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Dynasty Warriors 8 + XL (PS3) / CE (PSV/PS4) |OT| Don't Pursue Lu Bu (In Next Gen)

The carriage never actually reaches the fog it always seems to stop somewhere along the way. I've killed every boss/enemy on the map and it won't move, the horses feet appear stuck in the terrain. cao cao just stands next to it and every one else just stands around as well.

Huh. didn't get that glitch when I played it. This happening several times then? My first go went, I fought the people ahead, the carriage moved back to the capital because someone took over it apparently. Killed the officers near it, carriage continued till the rocks, killed the rock officers than it moved to the fog, where the emperor dissapears, Lu Bu came in. Found the emperor than moved to escape point with him (he followed me), and Yuan Shu appeared to stop me. I was using Xiahou Yuan, if that matters.

So no idea, sorry hopefully it'll stop glitching on you.


Huh. didn't get that glitch when I played it. This happening several times then? My first go went, I fought the people ahead, the carriage moved back to the capital because someone took over it apparently. Killed the officers near it, carriage continued till the rocks, killed the rock officers than it moved to the fog, where the emperor dissapears, Lu Bu came in. Found the emperor than moved to escape point with him (he followed me), and Yuan Shu appeared to stop me. I was using Xiahou Yuan, if that matters.

So no idea, sorry hopefully it'll stop glitching on you.

Eventually I gave up using the character I was playing and switched to cao cao, this worked and I was able to continue :)
I guess I finished Ambition mode. The ending was kinda meh. ~_~

I guess I get to start the exciting journey of bonds maxing (DW7 horror stories) and weapon tempering.
I had certain glitches where enemy officers glitched from the castle to beneath the stage so yeah it happens =/, heard the Japanese version was even more glitchier, but since fixed, maybe. As long as it doesn't cause the stage unbeatable should be manageable.

Oh and congrats on getting a tag before even becoming a full member lol.

Thanks, I'm surprised about the tag too. As for the disappearing officers it's always been enemy officers who arrive as reinforcements
I freaking hate New Hefei Castle

It's still better than slowdown even when it's not on fire and there are enemies on only 1/6th of the map Chibi.


Whoever developed this weapon tempering system is quite sadistic.
It's still better than slowdown even when it's not on fire and there are enemies on only 1/6th of the map Chibi.


Whoever developed this weapon tempering system is quite sadistic.

I've only played the shu and Wei stories so far but I have to say Guan Du and Chi Bi have both been disappointing, it's odd how massive battles like them rap up so quickly and there are so few pens to take down when compared to say xu province
So I've finished all of the hypothetical and historical playthroughs except for Wei, where I still need to do the hypothetical route. But I'm so tired of story mode, I just finally started up ambition mode. And not having played a mainline DW game since DW5: Empires, though I have played all of the DW: Gundam games, which I loved. Anyway, I have to say it's [ambition mode] a lot different from what I expected, but I'm enjoying it. I have no intention of playing 100 battles in a row, as that's just too tedious for me, but it's a pretty enjoyable game mode. I'm glad I hopped back into the series with 8.


Am I missing something? I thought DW8 had some type of empire build up mode? ala choose battles to expand the empire and etc?


Sketchbook Picasso
Patch is out on 360.

Slowdown is generally a thing of the past, but they say there's some on really big stages with Fire and effects. I've yet to meet any on playing through Jin story right now though, and its pretty much entirely removed from late ambition mode.

Random Character Thoughts:
- Quite like this version of Yueying. Great Air Musou, Great Rage mode, and for once, great English Voicework! (Maybe I didn't notice as much in 7, but hearing her as Laura Bailey here is a nice little treat).

- Zurong feels like a better Sun Shang Xiang to me, actually. She has great hit-attraction, and crowd control. Kept everything I liked about 7's, while being de-clone'd from Yuanji...

- SSX brags about her bow skills, but everything she does with it feels so lackluster. Compared to the insanity of Huang Jong and Xiahou Yuan, ber boy feels under-developed, and the multi-hit aspect of her hoops seems pretty weak. Still love the Andy Bogard-like EX kick, but otherwise...

