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Dying Light IOTI A dead island on the mirror's edge.


Dying Light is finally getting it's UK physical release this week, so I'll be picking my copy up on Friday.

Any useful tips for a beginner?

I got the pc version for free from my work but i am getting the physical version anyway for my PS4 and just to support techland.


Finished the game, agreed on the horrible end sequence although
climbing the tower itself wasn't too bad, the sewer part sucked

I also managed to not run into a single quarantine zone (no idea how I missed them all), so I have those still to do.

Would be nice if sidequests showed up on the map after completing the story. I completed 50 and apparently there are 62 in total?


Finished the game, agreed on the horrible end sequence although
climbing the tower itself wasn't too bad, the sewer part sucked

I also managed to not run into a single quarantine zone (no idea how I missed them all), so I have those still to do.

Would be nice if sidequests showed up on the map after completing the story. I completed 50 and apparently there are 62 in total?

I played the whole game in co op with my friend and we got bummed the fuck out when it said we had to play the end solo.
Yeah volatiles don't know how to open doors.

Volatiles are also stupid as all hell. 3 of them were chasing me, I round the corner of a house, hid under the planks waiting for death and they just left me there.

The game is fucking awesome though, lost like 7 hours in it without even knowing it.


Neo Member
On the verge of finishing this, but I just have to say that as a big fan of Dead Island, I came into this game excited but concerned that maybe Techland would take away focus from combat and instead put it too much towards parkour.

Therefore I'm releived that they kept their amazing melee system pretty much intact from Dead Island. I cant recall a single game that does beheading as satisfying as this one. The impact from blunt weapons and the dismemberment system is second to none.

Can't wait for Dying Light 2.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Is this game worth 40$ on ps4? Craig's...

Depends. Game is like 90% fetch quests. The story isn't very good. The dialog is honestly irritating at times. It's glitchy. Can be very frustrating.

Some of the coolest aspects of the game can't really be appreciated in co-op. The pace is much different solo vs co-op and the former is really when you can take the time to drink up the atmosphere. It's pretty thick with the atmosphere at times. Just not in co-op. Don't get me wrong though, co-op is fun. But it kills most of the tension. The "quarantine zones" pack zero punch in co-op... but I bet they're pretty moody/creepy playing solo.

Game is a mixed bag imo. 7.5/10 is where I'd peg it. And that's me using the whole scale. It's pretty cool game. I don't regret paying $60. I wouldn't recommend it at that price though. Even at 40 I'd say... it depends.
Depends. Game is like 90% fetch quests. The story isn't very good. The dialog is honestly irritating at times. It's glitchy. Can be very frustrating.

Some of the coolest aspects of the game can't really be appreciated in co-op. The pace is much different solo vs co-op and the former is really when you can take the time to drink up the atmosphere. It's pretty thick with the atmosphere at times. Just not in co-op. Don't get me wrong though, co-op is fun. But it kills most of the tension. The "quarantine zones" pack zero punch in co-op... but I bet they're pretty moody/creepy playing solo.

Game is a mixed bag imo. 7.5/10 is where I'd peg it. And that's me using the whole scale. It's pretty cool game. I don't regret paying $60. I wouldn't recommend it at that price though. Even at 40 I'd say... it depends.
Cool man, thanks. Think ill pass. Besides I need to knock out FC4 and SoM before Bloodborne. Never played a souls game in my life so I'm pretty hyped for dat! Late...


I had a volatile jump out the back of a van once, has that happened to anyone else?

edit - just looked at the video, it was the exploding guy and not a volatile.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
That seems like a fairly intellectually dishonest statement about the game.

Idk I've played the game nearly 60 hours and I'm right about to platinum it... feel it's a pretty honest assessment. I have no axe to grind against the game man. I like it.


Cool man, thanks. Think ill pass. Besides I need to knock out FC4 and SoM before Bloodborne. Never played a souls game in my life so I'm pretty hyped for dat! Late...
This game was vastly more enjoyable for me than FC4 or SoM, especially in its gameplay mechanics and incredible atmosphere.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
This game was vastly more enjoyable for me than FC4 or SoM, especially in its gameplay mechanics and incredible atmosphere.

I agree with this. I actually deleted those two other games after a few hours. I finished Dying Light.


That seems like a fairly intellectually dishonest statement about the game.

I dunno, it might be closer to 75 percent, but it's still pretty high up there.

