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Dust 514 [PS3/PSVita] (EVE Online FPS/MMO) - Update #2: Art, Info, E3 Trailer, F2P

darkwing said:
lol i wonder what they are pissing about, they still have EVE Online but yeah the meltdown in the EVE site is epic lol

Well many EVE players have been really looking forward to this game for a long time now and they expected to at least have a PC version. Everyone knew it was coming to consoles, but not that a fan base that is on PC would be excluded from playing a tie in product.

And of course there are the many who are just pissed it's not coming to 360 as well.
BobTheFork said:
This sounds outstanding in concept but it's the execution that determines if I play it.

Pretty much how I feel. It sounds amazing on paper, the gameplay trailer did nothing for me. This game has to stand up as an FPS, it can't just get by on the merits of being tied into a consistent EVE universe.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
BattleMonkey said:
Well many EVE players have been really looking forward to this game for a long time now and they expected to at least have a PC version. Everyone knew it was coming to consoles, but not that a fan base that is on PC would be excluded from playing a tie in product.

And of course there are the many who are just pissed it's not coming to 360 as well.

360 is understandable. Why there is no PC version baffles me.


Looks bland and boring, concept sounds exciting though. Jeez could they fit any more gray in there? Really plain char models as well meh, well see.
Elixist said:
Looks bland and boring, concept sounds exciting though. Jeez could they fit any more gray in there? Really plain char models as well meh, well see.

How do we judge bland and boring when we really have not seen actual gameplay outside of a tiny teaser that don't show off any of the complicated mechanics they have been talking about?

HK-47 said:
360 is understandable. Why there is no PC version baffles me.

This, how they are shutting out it's main player base. I can understand targetting a new market obviously with this, but when you make a game set in a universe that has a long been a PC niche product that targetted a very hardcore PC MMO group. The EVE setting is going to mean not much to most other people.


Metalmurphy said:
Why is there a PSVita in the title? What did I miss?

"The Dust battlefields will include a Battlefield-style commander system and RTS elements."


The guy at E3 mentioned Vita support, he didn't say how extensive it would be.
BattleMonkey said:
Man the EVE player base is pretty pissed right now. The EVE FB page... lol

I wonder what this means for the game. Remember the EVE players are supposed to be the driving force behind the battles. Expect some interesting "tactics" messing with console "peasants" ;)
BattleMonkey said:
Well many EVE players have been really looking forward to this game for a long time now and they expected to at least have a PC version. Everyone knew it was coming to consoles, but not that a fan base that is on PC would be excluded from playing a tie in product.

And of course there are the many who are just pissed it's not coming to 360 as well.

but wasn't it always meant to be a console only thing anyway?

I hope they do announce a pc version. EVE is pretty damn crazy and I love hearing the mad shit that goes on in there so the more they can do to keep that community doing crazy shit the better.
NemesisPrime said:
I wonder what this means for the game. Remember the EVE players are supposed to be the driving force behind the battles. Expect some interesting "tactics" messing with console "peasants" ;)
In EVE, there are two kinds of players: Ones who scream for change, and others who scream for things to stay the same. Oftentimes, they're the same person.

I expect ground mercenaries to be able to mess with capsuleers as much as capsuleers can mess with the mercs.
funkystudent said:
but wasn't it always meant to be a console only thing anyway?

They never said it was console exclusive. It was known for a long time it was coming to consoles, and they said consoles also which everyone assumed meant both 360 and PS3. But no one in their right mind expected them to not also do a PC version especially since all the hype behind the title was with the EVE fan base, a PC exclusive group. There was much excitement for the game because of how it tied into EVE as well as all the ongoing expansion of EVE such as players being finally able to move around characters outside of ships, upcoming stations, and by extrension those seeing Dust as a further expansion of the universe.


Worships the porcelain goddess
PC Gamer has some legit concerns.

The game will digitally distributed via the Playstation Network, and CCP say that the game will be supported by “by revenues from the in-game sale of virtual goods, allowing players to purchase advanced weaponry, battle gear and vehicles using both earned virtual currency and real money from their Playstation wallet.” And that brings with it some unusual design problems.

Although the press release doesn’t say so, I’m wondering if Dust will be free-to-play. It’s also a dangerous step; the quote above says that players can buy advanced weapons using real money. It also says that “a single bullet fired on the planet below can pivot the balance of power in EVE Online. Every action has consequences, and every reaction has the potential to topple empires.”

I don’t think you can marry the two facts and expect the EVE community to react positively. The implication is that players will be able to buy their way to victory in Dust, and flip planets in EVE.

We’re seeing CCP tomorrow, to see Dust in action, and to understand how the game connects to Eve, and whether PC players will ever get to try it. We’ll put some hard questions to the devs.
People jumping to the conclusion that you can "buy victory" is pretty premature. Also the in game currency world of EVE if tied to Dust, will keep Dust from really causing any harm to the EVE online world.


The concept sounds amazing, but microtransactions + no PC version + possibly P2P means that a lot of people are going to ignore it.


BattleMonkey said:
People jumping to the conclusion that you can "buy victory" is pretty premature.
Not really?

