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DVD of the year comes out next week...the Dark Knight returns!

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Serafitia said:
I think the only animated Batman movie I haven't seen is the latest one, Mystery of the Batwoman. What other ones have there been aside from Return of the Joker, Phantasm, and Sub Zero (which I saw at CC for $10, but passed up :( )

Well depending on how you count it, people count World's Finest as a movie as well, I till think it's an episode, but eh.

Anyhow, as luck would have it, my DVD came today, but my brothers didn't hear the bell (I sent it to my grandmothers because we are supposed to be moving didn't know when it would come), and now I got to wait till tomorrow.


I got mine in the mail today and have only watched the first episode so far. The animation quality wasn't too spectacular but I'm sure it gets better from here. Same with Alfred's voice.

I would just like to say that the packaging itself is pure quality. I can only think of the word "class" when I unfold the DVD collection. The artwork is great and I love the 1950s pop look to it.

got mine at Sams Club today. And I must say, this truly was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. everyday after middle school I had to watch batman on fox. Now....if they would only start doing this with...

Chip n dales rescue rangers
Xmen (the old ones that use to come on saturday mornings)
Anamaniacs (only for pinky and the brain)
Goof troop
the tick

and others I cant really remember at the moment....

but with that, id be in nostalgia heaven.

Man, and to think, I watched all these cartoons on a small Black and White TV. I dont know If I am the only one, but when you watch a Black and white Tv for given amount of time, it starts to seem like color television.....dont know why, but all the different shades of gray start seeming like different colors....then when you watch a color television, it looks wierd.

Alucard....did you not watch this as a kid? The animation isnt great through out the whole series....American animators arent like Japanese animators(plus this was back in like the early/mid 90s)...the reason this show was so great was because of the characters and stories and stuff....etc. Its gonna be great being able to watch this without commercials.



Rlan said:
Wow, that's really fascinating, and Harley Quinn was created in the show? Joker became so much better by her, especially in the ROTJ Batman Beyond movie.
Yep, Harley Quinn was an Animated Series creation.. she got so popular she's now a regular in the comic books. The Joker/Harley relationship was great.

Rlan said:
Speaking of Penguin, I bought 'Mystery of the Batwoman', with the new style Penguin. Was he changed in the B&R TAS, or just in the movie? He looks a lot menacing than the Danny Devito model, is he more so just a buisnessman in the comic world who slightly looks like a penguin?
Yes and no - the first season had the Penguin looking like the mutated bird, DeVito style - then they moved to WB, redesigned their characters and made the Penguin more human, looking (but not acting) more like the 60's Burgess Meredith version.


That was one of the weirder things about the show IMO.

After the switch from Fox To WB, the style change and of course the whoel Nightwing/Robin thing, they really didn't explain what happens to the villians, atleast I don't think so.

I mean how did the Joker go broke?
I do think they explain how Fries becomes only a heaD?
How did Penguin go from criminial to evil businessman?


Well, I didn't get my Batman yet.

But I did get Spiderman the whole 1967 Collection, and the Challenge of the Superfriends. I find Spiderman 67 to be a bit more enjoyable since many of the episodes seem to be based exactly on comics issues.

Superfriends is cool, but sometimes it's out there.


Junior Member



Just bought all 3 today. Sweet!


All I can say is that I hate fucking UPS.

I placed my order with Amazon on Thursday and the order was processed and finally shipped on last Saturday. One of the items was in Arizona (I'm in California) and was shipped via USPS Priority Mail while the other three items, including the Batman DVD's, were on the East Coast and shipped via UPS. The one item from Arizona arrived the following Monday and the other three items arrived at the sorting facility before delivery on Wednesday. Thursday came and went and the package basically festered there. Finally, yesterday, the box went out for delivery according to their site. 3, 4, 5PM rolls around and still no package. So I go shower and finish getting dressed around 5.30 and I check the site again to see where the hell my package is...


The fuckers fucking forgot the shit at their sorting facility, or, which is just as bad, they left it on the truck and fucking forgot to even ship it at all! What's worse is that since it was already after 5PM, no delivery attempt would be made that day since they basically quit at 5 o'clock and of course, they don't deliver anything on the weekends. Now, I have to wait until friggin Monday to get my Batman fix.