That being said, a lot of them are good fetch quests, which, I know, everyone associates the term with boring or bad but they can be handled well. In the case of a game like Dying Light I think they fit well, I think it works with the world, you're an elite runner type doing the hard jobs and getting things done, and traversal is fun. Fetch quests really only get on my nerve if there's nothing interesting on the way or like I'm the chosen one fated to end the Evil Lord and they send me to go collect some herbs for a sprained ankle.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I dunno, it might be closer to 75 percent, but it's still pretty high up there.

That being said, a lot of them are good fetch quests, which, I know, everyone associates the term with boring or bad but they can be handled well. In the case of a game like Dying Light I think they fit well, I think it works with the world, you're an elite runner type doing the hard jobs and getting things done, and traversal is fun. Fetch quests really only get on my nerve if there's nothing interesting on the way or like I'm the chosen one fated to end the Evil Lord and they send me to go collect some herbs for a sprained ankle.

I do appreciate that, at least for some of them, you actually have to search the right kind of building or whatever to find the stuff. Like, I need painkillers... obviously check the pharmacy, Only in most games it's not so obvious to the devs. You end up finding them in a locker or shopping cart or something.

And I don't know if I did a good job explaining this earlier,,, but the game is a totally different beast in co-op. How I played 99% of it. It plays much different solo. There's more atmosphere. The fetch quests don;t feel quite so fetchy, since the pace is different. In co-op often things are literally a race. It's just a different animal.
Beat it last week, let it set in for a bit, and overall I think it's a great game that could have been top tier.

-Great length and content
-Looks great
-Smooth controls
-Takes a little bit of everything and meshes together for something that is both a guilty pleasure and fun
-Did a great job with side quests

-The story is a action movie cheesefest, which isn't a con for me, could be for others, but the last leg of the game (around 80% when I paused the menu) it sort of fell apart, some continuity issues, and plotlines just being forgotten altogether or unresolved.
-Much the same way story falls apart about 80% through the weapon variety and post storyline content falls apart at the end.
-White people over represented, all important people of color
in the story die
, you have fictional foreign country where white dude leads everyone, and white dude main character saves everyone, but the people who do a lot of the heavy lifting and most of the population are of color and used as plot devices, it might be a controversial gripe, I don't even think it was intentional, I only picked up on it after letting it sit in for a bit, but I think we have to hold stories to a higher standard.

I'd give it an 8/10 even with my fairly large complaint and short pro statements, the game just feels good control wise, the pieces all come together so well for the most part, it's a lot of fun even if it's no where near original but combining so many ideas together makes it all feel fresh, and then the small details for side quests having humor, main plot related story, and unique rewards for doing them like your room slowly being customized with trinkets from your adventure. I'd recommend this for every zombie lover and lovers of B action movies, I hope Techland takes notice of the representation issues, and maybe give us a content pack wrap up a few loose ends, but if you're on the fence and wondering if it's worth the full price, I'd say go for it, I felt like it was great bang for my buck.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
One major con for me was pretty shitty weapon mods. Like quite a step back from Dead Island.

You had all these blueprints with cool names and then you mod the weapon and they all look the same. No real special weapons like you had in Dead Island.

Admittedly putting impact on a baseball bat was pretty awesome... but aside from that, idk kind feel like they missed on the weapons.

Not to say weapons weren't cool themselves, they were. Good combat. Good weapon feedback. Just disappointed by the modding after Dead Island.
One major con for me was pretty shitty weapon mods. Like quite a step back from Dead Island.

You had all these blueprints with cool names and then you mod the weapon and they all look the same. No real special weapons like you had in Dead Island.

Admittedly putting impact on a baseball bat was pretty awesome... but aside from that, idk kind feel like they missed on the weapons.

Not to say weapons weren't cool themselves, they were. Good combat. Good weapon feedback. Just disappointed by the modding after Dead Island.

I actually never played Dead Island, I bought it during a steam sale for like 5 dollars with all the DLC, but just never had that itch to play it. That said, I guess not coming from that perspective, I really enjoyed the weapon mods, most didn't do anything crazy (unless you found the few that do some really over the top stuff), but it felt more realistic that way, and that's the feel they're going for if you ask me. So yeah, we add this torch and battery pack to this weapon you found, but it looks like a homemade job that does what you need it to do lol then you get late game and find blueprints that let you call in air strikes and the OP time wasting experiments begin, I just wish there were more of them.


Cool man, thanks. Think ill pass. Besides I need to knock out FC4 and SoM before Bloodborne. Never played a souls game in my life so I'm pretty hyped for dat! Late...