"Listen, calm down. Everyone here understands that ROL didn't sell a single isk on Ebay. Originally, I put in about 50K cash (buying isk, chars and 5 titans + a ton of motherships) from your ratting me out to the GM's (RA's directors = rats, admit it). All of this got banned under the pretext of an exploit that we never used (GM's couldn't prove that I bought isk for RL cash, but I couldn't prove that the isk was legal, either). After that, I bought a ton of timecards from legitimate dealers and, at the moment, have sold more than 1 trillion isk's worth (GM's have confirmed that they know about this and decided that I'm not breaking any rules), bought another five titans, two [more? this is unclear] are still building, and I'm also financing new corps that are coming in. I'll have no problems with [continuing to fund] any of this. So let's not have any dirt thrown around, because if anyone is selling isk here, it's you, and since I know all the gray market dealers I'm going to sell you to CCP at the first opportunity - the next ban is on you."
Bad Crazy in Internet Space
haha spaceships?


Forkball said:
The concept sounds amazing, but microtransactions + no PC version + possibly P2P means that a lot of people are going to ignore it.

For a game like this, having a comparatively 'small' but ruthlessly dedicated community is pretty much the best possible scenario.


Mindlog said:
Not really

It seriously fits in just fine with the game, though.

Everyone has a role to play in EVE, and you're not really at a disadvantage flying weaker/smaller ships.

What CCP did is that by allowing timecards to be sold in game, they can actually control the economy and make third party ISK reselling obsolete.

Some people buy and resell timecards, while others just buy those timecards with in game currency and never pay a cent for the game. EVE has a very flexible business model.


How much of the game can be played without using microtransactions? How will a player earn money in the console's economy?


lionelhutz said:
How much of the game can be played without using microtransactions? How will a player earn money in the console's economy?

its too early to tell, they haven't really released too much info aside from the PS Blog


darkwing said:
its too early to tell, they haven't really released too much info aside from the PS Blog

Ah, ok, just curious. The game has my interest, but I'm not sure how well it will be implemented.
If skill training will be in the game, anyway. Otherwise I imagine the Vita will have fittings, equipment, EVE Gate, markets, and maybe some chatting system.


Danne-Danger said:
I'm really curious to see how clans develop for this game as a well-knit group of people can always topple a bunch of scrubs in a shooter environment no matter what gear they have, having a competent team of gamer mercs on your payroll would be very lucrative for big corps I imagine.

I imagine Goonsquad is going to have a field day.


Still Tagged Accordingly
i wonder how this will affect Blizzard's strategy with Project Titan, which is also rumoured to be a sci-fi, fps, mmo. surely there's going to be some toes stepped on with these MMO juggernauts (blizz and CCP).
HK-47 said:
360 is understandable. Why there is no PC version baffles me.
The only reason I can think of is the control it offers. Since Dust ties into the EVE world you can't have admins, dedicated servers and all that, you'll also want to avoid cheaters, those two things kinda go against each other. On consoles they don't have to worry about that at all, which will probably save them a lot of headaches.

I'm usually the fist one to cry out for PC ports but for this specific project I can see how they'd want to have a controlled environment.
I imagine Goonsquad is going to have a field day.
Yeah but it'll still come down to the people they employ, you won't be able to throw an unlimited amount of people into a game, if the group you're playing against is more skilled then you're probably going to lose. Also clans for most other games aren't nearly as huge as the player cap for this will probably be (judging by the style they're going for)... as I said, interesting! Though it would be even more interesting if you got some PC clans in there from different games, though I doubt most would be OK with the player-funded battles, lack of dedicated servers etc.

Though Goonsquad is probably in a very good position already since they have a huge pool of gamers to draw from.


PC Gamer has a new article up.

PC Gamer Article 6-8-11

Dust isn’t just a console game, it’s changing how EVE Online players will interact with each other in the universe in a major way. Dust players will share the same chat channels, will be able to join the same corporations and be involved in the same rivalry and backstabbing shenigans that grabs gaming headline news every month or so.

Farrer told me that while playing EVE Online on the server where DUST was being tested, he saw some activity on a planet as he was flying by it in space. He got close to the planet and looked close, and he see the combat raging below, and got a sudden message in his chat box: “Hello!” It was the Dust player on the surface of the planet who had seen his ship above him in the sky and sent a message of greeting. Let me state that in simple terms: a PC EVE Online player flying a space ship could see and communicate with a PS3 player shooting on the ground of the planet.

This just keeps getting better and better. I've been playing EVE since it came out and this game has me excited if it comes to fruition.


Okay, being able to signal a ship up in orbit that you can see from the ground is one of the coolest things I've heard in a while.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I just can't help but feel this is being sent to die without the PC support it should have. I hope I'm wrong though. It has some great potential.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
HK-47 said:
360 is understandable. Why there is no PC version baffles me.

Probably because with a mouse and keyboard, especially with the hardcore PC players the game would attract makes it impossible for the console players using gamepads to win.
Stahsky said:
I just can't help but feel this is being sent to die without the PC support it should have. I hope I'm wrong though. It has some great potential.

I think a PC version would certainly be needed if this were a pay to play type game. But the fact that it's free will give it a major advantage over other FPS on the PS3. I'd expect it to do rather well as long as the mechanics work the way you'd expect in a FPS.

It still wouldn't be a bad thing if they did make a PC version to go along with it.

Angry Fork

I don't really get the hype for this. The trailer just looked like another bland FPS. What's the difference between this and other FPS besides the fact it's an MMO? Is there gameplay that i'm missing maybe? Is it like MAG but on a much larger scale?
Farrer told me that while playing EVE Online on the server where DUST was being tested, he saw some activity on a planet as he was flying by it in space. He got close to the planet and looked close, and he see the combat raging below, and got a sudden message in his chat box: “Hello!” It was the Dust player on the surface of the planet who had seen his ship above him in the sky and sent a message of greeting.


There's no way that actually happened, sorry don't believe it.
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