go for the Nudsh-forsaken head!"

Roll to Aid - 6+1+1=8

Trying to visualize this correctly, There's a floating head (Aedred - Gravelly Voice?) and a woman near each other - the woman who was controlling Burke. The head is channeling some sort of spell. Ein and Thrak were attempting to hit the Woman, then this head bamf'd over here

Sorry, didn't make this clear enough. Woman is carrying the head and they're both protected by the barrier.
Absolutely, how are you doing that?

Well they seem to be a collection of spirits, with a chief being running the show. Also this head seems to vacuuming a bunch of energy toward itself so:

Feeling the rush of magical power flow toward the chanting head, I allow a small fragment of my arcane presence to drift on the currents. Concentrating on that wisp of myself I feel it fold and twist into their network - connecting with and supporting greater and greater weight. As Thrakdur launches his strike, I bite down on my lip - hard. Hard enough to fracture that quantum of my magical being.

I want to uh.... project my shit up in their shit and fuck shit up.


People who can phase in and out and move things in the air? Sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles.
I move to tiger's back and hit his head with my club while he's busy with Way.

Damage = 5

As my bow flies across the room, I look angrily at the beast. I rear back with my sword and stab it furiously towards Roger, aiming to put it directly through what remains of the creature's right eye and whatever lies behind it.

"This has gone on FAR too long, don't you think?"

2d6+STR: (5+5)+1=11

Damage = 4

Edit: Oops, I suppose a defy danger is in order first.

2d6+DEX: (1+6)+2=9

As Serrick's club connects with Roger's head, the tiger-man's fist SLAMS into Waymore, sending the thief flying backwards (d8 damage). PAN BACK. We see Waymore's sword is embedded straight through Roger's eye. Roger falls to his knees and collapses.


Return to Elizabeth and Aedred. Now.

Victoria pouts, glares at the panting Waymore, and BURSTS. The man throws back his hood and turns to the thief, who gasps. He is leathered, grey-haired, looking every bit the distinguished elder talking to the layabout son.


Well, boy, this has been... a most entertaining... distraction. But I've... we've... expended far too much... on this little game.

He smiles, suddenly, a smile of malice and youthful cunning, and one eye gleams yellow.

A question, boy. If you could steal but one thing, one thing only, from the Imperium, what would it be?

He BURSTS. Serrick, Waymore, what do you do?



"Thrakdur, Ein, Sorcrery surrounds the witch, your attacks won't penetrate - Go for the Nudsh-forsaken head!"

Roll to Aid - 6+1+1=8

I heed Deken's warning and aim for the head, hoping to skewer it with an arrow.

Volley: (5+6)+1+1=13 Dmg:6+1=7

Feeling the rush of magical power flow toward the chanting head, I allow a small fragment of my arcane presence to drift on the currents. Concentrating on that wisp of myself I feel it fold and twist into their network - connecting with and supporting greater and greater weight. As Thrakdur launches his strike, I bite down on my lip - hard. Hard enough to fracture that quantum of my magical being.

I want to uh.... project my shit up in their shit and fuck shit up.


Deken whispers something urgently, eyes glowing, and BITES DOWN on his lip as Thrakdur draws back a mighty arm, muscle straining, and FIRES. The arrow speeds true. As it passes through the area of the 'barrier', there is a sound like breaking glass, and the arrow plunges into Aedren's forehead. He SHRIEKS.


Protect me, damn you!

Out, intruder!

Victoria then Bleakwood pop into existance just in front of the barrier as Elizabeth raises a hand and Aedren resumes chanting, blood trickling down his face.

Deken, your astral form is being blasted out of the network by a torrent of energy (Defy Danger WIS to withstand and stay connected if so desired). What do you do?

Thrakdur, Bleakwood immediately identifies you as the most prominent threat and blasts you with necrotic bolts. Defy Danger and What do you do?

Ein, you see Victoria - less experienced - is attempting to back away into the barrier. What do you do?


So I took 3 damage. When you said trade damage, I thought you meant equal. That puts Waymore at 13 HP.

I'm sure it's quite far if so, but do I have a clear shot at Hiram or Victoria from where I am? Or would I need to move into the other room? Just trying to picture the room layout in my head.


I yank the sword out of his head, saying a small prayer for both of us, and give it back to Waymore. Then I leave the room, running.

Balance, 1d4 = 3


So I took 3 damage. When you said trade damage, I thought you meant equal. That puts Waymore at 13 HP.

I'm sure it's quite far if so, but do I have a clear shot at Hiram or Victoria from where I am? Or would I need to move into the other room? Just trying to picture the room layout in my head.

You do, but you don't have your bow right now. By the time you grab it something else might have happened first.
To put it more mechanically, there has to be a downside to me removing it from your possession, in this case that it will take a little time to grab it when you need it


You do, but you don't have your bow right now. By the time you grab it something else might have happened first.
To put it more mechanically, there has to be a downside to me removing it from your possession, in this case that it will take a little time to grab it when you need it

Right! Duh, sorry, I'm off my game. I forgot that it was knocked away.

I pant and raise myself to my feet. Between my ribs and my back, just standing still and breathing feels like work. Nevertheless, we're not out of the woods yet. I stumble over to retrieve my bow, then back to the doorway to the entrance hall.

I mutter to myself, "I certainly don't remember any stories of him being able to do that."


Okay, let's see.

