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Dust 514 [PS3/PSVita] (EVE Online FPS/MMO) - Update #2: Art, Info, E3 Trailer, F2P


I'm really excited about this one, finally a FPS that is trying to push the genre forward in unique and interesting ways.


TTP said:
It's coming out on PC as well. They even said that PS3 and PC players will share the same universe. Not sure if this means they can actually play side by side as well.

No, this game is not coming to PC.. it will somehow integrate to EVE?
TTP said:
It's coming out on PC as well. They even said that PS3 and PC players will share the same universe. Not sure if this means they can actually play side by side as well.

EVE universe= DUST universe

I think this is a ps3 exclusive...


TTP said:
It's coming out on PC as well. They even said that PS3 and PC players will share the same universe. Not sure if this means they can actually play side by side as well.
yup, it would be stupid like what they did with DC Universe, it will be interconnected , now lets blast them fools from orbit


TTP said:
It's coming out on PC as well. They even said that PS3 and PC players will share the same universe. Not sure if this means they can actually play side by side as well.

They mean PC (and Mac) players get EVE and PS3 players get DUST 514, and both games impact each other.
It sounds like it was microsofts fuck up, iirc during the conference it was mentions as a PSN exclusive, so probably not even a retail release or SKU.

I can't believe even the largest sony moneyhat would have guaranteed exclusivity, MS and XBL must have been a simply unworkable situation for CCP to give up such a large market.
PlayStation Blog: Introducing DUST 514, a Persistent Shooter from CCP

Hi everyone! I’m the Community Manager for DUST 514, an upcoming title from CCP. This is the first time you’ll have seen DUST 514 highlighted on the PlayStation.Blog and we’re happy that we can reveal more about our game to you.

DUST 514 is a very different type of game. Yes, many people say this about their respective game titles — everyone thinks their baby is special, right? We really mean it though.

When playing your FPS title of choice, have you ever wished that there was something more to it beyond your rank, weapon unlocks, your kill/death ratio and leaderboard prominence? Those things are all great – but what if those matches you fought in actually meant something? What if your successes and failures against your opponents impacted the course of events in a vast setting, potentially changed a virtual world and the gameplay experience of thousands of other players? More than that, what if that impact was felt across two separate games – one on PS3 and one on PC/Mac – that share the same sci-fi universe?

DUST 514 is that game.
The Persistent Shooter Concept

Some may know CCP as the creator of EVE Online, a sci-fi MMO with an open galactic setting. It’s a game perhaps best known for its sweeping fleet battles involving thousands of players, its dynamic player-driven economy, and for having (and allowing!) espionage and spycraft. We think of EVE as the ultimate sci-fi simulation, and that’s where DUST 514 comes in. It’s a whole new way of experiencing the EVE universe through what we call a “persistent shooter”.

“Persistence” is the key word here. The world of DUST 514 doesn’t spawn when you fire up your PlayStation 3 — it’s always there and always being experienced and influenced by other players in the EVE universe. When you take part in events in the EVE universe through combat in DUST 514, you’re taking part in something greater than your own individual experience of that world.
Your Battles Have Impact

Your actions have significance. We think that’s a compelling approach to a game, and something that’s currently lacking in the industry. But impact on what? The EVE universe is made up of thousands of solar systems, each with a number of planets within those systems. Those same planets seen in EVE Online, where the MMO players create various planetary structures and colonies, are the potential battlegrounds of DUST 514.

Your fights impact the entire EVE setting, comprised of both DUST 514 mercenaries and EVE Online starship pilots, known as “capsuleers“. When you capture or destroy planetary structures, you are asserting dominance over regions of that planet – perhaps eventually the planet itself. As you profit while wiping out your opposition in DUST 514, the outcomes of these conflicts can affect territorial control of vast regions of space in EVE Online, something of great importance to EVE’s starship pilots.

But making allies of some capsuleers makes rivals of others… and that’s where things get even more interesting. (Can you say, “orbital strike“?) Players of both games will have ways of influencing each other, and actions will ripple between DUST 514 and EVE Online.

Part of what makes EVE Online uncommon among MMOs is that the open setting allows for emergent gameplay. Large-scale fleet warfare is fought among the stars in complex military campaigns that can span months, while spies can infiltrate corps and funnel sensitive intel to the opposition. Industrialists plot and topple rivals on the financial markets rather than through violence; skilled corps of hired guns settle disputes through… aggressive negotiations. This is just a fraction of what players accomplish in the EVE setting, which DUST 514 mercenaries will find their own unique ways to engage in. The possibilities are all there to become a part of this, but what happens is up to you.

