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Dying Light IOTI A dead island on the mirror's edge.


Guy manages to dodge both of my melee swings but I manged to get the last one to connect. Combat is awesome in other words.


I suck so hard at fighting humans in this. I expect them to swing in a straight line so I dodge left and they just turn mid swing to get me :(


Guy manages to dodge both of my melee swings but I manged to get the last one to connect. Combat is awesome in other words.


Melee combat against humans is terrible. I understand that they tried to make it so you can't just charge them with your arms flailing, but take more strategic approach instead. And they failed completely.
These enemies can dodge EVERYTHING based just on random factor: it doesn't matter if they are running, mid-attack or stunned after you hit them - they just magically enter dodge phase that makes them invincible even if you aim directly and see your weapon hitting them. These supernatural ninjas can even deflect throwing stars like 75%of the time! I tried jump kicking one guy that was unaware of me, but he heard me just before my jump and somehow dodged it even though his animation played after the kick which was clearly a direct hit - it felt like I just hit a wall and fell down while he proceeded to beat me on the ground.
There is no consistent strat against them (except firearms), and yeah, I found that the most reliable one is just charging them and spamming attacks praying that something will hit.
Melee combat against humans is terrible. I understand that they tried to make it so you can't just charge them with your arms flailing, but take more strategic approach instead. And they failed completely.


There is no consistent strat against them (except firearms), and yeah, I found that the most reliable one is just charging them and spamming attacks praying that something will hit.

There is actually good strategy against human opponents that has worked well for me. Sneak up on them unsuspected and smash them with a strong weapon power attack to knock them off balance and finish them off quickly is obviously always preferable. When it's a straight up fight however, use an elemental weapon (electric seems best) with high handling (like a knife) and slash at them with high frequency so that they can't dodge all of your strikes. I typically have one of my slots devoted to a high-handling weapon specifically for dealing with human enemies. Also, nobody is ninja enough to dodge a molotov.
Don't really see how this shows combat is awesome. If anything it shows off one of the weak points of the game, the frankly seemingly random dodging / blocking of the human enemies.

Mixing up some throwing weapons in there highlights how random/bullshit it is, with enemies blocking projectiles up to 5 seconds after it has reached them.
And the ninja infected are just dumb.


There is actually good strategy against human opponents that has worked well for me. Sneak up on them unsuspected and smash them with a strong weapon power attack to knock them off balance and finish them off quickly is obviously always preferable. When it's a straight up fight however, use an elemental weapon (electric seems best) with high handling (like a knife) and slash at them with high frequency so that they can't dodge all of your strikes. I typically have one of my slots devoted to a high-handling weapon specifically for dealing with human enemies. Also, nobody is ninja enough to dodge a molotov.

Guns and molotovs do the trick, but even fast melee weapons are still highly unreliable because enemies can attack/kick you instantly after a dodge and your attack don't interrupt their attack.


I don’t like the games exit/save, I would think that when you exit it would save at that point/place, but apparently not. I exited the game yesterday at a safe house and even ran the clock forward to night before exiting. When I logged back on I was across the map at the place where I had completed part of a quest and it was night. I’m still in the slums and logged off at one of the far safe house and when I logged back on I was in the tower and had to run back across the map.

As far as melee combat with humans, I pretty much take the Molotov route, it's just easier, had a rude surprise when one of the humans exploded (he looked like a normal thug) and killed me. So I wait until the flames die down and beat them if needed.


This game is amazing. I'm only at the first mission outside of the tower and I am so engrossed with this world.

It gets so much better the more perks you unlock. I've recently unlocked dropkick (which is so awesome), legbreaker, vault, and camouflage. I'm also well on my way to getting the grappling hook and I've only just
met with Rais (4th mission in)

I can literally spend hours just traversing the rooftops and killing zombies without doing a single mission or objective. The game is so addictive.


So is the PS4 version pretty solid...meaning it keeps a constant 30fps with no image tearing? I know the view distance isn't on par with PC but I am fine with that.

I have a decent PC (i7/8GB/GTX 760 2GB) but I dont feel like messing around with settings.
Game is really fun and I'm loving it but the visuals leave a lot to be desired. i can put my finger on what it is exactly and the pop-in is really bad.
If you're talking on console, I definitely agree. On PC it's mich better, but they need to release the optimization patch or I won't even be able to play it on my rig.


I little bit off topic, but I downloaded the PSN-US version of DL...
But I had problems with my friend acc and I will buy it now. with my acc (PSN Brazil)...
Do you know if I will have to download the game again?

It gets so much better the more perks you unlock. I've recently unlocked dropkick (which is so awesome), legbreaker, vault, and camouflage. I'm also well on my way to getting the grappling hook and I've only just
met with Rais (4th mission in)

I can literally spend hours just traversing the rooftops and killing zombies without doing a single mission or objective. The game is so addictive.
Grappling hook? Like Just Cause 2 style of grappling hook?


So it sounds like the Flashlight doesn't really affect if you are seen or not by the zombies then? I'm always running around at night constantly shutting it off and on in fear that something will spot me. I haven't actually made one of those night vision things yet, I thought it might take away from the excitement.

I love that they used the speaker on the Dualshock 4 with things too. The reloading sounds, the flashlight sounds, the radio chatter, i like that stuff coming over the controller speaker. And the little color change on the front light and the swipe abilities on the touchpad are also nice touches.

Funny moments compilation:


As a big fan of dead island, I was sure I would like dying light.

I was wrong...

I don't like it, I LOVE IT!

I find myself just having a hankering to log back in and smash some zombies in the head. The visceral impact feeling of the combat is sooo satisfying. I love how all weapons can degrade, forces you to mix it up over time.

