Hell yes it's perfect for that. Haven't gotten far in story but you don't have to pay attention to it. Matter of fact I think you can skip all cutscenes or most of them.
I started skipping all of the cut scenes during my last playthrough. The characters just talk too slowly, and about stuff I don't care about.
I did have a side quest today where I had to escort someone, and they decided it would be a good idea to stop walking, and start telling me some long winded story. Meanwhile the time is ticking away, and before you know it I'm escorting him during the night.
I really like the nighttime though. It adds a harder difficulty level, and rewards those who go for it greatly.
I did hit a glitch today after failing a parkour side quest where I was no longer allowed to interact with anything. That sucked.
My biggest complaint so far is with how difficult it is to find a match as a zombie, and how little the bomber zombies stand out. The boomers in Left 4 Dead stand out in appearance, the sounds they make, and they don't one shot you when they explode.
The bombers in this game need to be reworked, but they won't be. When I'm running away from hunters in the middle of the night, the last thing I want to be the cause of my death is running around a corner and being immediately blown up. Or during the melee weapon side quests. I don't want my mission to fail because I hit the wrong enemy and didn't know it because they look like standard zombies.
Also, are hunters invincible? I expected them to be more like the hunter in the Invasion. The UV light does next to nothing to them.