Big mistake, the game is alot of fun. and probably one of the best open world zombie games ever created.
Just played night for the first time as I ran miles across the map to an objective and it was awesome; haven't had that much fun in a game in a while. I set off the zombies and was running blind and being hit left and right. Every time I climbed I'd tense up my legs as if it was me and I was expecting to be grabbed from below. Shit had me fucking on edge and I barely made it with a tiny bit of health. Great stuff.


I am near the start of the game. I like it but I am dying more times than I'd like to admit. Well it was just one mission where I had to grab something but there were a million zombies there and I had no firecrackers. Took me about 5 times to get past that part.

The game is fun but so far all I seem to be doing to is fetch missions.
You had all these blueprints with cool names and then you mod the weapon and they all look the same. No real special weapons like you had in Dead Island.

It's been 3-4 years since I played Dead Island - but to me the blue-print/customized weapons about the looked the same in both games.

Also: Were gun mods cut? There's an early Old Town mission that suggests these were going to be available. Fire bullets would have been awesome.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I never finish games, I literally always get about half way and get bored and never touch them again so when I say I just finished Dying Light you should understand just how much I enjoyed it. I would say it's honestly one of my favourite games ever, I loved every minute of it. I'm sitting here now sad that it's over (apart from the side quests I have left). I really, REALLY hope they start working on the sequel ASAP.

How's the DLC? I plan to buy it when it drops in price, which I hope will be soon.
I am near the start of the game. I like it but I am dying more times than I'd like to admit. Well it was just one mission where I had to grab something but there were a million zombies there and I had no firecrackers. Took me about 5 times to get past that part.

The game is fun but so far all I seem to be doing to is fetch missions.

There is a lot of fetching in this game, not gonna lie. As far as dying a lot early on, combat is almost a last resort when you are starting, pretty much anything more than 1-2 zombies is a quick way to get killed. You gotta craft fireworks and such to get them away from you, try searching trash bins and such for materials.

But its the only big common problem I see with the game so far (10+ hours in), dealing with a large number of zombies almost always gets pretty messy and it doesnt feel like there is a good way to deal with them in the game. Firecrackers dont last long enough to distract them for very long.


Any tips for lock picking the "very hard" locks.. I break a ton of pics and always run out of time before the zombies start walking over
Any tips for lock picking the "very hard" locks.. I break a ton of pics and always run out of time before the zombies start walking over

I havent found a quick way to do them but rotate the right analog stick instead of just pushing it towards a direction to get the most accuracy, also turn the tumbler slowly, the faster and harder you push, the faster and more likely you will break the pick.

but yeah, if there are zombies around, dont even bother with the very hard picks, you will destroy many picks trying to hurry up and you will still get attacked from the zombies.


They probably should've included "lock picking is easier" in one of the perks like the haggle ones or something given it felt like toward the end at least a few in each tree were pretty mediocre picks.


Are they ever gonna fix the side quest trophy?

Which one is that?

This one?


I've gotten it on Steam, seems like a bunch of other people have, too.
Are they ever gonna fix the side quest trophy?

Are there some quests that are bugged? One of the quests where you have to go find an item in a white car in one of the two tunnels didnt work for me. I found the car and there is a green item marker in the truck but there is no object to grab. (There was another quest as well that seemed bugged but I cant remember it.)

EDIT: Im on the PS4 version


It's bugged for me also, it shows 43/44 on the achievement tracking but I've completed all the side quests in the game.

Are you sure? If there are any "!" on the map, that's a side-quest. Are you sure you grabbed all the posted quests off boards? Did you finish the quest with the twins? You need to
go back to the "antenna" map to complete it.

I'm not sure if it's bugged or if there's maybe a missable quest in the game somewhere. You can always go newgame+.


I'm 20 hours in this game now and honestly surprised by how much I've enjoyed it. I was going to completely skip out on this and I'm really glad I didnt


hit and runs...run up, whack them twice then use the dodge move to back up. Rinse, repeat until dead.
Lol okay that is what I have been doing.

I swear though if this one guys asks for any more alcohol and my character doesn't rush in and call bullshit. I'm going to scream.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Any tips for lock picking the "very hard" locks.. I break a ton of pics and always run out of time before the zombies start walking over

Well they basically just ripped off Skyrim with lockpicking. Except they didn't think to remove the exploits like Bethesda did. For example, in Skyrim if you stop your attempt to lockpick, the target position changes every time. So you cant back out and restart the pick to save them from breaking. In DL the spot doesnt reset. So if you want to save your picks just back out after 4 wrong guesses. On very hard... the solvable area is extremely small. So small.

As far as getting attacked... rub zombie guts on yourself before the pick. You can unlock v-hards in a crowd if it pleases you.
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