Patch is out on PS4. Not installing it, it may fix duplicate weapon exploit
Unlock the skill?How do you perform the finishing moves?
On that note, humans can't handle a broken leg. So slide kicking skill one shot kills humans. They usually dodge it though.There is a pretty cool safe zone at the top of one of the suspension bridge towers, from it you can zip line or run down the cable to the middle bridge section where there is a quarantine checkpoint that is loaded with supplies, police vans etc. I think one of the quests take you out there as well.
Also, for fighting off human enemies, try swiping at their feet. They didn't seem to be able to block and dodge me as effectively when I was doing it.
Unlock the skill?
L1- Foot stomp
Square (on PS4)- Neck Snap from behind
Square (on PS4)- Kill a stunned character from the front
I wish they could somehow patch the human AI to make fighting them a better experience.
Well I personally think the game looks really nice on consoles.
I took some screenshots (PS4):
how do you take your hands out of the picture?
So is the PS4 version pretty solid...meaning it keeps a constant 30fps with no image tearing? I know the view distance isn't on par with PC but I am fine with that.
lol, not even close. Image tearing isn't a problem, but the framerate is pretty much a mess from my 40 hours with the PS4 version.
The Digital Foundry analysis is misleading, because the farther you get through the game and through the upgrade tree, the harder it is for the engine to keep up with how fast you can move around, and how much chaos you can very easily create.
4 player online co-op was a slideshow. I could only bear it to get the Trophy.
PC version is absolutely the way to go, I only got it on PS4 because of the Gamestop pricing error.
Molotov Cocktails destroy performance. Destroy.
I wish they could somehow patch the human AI to make fighting them a better experience.
Pretty close.How close am I to finishing after the?museum
Great, thanks for the fast reply bud.Pretty close.
The game gives you a massive fucking warning message when you're about to enter the final mission, though.
I would like to go on record to say how fucking surprised I was with this game. Dead Island was ok to me. Nothing bad, nothing really too good but it was fun to dick around a few hours with friends. This game, though. Damn. I am especially impressed by the amazing sense of progression and legit well designed side content. Great stuff from techland, they made a real winner.
Anyone able to tell me what the max levels are for survival, agility and power?
I cant seem to find out and am curious.
I don't even need Zombies in this game to have fun, though they do provide plenty of motivation to stay on the move. The parkour just keeps getting better and better as you skill up.
Still wish I could use custom music though. This is the only game I've played on the PS4 that doesn't seem to support it and I have no idea why that would be the case.
The game OST is 2stronk so they cut out custom music.
I noticed the same thing but haven't really looked into it but CS:GO had the same issue so this might fix it:
Thanks Antitrop.
I joined a multiplayer group last night to knock out the multiplayer trophies and ended up leveling a few times up to like 9/8/11 and was worried I would end up reaching the cap well before I finish the game.
I just love to have that motivation of getting exp to keep going on, so the more leveling the better to me. 24 is a ways off so I should be fine.
The entire end segment is basically the worst thing ever. As great as the rest of the game was, the last parts from the beginning of the sewer on was as terrible on the opposite end of the spectrum. Open world games have got to do better at ending the campaigns. Absolute fucking rubbish. Shame, too, because other than that the game was fantastic. Sucks that it had to end on such a shit note.
The entire end segment is basically the worst thing ever. As great as the rest of the game was, the last parts from the beginning of the sewer on was as terrible on the opposite end of the spectrum. Open world games have got to do better at ending the campaigns. Absolute fucking rubbish. Shame, too, because other than that the game was fantastic. Sucks that it had to end on such a shit note.
Can you explain a bit more what you didn't like about it? If I recall most people who have made it that far haven't had those same thoughts mentioned.
I don't know what "luck based success" means,there's only one QTE that I can remember, and I mentioned it. As for the story, Rais is dead, Crane successfully recovers the data files that Dr. Camden needs to potentially make a cure. What more needs to be tied up?
It meansthat if you run down the flat, one direction corridor, the flaws in the parkour system become readily apparent without the safety net of the roll, ledge grabs or even the grappling hook if necessary (herp, ur exhausted, derp). If you manage to get hit by the monsters you can't really avoid fully (did about 10 ten times, there is only one direction you can go, there is only one speed to sprint) you can get knocked off a jump and fall 3 feet to what now causes death. You get the discs and magically Camden has them and "oh, maybe one day a cure will happen dunno lol. BUT THIS IS WHERE I BELONG. Before that, you climb a couple of flights of stairs, then 4 ladders in succession. Then a series of QTEs.
Once again, it takes everything you've learned, done and gathered up to that point, removes it all and gives you a new set of rules. Now, falling just a couple of feet is death. Now, you can't use some of your equipment. Now, instead of an awesome parkour climb, you get to run down a corridor and then across a couple of beams, take a long elevator up (where the character says "oh come on already, hurry up") climb some stairs, go across some beams again, run across a crane then climb another ladder. Then QTE after QTE after zzzzz.
It's shite.
Every time I load the game Crane says Holy Shit!
This is a glitch right?
Yeah, he did it for me too. Forget which mission it quit but it did eventually.Every time I load the game Crane says Holy Shit!
This is a glitch right?
The OST for this game is so God damn surprisingly good. I really can't believe it. The music during some of the story missions really stands out the most, there's some great stuff here.
Every time I load the game Crane says Holy Shit!
This is a glitch right?
power overwhelming