- Jia Chong is pretty cool, but feels a bit lack-luster to me. I want to like him more than I do...

- Sima Shi, however, is crazy. His EX feels crazy powerful, and his ability to run a battle is nuts.

I'm always impressed with Koei's ability to make fun characters. Even when they miss the mark on a previous favorite (Xiahou Dun was my first fav back in DW3, and I really like him here in 8, fluxuating up and down per title), it just gives me an excuse to try someone I might have nearly ignored in a previous entry.


Don't know if I'm going to be able to bring myself to 100% this one. Grinding for weapon mats on top of how the tempering system works (wish it was 100% like WO3) is nightmarish. Additionally maxing out all of the bonds is going to be a pain, but the main thing that kills me is having to get every single star weapon in the game, which is totally random.

I didn't mind 100%'ing WO3 or DW7 because they were grindy, but with a clear and non-random path. This game has random stuff, as well as grinding to support other grinding. It's kind of annoying.
I'm on the wei imperial escort mission and the damn carriage keeps glitching out any way to complete this mission? very annoying.

At first I thought it was a glitch and I restarted that damn stage so many times, the carriage just stopped with everyone and wouldn't move...then I found out what the problem was; you need to find the emperor on the map and he is not visible on the main map. He hangs around the north eastern narrow roads part of the map. When I found him by himself all alone, then I could complete the mission.

Felt like an idiot since I thought the stage itself was bugged of something.
Not completely, kinda like empires mode or kingdom mode. No idea what's it called :<

edit: Just dawned on me .... they release that mode as a full game ... I bought the wrong DW :/

Ah. Yeah, Empires games are fun, but I can't buy them all because as much as I like DW games, I can only play them for so long before I tire of the gameplay. Then I have to put it down for at least a few months.
Man, bond rising is pretty dull. It's easy and I guess it helps me grind out enough weapon materials and gold I need so I can fuse up my 4th weapons, but still so boring.

Not even sure how I should tackle the even more daunting task of getting all the gold star weapons.

I just did hear something interesting about ambition mode though. That the bottom right I believe ally battle actually has the playable characters show up instead of the unit commanders and apparently you can raise bonds from there. No weapon drops from them though but this is definitely something I gotta try out tomorrow.
So far, it seems the strength of the star weapons lies in their attached skills, not necessarily their initial attack power.

Which is part of my point. Precious few of those gold star weapons have maybe one or two good skills and a bunch of guaranteed deadweight.

The random gold star weapons (1~3 stars) are probably only worth it if you play through Story mode first without touching Ambition, and those are the ones you find along the way. Even then, after you start hitting up the final stages, you start getting the lvl 3 weapons with a better distribution of skills than you would hope the gold star weapons for your given character can provide.


At first I thought it was a glitch and I restarted that damn stage so many times, the carriage just stopped with everyone and wouldn't move...then I found out what the problem was; you need to find the emperor on the map and he is not visible on the main map. He hangs around the north eastern narrow roads part of the map. When I found him by himself all alone, then I could complete the mission.

Felt like an idiot since I thought the stage itself was bugged of something.

Ya know, I'm sure this was the case. I just never saw the emp until I switched characters to cao cao, prolly just blind. Did you use cao cao on this lvl by chance?


Ya know, I'm sure this was the case. I just never saw the emp until I switched characters to cao cao, prolly just blind. Did you use cao cao on this lvl by chance?

I completed it with Yuan.

Basically there is a text that pops up saying you have to find the emperor. But he's way to the north somewhere outside of the carriage and you have to run around like a headless chicken to find him.
So I tried out raising bonds using that bottom right allies mission in ambition mode and it pretty sucks. ~_~

The boost you get is so much smaller than going through battles with an ally as a bodyguard and it's random who even shows up. Plus the battles take longer and you don't actually get playable characters as enemies all the time as generic NPCs get mixed in along with them.