In my opinion, this is about an 8.5 on the FYUTA scale.


Well, I still haven't received mines either.

Sure, I get the Challenge of the Superfriends, Super Mario Bros: Mario Mania and the 67 Spiderman Collection, but the one DVD of the 4 I wanted the most still hasn't reached me. Why do the fates have it out for me!


Penguin said:
I mean how did the Joker go broke?
That episode was an adaptation of an old story from the comic books - The Joker being broke was just a plot device. No mention of it on any of the other episodes.


explodet said:
That episode was an adaptation of an old story from the comic books - The Joker being broke was just a plot device. No mention of it on any of the other episodes.

Actually, I thought he was broke in World's Finest, that's why he approached Luthor about taking out Superman.

And I was going off of this quote from World's Finest's review on Joker's Millions.

The whole episode is a nice change from some of the darker stories of the series, and does bridge off from the idea that Joker is broke throughout the span of TNBA.


I sat down and watched 13 episodes of the series today with a friend. ROCK. This show was and is still incredible. The animation, the voice acting, the music, the characters, and everything about it is pure class. The Mr. Freeze episode was fantastic, and I loved the Two Face episodes as well.

I should be starting on the third DVD tomorrow. Oh yes. :)


Listening to the commentary, they reveal they changed Alfred's voice early on in the series. As for Joker being poor, there was an episode called Joker's Millions or something like that where this rival mob boss of his leaves him his money, but unbeknownst to Mista J, he also hands him a ton of debt. Then he becomes poor and gets the IRS after him. There was another episode I think that detailed how Fries willingly lost his body. Mr. Freeze from the Fox show was tons better because his who reasoning behind his crimes was to save his love. I forgot her name :( But yeah, that's the only thing that bothered me about Sub-Zero and his brief appearance in Batman Beyond.


I still need to see all of the animated Batman movies and would love to see more of Batman Beyond. I've seen a few episodes and was REALLY impressed, especially with the action and music.

Oh, and Mr. Freeze easily has the coolest voice of any villain in the series. I really love how they made him such a sympathetic character.

Seriously, I can't say enough about this series right now. It's so incredibly effing good.


Dude, you could have just edited that into your other post. Haha.

p.s. Alfred rocks. I loved the role he played in the episode where Bruce Wayne lost his memory and was working in those mines.


Heh, I'm about to watch that episode right now...just need to put a little snack together first.

I wish there were more commentaries in the set...the one for Leather Wings was just cool as hell to listen to. The featurette on the second disc rocks as well...you really see the passion and respect that everyone involved in the series have for the Batman universe.

I plan to watch all the episodes by the end of next week, then watch Mask of the Phantasm and JL Starcrossed immediately after.


Does anyone know if these episodes are in the order of their original airing? I watched the first two episodes, but it's been almost 10 years since I last watched this show so I can't remember what the first episode is for sure.


Not sure if they're in original airing order, but they are the first twenty eight episodes. Just check the first post in the thread for the list and episode numbers.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Jumpman said:
Does anyone know if these episodes are in the order of their original airing? I watched the first two episodes, but it's been almost 10 years since I last watched this show so I can't remember what the first episode is for sure.

Yeah, its the original order.


Look out for the voice of Sealab's Captain Murphy (Harry Goz) in "Appointment at Crime Alley".....I'm pretty sure he's playing at least 2 roles in that one.

Does any one know if the show's creators actually planned out the Harley Quinn character when she was introduced? Or did they just sort of fill-in an origin for her long after that? In Joker's Favor she gets nabbed by Batman and quips, "Beauty school ain't lookin' so bad right now." But technically she is/was a prominent psychologist, so that seems a bit incongruous -- her comment makes it sound more like she's a fairly uneducated street kid. I always got the sense that her background was more or less an afterthought for the writers.....

Was Harley's origin ever even addressed in the animated series? I recall reading the whole thing in a one-shot comic called "Mad Love", but I'm not sure if they ever went into it on television.


