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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


EA vs Facebook will be an interesting "battle." Both are widely hated. Though I could see EA squeaking a win out there.

I am glad I'm not the only one who sees this. EA has a tough road throughout. Facebook is no rollover, then they'll probably get AT&T in the next round.


I know this poll doesn't mean anything but come on, EA is nowhere near the worst company on that list. You basically have to ignore a chunk of that list to even consider them a worthy winner.
What everyone seems to be forgetting is that corporations are infallible, and no matter what they do, we should thank them for being the backbone of the global economy.

Making profit is to be held above all, regardless of the effects on the general public and/or your consumers, as long as your actions aren't *technically* illegal.

Thank you, based Wells Fargo.
EA is certainly up there for me, again.

Carnival may be in the running, also. Two cruise disasters in the span of a month, and recently, too.

Surprised Progressive Insurance isn't up there after that Tumblr post about how their attorneys defended the person who contributed to the death of a client, and the PR disaster that followed.


butthurt Heat fan
Don't forget people: SimCity may've had one of the worst game launches we've seen in a long time, but Wells Fargo killed a man.

More specifically, killed him by making a mistake, only to fail to PROPERLY remedy that mistake and foreclosed on his home anyway, stressing him out to the point he literally died in the court room.

Between this and Bank of America foreclosing on homes that were already paid for, EA isn't deserving of this medal of dishonor by a long shot.
Last years winner of this poll made the news for many major news organizations. Sadly it had little impact overall. The general public doesn't care... or at least not care enough to do something about it.

So I kind of see the point others have stated in this thread. "It's just a poll."
The fact that EA beat out financial companies as the worst company last year proves that the poll is voted by a small but unified group of angry young people on the internet. Yes, I understand that this is just one popularity poll conducted by one website on the internet but when a video game publisher is voted the worst due to online DRM, mainstreaming their IPs, online passes, and other "anti-consumer" practices rather than banks which literally gamble with millions of dollars of their member's money every year and conduct many shady backroom deals proves that the poll is without merit.


There are some truly awful companies on that list, whose actions have a long term negative impact on families across the world.

Let's vote for the video game company.
The fact that EA beat out financial companies as the worst company last year proves that the poll is voted by a small but unified group of angry young people on the internet. Yes, I understand that this is just one popularity poll conducted by one website on the internet but when a video game publisher is voted the worst due to online DRM, mainstreaming their IPs, online passes, and other "anti-consumer" practices rather than banks which literally gamble with millions of dollars of their member's money every year and conduct many shady backroom deals proves that the poll is without merit.

Again, stories about these banks are in the news EVERY DAY. We all know how terrible they are. No one is arguing that they aren't worse than EA. Polls like this though offer a chance for less egregious behavior to enter the spotlight. After a generation of EA going out of their way to surgically remove fun from video games, I appreciate this cathartic release.
Hold on a second, why FedEx are there?

Is this worst company in general or worst company in the video game industry?

Edit: Oh wow worst in America in competition with every company in the US...wow...wow...
After the whole SimCity thing, they're probably going to "win".This is probably more of a reflection of the kind of people who vote on these things and their associated priorities than a realistic reflection of their status on the bad guys list.

I mean - there are companies out there who make a living manufacturing weapons with the sole purpose of killing, maiming and generally causing misery to fellow human beings.And then there's EA.Doesn't even seem in the same league to me.
Rofl. Over analizing the population of the United States of America in an internet poll, where disatisfied consumers (gamers) vote for the one most direct to their hobby.
From a "we don't give a shit about our consumers" point of view (which I think is what this poll ends up being), I'd love to see a final four of EA v. AT&T v. Ticketmaster v. someone else. I don't have Comcast, so I have no frame of reference. Can't happen, though, because AT&T and EA are in the same bracket.

Also sort of funny that EA is the only purely video game company on the list.
At least this year it kind of makes sense.

Last year they "won" that title because of silly Mass Effect fans.

It didn't make sense then and it still doesn't make sense. The lack of perspective that some people have is mind boggling. Even if they are a bad company, they are not even close to the worst company in America by any possible metric


Really Really Exciting Member!
This poll is a joke. It's a video game company and it possibly winning "Worst Company in America" (a 2nd time on top of that) is also a fucking joke. This poll was decided by angry gamers last year and will still be this year.


Is this title not a PR nightmare of the highest order for EA? Surely any company even in danger of winning this 'award' should consider vast, sweeping changes in its policies and business.


Is this title not a PR nightmare of the highest order for EA? Surely any company even in danger of winning this 'award' should consider vast, sweeping changes in its policies and business.

...except EA won last year, and nothing changed.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
this, I've seen multiple documentaries of what it is like to work for Google. I would give at least one of my testicles to work there..maybe both

The vote isn't for "worst company in America to work for", but rather, "worst company in America" fom a consumer's perspective.
Is this title not a PR nightmare of the highest order for EA? Surely any company even in danger of winning this 'award' should consider vast, sweeping changes in its policies and business.

They just managed to sell over a million copies of a non-functioning game. I think they have nothing to worry about. The only thing they'll probably learn is not to launch their games just before this poll takes place.


This shit for real? XD

Seriously, best GIF answer you could give.

