Man Brandon Plays Pokemon is always a lot of fun *^*. Definitely one of the highlights of my week. It's always interesting to see a fresh take on the series considering most of us played the game when we were kids 
It's cool haha. She's such a chill dog in the video podcasts. Huber can be loud, and she just lays there without moving. Must be used to it haha.I actually haven't watched Cup of Jones yet so now I am preparing myself to feel dumb when I do watch it later tonight. Thanks for the answers
Man Brandon Plays Pokemon is always a lot of fun *^*. Definitely one of the highlights of my week. It's always interesting to see a fresh take on the series considering most of us played the game when we were kids![]()
Has Kyle realized yet that he needs to put the Tetris gap in the middle instead of trying to mash it out trying to get the long pieces all the way to the sides?
Bosman: "There's no place to put it."
*covers up the well*
Why not just put it right where I took the screenshot instead? Moments like that drive me nuts. I know he sometimes has to cover up the well but I think he does it way more often than necessary.
If you put that S straight down, the box would have to go right next to it, and then you have a very ugly situation if a Z or a J shows up, and a regular ugly situation if it's another box or another S. It's mostly about what's happening in the far left.
I'm aware of the reasoning behind splitting the well, but I think that method requires you you to burn more lines than necessary. Eventually I'll get there in the later levels, but I don't think it's the optimized solution from the start.
That said, if you all are secret Tetris pros I am very willing to heed your advice. I need to beat Woz
*nods pretending to understand what's being said*.Everyone is a secret Tetris pro inside.
the last thing in Brandon Plays Pokemon is a battle between kyle and brandon..
I would totally love to see that, in fact.. I want a bet about it!!
Seeing as Johnny is so overleveled right now, and will only get stronger, I wouldn't be surprised if he swept Kyle's team by just spamming Slash.
I don't remember well, but didn't the colosseum set the level of all pokemon to lv 50? if not, Kyle needs to lv up his pokemon for a match with brandon, at least they need to be the same level across all pokemon
Damn, Kyle missed the tet of the tets in his best run on BvW 5, it was a heartbreaker.
I think it only lowers their levels to a maximum of 50, but if you have anyone below 50 they stay at that level. Could easily be wrong, but that's what I recall.
kudos to Jones for giving love to Sophie in the podcast
I swear everytime i see the podcast i want to teleport there and pet Sophie all the times forever and ever.
I don't remember well, but didn't the colosseum set the level of all pokemon to lv 50? if not, Kyle needs to lv up his pokemon for a match with brandon, at least they need to be the same level across all pokemon
Eh, I don't find that very likely to be honest, especially on Brandon's team. They can of course always grind to level 50. Jones seems to enjoy grinding at least.most pokemon should be at lv 50 or beyond when the game is finished
I want a Sophie / Benny (from Maximilian stream) crossover. Best stream dogs in the bizI've always been a dog lover and Sophie is honestly the best dog I've ever met. She's so well behaved and adorable. Best ally.
Kyle thinking there is a place called "Dark Tunnel" and that Rock Tunnel is later on cracked me up. Either that or he misspoke, still funny.
Also Kyle (who hates that everything after Generation II has been a "save the world by fighting a legendary pokemon that Team Evil of the Week tried to congtrol" plot) holding in his rage that Brandon expects that to happen with Team Rocket.
Also I hope Brandon is grindy enough that he keeps Wormtail until the end. Also don't tell him about, maybe he'll have a placebo effect and think it actually helps XDFocus Energy
I enjoyed Brandon guess to what Pokemon Tower was, but then in Generation II they clear out all the dead bodies and make it into a radio broadcasting tower.... what? I hope that Marowak still haunts those DJs for revenge.
How is Brandon going to find out that Machamp needs to be traded to evolve unless Kyle tells him? Hmmm.
Damn, Kyle is casual.
How is Brandon going to find out that Machamp needs to be traded to evolve unless Kyle tells him? Hmmm.
How is Brandon going to find out that Machamp needs to be traded to evolve unless Kyle tells him? Hmmm.
there sre NPCs that talk about it.
Ben did an Astra's Wrath stream ?!?!?!?! I've been asking both him and Huber about it in chat whenever I got a chance. I missed him doing one lol?!Did Ben talk about P5 at all on his Asura's Wrath Stream? I forgot and came in late and was hoping to hear his opinion? Is he saving it for Frame Trap?![]()
Ben did an Astra's Wrath stream ?!?!?!?! I've been asking both him and Huber about it in chat whenever I got a chance. I missed him doing one lol?!
If you put that S straight down, the box would have to go right next to it, and then you have a very ugly situation if a Z or a J shows up, and a regular ugly situation if it's another box or another S. It's mostly about what's happening in the far left.
I'm aware of the reasoning behind splitting the well, but I think that method requires you you to burn more lines than necessary. Eventually I'll get there in the later levels, but I don't think it's the optimized solution from the start.
That said, if you all are secret Tetris pros I am very willing to heed your advice. I need to beat Woz
Seeing as Johnny is so overleveled right now, and will only get stronger, I wouldn't be surprised if he swept Kyle's team by just spamming Slash.
As much as I liked the podcast, the opening music is just awful. Surly they have a fan that can make something rad.
As much as I liked the podcast, the opening music is just awful. Surly they have a fan that can make something rad.
As much as I liked the podcast, the opening music is just awful. Surly they have a fan that can make something rad.
oh yeah...
the last thing in Brandon Plays Pokemon is a battle between kyle and brandon..
I would totally love to see that, in fact.. I want a bet about it!!
I'm so excited to think about the things Brandon will discover.. I mean, he doesn't know about the pokemon tower!!!