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EA Sports UFC |OT| Bigger than FIFA


About what I'd expect honestly, 7s-8s. The one thing that really brings me out of the game is seeing all this stupid spinning shit by guys who don't do spinning shit, or off the cage crap or cartwheel crap. I wish that they tone this down. We don't really need this. For example, I felt they got the essence of Nick Diaz's style, pressuring forward, attacking the body, and the head, however, seeing him do these spinning wheel kicks takes me out of it.

Anyway, it is a fun game especially when playing with the right competition.

This is what bothered me in the demo. I don't know how deep the attributes are in the game yet, but I don't think there is any tendencies in the game for fighters. There should be a tendency attribute for each move so we don't get guys like BJ Penn or Ryan Bader doing spinning attacks in the game. Can anyone tell me what attributes there are when creating a fighter?



Although the guy did make some valid points, I think this is a perfect example of why not to read too much into game sites reviews of sports games. Discussing modes, and create a fighter options is well and all, but he didn't even discuss the striking, didn't even discuss the submission system.

The Eurogamer review is the exception to the rule though, and anybody who is on the fence about the game should give it a read. A lot of my complaints are in there, and it's good to see a very deep discussion of what the game got wrong in terms of the combat mechanics. It's very refreshing to see a review that really understands the intricacies of MMA, and translating this into a video game. The discussion on the clinch work, grappling and jiu jitsu was very good. I think that review is fair, and very accurate.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Damn only one review so far? I am totally on the fence about this game, especially since the demo. Need moar reviews and gaf impressions before I fork over 60 for this.


Why the fuck doesn't Faber walk out to California Love? And why is Nick Diaz walking out to some horrible wannabe Nu Metal instead of a badass Deftones track? And why is GSP walking out to Imagine Dragons' bullshit Radioactive song instead of some corny sounding French rap? And why isn't JDS walking out to the Rocky theme? And why is Miesha walking out to fucking AFI instead of some Katy Perry track? They got some of the walkout songs right but they got a lot of them really really wrong.

Labels probably wanted too much for the rights. The price is different when you're selling someone's song as part of a package (vs. broadcast).


Damn only one review so far? I am totally on the fence about this game, especially since the demo. Need moar reviews and gaf impressions before I fork over 60 for this.

You only need to read the Eurogamer review, it's surprisingly deep and covers everything you need to know about the game. Seems like the author is very knowledgeable when it comes to MMA.


I noticed this in a couple of streams so I thought I'd bring it up here. The parry moves are done by holding block + a punch or kick button. I've noticed people in streams saying they can never time it right. No need to time it, just keep both buttons pressed. Obviously if you're holding down block and punch, and you get kicked low, you won't parry, but if you match the high punch with a high parry you will succeed. Just make sure you're holding it down and not trying to tap it as the punch or kick comes as that will rarely work.

Also the longer you hold it, the less effective it is.


I hope they patch the ridiculous super man punches, wheel kicks, and off the cage moves. The development team obviously watched to many Martial Arts flicks lol.

My copy from Amazon should arrive today. Despite the flaws I've noticed from the demo, I loved playing it and it satisfied my thirst for blood sport lol.


Have any of you guys used Gameface before? I take it that it hasn't improved then. Pity, used to want that feature to progress but it's always been trash, both EA and Konami's implementations.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
You only need to read the Eurogamer review, it's surprisingly deep and covers everything you need to know about the game. Seems like the author is very knowledgeable when it comes to MMA.

Yep good call man I just got done reading it. I think imma get it. I've always had a soft spot for these games and I guess I don't really expect them to perfectly replicate real life mma in a video game. Plus this shit will be a ton of fun with friends over I think.


love on your sleeve
Have any of you guys used Gameface before? I take it that it hasn't improved then. Pity, used to want that feature to progress but it's always been trash, both EA and Konami's implementations.

I've used it in Madden and FIFA and it always turned out halfway decent. This shit apparently thinks I look like a light skin Danny Glover.

Fuck you, EA!


What happens if you keep on loosing?

Get cut and fight bellator bums?

I lost my TUF finale and had the choice between Rematch and Continue. Not sure what happens if you lose a regular UFC fight though. I hope you can't just rematch everything.

Really liking the Career Mode so far. Big improvement over the older ones.

N° 2048

What happens if you keep on loosing?

Get cut and fight bellator bums?

Don't plan on losing anymore :p

I lost my TUF finale and had the choice between Rematch and Continue. Not sure what happens if you lose a regular UFC fight though. I hope you can't just rematch everything.

Really liking the Career Mode so far. Big improvement over the older ones.

No option to rematch in regular UFC fights. I think only TUF


I like the game a lot, and ive already had some serious battles against the cpu on hard, but my main complaint is how every fighter in their respective weight class feels the same.

Other than that id say its a pretty solid first entry for EA.

