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EA Sports UFC |OT| Bigger than FIFA


Honestly, if they made that Bruce Lee stuff free then what was the point in pre-ordering the game in the first place? Lol.

As long as they keep actual new additions (UFC, as they said they would) to the roster free, I'm fine with it.


Honestly, if they made that Bruce Lee stuff free then what was the point in pre-ordering the game in the first place? Lol.

As long as they keep actual new additions (UFC, as they said they would) to the roster free, I'm fine with it.

You get him immediately as opposed to having to either play to unlock or pay to unlock immediately.


Important: Read the review ALL the way through. You start to get one impression but it may change once you get towards the end.

Well written review, indeed. I'll pick up my copy and hope for the best as I'm still excited for it.

I did read everything in the eurogamer review, and as I stated, his discussion of the clinch work, takedowns and jiu jitsu was really well thought out, and sums up my complaints with the game (along with the ridiculous move set). Also the complaint on the knockdown animation in particular is really true, when you flash knockdown someone I'm often left there standing, waiting for my opponent and myself to line up properly before I can punch into his guard. It's really bad and takes you out of the flow of the game, making finishing someone less satisfying and more difficult than it should be.


I must be dumb or something. In TUF career mode I have 100 take down defense and still cannot defend a single takedown.

Same. I must be doing something wrong or inconsistent. Some fights I can stuff every takedown, others I cant stop one. Whats the special trick?!


I must be dumb or something. In TUF career mode I have 100 take down defense and still cannot defend a single takedown.

What's your fighting style? Are you aggressive with strikes? If someone tries to take you down while you're throwing mid strike (especially heavy ones) the chances of you getting taken down are greater.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else except timing. I usually always hold R2 button down unless I'm about to throw a strike or move around and counter, so as soon as someone shoots in and makes contact, I push down on the right stick immediately and it works fine.


So this is probably a dumb question, but did EA get all of the Yukes assets when they got the rights to UFC? I'm like 90% sure that there is Rogan commentary ripped straight from the Undisputed series. He has a long winded description of Liddel's career and I remember it word for word.
So this is probably a dumb question, but did EA get all of the Yukes assets when they got the rights to UFC? I'm like 90% sure that there is Rogan commentary ripped straight from the Undisputed series. He has a long winded description of Liddel's career and I remember it word for word.

They may have been included in the THQ auction


Don't know what I'm doing wrong on my ultimate fighter semi, i can't knock the fucker out And i always lose at the end of the third round
So this is probably a dumb question, but did EA get all of the Yukes assets when they got the rights to UFC? I'm like 90% sure that there is Rogan commentary ripped straight from the Undisputed series. He has a long winded description of Liddel's career and I remember it word for word.

Some of the commentary from THQ's games were pulled straight out of live events. I remember watching an old event and recognizing the commentary word for word....it was about Liddel actually haha. Could be the same situation here.



I was flying online and then ran into a roadblock 20-4. Stuck at that Brown Belt for another season :/

For some reason, a fighter playing Chuck Liddell dominated me on the ground as Cormier. I pride myself on my ground game! But holy hell, I couldn't take him down and then when we went to the mat, I got bodied.

Also Cat Zingano- I didn't want to fight as Rousey because everybody was picking her, those devastating body shots caused me a loss late in the third. Holding opponents on the ground is harder than I imagined. But also working from the mount is ridiculous- especially if the opponent is doing nothing but blocking. Posturing up doesn't seem to do much- and working from the inside is a sloooow process- any tips? I can hold the mount, but fuck, if I can actually finish it from there properly.

Enjoying myself! Upset with those losses, but learning!


Is anyone playing online? Want to start a Rivalry? I have no idea how that works- is it friends only?

Been climbing up the Brown belt ranks, now vying for Black. 32-11! Could've been better, but I'd like to see that Black belt sooon! Everytime I've gotten beat- it's been because I couldn't dominate on the ground. I can't seem to string together combos like some of the other players here! Also, there aren't enough weight class restrictions between certain fights. But that feel of sinking in a submission online- AYO!


Had an amazing online match last night, I was Cat and they were Ronda, we were pretty much even throughout each getting takedowns and attacking intelligently. Then in the final round she just started working me over and the last 5 seconds she hit me and I done that stumble back and I was like "ho shit" but she didn't catch me and I won Split Decision. It was awesome.

Does anyone know how to upload a highlight reel to fighter.net?


Does anyone know how to upload a highlight reel to fighter.net?

If you mean the highlight reel from after online ranked fights, then just go watch the highlight reel and after watching there's a prompt asking you if you want to upload to fighter net.

