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DVD of the year comes out next week...the Dark Knight returns!

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I wish they'd release all of the fox spiderman animated on dvd. batman is of better stuff than even that show tho. I cant afford to splurge anymore ive gotta move soon!


Hollywood Square
MrAngryFace said:
I wish they'd release all of the fox spiderman animated on dvd. batman is of better stuff than even that show tho. I cant afford to splurge anymore ive gotta move soon!

I loved Spider-Man as a kid, but it has aged really badly. And some of the stuff on the FOX show is just ridiculous, although it gave us the best Venom origin story ever.

Batman is like fine wine. It only gets better with age!


Hollywood Square
MrAngryFace said:
Batman is great cause it feels arts-ier the older it gets.

I really do like the faded edges, that art deco look and such. It's pretty gritty for a kids show. I mean, the Joker actually killed people on the show. Wow.
Hmm, I guess Target didn't think this set was going to sell at all. I went in shortly after they opened this morning, and saw an employee finishing up stocking the new release shelf. They had a total of one set of Batman. Of course, that now belongs to me.


Hollywood Square
Error Macro said:
Hmm, I guess Target didn't think this set was going to sell at all. I went in shortly after they opened this morning, and saw an employee finishing up stocking the new release shelf. They had a total of one set of Batman. Of course, that now belongs to me.

Yeah, we got two copies at my store and one immediately went behind the counter at 8:00 am. Which is a shame, because a couple of people were asking about it.

My gut feeling is that WB may not have distributed a lot of box sets.
Willco said:
Yeah, we got two copies at my store and one immediately went behind the counter at 8:00 am. Which is a shame, because a couple of people were asking about it.

My gut feeling is that WB may not have distributed a lot of box sets.

how much is Target selling them for?


Hollywood Square
Ninja Scooter said:
how much is Target selling them for?

It varies from place to place. There is no global sale price. So it could be $34.99 or $39.99 depending on where you live, but probably not higher than the latter. It was $35 for a copy at my store.


Gold Member
Yea, it's $35 most places. Best Buy has it for $35 and Superfriends for $24.

Both give you free tickets for Crapwoman.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Shit, I'm going to have to go pick it up tomorrow if stores aren't ordering a bunch.


Way to go guys!!
Jim at toon zone reports:

-WB is very happy with Batman: The Animated Series - Volume One topping out at #3 on the Amazon.com sales list. The sales have far exceeded what WB projected. They are very pleased with what they're seeing.

Here's hoping JL and Thundercats making boxset list finally.


Gold Member
Willco said:
Why's that?

They asked me to do it (and Superfirends, some Justice League movie, and another one) today, but I just don't have time.

Whoever does it had better give the show a good score.


Hollywood Square
ManaByte said:
They asked me to do it (and Superfirends, some Justice League movie, and another one) today, but I just don't have time.

Whoever does it had better give the show a good score.

And yet, you have time to post on this message board! If some guy gives a weak score, I will blame you!


So what the story on dvd boxsets for Spiderman TAS and especially X-men TAS? I'd kill to get that last one on dvd....



Hollywood Square
Both those shows have aged horribly. The godawful animation of both series don't even warrant gracing a DVD.


Willco said:
Both those shows have aged horribly. The godawful animation of both series don't even warrant gracing a DVD.

Yeah. I loved the 90's Spider-Man when it originally aired. Not too long ago, I saw a couple episodes on TV and the animation was truly horrendous. It looked like a freaking slideshow with audio playing over it. Of course, I never noticed that when I was younger.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
This set was a pain in the ass to hunt down. Best Buy was sold out (and there was a pretty good sized empty area so I assume they had several copies) as was Circuit City. I finally got the last copy at Target.


ManaByte said:
Justice League? Eh, not as good as Batman: TAS. Even Superman is better than Justice League.

JL Starcrossed alone raises the entire series to Batman's level. And next week, it will be mine.

And yes, Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends was hardcore back in the day. I think there's a few episodes of that show available to download on Kazaa. As for the Fox Spider-Man show, it was hit and miss, but I enjoyed it for the most part. Not sure I'd buy the whole series though, unless it was priced ultra cheap.


