Mr. E. Yis
up up down down konami code --- here we go!
:lolixix said:Oh man I bet the fifth time is going to be amazing.
Will Otomedius guy realize it's a set-up?
Will Naoki still want to dance, cameras be damned?
Will Metal Gear Solid Rising get even more boring?
Has anybody checked on IGA? Seriously, someone should. Not kidding.
Do you remember your first Beyblade experience? Everyone has oneavatar299 said:ITS BEYBLADE. OH MY GODDDD OH MY GODDDDD
CANT STOP @_@DidntKnowJack said:If you guys keep watching this, you may do permanent damage.
:lol :lolixix said:Oh man I bet the fifth time is going to be amazing.
Will Otomedius guy realize it's a set-up?
Will Naoki still want to dance, cameras be damned?
Will Metal Gear Solid Rising get even more boring?
Has anybody checked on IGA? Seriously, someone should. Not kidding.
Motion control isn't the only thing people are copying Nintendo on.avatar299 said:A black guy runs konami's U.S operations? Awesome.
DidntKnowJack said:If you guys keep watching this, you may do permanent damage.
Ether_Snake said:Why is everyone angry at Iga? Aren't his CV games good?
HELL YEAH its only 05:00 AM HERE !!! :lol :lol :lol :lolLijik said:ANYWAYS FIFTH TIME LETS GO
:lol This thread will be funnacire said:Motion control isn't the only thing people are copying Nintendo on.
He wants to get your heart racing.Soule said:I couldn't understand any of what he just said :\
carlo6529 said:I only so the last 5-10 mintues of the conference. What happened to Iga that everyone feels sorry for him?
Soule said:I couldn't understand any of what he just said :\
Mr. E. Yis said:I'm out. Can't watch a 5th time. Have to wake up early.