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DVD of the year comes out next week...the Dark Knight returns!

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Really? That's pretty damn good. I think I'm going to do the same right now! How I love you Visa...

I just ordered it. I took the free shipping option, which will take a little longer to get here, and the total came to $50.80 or something like that. Not too bad at all.
Alucard, sorry I forgot to mention it, but there are coupon codes for Amazon.ca to save $5 on orders.

You may have to cancel your order and place it again to enter the code, but it's worth it if you want to asve 5 smackers.

Try MAPBELLCAQ25 or MAPVSQ2SAVE5 on the summary page where you pick your shipping method. You'll still be able to get the free shipping too.
Is Robin in any of the episodes or did he appear later in the series?

I haven't opened mine yet, but if the order on these DVDs are the same as the single releases, the 2nd episode should be "Christmas with The Joker". Robin is in that one. They just seem to stick him in at random, so I don't know about the rest of the eps.


Hollywood Square
Haha, this set has that classic episode where this guy has a road rage incident with the Joker, who promises not to kill him if the guy does him a favor. And like two years later, the Joker calls him for the favor. Haha!


Yeah, but then there is the possibility that the cancellation won't go through, etc. etc. It's alright, I'll take it for $50. :)
They don't let you cancel after your order has been processed. In that case, you have to call them up and do it.

It probably won't be processed now anyway, since it's 8:30pm.


Kills Photobucket
wow. The Gray Ghost episode is ont his one.

It's even more enjoyable now that I know Adam West does Gray Ghost's voice.


Willco said:
Haha, this set has that classic episode where this guy has a road rage incident with the Joker, who promises not to kill him if the guy does him a favor. And like two years later, the Joker calls him for the favor. Haha!
Awe that's one of my favorite episodes, Joker's Favor.

Where he snaps at the end and almost shots the Joker only for it to be a prop gun.

Nothing against Joker, but I think sometimes they relied on him a little too often in the cartoon, not that his episodes are bad or anything.

And I'm surprised, there is no commentary on like the episode where they introduce Harley Quinn since it was an original creation for the show, who is till very popular and was placed in the comics.

By chance, what episode does she make her first appearance?


If anyone has not yet picked this up, it is selling for $29.86 at Sam's Club. I also picked up the Batman Animated series movie 3-pack, that includes Mask of the Phantasm, Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero, and Batman Beyond: Return of the joker, for just $23.24.


I'm trying to determine whether I want to buy this out of pure nostalgia or for the fact that it may still prove enjoyable after all these years.

I hadn't seen it in years until getting this set. It's still just as enjoyable, imo. Classic show - plain and simple.


It's a good thing I ordered this online.

I checked Circuit City, Target, Sam Goody and Suncoast and they had neither this nor Challenge of the Superfriends.

Hopefully my DVDs come soon.

I saw "See No Evil" yesterday for what I believe was the first time, it was an ok episode.


The content is great, but after watching some more I gotta say that I would give these a "D" for effort.

It looks like some episodes have just been sitting in the Warner Brothers basement for years, deteriorating. Some are just filled with little white pockmarks on the prints....which is a bit distracting when you consider how dark the show is. I don't imagine that they have made the slightest attempt to restore or correct a lot of the little visual problems. That plus the lack of chapter stops makes this kind of a disappointing release.

If the sales for this set are truly phenomenal, then I hope they try harder with the next one.


Ninja Scooter said:
Gray Ghost is a great episode. Is "The Forgotten" the one about the homeless guys that get kidnapped and tossed into a workers camp against their will? Sure, its ripped straight from a MacGuyver plotline, but that episode kicks ass too.

"PUT 'IM IN THE BOX! "Man, I loved the music in that episode. I got it yesterday.

J2 Cool

I still think the X-men tv show kicks all kinds of ass even if it is shitty animation. There's something extremely addicting about that show.

Meanwhile Batman. Jeebus! Talk about the perfect show. So perfect all around. Great art, characters, episodes, action, dialogue, story, villains.. Could talk about it forever. Moment I scrap enough change together im out the door to get this


J2 Cool said:
I still think the X-men tv show kicks all kinds of ass even if it is shitty animation. There's something extremely addicting about that show.