Is anyone playing online? Want to start a Rivalry? I have no idea how that works- is it friends only?

I'd like to start one, but only for purposes of learning from each other. I'm 13-7 right now, but that's after getting all my noob losses out of the way lol. I think i started championship mode 7-6 or something like that, just learned the strategies being used online and adjusted. It's been fun, my last four or five fights have been very tactical, and there are some high level guys out there.

Add me up, PSN ID is ron_bato (open invite for UFC-GAF to add me up as well).

Online is really smooth for me, some hiccups, but it's been real good for the most part. This is the one thing where I can safely say they dominate Undisputed. Undisputed's online was shit.


If you mean the highlight reel from after online ranked fights, then just go watch the highlight reel and after watching there's a prompt asking you if you want to upload to fighter net.

I'd like to start one, but only for purposes of learning from each other. I'm 13-7 right now, but that's after getting all my noob losses out of the way lol. I think i started championship mode 7-6 or something like that, just learned the strategies being used online and adjusted. It's been fun, my last four or five fights have been very tactical, and there are some high level guys out there.

Add me up, PSN ID is ron_bato (open invite for UFC-GAF to add me up as well).

Online is really smooth for me, some hiccups, but it's been real good for the most part. This is the one thing where I can safely say they dominate Undisputed. Undisputed's online was shit.

Cool thanks, I saw that there was a trophy for it but couldn't see how because I haven't played ranked yet.

I'll add you too :)


I've been tearing through the Career Mode on Normal (currently 11-0, 11 KOs) with almost exclusively kicks to the midsection. It's actually pretty surprising because the computer will at least try to defend head and leg attacks but the midsection seems to be open season.


I've been tearing through the Career Mode on Normal (currently 11-0, 11 KOs) with almost exclusively kicks to the midsection. It's actually pretty surprising because the computer will at least try to defend head and leg attacks but the midsection seems to be open season.

found the same with knees. you can basically cheese any fight with consecutive knees. i have 21-1 with 21 KOs (not all knees of course)


For an EA Sports game, the controls are insane. I can honestly say that I can pull off pretty intense combos in GG, Tekken, SF series, BB.. but this is just a technical hot mess. I understand the desire to give every option available to give the most "realism" to the fight, but, my god.

That being said though, I'm having a blast with the game, but find myself button mashing when in a grapple defense or heavy clinch, which makes me sad.

Oh well, back to cheesing people with spinning backfists and elbows to the nose with Bruce Lee online!


Going through career as a sub guy for the 12 in a row trophy and I'm 3-0 with all 3 subs coming in the first. Doesn't seem difficult to me but I am playing on normal. Also add me! PSN: Z4CHC3NA
Hopped online and played 4 matches righat out of the gate... 0-4. Haha

One was REALLY awful. Dude was playing Liddell, comes straight to me, I press block... but dont...., punch x5 combo, end scene. 40-50 seconds tops on an accelerated clock.

Having fun though and want to get better. Would love to spar with some of XB1 GAF!


Then you will love this one. I personally hated EA Sports MMA, but this one is a massive improvement. Still a lot of things that has to be done and it's nowhere near perfect, but if you are an MMA fan then this will be the best 60 bucks you have spent in a long time.

It's similar but some big things stick out sorely. The clinch/ground game is bad. That was my main area in Undisputed. I shouldn't be able to press my Left Stick in to escape from being mounted. Every single leg goes into side control. Slams happen so frequently. The game is so "arcadey". Even the striking doesn't feel that deep. It's so similar to Fight Night where parrying and counter-striking is so much more effective than being the aggressor.


I'd like to start one, but only for purposes of learning from each other. I'm 13-7 right now, but that's after getting all my noob losses out of the way lol. I think i started championship mode 7-6 or something like that, just learned the strategies being used online and adjusted. It's been fun, my last four or five fights have been very tactical, and there are some high level guys out there.

Add me up, PSN ID is ron_bato (open invite for UFC-GAF to add me up as well).

Online is really smooth for me, some hiccups, but it's been real good for the most part. This is the one thing where I can safely say they dominate Undisputed. Undisputed's online was shit.

I totally added you (arha2)! We should definitely learn from one another- my striking needs some major work. Ground slightly better, but we'll be learning together! Rivalry commence!

Reversals are too easy in TUF lol.....mounts all over the place

Reversals seem to easy to get into mount- whether or not you can actually finish the fight there, or keep the other guy/gal down is another matter entirely. Been reversing into mounts, but really doing no damage- the opponent covers up, and waiting for shots trying to hold it wastes energy. My best matches involved subs from the tops after literally holding people down for 4ish minutes. Followed by yelling about how I was an awful player- screams, curses, you name it!