I checked Sam Goody and SunCoast, I know both the same store somewhat, but neither had it, didn't even looked like they stocked it.

So brought it off of Amazon, which was weird last night as the price raised in matter of seconds in front of me for both.


I about bought one of the (five!) copies of it at the nearest Wal-Mart (and in a county of about 50k, wts), but saw the Catwoman sticker and passed.

I don't want my boxset to be tainted.


Hollywood Square
ManaByte said:

I see no pictures of Ra's Al Ghul there...

I think he's referring to Ducard because he can't read. There haven't been any pictures of Ken Watanabe in his full Ra's Al Ghul gear yet.


One thing I can't remember, maybe I'm just making it up.

But did the WB series or "Gotham Knights" have it's own intros?
The copies on Cartoon Network are shown with the original opener, and the other things it as usually the Batman/Superman Adventures opener. So was there a proper intro for that series?

Also this isn't on the same topic, but I picked up a disc called Cartoon Classic, that features 6 of those very very old Superman cartoons that are like 10 mins each. Pretty cool.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Penguin said:
Also this isn't on the same topic, but I picked up a disc called Cartoon Classic, that features 6 of those very very old Superman cartoons that are like 10 mins each. Pretty cool.
Ooh, I'm intrigued. I've been wondering if those Superman pieces were on DVD anywhere.


Dan said:
Ooh, I'm intrigued. I've been wondering if those Superman pieces were on DVD anywhere.

Yeah, it has the first 6 of I believe 17 episodes. I saw a set on Amazon that has all 17, but I think this works out better because I also got some old Popeye and Casper and like 40 others cartoons that ok.


From watching the original series when it aired on fox I remember 3 iterations... Tell me if I am wrong.

First was Batman the animated series.

Second was Adventures of Batman and Robin which featured batman, dick grayson, and batgirl

Third was Batman the animated series but featured a new animation style and brought back all of the enemies that had been killed off. Also featured a new Robin.

How many episodes in total between the three?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Batman: The Animated Series and The Adventures of Batman and Robin - 85 episodes
Gotham Knights, aka The New Adventures of Batman and Robin - 24

So, I believe, there were 109 total television episodes that focused solely on Batman, and not the Superman crossover shows or anything. It's a bit confusing though, since some of the same shows were marketed a few different ways.


I picked up my set today! It's looking great so far, but...

One big disappointment -- there are no chapter stops within each episode (hitting Next Chapter just sends you to the next episode). If you stop watching and want to go back to where you were before, you will have to fast-forward through everything you already watched at whatever your player's max FF speed is....this will be super-annoying on my player, which only goes up to 8x or so. It also means that you will have to watch or fast-forward through the title sequence on every single episode. It's a nice title sequence and all, but I don't wanna watch it 28 times...

This has been a major pet peeve of mine from the beginning of "TV on DVD". The lack of a decent chapter division is what I hate about the SportsNight and Mr. Show sets as well. I thought that DVD makers have gotten past this annoying habit, but I guess WB still has a bit to learn.

Oh, and I forgot that Alfred has this really awful voice in the early episodes -- ugggh. Does anyone know what episode it changes at?


See, Cowboy Bebop did it right and actually has chapters for each episode.

Must resist the urge to buy this set. :( At least for a little while.
border said:
I picked up my set today! It's looking great so far, but...

One big disappointment -- there are no chapter stops within each episode (hitting Next Chapter just sends you to the next episode). If you stop watching and want to go back to where you were before, you will have to fast-forward through everything you already watched at whatever your player's max FF speed is....this will be super-annoying on my player, which only goes up to 8x or so. It also means that you will have to watch or fast-forward through the title sequence on every single episode. It's a nice title sequence and all, but I don't wanna watch it 28 times...

This has been a major pet peeve of mine from the beginning of "TV on DVD". The lack of a decent chapter division is what I hate about the SportsNight and Mr. Show sets as well. I thought that DVD makers have gotten past this annoying habit, but I guess WB still has a bit to learn.

Oh, and I forgot that Alfred has this really awful voice in the early episodes -- ugggh. Does anyone know what episode it changes at?

let's see i remenber teh first episode is the man-bat one, alfred had that weird voice....i'd say five, six episodes later.
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