I love taking my time, walking to my destination, looting everything.

I also LOVE how there are the 3 exp systems. getting little bits of EXP for doing passive things like just jumping up a ledge. The whole idea of getting exp to get skills for things by DOING those things, just makes me happy.

Its the little things too that are great. The way weapons visually degrade over time, baseball bats split, knives get dull and chipped. That was the way in dead island, and is even more apparent here, as there are many more stages of graphical degradation than before.

Also the body deformation/destruction. I noticed depending on where you hit it shows visual damage.

I hit a zombie in the ribs, and flesh came off, I cut a zombie in the back of the head with a machete and it showed a big gash there. Cut off an arm too.

The graphics to me look amazing too. it just feels depressing, and scary overall. Nighttime? That is just scary totally. I haven't mastered sneaking around, so I try to avoid night, but when it is night, I run like crazy to a safehouse. Those virals and volitiles? nope


I don’t like the games exit/save, I would think that when you exit it would save at that point/place, but apparently not. I exited the game yesterday at a safe house and even ran the clock forward to night before exiting. When I logged back on I was across the map at the place where I had completed part of a quest and it was night. I’m still in the slums and logged off at one of the far safe house and when I logged back on I was in the tower and had to run back across the map.

Happened to me once. Also one time I started the game already being grabbed by the zombie. Not the most pleasant surprise.


I suck so hard at fighting humans in this. I expect them to swing in a straight line so I dodge left and they just turn mid swing to get me :(

Explosive shield + Ground finisher. One of them attacks, you use the explosive shield block, they fall on their ass, you stomp their face in.


So can you fast travel back to the first

Kind of. You can cheat death when falling by grappling to the ground and surviving.

I saved me when falling by grabbing car or other stuff but it works on floor :/...disappointing...
I have probably the greatest zombie kill ever saved on Share Factory. Unfortunately it refuses to upload to YouTube, so no one will ever see it :(
Anyone using the companion app on the cellphone?

I find myself chugging along collecting a ton of crap I need to send to my guy in game now.


I really don’t like the survivor skill death penalty (I know it’s not a lot, but still why have it), I forgot how much I’ve always hated the XP rollback, even if it isn’t a lot. I know it’s because of my old Everquest days where one dumb move/death undoes hour(s) of grinding. Just not sure why it needs to be in a single player game, they already give me weapons that break and at least in the first hours of the game you have enemies that are damn near impossible to kill. Adding insult to injury is the loss (although smaller) for falling and dying, I died a few times climbing towers and the “look at the ledge you want to jump too” mechanic doesn’t always work..not an issue on the ground but a long fall = death.

I see what the devs are doing, and it does change the way I approach a situation, until I get better stuff pretty much no nighttime gameplay and cause right now I suck at fighting humans for air drops, I will only go after them if I have a few Molotovs and it’s close by. I’d like at the very least for them to make it a toggle.


Anyone using the companion app on the cellphone?

I find myself chugging along collecting a ton of crap I need to send to my guy in game now.

Yea it's great, companion app done right.

I finished the main game and don't really need it anymore, just gonna finish the side missions and then I'm done. But yea, good app.


Hmm, anyone else in Europe/Sweden not receiving any patches for the game? I bought the game from the Swedish PSN store, but I still haven't seen any patches to speak of, and I heard there should be a v1.03 for this.
Guy manages to dodge both of my melee swings but I manged to get the last one to connect. Combat is awesome in other words.

Haha, yeah it is. When I first started playing (I'm only 5 or so hours in anyway), I took a swing at a zombie and it ducked... I literally said out loud, "did that thing just duck??"

Really cool. I haven't seen anything like that in another video game... I don't really play video games often but that really seemed to up the immersion factor for me.
Yea it's great, companion app done right.

I finished the main game and don't really need it anymore, just gonna finish the side missions and then I'm done. But yea, good app.

Hate to be that guy... but how does the companion work? The missions I do in the app are all successful and I get mats. Great. Then I think I just create a package with those mats and then send them to my actual character in-game? Is that the long and short of it or am I missing some other features?
Hate to be that guy... but how does the companion work? The missions I do in the app are all successful and I get mats. Great. Then I think I just create a package with those mats and then send them to my actual character in-game? Is that the long and short of it or am I missing some other features?

Yep that's it. Sometimes takes a few mins for your package to arrive at the quartermaster, and one time it never arrived at all for me.
There is actually good strategy against human opponents that has worked well for me. Sneak up on them unsuspected and smash them with a strong weapon power attack to knock them off balance and finish them off quickly is obviously always preferable. When it's a straight up fight however, use an elemental weapon (electric seems best) with high handling (like a knife) and slash at them with high frequency so that they can't dodge all of your strikes. I typically have one of my slots devoted to a high-handling weapon specifically for dealing with human enemies. Also, nobody is ninja enough to dodge a molotov.

When dealing with human enemies, I make sure to always have a shield attached. Being a little on the defensive and blocking their attacks stun them and leave them open for a couple attacks. When playing coop, we will always plan out our approach more. For instance, have one guy go in with a gun raised, while the others flank around. The enemies will usually raise there hands and you can hold them up for a bit while your friends attack from behind.

Does this game remind anyone else of Escape From New York/LA?

A little bit. My dream is still for Rockstar to release a new Manhunt game very inspired by Escape From New York. Open world with different factions of psychopaths. It would be great.
errrrrrrrrrrg, now I want to make a video of one person hold up three enemies with a gun, and having three teammates walk up behind them and neck snap them all three at the same time.
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