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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


wow, I was not expecting that level of crazyness.
I dont know what to say. Could suck ass, could be great, I dont know.

I think sony or nintendo are going to have anything insane like that.
Gary Whitta said:
Molyneux just called it a landmark in computer entertainment... and he's not exaggerating.

This is some serious game-changing shit... I don't know how Sony or Nintendo can follow this. They should just pack up their shit and go home now.

Microsoft didn't just win this E3, they just won this generation.

So you weren't kidding? :lol

What is wrong with you? They've won nothing.
joey_z said:
The people that don't understand how important the Milo demonstration was are crazy. Just imagine the next Elder Scrolls game or the next Fable game. Think of how you could interact with the NPCs. Think how amazing RPGs will be from now on if the technology works the way they pimped it out to be.

Joey, oh my I didn't even think of this use with Elder Scrolls!!! I am speechless. Absolutely speechless. The potential is unlimited and honestly those of you expecting a new Xbox console in a year, not going to happen since it appears Micro is serious about juicing all of the potential out of the 360!


LovingSteam said:
I don't know about all of you who are discounting this tech but to me, it blew my mind. It isn't evolutionary but revolutionary. The potential with this tech is simply mind boggling. As someone who owns all three consoles I have to say that Microsoft at least for today jumped ahead both the PS3 and Wii. I am not even talking about the games they announced but just this tech with the camera... wow! Not to mention immediate access to the movies on Netflix with no download? Win even though I don't use the service. I hope Sony has some shockers tomorrow for their own sake because Microsoft just blew the lid off of E3 in a way I have yet to see in any previous conference.

The camera (if it works how they showed it) blew my mind. MS has a winner on their hands if they handle it well.
So um, that was a pretty good conference.

That Natal thing is creepy, but if it really works as advertised and is CHEAP (that is of the utmost importance), the potential is endless.


Anyone that doesn't see the potential in this needs to get their eyes examined.

Like someone earlier said, this is a lot more promising that Motion+.


Really good conference, imo.

  • Alan Wake and Forza III looked great.
  • OSDT, Joyride and the XBLA game were interesting.
  • Do not care about the video and social networking shit.
  • Really not sure about the Natal stuff, ranged from technically impressive and very cool (navigating menus) to embarrassing and then downright fucking creepy.


crackdown 2 and alan wake that camera shit is impressive rest of the conference was meh. whats the release date no the camerra


Gary Whitta said:
Molyneux just called it a landmark in computer entertainment... and he's not exaggerating.

This is some serious game-changing shit... I don't know how Sony or Nintendo can follow this. Microsoft didn't just win E3, they just won this generation.

Slight hyperbole, but Natal has the potential to be a game changer. It's really Nintendos concept taken to a much higher level (on the tech/application side).


Boring beginning, amazing middle, awkward ending portion... Good stuff all around though, way better when compared to past years.


Someone please explain to me how the fuck L4D2 is coming out so soon? Is it even Valve? I'm so confused. I really need more details on this.

Conviction, Alan Wake, and Crackdown 2 all have my interest.

Also...if Epic only announced an Arcade title and the GoW2 DLC, does this support the rumor about a ps3 exclusive?
Awesome tech but it won't catch on. It needed to be shown with some actual games, not just tech demos. It's too late for any real support from devs if it's only being released to devs now.

Too little too late and it's a shame since it seems to be some really great tech. I wonder how much it would cost?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Gary Whitta said:
Molyneux just called it a landmark in computer entertainment... and he's not exaggerating.

This is some serious game-changing shit... I don't know how Sony or Nintendo can follow this. They should just pack up their shit and go home now.

Microsoft didn't just win this E3, they just won this generation.

oh FFS I know it's E3 but let's be real here.


See you guys in the Nintendo and Sony threads both need to drop huge bombs to even amaze me and im a sony fanboy.

shit going to buy an Xbox (christmas)


Junior Member
look all i want to know is if i can use the new motion detector thing to do carthwheels with Raiden. is that too much to ask for?





Tech savvy people in the know, know what they just saw was fuck impressive. Maybe the content that was shown is early and not as impressive, but now we got a huge plate of possibilities. Its a literal first step toward the traditional "virtual reality" everyone envisions.

I mean if they start pumping out digital version of Jessica Alba you know how many fucking units they are gonna sell?

If they can deliver on the AI technology and the camera tech this really is amazing.

I mean the motion capture shit alone from the camera kinda boggles my mind since ive done more than a few mocap rigs.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Gary Whitta said:
Molyneux just called it a landmark in computer entertainment... and he's not exaggerating.

