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E3 2008 Sony Conference


oneHeero said:
What was new besides the megaton?

It's not about what's "new". They showed live demos...walked us through some great games like Gears 2, Fallout 3, and Fable 2. You know, games we'll be playing this year. As well as, a nice Resident Evil 5 demo...Not to mention the casual games, which, let's face it, many people enjoy....and ofcourse the megaton FFXIII announcement!!

Hands down, MS wins this (not that it was hard)....Also, dont forget the Bungie countdown!!!
Do people seriously think he can put every Fantasy announcement into one speech?
E3 is a week. He named dropped ICO and SOTC for a reason I'm sure.

AZ Greg

I can't believe they dedicated some of their conference to developers talking about, get this, being able to better utilize the capabilities of a console after having worked on the console for a longer amount of time! :lol

Pretty disappointing overall and nothing major enough to get me to repurchase a PS3.

No Home release date
No LBP demo/beta
No Team Ico game
No FF7 remake
Nothing major that we didn't expect

Also find the number of shooters to be quite amusing. While the 360 still has a lot of shooters there almost seems to be a role reversal compared to last generation. I just wonder if the Sony fans who were so against the large amount of shooters on the Xbox will maintain that attitude or if they'll pull a role reversal ala Sony.


I think MS and Sony had a pretty comparable conference where i liked Sony's show a bit more but MS had a real megaton announcement with FFXIII. At least Sony/MS show some goddamn games even if for the most part they're cramped into little overview segments (understandable when you've got more bases to cover in 1/1.5 hours).

Nintendo had the worst show by FAR ... worst show ever even.

And as usual, i await all the offscreen videos, interviews, more indepth game demonstrations that really is what makes E3 (or any other expo for that matter) interesting, now and in the days to come.


Notice next to no Japanese-created content was shown during the conference. Hence no TRICO, no Last Guy, no S-E representation, no White Knight Story, etc.

I don't know what their reason for this was (save for TGS? But we say that every year...), but there was definitely a Western focus to Sony's conference.


I'm looking forward to the Life with PS3 thing. Earth Visualizer with real time weather and news pop-ups by the end of the month?

Yes, thank you!




Hey guys, I'm still not convinced. Please tell me who WON the press conferences! I just love these intelligent, highly insightfull, and totally non-bias discussions. Keep it going!


Xclusion said:
Sony failed because they focused too much on ps2 and psp

So? As long as new stuff comes out for them, they should talk about them.
The PS3 isn't the only system important for Sony.


Wollan said:
Best conference.
Solid info constantly throughout.
Can you please re-post your drawing of cars making it to the finish line? Only this time, make the PS3 car the 360 car emblazoned with Final Fantasy XIII and Gears 2 on the side. Instead of the losers happy to have finished, write it in so that they proclaiming to be the winners even though they've clearly lost. Then, to top it off, put a caption on the bottom with "SONY: Winning E3's since 2005"

That'd be great! Thanks!
evolution said:
Very meh for me. When you know what they could have talked about, and then see what they decided to discuss its very disappointing. I think all the conferences were pretty much shit this year.

and why the hell were they still pimping MGS4?

Its like MS pinping Halo after its been released.

Apart from it being totally absent at this year's conference.
Niks said:
Meh Sony didnt dissapoint. But neither impressed.
It was a solid showing...

But sony seriously.... where are the rpgs??

When the hell is TGS???

Eternal Sonata was shown in the montage! :D

I was hoping for a great conference. It started off decent but quickly turned to PS2 and went down hill thereafter. Resistance 2 looks really cool, the LBP presentaion was awesome, some of those PSN games looked great, some interesting PSP game announcments. Nice to see something of GoWIII even if it didn't show anything. InFamous looks fantastic. Couldn't care less for MMO's so DC and MAG weren't exciting to me.

It dragged and went on for far too long though. Tretton didn't help and he looked bored and unexcited and that came across. No massive announcement or big suprise we didn't already know about, made the conference average at best.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
wow...you know you haven't came prepared when you show videos of a game thats been out for over a month. seriously why where they showing clips of MGS thats already out? That was a new E3 low. oh yea and why no killzone?

