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Early Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Impressions From Matt-IGN


So are there 2 Metroid Prime's now? As how the hell did the other Metroid Prime travel from Talon IV? Unless the 100% ending was just a teser rather than the full ending?
Deg said:
So are there 2 Metroid Prime's now? As how the hell did the other Metroid Prime travel from Talon IV? Unless the 100% ending was just a teser rather than the full ending?
It seems to be the same creature from Prime.


The game could be amazing, but Matt isn't exactly a person with credible opinions. He's the same person that couldn't shut the fuck up about Prince of Persia, and that turned out to be a complete mess.


Matt's game opinions have more often than not reflected my own, so he is a good barometer of what games I'll probably enjoy.

Of course, Gamespot also gave some glowing first impressions of MP2.
snapty00 said:
The game could be amazing, but Matt isn't exactly a person with credible opinions. He's the same person that couldn't shut the fuck up about Prince of Persia, and that turned out to be a complete mess.
Yeah, it won GOTY from several publications. What a complete mess. I could say the same thing about GTA: SA, which I don't like at all.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Deg said:
So are there 2 Metroid Prime's now? As how the hell did the other Metroid Prime travel from Talon IV? Unless the 100% ending was just a teser rather than the full ending?

Not only 2, there are three (MP: Hunters)


snapty00 said:
The game could be amazing, but Matt isn't exactly a person with credible opinions. He's the same person that couldn't shut the fuck up about Prince of Persia, and that turned out to be a complete mess.

You can apply that same criticism to every reviewer.

I'm definately not a fan of Matt, but I have no idea why you are picking on him for PoP in particular. A lot of people have praised the game in spite of its short commings. Matt is not the only one overrated the game.


ge-man said:
You can apply that same criticism to every reviewer.

I'm definately not a fan of Matt, but I have no idea why you are picking on him for PoP in particular. A lot of people have praised the game in spite of its short commings. Matt is not the only one overrated the game.
Because he went out of his way to do it. And Metroid Prime 2 is just the latest game for him to overhype. This is nothing new.

I can see the editorial headline now from 2005:
"Games We Overhyped
A Revised Look at Metroid Prime 2"


snapty00 said:
Because he went out of his way to do it. And Metroid Prime 2 is just the latest game for him to overhype. This is nothing new.

I can see the editorial headline now from 2005:
"Games We Overhyped
A Revised Look at Metroid Prime 2"

Dude, I'll be frank--I think you're just looking for a reason to troll. Yes, Matt overrates stuff, but your PoP example is a reminder that a lot of reviewers and publication overrate stuff from time to time. This is something that is going to happen with highly anticpated games period. Why single out Matt and MP2?


snapty00 said:
Because he went out of his way to do it. And Metroid Prime 2 is just the latest game for him to overhype. This is nothing new.

I can see the editorial headline now from 2005:
"Games We Overhyped
A Revised Look at Metroid Prime 2"

Oh for god's sake you have a negative comment for every nintendo related thread, don't you?


SomeDude said:
Have you played Metroid Prime 2? How do you know if he is overhyping it or not?
No, I don't. I've already said that.

My point is that Matt isn't really a good source one way or the other. Sure, I believe he's giving HIS opinion, but I think his opinions are so warped that they don't really deserve any attention. This is the same guy that thought the Donkey Kong 64 was one of the best games ever made. That's enough not to trust him.


snapty00 said:
No, I don't. I've already said that.

My point is that Matt isn't really a good source one way or the other. Sure, I believe he's giving HIS opinion, but I think his opinions are so warped that they don't really deserve any attention. This is the same guy that thought the Donkey Kong 64 was one of the best games ever made. That's enough not to trust him.

Make sure you are getting paid well :p

GSG Flash said:
Not only 2, there are three (MP: Hunters)

I meant the boss of the game not games.


Unconfirmed Member

:lol I never noticed but the pirate claw hand looks like Ridley's skull :D

Also how do these guys build or touch aanything? =/

I liked the federation trooper better when he had a gun and not an arm canon, I liked when that was unique to samus.
I just hate it when reviewers get this involved with pimping a game. That's great that he likes it. But when do previews turn into PR for a company? They'll do the same thing for Zelda. Not to say the same didn't happen for other games, but not to this level.

Kon Tiki

CrimsonSkies said:
I just hate it when reviewers get this involved with pimping a game. That's great that he likes it. But when do previews turn into PR for a company? They'll do the same thing for Zelda. Not to say the same didn't happen for other games, but not to this level.

I agree. I am already sick of Metroid Week.

Heh, your tag is appropriate for that post.


Eric-GCA said:
I'm guessing Friday of this week, since the game probably won't be in stores until the 17th.

What's stopping most stores from releasing it on Monday the 15th? They'll have it by the previous Friday or Saturday.


AirBrian said:
I thought you sold your GCN...was that thread a joke?

Er.. No. I guess Santa's avatar was taken in the wrong context. I meant it to show he was in a state of denial or something (and even then I was joking).


planetgamecube has some impressions up:


Having now gotten a substantial taste of the game as it was meant to be played, I couldn’t be more hyped for Echoes. The game is facing major competition this holiday season and will probably end up being an also-ran in the sales race, but Metroid Prime fans are going to be delirious when they finally get their hands on this sequel. Check back soon for my full review!

Deku Tree

planetgamecube said:
Metroid Prime fans are going to be delirious when they finally get their hands on this sequel.



more from planetgamecube said:
Samus accesses the nearby computer terminal to view his logs, which are presented as video clips (actually rendered in real-time) with narrative text subtitles, though the soldiers are shouting to each other in English during some scenes.