This is some serious game-changing shit... I don't know how Sony or Nintendo can follow this. Microsoft didn't just win E3, they just won this generation.

:lol :lol :lol

Hyperbole to the max.

Anybody thinking we've got the advanced A.I. to make Milo more than scripted response is out of their mind.

That said, I see ENORMOUS potential for adventure gaming with that device. It could revitalize the genre. Lucasarts needs to get on that, stat.


lawblob said:
This. Even if some of this stuff doesn't pan out, the fact is that I can't even watch a Youtube video on my PS3 without it freezing the shitty browser.... MS is actually bringing useful technology people give a shit about via Netflix, Facebook, etc... they showed fantastic core games, AND had a new product that absolutely destroys Wii Technology and Eye Toy in a single shot.
Yup that Abi demo of her kicking those damn balls got me impressed due to how responsive it actually is despite the *slight* noticeable lag...and the ability to move in 3D space


The technology in Natal looks impressive, but I wonder how MS plans to bring it all to fruition.

Good Conference Overall. Hopefully, Nintendo and Sony dont disappoint.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Great show...

MS really delivered...
Great games for the hardcore (two halos, splinter cell, Forza3, crackdown2, MGS:Rising) to name a few... nice bonus stuff to the XboxLive, really impressive stuff with the natal..

..and no freaking stats and charts!!! NICE touch MS!

Though, what is Rare up to? Kinda missed some info from them.. and this new MGS raised some more questions.. what is this? Its not a betrayalton but a new MGS game is always nice....

but yeah, how can you hate this??

It delivered across the board..
WTH was all of that? Outside of finally seeing what the next MGS game is, that was a complete joke. Where the heck was Perfect Dark 64?

Eric WK

Gary Whitta said:
Molyneux just called it a landmark in computer entertainment... and he's not exaggerating.

This is some serious game-changing shit... I don't know how Sony or Nintendo can follow this. Microsoft didn't just win E3, they just won this generation.

Yup. Anybody downplaying this is only kidding themselves. Insane technology.


Excellent conference, definitely Microsoft's best yet.

Two new Halos, MGS Rising, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell, MW2, and FF13 = win

The Natal stuff was interesting, kind of creepy tho.

And no charts! I hope Sony and Nintendo take a hint from that.
DMczaf said:
The camera (if it works how they showed it) blew my mind. MS has a winner on their hands if they handle it well.

Dude, serious! I don't think people are discounting this tech truly appreciate how far ahead Microsoft just pushed the yardstick for its competitors. Honestly, compared to the camera, Wii's wiimote even with M+ looks outdated, BIG TIME! This is, I don't even know what I just saw but my mouth is still dropped!

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car

Splinter Cell
Crackdown 2 (!!!!!!)
Alan Wake
MGS Rising

Last FM
Instant On HD
*Somewhat* Natal

Impressed me... I was kind of expecting more... :\


Not Wario
How the hell can anyone come out of that conference UNDERWHELMED? Yeah, a lot was leaked but, still, they did exactly what everyone always asks for for the first HOUR- show a crapload of games- unveiled a bunch of new additions for Live, and, lastly, showed off some interesting tech with the potential for seriously game-changing innovations.


Games-wise I can see how this was a good conference for people who are already fans of the games that the 360 has, but it did nothing for me.

Tech-wise, sorry, I still prefer reality and tangible items over virtual reality and waving my arms and legs in the air.


I thought MS had a great conference.
-Splintercell looked hot.
-Alan Wake is a game I want right the fuck now.
-Crackdown 2 and Left 4 dead 2 sound great to me.
-They got a demo of FFXIII and they got mother fucking Kojima coming on stage saying that -the next Metal Gear is mulitplatform (no shock but still).
-Halo x2 for those who care (a lot of people, just not me)

Great community features of which I'm doubtful that they will be of any use to me seeing as I live in the Netherlands.

And then when I thought all hope was lost, they brought the lulz at the last minute with some hilarious Natal camera demos. :lol

Conference rating B+


Jesus christ, the potential of all that ending stuff is mind boggling.

I honestly cant see how Nintendo/Sony can top that.

Maybe Zelda could.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
This was a closed, orchestrated demo. No way we can call this revolutionary before we can see the limits of the systems.


First tragedy, then farce.
real good conference.

The tech demos at the end were very slick, but they should have saved some of the games stuff (MGS, etc) for the end.
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