N° 2048

Really loving it so far, had two split decisions where I was on the edge of my seat not knowing who would win. Excited to try the females but career is too addicting right now.
I am not surprised it's hard to design a grappling system for this game. A lot of UFC fans don't even understand what the hell is going on the ground. Hell, I consider myself a grappler, but some of these things are too high level for me to even understand.

The ground game is amazing once you see it. If you have ever fought yourself out of a triangle in real life. Holy shit. that's all I'll say!:D


I really just wish they didn't overpower striking and make grappling so obtuse. After beating Normal without much hassle (using everything the game has to offer), I went to Pro to unlock the legends and ended up clearing the entire mode with nothing more than the same kick to the head over and over again with occasional blocks. 80% of my fights, including on Pro mode, were probably beaten in Round 1. Probably 20% of my fights were beaten in less than 1 minute.
Also some fighters I would have liked to have seen:


The Snowman. Excellent wrestler!

Sexyama. Perhaps next to Rousey, he is one of the few I have really seen using his Judo effectively. I like you Yoshihiro!

Da Don


love on your sleeve
This game does a good job of making you feel like a TUF scrub. Shit cardio, no knockout power, terrible ground game. I would never pay to watch me fight.

EDIT - Last pick by Team Cruz.


Am I the only one getting sluggish menus, occasional frame drops in matches, and even audio out of sync in the videos? I'm playing on a digital download on Xbox One..


Game also really makes you feel the decision robberies -.-

Sure does. I was dominating Rich Franklin for 3 out of 5 rounds. The only time he did any significant damage was in the 2nd round when he knocked me to the ground with a body shot, but that was about it. Literally out hit him and took him down and def. controlled more ground time than he did. Sure, he landed a decent amount of shots (mostly body though) and had a few takedowns (same amount as myself) but I had him rocked 3 times, which one of them knocked him down. Plus, he was a bloody mess.Somehow I lost a decision, was extremely mad haha. Havent sworn at a video game in a long time!
Ah. I hear you- the demo did leave me feeling a little bit cold regarding the grappling game; specifically the reversals, and stamina management. Quarter circle transitions helped simplify it greatly, but I feel like the Undisputed series offered more variety in how to transition/pull guard.

I can tell you, because I played it all day yesterday. You are justified in feeling this way.

N° 2048

Forrest's videos after your fights in Career mode are hilarious.

I miss the multiple fight offers from Undisputed 3 too.


Just booted up the game, I like that there's a video of Dana White giving you shit for skipping the tutorials.
If anyone gets the retail game and it's drastically better than the demo please inform us. I wanted to love this game so bad but it's just not that good. Will pass until it's 10 dollars

No. Its fun. It seems a little hollow. It will occupy my time. I do not like the ground game that much.


Just lost my first fight. Why? Because I was matched up against Chael Sonnen on the undercard.. not mad though, had that coming after like 7 straight Ws lol.

I regret choosing my decision on playing as a boxer in LHW division. The matches always end early in round 1, with either me or someone else getting KOd. Not much drama


Wait until it's $10? This game won't cost $10 until 2017 lol.

Despite the mixed reviews I've been hearing, I'll probably grab this today. As a huge boxing fan who knows very little about MMA, the things that are bothering some people do not bother me. I guess ignorance really is bliss. I do hope they patch a few things, hopefully we can get some nice online matches going in the community.


love on your sleeve
Forrest's videos after your fights in Career mode are hilarious.

I miss the multiple fight offers from Undisputed 3 too.

Yeah, I don't see the point of the fight offers when you literally have no choice but to fight whoever Joe Silva puts in front of you.


Downloaded the game this morning and it's indicating a finished download in the ps4 UI but when I'm in game it's not fully playable and 30% installation ongoing... I really hate this gen of consoles, trash UI that can't even can't tell you if you got the full game or not.
A couple questions.

Someone said in a stream you don't fight real fighters in Career mode, only CAF's. This can't be true can it?

Does the Bruce Lee code come in the box or does Amazon send it separately?


69 on metacritic so far...i guess i'll stick to undisputed 3 for the time being. if only the servers for that game were stilll up :(


The Eurogamer review is the exception to the rule though, and anybody who is on the fence about the game should give it a read. A lot of my complaints are in there, and it's good to see a very deep discussion of what the game got wrong in terms of the combat mechanics. It's very refreshing to see a review that really understands the intricacies of MMA, and translating this into a video game. The discussion on the clinch work, grappling and jiu jitsu was very good. I think that review is fair, and very accurate.

Important: Read the review ALL the way through. You start to get one impression but it may change once you get towards the end.

Well written review, indeed. I'll pick up my copy and hope for the best as I'm still excited for it.


Seriously? No commentary using PS4 share? I thought it was just for demo. What a fucking joke.

You expected that to change? EA went wild with the limitations on what you can record it's absurd. Even the brief introduction by Dana White was blocked. I don't even know why they do it because if someone really want's to record something they can use a capture card.
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