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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


Seriously? What, just because they won on the next page, everyone can no longer read? Let me say it again for you guys.

So chill out bros, this isn't a morality poll, this is a consumer satisfaction poll, and guess what, I consume EA's products, not BoA's. Same with the most of the rest of you.

A lot of words used when you could just say, "I care about games more."
Man I don't know, I just really love gaming and all this negativity that spews from the gaming community about their own hobby is terrible. EA makes some great games and sure they don't always work as expected, but they fix it. Just like they fixed the mass effect ending for people or gave out a free game for sim city.

All people do is complain about gaming now, its very rarely positive comments or news. I'd like to protect my hobby not announce how evil and horrible it is to the world.

I'm sure negative press will lose some sales for ea, just like negative press lost sales on SimCity. Granted sim sim city deserved that at first. Negative press or lost sales are never good for developers.

If a company puts out products that dont work and developers are untruthful then they deserve lost sales. The only place to hit them where it hurts is in their wallet. People dont usually complain for the hell of it. Many of us do in hopes that EA will listen and correct their mistakes. Mirrors Edge is one of my top games this gen.

EA was great for a time but then reverted back and even became worse.
I want them to be a good publisher and while it may not do much atleast with this poll they can hear some of the disappointment that they otherwise wouldnt.


Yes, and then found out that what they bought and what they expected it to be did not line up. To have a big outrage you need a lot of people actually playing the game, too. Just like Mass Effect 3 sold well and then was complained about due to that ending, so was Simcity bought by many who then couldn't play due to the online DRM and saw features disappear as well as the simulation break down in critical areas, notably traffic.
So we keep buying games before getting in-depth impressions.
Are we going to keep doing that?

It's kind of weird that we keep doing it after Hellgate London, An Alleged Dragon Age Sequel, Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Diablo III and many others. That's just a recent sampling of the pattern repeating itself.
Seriously? What, just because they won on the next page, everyone can no longer read? Let me say it again for you guys.

So chill out bros, this isn't a morality poll, this is a consumer satisfaction poll, and guess what, I consume EA's products, not BoA's. Same with the most of the rest of you.
Yahoo! pic for this story is priceless:



Really Really Exciting Member!
According to the Consumerist, nearly all of the stuff they got in favor of EA was about their practices of buying out and destroying smaller companies, the SimCity fiasco, and microtransactions. Absolutely none of it was (like EA wants to pretend) about Mass Effect 3's ending or LGBT characters.

Last year's vote happened a month after ME3 release. I wouldn't be surprised if that affected some of the votes. I wouldn't say it had absolutely no influence, considering how angry(we did get two Spoiler OTs mostly because of that remember.) some of the fans were, and still are in a way...


Or, perhaps, EA is the only company out of these who would give the faintest of a shit about it.

Mrm...no. Past finalists sent out memos to their EMPLOYEES to stuff the voting box with votes for their co-finalist to try to avoid "winning." Of course, that backfired when the memos were sent to Consumerist and published.

Trite or not. NO ONE wants to win an award like this from the site owned by Consumer Reports.


So we keep buying games before getting in-depth impressions.
Are we going to keep doing that?

It's kind of weird that we keep doing it after Hellgate London, An Alleged Dragon Age Sequel, Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Diablo III and many others. That's just a recent sampling of the pattern repeating itself.
Pre-order bonuses. It's how they try to make us buy games sight unseen, and it's working. And previews, which are pretty much paid advertorials about the games.

If everyone stopped preordering and didn't buy games until a week or two after release, we might see a reaction, but... I know I'll still be doing this for some titles. Including some EA ones.

The whole industry is just stacked against the consumers, EA is just the shining example here. At least Activision is selling what people expect: Skylanders and Call of Duty. And what's in the box pretty much matches with what people expect.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't know if this award would ever actually have a remote impact on anything anyway, but EA winning makes it absolutely meaningless guaranteed.

Or, perhaps, EA is the only company out of these who would give the faintest of a shit about it.

Even EA doesn't give a shit about it. People up in arms about them winning is hilarious.



"Sure, fucking peoples' financials over to the point where they lose their homes and doing yet more nefarious shit like laundering money for murderous Mexican drug cartels is bad, but these EA guys shut down Westwood. Surely that's the worst sin any of these companies could possibly commit."

These online polls are some of the dumbest things on the internet and I hope to every Jesus in the universe that everyone who took part in it realizes how dumb they are when they're old enough to actually have a savings account.


Everything is tsundere to me

Because I play Battlefield with friends and have fun. Because I play Medal of Honor with friends and have fun. Because Sim City 2000 was my first video game and I have very fond memories of the franchise (though I thankfully didn't fall for 5), because Dead Space was a fantastic survival horror game. EA releases some really fantastic gems, but their practice of fucking them all up has been getting worse and worse, and as a consumer, I'd like to see this get better. Make sense?


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I'm embarrassed to play games.

Really? Because you shouldn't be. This poll means nothing.

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

I'm not against EA winning this poll. All this poll shows is that the consumer base for EA products is more likely to vote in a dissatisfaction poll on the internet. If the Consumerist went to grocery stores or banks or restaurants across the country and asked people in person what the company they were most dissatisfied with, EA probably wouldn't scratch the surface.

Most of you oh so offended over EA winning a shitty internet poll will probably go back home today to play videogames instead of going to the streets to claim social justice, you are just a bunch of hypocrites.

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

I'm not against EA winning this poll. All this poll shows is that the consumer base for EA products is more likely to vote in a dissatisfaction poll on the internet. If the Consumerist went to grocery stores or banks or restaurants across the country and asked people in person what the company they were most dissatisfied with, EA probably wouldn't scratch the surface.


Actually the average age for a gamer today in 2013 is 35 according to research, gaming is much more of an adult industry today than it used to be, probably because of the sums of money involved.

As for EA, they have the worst practices in the industry imo BUT....they do make good games imo.

The NES generation is now in their 30's and have money.
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