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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


As stupid as all of this is (especially them winning last year), it's not hard to see why they did win. Most of the people voting probably have no idea about the insane shit some of those other companies did, but they have probably, at one point or another, been directly effected by a shitty EA decision.

Doesn't really excuse the ignorance to the issues that actually matter in people's lives though...


I'd rather vote for a company that is actually screwing us over and didn't deserve a tax-payer bailout instead of a shitty game company. Then again I said the same thing last year.


benevolent sexism
Not sure if joking.

He's being hyperbolic perhaps, but potential exploitation of workers and privacy issues are much larger in scope and importance than "my video game doesn't work wahhhhhh."

There's a whole world out there of shit that actually matters.
I didn't think EA deserved to be on the list last year, let alone win the whole thing. This year yeah, maybe they deserve it.

But I would vote for SallieMae and PayPal (OF COURSE they're facing off in the first damn round) a million times over EA.


Oh, I completely agree with you. In the grand scheme of things EA nothing. I'm just saying, at least there's somewhat reasonable excuses for voting for them this time. Last year it was just fans who were upset that they didn't get their happy everyone eats ice cream and high-fives ME3 ending.
This is admittedly true. The banks and service providers can still be far worse, but at least EA's done far worse here than just write a bad ending then hurry out something of a replacement. That's actually GOOD behavior if you strictly view it from a work-for-the-consumer standpoint: they released a product people weren't satisfied with, couldn't fully fix it but put all their effort in the remedy they could make, showing they were being receptive at least.

SimCity? Game barely runs, people try to get refunds with Amazon, then it has a domino effect that fucks over everyone who got it through Amazon at all. And deliberately censoring their phone number, what the Christ. Then there's Real Racing 3's IAP garbage.


After this Simcity disaster, merritted or not, EA will win unless non-gamers vote in mass. Then Bank of America will probably win again.


Don't forget people: SimCity may've had one of the worst game launches we've seen in a long time, but Wells Fargo killed a man.

More specifically, killed him by making a mistake, only to fail to PROPERLY remedy that mistake and foreclosed on his home anyway, stressing him out to the point he literally died in the court room.

Yeah, everyone should vote for Wells Fargo. What a tragedy.
People get too caught up in stupid Internet polls. Of course some of the big banks and cable operators are way worse than EA, but everyone already knows this. Lets just have fun, and vote for the company that is actively destroying fun.

This. Since the results of this 'contest' have no meaning other than that of an internet poll it is harmless to vote for EA. Of course, there are truly far worse companies on that list that do real harm. But it's just an internet poll, so who cares?
Damn that's a tough bracket for EA.

Comcast should have won last year, I have never experienced worse customer service, actual service and quality, and general shit I had to put up with than them. It was a nightmare. I spent more time on the phone yelling at them then I did connected to the internet.
People get too caught up in stupid Internet polls. Of course some of the big banks and cable operators are way worse than EA, but everyone already knows this. Lets just have fun, and vote for the company that is actively destroying fun.

looking at last years poll... i don't think they do.

This is so sad.
They shouldn't even be nominated! There are far worse than EA. And the fact that they won last year is a testament to how ridiculous and stupid the voters are.


EA has a good shot at repeating. My Foul Four are EA, Carnival Cruise, Bank of America, and Time Warner Cable.

EA doesn't have an easy road to repeat, though. After a gimme first round, it's likely a showdown against Facebook in the Sour Sixteen then probably AT&T in the Exasperating Eight before a Foul Four showdown with Carnival.

Interesting first round matchups: AT&T v. Verizon, Apple vs. Microsoft.
EA is terribad from a gamers viewpoint, but is it life threatening?
would you die if you were not playing?
christ guys, no offense but google selling your private info to your bidder (and abusing the data you leave in google drive in order to "further their progress however they feel like" making those files theirs more then your own), wells fargo literally stripping a man of his home due to their error and instead of excusing themselves in the end they drag the man down...
and let's be fucking honest.. the dude complained, but they didn't give a fuck about it, because if they did were even the slightest bother with the thing they would double-check the documentation and EASILY find that he payed it all.. BECAUSE strangely enough in a digitalized reality those document exists indeed... they could check WHO made the payment if made with cash, or whose bank account it was that made the payment.. this way they could EASILY understand that something was wrong with poor delassus paying taxes for someone else house....... they clearly didn't give a fuck..
but no, you worry about a company that delivers entertainment and try to screw you over.. get a reality check, they want to screw you over with subpar product, with anti-consumerist practice? perfect, pirate the game, don't buy 'em at all, go with used game, or wait for bomba price..
on the other end wells fargo deals in something that hits people in everyday life, and it's not an option..

really internet, you disappoint me.. again...


Pretty illustrative of the views of the American population today. Getting bent over and plowed by banks and financial institutions, the military industrial complex, the industrial food system, gas companies, telecoms, and pretty much every other industry that's necessary for a well-functioning country, but still more upset about something that's essentially completely frivolous.