Yup it's real. When I lived in the city here the guy would throw down whatever it was on my apartment doorstep even if I wasn't there. Needless to say things didn't always arrive in one piece. UPS was always all good. They'd wait and if no answer take it to the office and leave it. Crap like that gif is one of the many reasons I don't use fedex if I can avoid it.
We all know how terrible they are. No one is arguing that they aren't worse than EA.

The title of the tournament is for the Worst Company In America 2013. Nowhere does it say the "Worst Video Game Company In America 2013" or the "Worst (less well known but still does assholish stuff) Company In America 2013".

Select candidates are:
Facebook - has the personal information to over 500 million people and it isn't all kept private.
PayPal - A pseudo-bank that has the capability to freeze any account at any time for any reason without any governmental regulation saying that it will someday need to release the funds.
SallieMae - This company manages nearly all of the student loans in the US.
Bank of America - I don't even need to explain the backroom deals they have engaged in.
Comcast/Time Warner - These two cable companies essentially have a monopoly in nearly every market they operate in. Meaning: if you want broadband internet you are required to go trough them.

The simple fact that I almost don't feel as if any entertainment company should even be on this list. If the poll was for the Most Asshole Company or the Worst Public Relations Company then you can toss EA and many others in there.


After the whole SimCity thing, they're probably going to "win".This is probably more of a reflection of the kind of people who vote on these things and their associated priorities than a realistic reflection of their status on the bad guys list.

I mean - there are companies out there who make a living manufacturing weapons with the sole purpose of killing, maiming and generally causing misery to fellow human beings.And then there's EA.Doesn't even seem in the same league to me.
This one's a little odd to me. It's terrible they exist, but at the same time they are just doing what they were specifically founded to do, though I don't doubt there's lobbying on their part messing things up.

Still, I'd put the banks over them. The arms manufacturers are "just doing their job" and many DO get weapons just for self defense. The banks are SUPPOSED to be there to safely guard our money and help us with payments, not to rob us blind in broad daylight.
The title of the tournament is for the Worst Company In America 2013. Nowhere does it say the "Worst Video Game Company In America 2013" or the "Worst (less well known but still does assholish stuff) Company In America 2013".

Select candidates are:
Facebook - has the personal information to over 500 million people and it isn't all kept private.
PayPal - A pseudo-bank that has the capability to freeze any account at any time for any reason without any governmental regulation saying that it will someday need to release the funds.
SallieMae - This company manages nearly all of the student loans in the US.
Bank of America - I don't even need to explain the backroom deals they have engaged in.
Comcast/Time Warned - These two cable companies essentially have a monopoly in nearly every market they operate in. Meaning: if you want broadband internet you are required to go trough them.

Nice selective quoting!


The title of the tournament is for the Worst Company In America 2013. Nowhere does it say the "Worst Video Game Company In America 2013" or the "Worst (less well known but still does assholish stuff) Company In America 2013".

Select candidates are:
Facebook - has the personal information to over 500 million people and it isn't all kept private.
PayPal - A pseudo-bank that has the capability to freeze any account at any time for any reason without any governmental regulation saying that it will someday need to release the funds.
SallieMae - This company manages nearly all of the student loans in the US.
Bank of America - I don't even need to explain the backroom deals they have engaged in.
Comcast/Time Warned - These two cable companies essentially have a monopoly in nearly every market they operate in. Meaning: if you want broadband internet you are required to go trough them.

But always-online DRM man! Think of what it did to SimCity!


I hate EA. I think their anti-consumer practices are harmfull to this hobby, and we'd be better off without them.

But they are not the worst company in America. Not even close.

Think of all the sleazy law firms which exist only to be patent trolls.

Think of the weapons manufacturers. Tobacco, pharmaceuticals, banks, etc.

There are no shortage of horrible companies in America. In the grand scheme of things, EA is pretty small potatoes.
It was stupid last year, and it will be stupid this year if they win again. Do children vote in these? Or people with zero sense of reality?
Consider this: Many broadband companies are known to provide crappy service in areas where there isn't competition but once some competition is introduced in an area, oh hey they start actually trying.

In other words, these companies know they're doing a bad job and don't do anything to fix it until they can no longer get away with it. Sadly, in most areas that "no longer get away with it" has yet to arrive.

EA really isn't anywhere close to being as corrupt as those companies.


Like any tournament, it's not your collective résumé that wins a championship. It's how well-- or how awful, in this case-- that you're playing lately.

If it hadn't been for SimCity, EA would have no shot after the second round... but the publisher is peaking (falling?) at the right time with this latest March fiasco and consumers are angry.

I agree that there are other more deserving companies out there, but EA is earning the anger and resentment being directed its way.


Consider this: Many broadband companies are known to provide crappy service in areas where there isn't competition but once some competition is introduced in an area, oh hey they start actually trying.

In other words, these companies know they're doing a bad job and don't do anything to fix it until they can no longer get away with it. Sadly, in most areas that "no longer get away with it" has yet to arrive.

EA really isn't anywhere close to being as corrupt as those companies.
In regards to being content to rest on their laurels, I think EA can be about as bad, people seem to feel Madden's been in a slump.

But phoning in a video game is different from phoning what is increasingly becoming an essential service in the world at large.


Who cares about the corrupt, and fraudulent as long as I can still watch moving pictures on the boob tube every day.

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