I guess I'll stick with running through skirmishes with bodyguards for bond raising.
I've always hated the "bond" mechanics within their modes that have village, feels ultimately not worth it in all honesty. If it was an expanded version of what they did for Samurai Warriors Chronicles then it may motivate people more =/


Is there a way to make the game interesting when playing with a friend, like a good difficulty option for the campaign to stop you from running to the end and killing the leader (my potential coop partner is kind of a dick for that sort of thing)?

I also remember the whole levelling thing screwing things up in WO3 when you wanted to try the new characters during the campaign because they would get slaughtered due to low stats, is that present here?

Just wondering how I can make the game interesting/challenging as someone who pretty much hasnt played one since like 2003, and for a friend who's new. I would've tried to introduce them with WO3 but you couldn't really coop the campaign or at least I would've had to clear it first or something. When I say coop I mean online.

I know DW can have ballbreaking difficulty having tried to beat that special Lu Bu in Chi Bi in DW3 or whatever, shit was impossible for kid-me.
Is there a way to make the game interesting when playing with a friend, like a good difficulty option for the campaign to stop you from running to the end and killing the leader (my potential coop partner is kind of a dick for that sort of thing)?

For the most part, the level design in the game prevents you from rushing the goal boss and ignoring everything else by placing "checkpoints" throughout a map which open only after you've completed some other objective.

Chaos difficulty guarantees that you will not want to surround yourself with enemy peons (unless you have a custom-made, gamebreaker weapon).


Jesus christ, finally got my copy of the game after what feels like an eternity. Fucking Amazon + USPS shipping is terrible. Gonna sink into this right now.
360 patch killed slowdown. Good riddance, I haven't checked if the save glitch is gone yet. Hopefully the costume dlc for the old games comes out soon.
I wish that you could get weapon/faultily materials from somewhere else other than pots/officers in battles and whatever your barracks, stables and farm supervisor digs up for you.

Should have let you buy them or at least trade in your excess weapons for them. I guess at least all the bond grinding will also let me material grind to temper up my weapons.
I wish that you could get weapon/faultily materials from somewhere else other than pots/officers in battles and whatever your barracks, stables and farm supervisor digs up for you.

Funny part is, if the bonus multiplier number you see at the stage selection screen applied to materials, this wouldn't be a problem.


So I just unlocked the 5 star version of the Bow & Rod, and oh my christ is the C6 so incredibly OP. I just about died laughing when I was doing Battle of Fan Castle (Wei) on Hard to get the 5* Podao, and pretty much one shot Guan Yu at the end in one attack.
Hey we got more DLC this week.

Another BGM pack for 1.99.
- ''LIKE A DANCER'' (''Charge'')
- 'SYNC CHORDS'' (''Battlefield Bonds'')

And a set of custom themes (5 of them, one for each kingdom + others) for 1.99.
So got the Vocal Enthusiastic trophy and done with bonds grinding forever! (in this game).

Started getting the 5th weapons and man this is pretty fun. Decently hard since even with some customized 4th weapons, enemies don't die in one hit and I can actually have to do some combos and whatnot. Also pretty fun trying to reach some objective as well.


So I'm pretty much done, beat all story, hypothetical, sub objectives, and ambition mode.

Really liked this game, but one thing I couldn't fucking stand was every mission there are long linear paths to enemy camps where there is no gatekeeper, or there is a gatekeeper and killing him doesn't open gate. It's used all the time, it completely kills sense of freedom. Then for the 1-2 punch you got a nice solid minute of back-tracking to follow it up. I don't remember this in any other Warriors game. The other pet peeve is killing an officer in a camp to open up the camp, but it doesnt open for another minute while people go through their dialogue. I just have to sit there and wait....ugh.


So got the Vocal Enthusiastic trophy and done with bonds grinding forever! (in this game).

Started getting the 5th weapons and man this is pretty fun. Decently hard since even with some customized 4th weapons, enemies don't die in one hit and I can actually have to do some combos and whatnot. Also pretty fun trying to reach some objective as well.

That's only because you haven't gotten the Bow and Rod's 5th weapon. It's hilariously broken no matter who uses it.

Edit: Re: Bonds - I'm only missing Wei and Wu with a male officer now and I'm 100% done with Ambition mode. Soooooo many hours of grinding.
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