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E3 2008 Sony Conference


Sony's was the best presented easily IMO. Everything was pretty seemless. MS seemed to be all over the place but they did have on stage demos along with the non game fluff, new dash and the bomba at the end.


Well, that was boring. They had two interesting sections (resistance 2 and the LBP demo which was awesome), but the MS conference was miles ahead as it kept me interested throughout - opened with 4 amazing games, went on to some casual stuff which was at least showing me stuff, the dashboard redesign and then the 'megaton' at the end.

Didn't watch the Nintendo one, but by all accounts it was dreadful.

Happy about Quest for Booty, but was gutted that nothing about Jak4/Uncharted was unveiled. I <3 ND :(


I find it funny that everyone keeps expecting a megaton in every conference of every event. It wouldn't be a megaton if that were the case.


Sony: Shows CG trailers and talks about movie downloads.
Nintendo: Lol casuals, also animal crossing.
Microsoft: Here are some live demos and trailers, some casual stuff to appeal to the family, and JRPGs.
Hard to believe that the biggest announcement this E3 was a Final Fantasy port. No amazing new IPs, no new Bungie game, nothing. And since I don't give a shit about FF, this E3 was absolutely pointless to me.

Eric WK

I must have missed the live demos of Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5 with co-op announcement, Fable 2, Gears of War 2; the trailers and information for Viva Pinata 2, Banjo, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean, The Last Remnant, Rock Band; the reveals of Geometry Wars 2, Galaga, South Park; plus the casual stuff.

But you guys are right. PS Triple's about the gamezzz.
Vorador said:
LOLZ, more than half of the games on Sony conference were shooters. It feels really strange after the last generation.

And it was better than Nintendo and almost better than Microsoft if not was for the megaton of FFXIII going multiplatform. It lacked punch though, but it was generally pretty solid.

Let's see what happens in TGS, i guess the stuff not shown will be revealed there.

I hope you're right about TGS. As someone who isn't a fan of shooters I have to say this conference didn't exactly make me want to rush out and buy a PS3. In fact, I found most of it quite boring.

Takeda Kenshi

blew Staal
My ratings:

They all fucking sucked.

Now we need to determine how much they sucked. Consider this inverse scale, where 1 = lowest possible suck and 10 = highest possible suck.

Sony = 4

Microsoft = 6

Nintendo = 11

That sums it up pretty nicely.


MAG sounds promising, but how many shooter franchises does Sony need? They seem to be so focused on waging a futile battle to capture the shooter market that they've left their back door wide open while the diverse library of games that sold many gamers on the PS2 are moneyhated away by MS.

The only things that excited me were some of the new PSP games, and Quest for Booty. I'm sure God of War 3 will be awesome but we all knew it was coming and a CGI teaser does nothing for me. As much of a fan of Insomniac as I am, the Resistance 2 gameplay demo paled in comparison to Gears of War 2.
Hellraizer said:

MS had the more appealing lineup, shooters, rpgs, jumpnruns...everything.
Little Big Planet
DC Universe
Pixel Junk Eden
Ratchet and Clank: QFB
FF13 didn't need to be stated.
purg3 said:
More exciting and out of nowhere than "Hey, here's some CG videos of games coming out sometime."

Are you serious? Personally, I prefer to get news and ideas about new IP from 1st party studios, rather than 'now on our label too'-news.


Comics, serious business!
MS would get a 5/10 from me without FF13. Nintendo... that was a joke.

Sony is a mixed bag. The PS3, with the exception of this intriguing MAG thing, did not get a lot of love. The PSP I think exceeded all expectations.

Overall winner: MS. Sony wins in terms of having the best presentation, but MS I think won it with their fatality.
burgerdog said:
This was as bad as Nintendo's, not a single megaton. Resistance 2 is really nice, but come on, we've seen it before. Then what did we get after that? It was so shitty I don't even remember anymore. These companies need to focus on games, we honestly don't care about your sale charts. You can feed us that bullshit any other day and it won't cost you millions of dollars.

I loved the reaction to God of War 3, before and after the trailer was shown. OMG OMG OM GOMG GoW3!!! 15 seconds later... WAT CG? YOU MORAN, Sony. God of War 3 was one of the main reasons I was watching the conference and it sucked complete ASS. We know it was being developed so did this nothing for me.

You know, even if Microsoft did show a bunch of 3rd party games being demo'd, at least they showed something. Granted there was a ton of crap in the middle, but they delivered at the end. FF13 is a TRUE megaton.

It's also very telling that games like Re5, Rock Band, GHWT, and Fallout chose the MS conference to drop BIG feature news at THEIR conference. I was expecting Sony to do the same with something like Mirror's Edge or Bioshock PS3.
BobTheFork said:
No way, MS had nothing until the last seconds of the speech.
bunch of unannounced psn games
bunch of unannounced psp games
New video content service, that starts uh TONIGHT
CRAZY unannounced ps3 project

Crying haters take your fantasy list and screw off.

fuckin this!
sure Sony didnt have shit like ico 3, but they delivered new games on all fronts, ps3, psp and PSN

MS showed no new games at all, apart from the FFXIII multiplatform announcement

and Nintendo's was awful all round

Valkyria PSP is awesome

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Busty said:
MS announced that they were getting a port of FFXIII.

And in return Sony announced a game called Fat Princess and Jeremy Clarkson.

