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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread

MAG looks great in concept but I'm far from convinced about how well it's actually going to work. It's hard enough to get 10 people to play as a team in Team Fortress, what hope do you have with 250+ random pot-smoking goons? :lol


Theoretically interesting, but in execution, I'm not sold on this.

Pretty hard game to demo, regardless. I'm sure it's more fun when you have an idea of what's actually going on. Show floor reports should be more helpful in gauging the quality, I hope.


I have the totally opposite opinion of this thread: MAG looks awesome, I want to play that soon. Uncharted 2 looked like scripted eye candy where you need no skill at all to advance.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Not graphically impressively, but gameplay-scalewise potentially very impressive.

Oh snap here comes PSP Go


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I still cant believe how good U2 is ...
The blend between cutscenes and gameplay is .. @__@


Not Wario
Glad to hear MAG is on the show floor. I really don't think it's an ideal to choice to do a live demo of; I'd much rather hear impressions from the floor.
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