Serrick and Waymore dash in as Thrakdur DIVES and rolls beneath a bolt, but before he clambers to his feet Bleakwood has a hand on his shoulder and is beginning to incant. Thrakdur, what do you do?

Blood begins to well from the paralysed Deken's nose (d8 damage) as he is forcibly removed from the arcane network in a vicious, painful discharge of magical energy. Victoria retreats backwards behind the protective barrier and looks ready for action. Aedred's chanting is reaching a fever pitch.

Hiram! We're about ready!​

You've seconds to act before Aedred completes his ritual. What do you do?


I lash out and try to forcibly push him away from me, attempting to make enough room to draw my axe.

Defy Danger Str:(2+1)+2=Not even close to enough


One moment, thank you.​

BLAM! Thrakdur is racked by another magical explosion, falling stunned to the ground; take d6 damage and you can't move anything beneath your neck. Bleakwood grins.

Don't make a move just yet Thrakdur, want to get in everybody else first.


In the few seconds I have to act I see two figures separated from all of them, then Deken, Ein and Thrakdur away from each other while someone's above Thrakdur. Thinking quickly, I choose that as my target.

Defy Danger, 2d6+INT. (5+2) + 1 = 8

Before I do anything else, what's the outcome of my roll?

For future uses,
Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (6+4) + 2 = 12


Gain the form of a Sulpher-Crested Eagle, 3 hold and the following moves: Eagle's Eye, Grip of Steel, Majestic Soar. Spend 1 hold immediately to soar majestically through the room.

As you fly upwards you see Thrakdur getting shocked and falling to the ground, Bleakwood looming over him. At the same time, Victoria emerges from the barrier, grabbing Ein's sword hand as he swings wildly and basically judo throws him into the barrier (Ein takes d8 damage; don't die!). You've two targets of opportunity: who do you pick?


I draw my bow and take a shot at Bleakwood's glimmering eye, as it seems like the rest are trying to get away at this point. Cocky old fool, I ought to rob him again.

2d6+DEX: (5+5)+2=12



Gain the form of a Sulpher-Crested Eagle, 3 hold and the following moves: Eagle's Eye, Grip of Steel, Majestic Soar. Spend 1 hold immediately to soar majestically through the room.

As you fly upwards you see Thrakdur getting shocked and falling to the ground, Bleakwood looming over him. At the same time, Victoria emerges from the barrier, grabbing Ein's sword hand as he swings wildly and basically judo throws him into the barrier (Ein takes d8 damage; don't die!). You've two targets of opportunity: who do you pick?

That's a cool-ass eagle.

I run as fast as I can to create some distance between me and Waymore and use this momentum to jump in the air. Before I reach the apex of my trajectory, I bring my limbs close to my chest and change into an eagle. The small ball of flesh cuts even faster through the air but the transformation is complete before gravity slows me down to a halt.

A flash in this dark setting, I soar upwards; I'll use this height against them. When I begin to turn towards Thrakdur I see another figure going out of its way to hurt Ein. Two friends in danger...

I'm on a Telltale game.

Thrakdur is the most experienced fighter; I turn back and fly the opposite way. I'm right above them when I see it throwing Ein against what seems like an invisible wall; not the craziest thing I've seen tonight. Now it's the time, while it's recovering from the throw.
I close my wings tightly and sharply dive down. When I get to a height where a fall is not lethal, I change back to human (it went cleanly once again) and use every inch of my right arm's strength and flexibility to bring down my club on its head.

Damage = 6
For a possible Defy Danger, my roll was (2+6)
And I won't be mad if I break my wooden club doing that


Serrick plummets out of the sky, club SLAMMING into the Patchwork Girl and SMASHING her into the ground as she shrieks in surprise; the club almost literally disintegrates in his hands. He lands heavily with a muttered oath as she struggles to right herself.

Ein! Target-​

Bleakwood whips around and fires a blast of magical energy at Deken's paralysed form at the exact same time that an arrow WHIPS through his GOLDEN EYE; he jerks reflexively, the bolt only grazing Deken. Take d6 damage ignoring armour, Deken. He turns slowly to look at Waymore, the arrow sticking eerily out of his face, and BURSTS-

-to REAPPEAR by the fallen Victoria, towards whom he makes an impatient gesture. Unnaturally, grotesquely, she is pulled to her feet, looking pained and confused as Bleakwood grabs her arm and attempts to drags her backwards through the barrier.



Let us depart!​

Thrakdur and Deken are paralysed from the neck down. Ein is sprawled on the ground, breathing heavily and seeing stars, possibly dead. Waymore and Serrick, you have a single moment to act before Aedred completes his ritual. All of you: What do you do?

I don't know where I subtracted 2 from 9 I must have been really tired last night.

I took 6 damage.

I should be past the barrier on the side with the head right?



I don't know where I subtracted 2 from 9 I must have been really tired last night.

I took 6 damage.

I should be past the barrier on the side with the head right?

No, you got smacked into the barrier and bounced off. Bleakwood is in the process of dragging Victoria through the barrier. Victoria is helpless, but Bleakwood can and will intercept any direct attacks (on both of them).


I'll probably be bedridden for some time due to this many changes (I'm overusing my powers) but I can't let them run away without doing my best.
He's wasting precious time pulling that girl up and I don't have my weapon anymore. Time to use the moose's brute force.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (3+4) + 2 = 9

I contract my muscles and charge at their direction, lowering my antlers to be ready to throw that girl away from the other figures.

Defy Danger, 2d6+STR. (4+5) - 1 = 8
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