Hollywood Square
I believe they address her origin in a later episode, but I got something entirely different from that comic. That episode had made Harley Quinn look like she had been around for awhile and she had obviously distanced herself from Arkham Asylum. So, for a female with a criminal record that hangs out with a homicidal manaic, I'm sure when Mista J is locked up her choices of occupation are limited. And I don't think beauty school turns away losers.


Mad Love was turned into an episode on WB (think it was the very last Batman episode). Damn good one too...it's stunning seeing how much they were able to get away with compared with it's Fox run. Try and find it on Kazaa and you'll see what I mean.


Yeah Mad Love, which is the final episode of Batman: Gotham Knights on the WB details Harley's origins.

It's her anniversary with Mista J, and he doesn't want to celebrate since he can't seem to capture Batman and kill him. So Harley thinks back to her days as a pysharist at Arkham, and how she fell for the Joker, because she was the only person he could open up to. Anyhow, yeah her origins are similar to the comics I believe. Except the show to my knowledge doesn't say anything about her sleeping with her professors to get through school.


Yeah, its the original order.

Are you sure? "On Leather Wings" seemed like a weird place for the show to debut. And how could "Christmas with the Joker" be the second episode? If this show debuted in September or October, wouldn't the second episode have come well before christmas? Also, I didn't think Robin showed up until well after the second episode.

Where can I find the best deal for this set?

Jumpman said:
If anyone has not yet picked this up, it is selling for $29.86 at Sam's Club. I also picked up the Batman Animated series movie 3-pack, that includes Mask of the Phantasm, Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero, and Batman Beyond: Return of the joker, for just $23.24.


I finished watching the third DVD today. This is easily one of the greatest animated shows of all time. Why aren't there shows like this around today? The atmosphere is dark, the voices are perfect, and the stories are (for the most part) excellent. I'll probably be finished with the set by Tuesday and will then anxiously wait for the next volume.

Could you guys give me some opinions on all of the animated Batman movies? And is there any word on a Batman Beyond DVD set coming out in the near future?...


Hollywood Square
Mask of the Phantasm is excellent, but I'm sure you already know that.

Sub-Zero suffers from a lack of Phantasm-like production values and I don't care for the computer integrated effects, but it's important to remember it was a straight-to-video release. I find the story a bit convoluted, but it really does showcase Batman's detective skills. That said, it's a lot better than most of the animated tripe on TV.

Revenge of the Joker is awesome, albeit a notch below Mask of the Phantasm, but I liked it even though I really don't care for the whole Batman Beyond-verse.

I haven't seen Mystery of the Batwoman. The subtitle is enough to scare me away.


Yeah, the preview on the Animated Series DVD didn't leave a favourable impression on me. The animation looks cheap and the story looks uninspired. That said, I need to hunt down Mask of the Phantasm and Sub-Zero.

How is the Justice League series? I've seen a few eps and thought it was decent enough. I don't know much about the history of the characters involved in it which really decreases my enjoyment of it though.


Hollywood Square
Alucard said:
How is the Justice League series? I've seen a few eps and thought it was decent enough. I don't know much about the history of the characters involved in it which really decreases my enjoyment of it though.

The Justice League series is one of the cartoons that I thought was pretty unimpressive at first, but has grown on me overtime. Some of the later episodes truly are great, but I missed the most recent one which I heard was actually based on a classic Alan Moore one-shot comic entitled, "For The Man Who Has Everything" (which you should read, Alucard).


Yeah, I need to catch up on a ton of old comics. I was at the biggest shop in my city yesterday and the amount of graphic novels calling out to me was just crazy. I've read Batman: Year One so I guess that's a start. The only thing I've read by Moore has been The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen volume 1...loved it. I'll keep your suggestion in mind. I also want to check out Top Ten by him.


Hollywood Square
Alucard said:
Yeah, I need to catch up on a ton of old comics. I was at the biggest shop in my city yesterday and the amount of graphic novels calling out to me was just crazy. I've read Batman: Year One so I guess that's a start. The only thing I've read by Moore has been The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen volume 1...loved it. I'll keep your suggestion in mind. I also want to check out Top Ten by him.

Top 10 is amazing.

"For The Man Who Has Everything" is just a one-shot, though and I picked up in that cheap collection that DC put out last year called "Strange Tales of the DC Universe by Alan Moore" or something like that. I forgot what it's called.

