It seems it's a good idea to get the side missions done before finishing the game, (end game spoiler -> )I keep coming across references to Rais as though he's still alive and I just did a mission involving Karim so he has miraculously returned to life as well!
Am i the only one who prefers to play it on his own instead of co-op?
Am i the only one who prefers to play it on his own instead of co-op?
No. I had co-op turned of from the get go. In these apocalypse games I much prefer exploring things by myself/ at my own pace.
I'll give that a shot tonight. Thanks much for the advice. Should I pry on the side of the button, or the front?You can fix that pretty easily. Just pry up the button with a small flathead screwdriver and clean out the residue with a qtip. I think the plastic wears down and creates residue that gums up the button. Push the button back in place and you should be good to go.
It's not a problem in that it doesn't break the game or anything but it is a clumsy way of doing it. They could have separated the side quests in question better from the main storyline/characters, or included them as actual main story quests, if only to make it more consistent for the no doubt many players who may not have touched the side quests much, or at all, before finishing the main story. That pop up would not even be needed then.It's not a problem, because (spoiler)the pre-mission pop-up mentions that when you continue the game afterwards, you revert to a state before the mission, so in essence, Rais is not dead when you freeroam post-ending.
Found this body off shore. Is this an easter egg, of some kind? Seems to be dressed up and to out and about to be a survivor.
I'll give that a shot tonight. Thanks much for the advice. Should I pry on the side of the button, or the front?
Jeffrey and his "Leg Breaker" Psycho challenge can go suck a dick. I'm constantly auto-targetign the head despite having it disabled in the options.
Found this body off shore. Is this an easter egg, of some kind? Seems to be dressed up and to out and about to be a survivor.
Are the challenges worth doing? I tried a few but they seem like total bullshit.
Are the challenges worth doing? I tried a few but they seem like total bullshit.
I just can't do the grappling one. Where you grapple the zombie into spikes...
We did them all and had great fun. The only one that took us many tries so far was the one where we had to cut zombies in two with an axe. That was hard until I got windmill skill and used firecrackers to attract zombies.
I think they count as side-quests for the Achievement, but I'm not really sure. They show up in the quest tracker after you've completed all the real side-quests, so I just did them for the hell of it. Still no Trophy, though, cuz it's glitched as shit.
I didn't really think they were fun, I thought their difficulty operated on a binary scale of mind-numbingly easy or straight up bullshit.
I used a SHIT TON of Medpacks and got it on my first try. You just have to walk into it knowing you're gonna run through 'em like toilet paper. And they mean the throw grapple, not with the grappling hook. I don't know if that's completely obvious, but I mistook the two when going for the Trophy related to grappling. I thought they wanted you to shoot 50 zombies with the grappling hook, but you just have to throw 50 guys.
Did they increase the levels needed for unlimited sprint and melee? I remember reading people say it was level 12 but now I look and its level 24.
Found this body off shore. Is this an easter egg, of some kind? Seems to be dressed up and to out and about to be a survivor.
The remote play controls for this game are horrible. It is downright unplayable in remote play.
Found this body off shore. Is this an easter egg, of some kind? Seems to be dressed up and to out and about to be a survivor.
Is there any other way to get over to the isolated section of the bridge before getting the grappling hook except for climbing to the top and walking down the wires?
So I heard about these quarantine zones, but Ive yet to see one.Are they on the first map or the 2nd one?
So I heard about these quarantine zones, but Ive yet to see one.Are they on the first map or the 2nd one?
Technically the whole map is quarantined, but on the 2nd map there are smaller parts which look like designated 'Quarantine' zones with tents set up and blocked off areas
5 in first map, 3 in the second one
Thanks for the quick response, are the rewards worth the hassle?
In regards to guns, is there any difference between an orange and blue police rifle if all their stats are the same?
Only a few hours in so far, and I think it's a damn fun game. I guess the only thing that bothers me thus far is that the world seems really detailed and awesome and it almost seems like it's a shame that you have to blow by most of it running from zombies. I like to take my time exploring with open world games, and in this game I just feel constantly pressured to keep moving or I'll be dead.