If the transitions you make are being blocked effectively. it's so possible to be peppered by little shots that end up hurting if you can't get up. Ran into a Jacare player that absolutely destroyed me- we kept reversing to top positions, but s/he was better about doing effective damage from little shots for over two rounds of tumbling on the ground back and forth. Reversals should not end in mount all the time!


For an EA Sports game, the controls are insane. I can honestly say that I can pull off pretty intense combos in GG, Tekken, SF series, BB.. but this is just a technical hot mess. I understand the desire to give every option available to give the most "realism" to the fight, but, my god.

Working through career mode, 22-0 with 16 wins by KO/TKO. And yeah the sparring challenges get pretty "dense" as far as controls / combos go. With the other problem being that there just really isn't a point in trying to string together anything with the whole hold L1 while pushing left stick back and hitting X. I could just spam regular hooks / kicks and get the KO.

I've already 100ed every stat, and didn't even see the moves menu until my CAF was already an unstoppable wrecking machine (on normal anyway). Kind of disappointed with the game, but I'm a diehard mma guy so I'll buy whatever they put in front of me pretty much.

I guess online mode is where this will make up for it, but I'm not really an online dude.
So this is probably a dumb question, but did EA get all of the Yukes assets when they got the rights to UFC? I'm like 90% sure that there is Rogan commentary ripped straight from the Undisputed series. He has a long winded description of Liddel's career and I remember it word for word.

That would mean they still have all those Pride assets and Don Frye's scan.


Tried hard resisting but I think I'm gonna pull the trigger today. Will the wrong shorts on certain fighters really bother me that much? Does it bother you guys? Like Silva not wearing the Yellow/Black, or JBJ classic black/red.

Is there any word on fixing this? I think its Nike related yet Nike is a sponsor in the game? WTF.


Tried hard resisting but I think I'm gonna pull the trigger today. Will the wrong shorts on certain fighters really bother me that much? Does it bother you guys? Like Silva not wearing the Yellow/Black, or JBJ classic black/red.

Is there any word on fixing this? I think its Nike related yet Nike is a sponsor in the game? WTF.

It totally bothers me too- the worst is gear after the fight being a randomized assortment of shirts that just say UFC on them. It must've been too difficult to include the sponsorships?

The worst thing is the doppelganger effect online. Both players will be wearing EXACTLY the same shorts, making it a funny game in itself trying to make sure you know which one you are! Feels a bit lazy, to be honest.
The generic gear bugs me as well - and it was an issue in EA Sports MMA as well. It hurts how authentic the game looks, and only a few guys - like Machida, have decent-looking stuff. The lack of secondary gear is a killer for online fights - you have to just futz around for a bit and figure out A - how bad the lag will be and B - figure out which fighter you are.
Tried hard resisting but I think I'm gonna pull the trigger today. Will the wrong shorts on certain fighters really bother me that much? Does it bother you guys? Like Silva not wearing the Yellow/Black, or JBJ classic black/red.

Is there any word on fixing this? I think its Nike related yet Nike is a sponsor in the game? WTF.

Undisputed 3 nailed it. I am going to miss the Pride and all those legends. I am still deciding to buy this or not on my way home.

Convince me GAF.


You know what I don't get about the online? Seems like you get punished for playing it how a real mma fighter would. I try to stick and move with the jab and occasional power punch, but mainly I focused on leg kicks to slow down my opponents. Most people I play with spam wheel kicks and crazy shit. I don't understand how I can time a head kick, go under for a takedown, and still get stuffed. How in the hell does that work?

Listen to this bs: I had this guy's leg hurt to the point where it was blinking, so I went in (for what I assume to be) the leg kick tko. This motherfucker not only gets a power takedown off the lead leg that was badly injured, but later on in the fight after just annihliating his leg over and over, he scores a body shot tko by kicks to stomach. I have no idea why they gloss over how much an injured leg or a hurt leg really hinders your game. Seems like it was like that in Undisputed too.

Anyways I suck, I'm like 2-17 with 2 decision wins. Ive lost decisions where I've outstruck my opponent three fold. Maybe this game will click when I get better. Also, I have no idea what to do for defending or attacking submissions.


Wow Cain Velasquez just fucked my shit up in Career mode
went from KOing Overeem in 30 seconds to getting murdered by Velasquez in about 15
Really tempted to buy this too. I can get it for $47 thanks to GCU. I understand it's bad but is it serviceable and something that won't get boring within a week.
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