But basically, Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman go to the Fortress of Solitude to celebrate Supes' birthday and choas ensues.


Sounds like a recipe for a good time. Haha. I also want to read Kingdom Come despite the hate that a certain friend of mine holds for it. :) She mostly hates it because it's all about Superman and Wonder Woman and she despises both characters. I'm not really a big fan of Supes either, simply because he's the "100% good guy" archetype.


Willco said:
The Justice League series is one of the cartoons that I thought was pretty unimpressive at first, but has grown on me overtime. Some of the later episodes truly are great, but I missed the most recent one which I heard was actually based on a classic Alan Moore one-shot comic entitled, "For The Man Who Has Everything" (which you should read, Alucard).

Actually, you haven't missed the episode.

Justice League Unlimited starts in...well on July 31st, and I believe that episode airs either the 1st or 2nd week or August, I know it's in August though.

Does sound like a good comic.

And as for animated movies

Phantasm, Return of the Joker, SubZero and Mystery of the Batwoman.

Truth be told, there isn't much mystery to Mystery of the Batwoman, they try and throw you for a loop, that really doesn't make sense, but it's no mystery.


Hollywood Square
Penguin said:
Actually, you haven't missed the episode.

Justice League Unlimited starts in...well on July 31st, and I believe that episode airs either the 1st or 2nd week or August, I know it's in August though.

Awesome! I'm a huge fan of Moore one-shot, especially the sequences with Superman and Batman and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it on the show.

Does sound like a good comic.

It is! Go read it!


Willco said:
Top 10 is amazing.

"For The Man Who Has Everything" is just a one-shot, though and I picked up in that cheap collection that DC put out last year called "Strange Tales of the DC Universe by Alan Moore" or something like that. I forgot what it's called.

But basically, Batman, Robin and Wonder Woman go to the Fortress of Solitude to celebrate Supes' birthday and choas ensues.

Is this the comic book you were referring to



Here's a site that lists the voice actors for all the episodes, along with their (apparantely) original airdates.


As far as the movies go, I'd rank Phantasm as tops, ROTJ a close second, Sub Zero third and Mystery a distant fourth. Phantasm is simply required viewing.

As for Justice League, if you can only watch a few episodes make sure it's the three parter "Starcrossed", which came out on DVD last week. It's as good as anything I've seen in the Batman animated series. There's also a widescreen version of the episodes on DVD.


Thanks Shinobi, can anyone confirm the airdates at this site. I really want to watch these in the right order.


To be honest, the order really doesn't matter. The airing dates are pretty mixed up when looking at some of the two part episodes. For example, Cat and the Claw (if the dates on this site are accurate) was shown first (on a Saturday?), but the second part of that wasn't shown for another week. Perhaps that's the airing order, but there's no way that's any sort of reasonable viewing order. Futhermore, On Leather Wings was confirmed as the first Batman episode that they both started on and completed, something that's indicated by the numbers on the DVD episode order list (which BTW looks more indictive to me of their order in terms of completion). Aside from the two part episodes and episodes that showed the birth of a new character (IE Poison Ivy), I don't recall any episodes in the series that you needed to see in a certain order.
heh i'm so pissed, i've been waiting for my copy, looking outside the window every 10 minutes to check if theres a delivery person walking towards my place....

I keep watching Phantasm over and over in anticipation of my copy.

Anyone ever noticed Koreans were heavily involved in the making of Phantasm?


Jumpman said:
Thanks Shinobi, can anyone confirm the airdates at this site. I really want to watch these in the right order.
Yeah those are the airdates, but I think the production order, or the order the disc are on make more sense than the airdates, because look at the Cat and the Claw which is like 5 episodes apart and stuff.


Yeah, I remember when Batman originaly aired, the two part episodes were sometimes separated by as much as a week. I always thought that was pretty stupid, and I'll certainly watch those back to back this time through.

My reason for wanting to watch them in order isn't because I think there is some kind of connecting story arc between episodes. I'm aware that the shows story bits were usually self contained to one episode. The reason I care so much about order, is that I want to see how the show evolved from the beginning, and how things were different when it ended.
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