Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Damn some of these blurbs are straight furious. It's not as total as, say, Collateral Beauty's drubbing, but the savagery is just as epic.
I think Universal should've kept their Dark Universe announcement mum until after the release date for this, maybe even day of. I'm not saying it's getting dragged because people know it's part of a shared universe. But I think knowing that this is supposed to kick off (for the third time lol) 'Dark' makes the mediocrity slightly more off-putting. It's like being served a bad meal and then learning the same cook is giving more courses to the meal.
I guess they thought that viewers go to movies because of the shared universe? And maybe that would prop up the numbers for The Mummy. I think it works the opposite way. Give people a fun movie, then they'll be excited for more of what they just got.