They didn't have a whole lot of time to edit out the FFXIII footage.
If I had to rate the conferences:

Sony: B+
Microsoft: C+
Nintendo: F-

If I had to rate the showing of each company so far:

Sony: B
Microsoft: B+
Nintendo: F-

I think some of you are very dramatic. There were only two things bad about the Sony conference: BC is dead. PS2 gets bundle and no price drop. Everything else was solid. I don't get what kind of skewed perspective there is where a 'megaton' is the only important thing. Even people bitching about God of War 3 being a CG trailer. Did you really expect them to have something more right now? There was an amazing showing for PSP and PSN. Only thing that was lacking was actual retail products. Infamous still looked amazing as did Resistance 2. New Ratchet also looks great.
Orin GA said:
MS: B-
Sony: D
Nintendo: See Me after School

more like

Microsoft: Detention for Plagiarism and Stealing RPGs/Mii/Home.
Sony: D- for Passing with little effort with a full CG/Insomniac themed show.
Nintendo: Suspended for not caring and just doing their little own thing.
I'll probably get lynched for this this, but Resistance 2 was a disappointment (except the scale).

The presentation and structure of the conference was great, but way overdrawn.

Content was solid, nothing really stood out. The focus was spread across the Playstation family, which diluted any points of interest.

The lack of clarity, especially around the release of Home is astonishing.


GAF's Bob Woodward
The 3 conferences were actually pretty interesting in that..

Nintendo cherry-picked a literal handful of games to show, and that was it
Microsoft went for a middle-of-the-road approach in terms of number of games and time-per-game
Sony went to the other extreme of Nintendo with tonnes of games, but many of them only briefly appearing

Each was predictable enough, except for FFXIII on 360, and quite how poor Nintendo's was. They are my thoughts.


It's obvious that MS won.

But even though Nintendo was underwhelming to say the least (ugh, Nintenmom still giving me the creeps :\ ), at least they had on-stage demos of their stuff, no pre recorded shit or FMVs. They showed us the 1:1 Wii Sports. Before our eyes.

What the hell is wrong with Sony ? "We have that technical marvel of a game, 256 players online simultaneously!". My reaction was 'oh noes, back with the hype of vaporware'. But then he said "And we're gonna show you a glimpse", so I was like "Wow, that's for real".

And it was a damn CG trailer. Whats the freaking point ?? The only thing they're pushing with that game is the multiplayer aspect, they don't even talk about a single campaign, so what sort of interest could their be in a CG trailer ??

And speaking of CG trailer, the GOW III one wasn't even badass...

Trying to argue that Nintendo was worse than Sony because you didn't like what they showed is silly.

Nintendo showed stuff, Sony talked about it.


Blader5489 said:
They've been at TGS for the last 3 years. Where have you been?

Guess I'm going crazy. I don't remember previous E3's being nothing but Western-developed titles with a pinch of Square-Enix.

Nintendo didn't even seem to have anything to show.


bish gets all the credit :)
not spectacular, but very solid. they chose to focus on exclusives and tried to differentiate from the competition.
MAG would have had a really big impact like they wanted it to if they actually showed gameplay somehow. Sure that is perhaps impossible but a CG trailer wasn't going to get people hyped Sony.


I'm suprised so many of you guys undercut Star Ocean being exclusive to 360. Isn't that a pretty big one around here?

I have no interest personally, but the gameplay trailer looked more interesting to me then Final Fantasy's. Though I can totally understand why FF13 is a megaton and has more sales potential.


kbear said:
Not even close. Microsoft easily won.

Gears of War 2 demoed live and looked absolutely unbelievable

Resistance 2 says hey with a kick to the throat.

RE5 demoed live

You are correct. Earlier footage seen was 360/PS3 dev stuff from GDC. My bad! RE5 on XB360 is good!

Fable 2 demoed live
Running through a village and discovering a wife that likes when you belch.....ok....demoed.

New Dashboard that looks awesome

Really? Do we need to discuss this again? Miis+XMB. Sony showed Home. Kicked MS's ass.

Great! Rent more badly compressed movies alongside other badly compressed movies already on XB360. Wait. What?
FF13 atomic bomb

MS failed this year, and buried a landslide.

