Upscaling of an upscaling of an upscaling...
No, just... no. I cannot imagine how many details would've been lost by going through several passes of different upscaling techniques. We already saw 1440p with CBR in action multiple times, it looks really nice, so why experiment? Just bump it to 1620/1800p and we're set to go, that's 55/70% of 4K respectively, so a lot of performance saved, and it would look even better than 1440p we have today.
The point is that developers have options, and in the end the fidelity will likely be very high and nearly indistinguishable from a native source, especially if scaling works as well as something like Nvidia’s DLSS 2.0. And if 1800p goes to the TV, you probably cannot tell the difference even if you put your face close to the screen.
Who knows, if upscaling from 1080p ends up looking great in 4K, then just try to imagine what might be done with all of that extra power, especially if ray tracing is implemented far better in one or both of the consoles.

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