Of course, either game can exist on its own without the EVE-DUST Link, but both sides benefit from it greatly when the players of each respective game choose to use the connections for all they’re worth.
A Single Community That Spans DUST 514 and EVE Online

Ah, an aspect of DUST 514 that’s near and dear to my heart. Those friends and enemies you make between the games leads to a great deal of player community interaction. CCP provides the setting with the EVE universe but ultimately it’s you, the players, who really breathe life into it. And people have certainly done so already, long before DUST 514 was even a twinkle in our eye.

EVE Online has history spanning more than eight years, with a vibrant and (usually) mature community linked together through EVE Gate, a social network for EVE players that is tied in with their characters. EVE Online players use it to communicate with their friends and enemies alike, and interact with their corporation even when not playing the game. We will open EVE Gate up to DUST 514 players as well. Opportunities will always be there for those who want to be part of the social fabric of this linked community, the wider EVE setting.

There are definitely challenges ahead, with a unified console and PC gamer community each influencing a shared setting through their respective types of gameplay. Rivalries, alliances and, dare I say, even some drama. Interesting times.
The Virtual Goods Economy

A strength of EVE Online is the depth of its economy. We are taking a similar approach to DUST 514, though we will do so carefully, with a slow integration of economic activity between both titles. (Fun fact: CCP employs two economists to oversee the EVE universe’s virtual economy, one for EVE Online and another focused on DUST 514.)

Virtual goods will be a major part of the in-game economy, and our business model for DUST 514 is built upon digital distribution and virtual goods transactions rather than following the traditional boxed games model. In fact, that’s another key thing that led us to abandon the FPS label in the first place — as a persistent shooter, our approach to creating and operating DUST 514 is more like an MMO. We will continually develop and improve upon DUST 514, but that won’t be funded by going the ‘map pack sales’ route. DUST 514 will have free expansions, and that development will be funded through virtual goods sales. Plus, everyone likes having customization options, right?

The virtual goods themselves will provide all manner of weaponry and defensive technology, vehicles, and more. This perpetual arms race will provide DUST players with variety in their gameplay and an array of virtual goods that supports a chosen playstyle.
“Would you like to know more?”

We are just now beginning to pull back the curtain and reveal more about DUST 514. So this is an important time for CCP, and we’re very much looking forward to bringing you something that’s quite unique in the gaming world. If you’d like to hear more about DUST 514, be sure to check the following for more info over the coming months:

Official website: [B]www.dust514.com[/B]

Facebook fan page: [B]www.facebook.com/dust514[/B]

Twitter: @dust514 (hashtag is #dust514)

YouTube: [B]www.youtube.com/user/ccpgames[/B]

And if you’re a true masochist, you can follow me on Twitter: @ccp_shadow


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Dreams-Visions said:
Does "MMO" automatically mean there will be an additional fee for online play? Or will it be free?

It looks like online will be free and supported by microtransactions which I think is great. Depends on what will be part of those microtransactions though.

EDIT: Looks like they answered that in the blog post in the comments.

DUST 514 won’t have a monthly subscription like a number of MMOs. DUST 514 will have virtual goods sales though, that allow you to buy various types of gear used in combat.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
HarryDemeanor said:
It looks like online will be free and supported by microtransactions which I think is great. Depends on what will be part of those microtransactions though.

EDIT: Looks like they answered that in the blog post in the comments.
I'm sure it will be similar to what you see in other F2P games (ie. the game will be playable without paying a cent if you so desire).


Dreams-Visions said:
Does "MMO" automatically mean there will be an additional fee for online play? Or will it be free?

Well, you gotta pay for EVE Online, so I'd suspect you'd have to pay for Dust too.

OTOH, if purchasing weapons and armor also gives a bit of game time, maybe that's another route they'd like to go.

Still... you'd have to agree, it's gotta be much more worthwhile paying to play for Dust than it is for CoD - the former is persistent and interacts between another vast sprawling epic of a game where as the latter... sounds like you'll get some nice stat tracking for 8-9 dollars a month.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Zaptruder said:
Well, you gotta pay for EVE Online, so I'd suspect you'd have to pay for Dust too.

Hahaha. Well, there goes their main shooter crowd.

Now: As a non-EVE follower or player, I have to ask: Why should I care about Dust 514? The Eve connection doesn't impact me in any way (outside of the game, I mean). I don't care about the global backstabbing of the Something Awful trolls/etc. What is going to hook me on the game, it isn't the shooting because there is other games (see: BF3, CoD8) that are coming out that'll do that job.

Serious question. I really don't see the appeal outside of the MMO connection.
TheSeks said:
Hahaha. Well, there goes their main shooter crowd.