Fixed :)
jacobs34 said:
Hey guys, I'm still not convinced. Please tell me who WON the press conferences! I just love these intelligent, highly insightfull, and totally non-bias discussions. Keep it going!
MS WON because they made an announcement people will be talking about for years.
Sony had the best press conference
Nintendo was beyond my understanding.
as an overall conference, sony wins.
as for megaton announcement, microsoft wins.
as for i'd rather shoot myself than watch this, nintendo wins.


jacobs34 said:
Hey guys, I'm still not convinced. Please tell me who WON the press conferences! I just love these intelligent, highly insightfull, and totally non-bias discussions. Keep it going!

Microsoft made the forum crash. That's about as non-biased as it gets :)


I think the problem with Sony's conference is that everyone is concentrating and judging Sony too much on the PS3 "announcements"...


Being in the home beta myself i kinda figured they weren't going to give a solid release date. I've pretty much given up all hope in the service


3rdman said:
Can you please re-post your drawing of cars making it to the finish line? Only this time, make the PS3 car the 360 car emblazoned with Final Fantasy XIII and Gears 2 on the side. Instead of the losers happy to have finished, write it in so that they proclaiming to be the winners even though they've clearly lost. Then, to top it off, put a caption on the bottom with "SONY: Winning E3's since 2005"

That'd be great! Thanks!

So Sony won '06? :lol


sex vacation in Guam
k79 said:
I think MS and Sony had a pretty comparable conference where i liked Sony's show a bit more but MS had a real megaton announcement with FFXIII. At least Sony/MS show some goddamn games even if for the most part they're cramped into little overview segments (understandable when you've got more bases to cover in 1/1.5 hours).

Nintendo had the worst show by FAR ... worst show ever even.

And as usual, i await all the offscreen videos, interviews, more indepth game demonstrations that really is what makes E3 (or any other expo for that matter) interesting, now and in the days to come.
This man speaks the truth

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Quest for Booty was actually great looking. I was expecting some simple 2D platformer with Clank, not the whole expansion for R&C.
If I had to rate the conferences:

Sony: B-
Microsoft: C
Nintendo: F-

If I had to rate the showing of each company so far:

Sony: B-
Microsoft: B
Nintendo: F-

I think some of you are very dramatic. There were only two things bad about the Sony conference: BC is dead. PS2 gets bundle and no price drop. Everything else was solid. I don't get what kind of skewed perspective there is where a 'megaton' is the only important thing. Even people bitching about God of War 3 being a CG trailer. Did you really expect them to have something more right now? There was an amazing showing for PSP and PSN. Only thing that was lacking was actual retail products. Infamous still looked amazing as did Resistance 2. New Ratchet also looks great.


From a Nintendo fanboy:

Sony: B
Micro: D+
Nintendo: See me after class

When it comes down to it, e3 is about the exclusives, and Sony at least brought it there(to an extent). They're first party stuff is amazing. But overall a disappointing e3 thus far. Where are all the 3rd party games?
Steroyd said:
That they're getting FFXIII the same time as PS3?

I really don't see why people are shouting that MS's conference won just because of that announcement. Another game went multi-platform...big whoop (to me it means even less that that, I never liked FF in the first place). Anyways, I don't see how many people inside the 360's demographic will care. Aren't they all playing shooters? When's the last time a RPG sold like hotcakes on the 360? I even doubt many of the people on GAF that were made retarded by that announcement will even buy the game.

Overall, all of the conferences were letdowns. MS was a bore. Nothing except GoW2 and Banjo looked that great. I didn't watch Nintendo, but based off of GAF's amazing bitching ability I guess it was pretty bad. Sony's conference was safe, for sure. I think it had an edge on MS's because of the presentation of the games and a couple of new game announcements for both the PSP and PS3. MS had some new games to show, but I believe they're all multiplatforms...Sony had more exclusives, which I think gives them the upper hand. I do have to say I think there was way too much talking at the Sony conference.

So, my grades:

Nin: D- / F
Sony: B-

BTW, Microsoft gets an A for causing drama.
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