What did he mean by this?
Current consensus at 28% with 31 rotten reviews:
Fuck these shitty douchey critic consensuses (consensi?)
God I hate that website!
Current consensus at 28% with 31 rotten reviews:
I'm aware my nostalgia might alter how I see certain things but I've watched The Mummy since adulthood and it's still entertainingI'm shocked so many people hold the Fraser movies in high regard
So, the point of these cinematic universes is that they'll enhance the appeal of one another and prompt people to see multiple movies. The "halo effect".
But so far we've seen two would-be cinematic universes deliver dud films, and the irony is that these just drag down and weaken the appeal of future films.
I guess Wonder Woman is fine, but when I think about how it's technically canon with MoS, BvS and Suicide Squad, I wince.
So, the point of these cinematic universes is that they'll enhance the appeal of one another and prompt people to see multiple movies. The "halo effect".
But so far we've seen two would-be cinematic universes deliver dud films, and the irony is that these just drag down and weaken the appeal of future films.
I guess Wonder Woman is fine, but when I think about how it's technically canon with MoS, BvS and Suicide Squad, I wince.
It's been a while since I saw the mummy movies (like with the rock). Weren't they like Indiana Jones style comedy movies? I don't remember them being scary lol
I just don't see the appeal of a monsterverse or a kaijuverse. The latter I can see the appeal of a big dumb kaiju wretlemania. I don't see what the appeal of the former is.
The original was 1930s classic horror in the vein of DraculaIt's been a while since I saw the mummy movies (like with the rock). Weren't they like Indiana Jones style comedy movies? I don't remember them being scary lol
The sequels are whatever, but the first film is one of the best pulpy period action-adventure films out there and it fully embraces its inherit silliness in a very genuine way, along with a top-to-bottom stellar cast. It's not much of a horror movie (though I'd argue that it does at least try prior to Imhotep being fully resurrected with the various stalking scenes and how much they get away with in the organ stealing department), but I really enjoyed the direction they took with it all the same.
They first one is a legit fun movie. The second one is terrible and has a kid that was even more annoying than Anakin. I can't remember anything about the third it was so forgettable.
The GOATThe movie can never live up to how great and memorable and suspenseful the leaked trailer was, though. Surely, you can accept that undeniable fact.
How is that a perfect example? I follow the opinion of critics/friends/family who have proven over time to have similar tastes to me. Tom_Cody's opinion on the film does little to sway me one way or the other. He may have completely opposite taste in films for all I know.
Ironically, I remember rolling my eyes that they turned a classic horror franchise into a comedic adventure movie back in 1999.Yup.. I rolled my eyes when I saw how "dark and gritty" this new one was
Same reason people like Space Jam. They were 6.
The latest trailers and commercials make it look like a bore with lots of spectacle to fill the gaps. Probably the worse blockbuster trailer after Transformers Last Knight or whatever it's called.
I'm not sure I understand the sense in giving Kurtzman this big blockbuster. But maybe it scares Fox away from letting Kinberg direct X-Men. Heck, wasn't Orci lined up to direct Star Trek Beyond at a point?
I'm shocked so many people hold the Fraser movies in high regard
Aren't Bardem, Depp, et al. already signed to their movies though?
So are they gonna take a second mulligan on this one and delay the "official" start of this Universal Universe to a third film?
Did Disney/ Marvel even plan out MCU before the first iron man?
I have $10 in movie points so im somewhat excited.Anyone excited to see this anecdotally? Want to get an indication of how much it'll bomb
To be fair, the originals aren't exactly classics. They at least had some semblance of fun and humor...This movie looks void of both.
Bring back Brendon Fraser.
... The originals are literally classics.
Anyone excited to see this anecdotally? Want to get an indication of how much it'll bomb
Fuck it, let's make the '99 Mummy film a classic, yeah?
My mistake, I was referring to the Fraser vehicles of the 90s and 00s. I think it's safe to say that this film has more in common with those than the original universal flicks.
Not even slightly surprised. Taking a concept like a Mummy, which is kind of campy by contemporary standards, and making it (seemingly) a serious monster action movie was just a very poor decision.
The Brendan Fraser movies got it right by not taking themselves too seriously.
Maybe they'll get it right when they remake The Mummy again in another 20 years.
If the reviews are nothing go by, the mummy gets barely anything to do. So it doesn't seem like much of a monster movie.
It already is
I'm not sure I understand the sense in giving Kurtzman this big blockbuster. But maybe it scares Fox away from letting Kinberg direct X-Men. Heck, wasn't Orci lined up to direct Star Trek Beyond at a point?
The Mummy (first Frasier vehicle) was awesome though! Like the Guardians of the Galaxy of monster movies, at the time.
I'm shocked so many people hold the Fraser movies in high regard