Meanwhile Batman. Jeebus! Talk about the perfect show. So perfect all around. Great art, characters, episodes, action, dialogue, story, villains.. Could talk about it forever. Moment I scrap enough change together im out the door to get this

Just reminds of how excellent the Fox Saturday morning lineups were in the 90s

Spiderman, X-Men, Batman, The Tick... :(
The TICK was cool back in the day. Gone are those cool Saturday morning cartoon days. We just grew up and moved on to other things. Everything else if just nostalgia
norinrad21 said:
The TICK was cool back in the day. Gone are those cool Saturday morning cartoon days. We just grew up and moved on to other things. Everything else if just nostalgia

Now you can watch Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic X and all those other cartoon from JAPAN! YEAH! :p


DMczaf said:
Just reminds of how excellent the Fox Saturday morning lineups were in the 90s

Spiderman, X-Men, Batman, The Tick... :(

Or when there were cartoons in the afternoon.

Now you don't have much choices .. it must sucks for kids.

Only thing on is educational crap and well PokeMon


Hollywood Square
Serafitia said:
"PUT 'IM IN THE BOX! "Man, I loved the music in that episode. I got it yesterday.

Haha, that music does rock. It has like this GUMBO feel to it or something. It's so weird. I always think the Mr. Freeze episode had the saddest music. It's so beautiful. And Clayface episode have this weird sad/angst/revenge music that was pretty cool too.

I think the show also has to be credited for reinventing the Batman universe. Before they came around, Mr. Freeze was a joke. They made him a cold, heartless bastard out for revenge, but very sad at the same time.


How come cartoons don't have dialogue like this anymore?


Willco said:
Haha, that music does rock. It has like this GUMBO feel to it or something. It's so weird. I always think the Mr. Freeze episode had the saddest music. It's so beautiful. And Clayface episode have this weird sad/angst/revenge music that was pretty cool too.

I think the show also has to be credited for reinventing the Batman universe. Before they came around, Mr. Freeze was a joke. They made him a cold, heartless bastard out for revenge, but very sad at the same time.


How come cartoons don't have dialogue like this anymore?

How was Mr. Freeze a joke before the cartoon?

I know they messed around with several people's origins like Riddler (some say they improved it), but I always thought Freeze was like that.

And well, I like the Forgetten, Bruce with Gray hair was weird though.


Hollywood Square
Penguin said:
I know they messed around with several people's origins like Riddler (some say they improved it), but I always thought Freeze was like that.

Mr. Freeze was never like that. He was a mad scientist loser with a freezing gimmick in the comics. He didn't get the sad backstory of his wife and such and his cruel, cold demeanor until the cartoon reinvented the character completely.

Clayface is very much similar in that I thought the animated series handled his origin not only darker, but better.


Willco said:
Mr. Freeze was never like that. He was a mad scientist loser with a freezing gimmick in the comics. He didn't get the sad backstory of his wife and such and his cruel, cold demeanor until the cartoon reinvented the character completely.

Clayface is very much similar in that I thought the animated series handled his origin not only darker, but better.

Wow, I always took that asset of Fries' origin for fact since it's basically the same one in the movie, of course done a whole lot worse.

Was anyone else's origin changed that much.. you know to like give them an actual purpose?
The funniest episode was the one where all the villians were telling their stories of the time they almost got Batman. They get to the Crocodile Man, and he says something like, "One time, I threw a really big rock at him!" then all the other villians just give him this funny stare for a second.

At the end of the episode, I think the actually ended up being Batman is disguise which kind of ruined it, but still.

As for the DVD, I don't think I'll be buying it.While it was a pretty good show, I'm not too much of a Batman fan.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Both those shows ('90s X-Men and Spider-Man animated series) have aged horribly. The godawful animation of both series don't even warrant gracing a DVD.<<<

It's not that they've aged badly. They were crap to begin with, but some younger people still liked them, and have nostalgia for them now, kind of like He-Man and Thundercats for people my age. The Tick and Batman: TAS were legitimately great series, (from around the time of the X-Men and '90s Spider-Man) though.