So how much voice acting is in the game? It would be nice if the main parts of the story are told that way.
Deku Tree said:
So how much voice acting is in the game? It would be nice if the main parts of the story are told that way.

Almost none. The voice-acting during that trooper log is only in the background; the log itself is told only through text. The Luminoth you meet later does speak, but it's in his own language, and even that is quite limited. There could be more voice later in the game, but from what I played...I really doubt it.

By the way, I'm happy to answer any other questions about the game.


Jonnyboy117 said:
Almost none. The voice-acting during that trooper log is only in the background; the log itself is told only through text. The Luminoth you meet later does speak, but it's in his own language, and even that is quite limited. There could be more voice later in the game, but from what I played...I really doubt it.

By the way, I'm happy to answer any other questions about the game.

How is the MUSIC? If it's something I love about Metroid it's the music. Is it on par with Metroid Prime you think? Is it Kenji Yamamoto again?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yes, how IS the music? I certainly loved it in Prime, but I'm ready for more of a Super Metroidish flavor myself.

As for voice, I think the Euro release of the original MP was Retro's experiment in voice acting. I remember reading that people weren't too thrilled with how it turned out. So if they opted to go with the minimalist route in the sequel, you know who to blame! :D

Deku Tree

Unlockable Super Metroid? </dreaming>

In seriousness, any word on the unlockables that your allowed to divulge? (You can put it behind spoiler tags.)


Kanbee-san said:

Sorry, mate, but your post doesn't make sense. Most of Nintendo's games this year haven't seen very high grades from any of the sites.

I have a feeling that there will be an entire IGN site writeup for the overrated games of the year that will include Halo 2, GTA:SA, MGS3:SE, and MP2:E.
SantaCruZer said:
How is the MUSIC? If it's something I love about Metroid it's the music. Is it on par with Metroid Prime you think? Is it Kenji Yamamoto again?

The music is fantastic. It's the same style as in the first game, atmospheric techno, but this time it's a LOT creepier. Nintendo handed out headphones for the demo session, and I was positively astounded at some of the sounds coming through those things. There are loud, sharp noises that freak you out at first but turn out to be another layer of the music, fitting into a rhythm that you can only hear after a few minutes of listening. Some of this stuff was so clear and jarring that I had to take my headphones off to make sure it was part of the game. It really had me off-balance, and I was enjoying the effect.

Socreges said:
Any chance for Speed Boots?

Or, just overall, is Samus more agile?

Hard to say on Speed Booster. Nintendo wasn't discussing anything past the Dark Suit, which I would guess is at the game's midpoint or earlier. The rep I talked to (who knew the game inside and out) would only say that there are a lot of surprises in the upgrade selection. Samus didn't feel anymore agile than in the first game (unfortunately...), but you do start out with the Morph Ball even after most of your other equipment is stolen, and you win back the Space Jump very early.

Speevy said:
Is the art direction more or less varied than the first Metroid Prime?

More. Regions seem to be based on less stereotypical themes than the fire/ice/etc. areas in the last game. Each civilization on Aether has distinct architecture and technology styles, as I mention in my impressions.

Deku Tree said:
Unlockable Super Metroid? </dreaming>

In seriousness, any word on the unlockables that your allowed to divulge? (You can put it behind spoiler tags.)

I have no idea about Super Metroid, but it wouldn't surprise me at all. There are at least unlockable multiplayer stages, but Retro has said in the past that there will be plenty of stuff to unlock. I'm personally hoping for a Dark Samus skin a la the Fusion suit...but this time with actual gameplay effects.

Deku Tree

Thanks Jonnyboy117. All that stuff sounds pretty sweet. My ancitipation for Echoes is rising. An unlockable dark samus suit with more than cosmetic effects would be very cool and that sounds likely.


Jonnyboy117 said:
The music is fantastic. It's the same style as in the first game, atmospheric techno, but this time it's a LOT creepier. Nintendo handed out headphones for the demo session, and I was positively astounded at some of the sounds coming through those things. There are loud, sharp noises that freak you out at first but turn out to be another layer of the music, fitting into a rhythm that you can only hear after a few minutes of listening. Some of this stuff was so clear and jarring that I had to take my headphones off to make sure it was part of the game. It really had me off-balance, and I was enjoying the effect.

Wow thanks! If music is great then much is won for me already. Hypo-meter going up.

I really like ambient techno in normal life to so it suits me perfect.

One more Question:

How long do you think the single player is? Par with Prime 1?
SantaCruZer said:
How long do you think the single player is? Par with Prime 1?

According to NOA's reps, it's about the same length, but progressing through the game will probably go slower due to the increased difficulty and added complexity of moving back and forth through the two worlds to find things and just to get around.


Jonnyboy117 said:
According to NOA's reps, it's about the same length, but progressing through the game will probably go slower due to the increased difficulty and added complexity of moving back and forth through the two worlds to find things and just to get around.

thanks for your time.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I wonder how long it'd take someone who's mastered MP's hard mode? I wonder if there will be a selectable difficulty level from the get go?
Mejilan said:
I wonder how long it'd take someone who's mastered MP's hard mode? I wonder if there will be a selectable difficulty level from the get go?

There isn't. I played the game "from the get go", literally, and there was no difficulty setting.


Spike said:
Sorry, mate, but your post doesn't make sense. Most of Nintendo's games this year haven't seen very high grades from any of the sites.

No kidding. Pikmin 2 is much better than it was rated.
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