....the poor bastards at SE and MS never had a chance.

that post made ABSOLUTLY No sense...


Resistance 2 and Ratchet = win
GOW3 cg teaser and '09 release = huge letdown
Virtually nothing on Home progress = expected

FF13 won E3
Microsoft got the runner up
Sony the honorable mention
and Nintendo flat out lost


Looks like I will be buying more 360 games than ps3 for the rest of the year...what exclusives are coming out except R2 and LBP?


Unconfirmed Member
NeoGAF - Where opinions don't matter, you are wrong unless you agree with us


Sony was better than nintendo this e3 but they showed too many trailers (sometimes the same games over & over again) and not enough games being played. Microsoft kinda said fuck you this e3 to the year of the ps3! MS won this e3 but these things hardly ever matter.


Microsoft's conference was themed "Something for everyone."

Sony's conference was themed "wait for 2009"

Nintendo's conference was themed "Buy another fucking peripheral that we'll never support with a second game, please."

Microsoft wins.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Takeda Kenshi said:
My ratings:

They all fucking sucked.

Now we need to determine how much they sucked. Consider this inverse scale, where 1 = lowest possible suck and 10 = highest possible suck.

Sony = 4

Microsoft = 6

Nintendo = 11

That sums it up pretty nicely.

I dont know how people can say sony sucked less than Microsoft.

They showed big anticipated exclusive games, with actual gameplay, and live floor demos.

No CG bullshit.

+ megaton of the year.
Guys, Sony totally takes this:

Resistance PSP
Patapon 2
Super Stardust PSP

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
God of War III
Massive Action Game

Not to mention all the already announced stuff (LBP graphs = win).
doicare said:
It's pretty simple sony showed more quality exclusive games coming to the ps3 then microsoft showed quality exclusive games coming to the 360, not to mention they showed off a great line up for the psp. Sony conference > microsoft conference.
True, and I agree with you, but that MS/FFXIII megaton will be talked about 157 years, eight months, and six days from now.

That was the ultimate jack-move.


I'd go with :

Microsoft : B+
Sony: C-
Nintendo : F

Microsoft easily won though, it wasn't close. There were a lot of things we've already seen but it was game to game to announcement to announcement with not a lot of bullshit lecturing inbetween that encompassed a vast majority of Nintendo and Sony's conference. Sony had a lot more games to show than Nintendo. Wii Music was laughable.


Bulla564 said:
So in a nutshell

Games Shown
Sony >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MS >>>>>>>>>>>Nintendo


Games matter more to me.

but but but but!

aren't megatonz based on games?

please explain me the secret
:lol Oh this is better than yesterday.

One thing I have to know is why DC Universe looks like some terrible exaggerated block colour shit when all the recent success stories relating to comics licensing has been in the more realistic style?


I'm looking forward to the Life with PS3 thing. Earth Visualizer with real time weather and news pop-ups by the end of the month?

Yes, thank you!




Flakster99 said:
I expect a hardcore, tits n' ass, guns n' mullets to the max performance by Sony today.

Did I call it or did I call it. I had a hunch Sony would play the hardcore, tits n' ass, guns n' mullets to the max angle and showcase their wares in a stark contrast to what Microsoft and Nintendo showcased.

Microsoft had the better balance between all 3 conferences, so +1 to them.


So in return for losing FF13 exclusivity, we get CGI trailers of games everyone already knew were coming out? Does Sony ever learn?

They had the best presentation of the three, but I can't honestly say I'm that excited about the PS3's future. Don't care about MMOs... getting tired of all the shooters (is Sony trying to turn into the original Xbox?). Where are the Japanese games for the system? I really don't recall seeing a single one. The only non PSN title shown that seemed to have a hint of innovation was Little Big Planet, and we were shown nothing that we hadn't seen before on that.

Well Sony, say goodbye to cutting into the 360's lead. It's interesting how Microsoft will seemingly beat Sony to the punch at releasing a '3d' interface, despite Home being in development for several years.

The biggest announcements seemed to be playstation life, which I am hard pressed to say I really care about, and the video service... Both of which have little to do with PLAYstation. I'm not here for a multimediastation. I'm here for the games.
Slurmer said:
Resistance 2 and Ratchet = win
GOW3 cg teaser and '09 release = huge letdown
Virtually nothing on Home progress = expected

FF13 won E3
Microsoft got the runner up
Sony the honorable mention
and Nintendo flat out lost
If you list FF13 with MS then they win.
If you list them separately, MS had squat on Sony. Nothing unknown at all.


I just want to know, since I own all the systems, if I can make a B-Movie of me playing instruments while racing car that can be downloaded on GT TV?


Microsofts conference was good, it was interesting and they showed great games with live demos. Gears2, Fallout 3, RE5, Fable 2 with trailers of banjo, vp2, the last remenant and the new interface, casual games, portal, old banjo games and other xbla stuff and the FF13 announcement

Nintenos conference was just lol

Sonys conference nearly put me to sleep, they showed resistance 2 and 1 or 2 trailers with too much talk, sure they have more systems to split time between but really that was so dull.

Microsoft = B
Sony = D
Nintendo = F
wow...you know you haven't came prepared when you show videos of a game thats been out for over a month. seriously why where they showing clips of MGS thats already out? That was a new E3 low. oh yea and why no killzone?
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