Now: As a non-EVE follower or player, I have to ask: Why should I care about Dust 514? The Eve connection doesn't impact me in any way (outside of the game, I mean). I don't care about the global backstabbing of the Something Awful trolls/etc. What is going to hook me on the game, it isn't the shooting because there is other games (see: BF3, CoD8) that are coming out that'll do that job.

Serious question. I really don't see the appeal outside of the MMO connection.
Read the PS Blog post. It has a lot of information. Maybe you can find something to justify playing it.

Looks like CCP is already writing lore for Dust: Stranded Part 1
I'm really intrigued by the integration that will be going on here, even if I don't end up playing the game myself (lack of a PS3 at the moment, though if it makes its way to PSVita...)

I'll definitely check it out on the EVE side if I don't ever make it to the Dust side.


This game interests me a lot but I'm still confused on what it is exactly. I need to re-read the OP when my eyes aren't half closed.
Given the scale of many of the wars going on right now, I have a hard time believing that battles on individual planets is going to make enough of a difference to affect anything.

though I don't doubt the people serious about the game will be into this for any even slight advantage.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
darkwing said:
this is crazy, EVE forums are on fire :D

Yeah, reading some stuff now, they sound just like Console War gamers :p

They can't get it into their mind, the whole MS doesn't like 360 to PC connectivity. Only game I can think of was FFXI, and that was Grandfathered in.
Read the PS Blog post. It has a lot of information. Maybe you can find something to justify playing it.

Looks like CCP is writing already writing lore for Dust: Stranded Part

I love every bit of their lore for the EVE Universe, it's great.

Awesome artwork too. CCP is also taking great steps towards making EVE more appealing to a more casual audience. Such as in game Character interactions (most recent update will be the implementation of a "Captains Quarters", personal safehouse if you will.)
This is a really interesting concept. I've always wished for a game that had such a multi-genre, multi-environmental universe, but the concept always seemed to ambitious to pull off.

I never thought someone would split it up and then connect the components together like this. If the gameplay is there, this could be really awesome.

And if it isn't even a full retail priced title, wow.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Read the PS Blog post. It has a lot of information. Maybe you can find something to justify playing it.

Read it. But I'm not seeing anything that makes me (or hell, the main shooter crowd) see the appeal: Again what outside of the Eve MMO link is going to draw the shooter crowd to the game? I don't care about the Eve universe, so what appeal is it to me to fight for PC players?

Maybe I need to see the EVE-DUST drama thing where SA trolls a planet held by a rival faction and players are debuffed (that would suck, though as a FPS player to lose equipment you worked hard to earn), but I'm really not seeing the appeal here.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I see it as Planetside Upgrade, myself. Numerous Planets to fight over, constant and ongoing battles/wars. Just add on the ability to fire at the Eve players in Orbit (and vice versa), and it's interesting to me.
Sounds cool. Pretty much the only cool thing at the Sony Confrence. Though I need to see some actual drawn out demoing of the game.


Gold Member
I wonder if individual players could raise armies on this end? Basically outfit a merc unit with mechs, tanks, artillery, automated canons etc. and you get paid by Eve corps to perform infiltration and capture missions or conversely to patrol or guard things.

Maybe even capture shipyards, orbital weapons platforms or capships by infiltration?
How is it not interesting, I think you're taking the whole "console peasant, fight for pc players" thing a little too literally.

It seems you're a mercenary fighting for yourself and your own credits, and as well the typical upgrades, perks and vehicular combat it's surrounded by a potentially huge and sprawling meta game outside of the usual "hurr durr level 50 lol"

I personally couldn't give a shit about EvE as a game but the politics, ecenomics and drama that it's produced over the years is absolutely fascinating, if any of that can transfer over to this we could be in for a really unique title.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
fizzelopeguss said:
How is it not interesting, I think you're taking the whole "console peasant, fight for pc players" thing a little too literally.

I don't mean to sound "DURR HURR PC VS CONSOLES," I'm just saying: I have no interest in the MMO-side. What is the appeal to me since the link doesn't interest me too much?

Someone on the PS Blog phrased it better for me:

Adrance said:
The main one being, what incentives to players have if they don't play EVE? I see a lot of benefits to Dust 514 if you operate in the EVE universe but why will players pick up this FPS over others that are out or coming out (especially with all the new announcements from E3)?

Again, I don't mean to sound "DURP PC/CONSOLE WAR" but that's just my observation, as a console FPS player that has no stake in Eve, why should I care about the link and/or game?

Sure, playing as a merc sounds interesting... until you get screwed and lose your equipment from a bombardment or EVE-typical spy backstabbing. But I don't think that's going to hook John Call of Battlefield to the game. Just my opinion as a FPS outside looking in.
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