Penguin said:
Also this isn't on the same topic, but I picked up a disc called Cartoon Classic, that features 6 of those very very old Superman cartoons that are like 10 mins each. Pretty cool.

You should see if you can find The Complete Superman Collection (Diamond Annivesary Edition) from Bosko Video...it has every single episode from that series. In fact Amazon still has it for an astounding $9.99.



The stories themselves are pretty cheesey, but that animation quality still holds up.


TAJ said:
>>>Both those shows ('90s X-Men and Spider-Man animated series) have aged horribly. The godawful animation of both series don't even warrant gracing a DVD.<<<

It's not that they've aged badly. They were crap to begin with, but some younger people still liked them, and have nostalgia for them now, kind of like He-Man and Thundercats for people my age. The Tick and Batman: TAS were legitimately great series, (from around the time of the X-Men and '90s Spider-Man) though.

Eh, I loved the X-Men cartoon, and I'm currently downloading a bunch of the older seasons [never saw past 2 or 3]. I reckon it still holds up pretty well. There are some lame bits, but it did everything really well IMO. The Spider-Man Animated Series didn't age well because they were trying to say so much really really fast, with contiuous swipes to the next scene, and a lot of bits which just looked pixelated for some reason.

Mr. Freeze was never like that. He was a mad scientist loser with a freezing gimmick in the comics. He didn't get the sad backstory of his wife and such and his cruel, cold demeanor until the cartoon reinvented the character completely.
Clayface is very much similar in that I thought the animated series handled his origin not only darker, but better.

Wow, that's really fascinating, and Harley Quinn was created in the show? Joker became so much better by her, especially in the ROTJ Batman Beyond movie.

Is there a website which documents this stuff, the changes from the comics to the cartoon? I'd really like to learn what the differences were between the comic world at the time and the cartoon, with the Riddler, Clayface, Two-Face, Penguin etc.

Speaking of Penguin, I bought 'Mystery of the Batwoman', with the new style Penguin. Was he changed in the B&R TAS, or just in the movie? He looks a lot menacing than the Danny Devito model, is he more so just a buisnessman in the comic world who slightly looks like a penguin?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Eh, I loved the X-Men cartoon, <<<

How old were you in 1992?


Vargas said:
Is Robin in any of the episodes or did he appear later in the series?

Robin was also in "Fear of Victory"

I'm trying to see whatelse, because as far as I can tell, he was placed randomly in the series until it became "The Adventures of Batman and Robin"
Robin is also in Christmas with the Joker.

Anyway, i just finished watching the first disc last night, and one thing that struck me was how the animation could be kinda up and down. In "On Leather Wings" and "Pretty Poison", the animation was excellent. The look is great. But Christmas with the Joker has some horrible animation, the art just doesn't have the same look and the characters look like they were drawn lazily. Batman's proportions are all screwy in a lot of shots.

J2 Cool

I wouldnt say X-men's appeal is based soley on nostalgia. I dont have fond memories of Spider-man or Superman. I think it was the cool characters and whole concept of X-men which I was actually first introduced to by the cartoon. I loved Magneto, Apocalypse, Wolverine, Gambit, Gladiator, Phoenix, etc. Not to mention the "to be continued" hooks which drove me wild. But yeah, if the cartoon were bad I'd have been turned off to X-men at a young age and instead I became a real big fan while as the spider-man fandom never came on till the movies recently


I think the only animated Batman movie I haven't seen is the latest one, Mystery of the Batwoman. What other ones have there been aside from Return of the Joker, Phantasm, and Sub Zero (which I saw at CC for $10, but passed up :( )


karasu said:
This thread fills me with intense anger. The old Xmen show was not garbage.

I agree with you but also agree with the others here who have said that the show has not held up so well over the years. The animation is often choppy. Still, I loved all of the Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse stories.
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