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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


The Everyman
GitarooMan said:
Eh, I'm not sure showing the command guy looking around issuing orders was the best way to demo this, pretty boring.

the chain of command is like the point of the game.

if he just ran around shooting dudes thatd be pointless.


They did it backwards.

Should've of shown MAG first and then Uncharted 2.

MAG's UI was way too clustered, and frankly looked boring.


Hard to gauge the scope from that demo, but it looks fun. I'm sure if they could get a big community for that game like the size of Halo, it would be amazing.


Yeah, MAG demo was kind of meh. I bet it's better if you're actually playing. Probably will be the next WarHawk.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Megaton Lilac Hanna Montana bundle.

That got more of an applause than Nintendo's conference.
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