Yeah, I realize that this specific example is clearly skewed against EA because gamers are more vocal and internet savvy than the average American, but it's the same attitude that puts the Kardashians in the news on a regular basis, turned the Discovery Channel into a porn-punned pawn shop channel, and allows a certain end of the political spectrum to run wild with baseless accusations and fear-mongering.


Last year, I thought them winning was a joke. This year, a repeat would not be the least bit surprising. The general attitutude towards their consumer is horrid.

They are likely not the worst company in America, but their customer service and PR are dreadful.
Pretty illustrative of the views of the American population today. Getting bent over and plowed by banks and financial institutions, the military industrial complex, the industrial food system, gas companies, telecoms, and pretty much every other industry that's necessary for a well-functioning country, but still more upset about something that's essentially completely frivolous.

Yeah, I realize that this specific example is clearly skewed against EA because gamers are more vocal and internet savvy than the average American, but it's the same attitude that puts the Kardashians in the news on a regular basis, turned the Discovery Channel into a porn-punned pawn shop channel, and allows a certain end of the political spectrum to run wild with baseless accusations and fear-mongering.

It's a poll.
If people don't pick the right company in this poll, then those companies will never fall to their knees and return ill-gotten profits and start behaving right.



Huh, while I definitely wouldn't vote them in as THE worst when you look at their immediate competition... I would vote them in over Google, Apple, Microsoft, and probably Verizon (there's probably some crap I don't know about, but personally I'm just miffed I can't get Nexus 4 on it, nothing that's really a big deal.) I don't even know who ABinBev are, maybe they are horrific but unless I see information on that fast I'd just go with EA.
looking at last years poll... i don't think they do.

This is so sad.

Last years votes were front loaded by redditors angry over ME3. Again, it's a stupid Internet poll that, in the end, changes nothing. I think we're fine if we vote for the company that created "Project $10".


Oh, I completely agree with you. In the grand scheme of things EA nothing. I'm just saying, at least there's somewhat reasonable excuses for voting for them this time. Last year it was just fans who were upset that they didn't get their happy everyone eats ice cream and high-fives ME3 ending.
a year later and people still don't understand why the ending was shit. i just don't get it..

MGS4 ending got hate because they kept Snake alive btw, and the ending was pretty much high fives and cakes
If people don't pick the right company in this poll, then those companies will never fall to their knees and return ill-gotten profits and start behaving right.

please troll less..
it's not about thinking "omg voting for the wrong company will make the evildoers roam free", it's about a reality check...
people voting a videogame company as the WORST company can be linked to
1) those caring about the vote are just internet netizen (thus most likely annoyed gamers)
2) people are more and more getting detached from what really counts..
something so big as that poor chap delassus DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT to eu in any form, still it's something quite big..
Heck I don't expect non-italians to know how badly mps (monte dei paschi di siena, a "pseudo" italian bank firm) is screwing over with their clients and how much in the red it's swimming, but I expect people to know all the fuck happening in foxconn... I don't expect people to know about italian-wide case involving military husband killing his wife and feigning ignorance with the cover of his lover (a female officer from the same military corp) but I expect people to know how google is making a killing selling YOUR data to the highest bidder...
oh well I should stop getting surprised anymore, after all after repeatedly jerking off with italian justice in any possible form, Berlusconi got somehow to meddle in the government YET AGAIN, that shows how much people in general cares about those "leading" their government, politics, real life, etc etc..
guess I'm a bit bitter today, better to cool off away from this topic :|
They'll get the award again because the gaming community is so organised and segregated. I doubt there's banking blogs and forums that whipped up the story like what happened last year against EA.


In terms of worst videogame companies, though, I'd hand that over to Ubisoft.
I frequently hear horror stories about EA's working conditions and overtime hours though.
EA has a good shot at repeating. My Foul Four are EA, Carnival Cruise, Bank of America, and Time Warner Cable.

EA doesn't have an easy road to repeat, though. After a gimme first round, it's likely a showdown against Facebook in the Sour Sixteen then probably AT&T in the Exasperating Eight before a Foul Four showdown with Carnival.

Interesting first round matchups: AT&T v. Verizon, Apple vs. Microsoft.

Why carnival? I thoroughly enjoyed my splendor cruise 2 years back and was planning a repeat for next spring.


Let's be honest, this entire contest is a huge piece of Reddit clickbait.

They specifically pair the brackets so that you're voting within a category--this way company A's fans are mutually exclusive from company B's, and it draws the most amount of clicks/voters when the fanboys clash.
EA does have a PR problem that it needs to address going forward. It's somewhat sad that EA has no problem canning its development studios for missteps but their marketing and PR has been consistently mediocre yet it seems by in large that they're never held accountable.


EA does have a PR problem that it needs to address going forward. It's somewhat sad that EA has no problem canning its development studios for missteps but their marketing and PR has been consistently mediocre yet it seems by in large that they're never held accountable.
You don't know this.


Not big banks or anything, but EA. Good job gamers.

It's highly likely that a bank makes the Terrible Two final, given the brackets. Thinking Bank of America gets in, but compelling case for Wells Fargo. It'll be a bank versus a cable provider in the Foul Four.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
EA vs Facebook will be an interesting "battle." Both are widely hated. Though I could see EA squeaking a win out there.
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