For your Jones fix.
I have a quick question. Based on what you say it sounds like people can pledge, get their free content,unsubsr, and then just resubscribe after payment is collected. Is that true? If it is, that is a poor design decision on Patreons part.
I totally get it, and it's an endearing proposition, but in the end it is much funnier if the game is actually somewhat tolerable or unoffensive like gforce. Otherwise it's three weeks of power rangers.I think i understand Dumb Game Monday very differently than you. The message Kyle gets across is that you should imagine your grandma gifting you a game that she thinks it's cool but it's not the COD you expected and probably one of the cheapest ones she found at Gamestop, and you have the mission to play and try to love it.
He is not trying to pick only good forgotten games, he is trying to love even the really bad ones like Powers Rangers. The struggle was fun to watch for me.
My one criticism of Tabletop Escapades is that the constant resting kills the pacing and does not make a ton of sense narrative-wise. Especially since they can just roll their hit dice to heal without doing anything specific. And you're not allowed to long rest more then once a day, IIRC.
I am wondering about this as well. Do none of them have healing abilities? Seems like on TTA they were healing all the time, now they are just resting. Also it is frustrating that everyone including Law are straight ignoring his festering foot. Dude is going to die! Someone help!
I am wondering about this as well. Do none of them have healing abilities? Seems like on TTA they were healing all the time, now they are just resting. Also it is frustrating that everyone including Law are straight ignoring his festering foot. Dude is going to die! Someone help!
For every level you are you have 1 "hit die". At any point out of combat you can spend however many to heal. What numbered die you roll depends on your class. generally fighters, barbarians, and the like roll higher sided dice then wizards and rogues.The hit die recover each time to take a long rest, I believe. Or maybe even a short rest.
It should be in the rulebooks they have. A quicker refreshing before their next recording session would be great. I know you're reading the thread, Ben!
Cool, sounds like a nice little reunion lol.No, I used to work with Brandon and Blood back in 2012. I've more or less kept in touch since but this is my first real hangout since they went to Defy.
Hit die don't work like potions that you can use to heal at any time. What would be the point of having a cleric? You can spend hit die during a rest as a renewable resource, but the characters actually have to rest. The rule you're saying doesn't exist.
A more in-depth post:
For people complaining about resting breaking up the pace, I totally understand. They should have picked a healer.
To expand upon that a little bit, I get the sense that people get frustrated at me when the players are shortsighted. While it is my job to create a fun environment, the game wouldn't be very interesting if negative consequences didn't exist. Not having a healer is a big deal. The consequences of that have been made very clear and I haven't created any extra punishment or anything like that. It's just a choice they made that is having huge rippling effects.
Its just making the game really slow. Maybe you can limit them constantly resting as the action is awesome and I love it when it's tense
I love how their patreon always bounces back almost instantaneously, lol.
I disagree that rests are really slowing the game down. Plus the one in the latest episode ends up leading to some fun stuff with the characters doing their own thing in the meantime
The dumb little things are what make their campaigns. The only time I've ever had an issue with their D&D was when (I believe his name was Max?) joined for a handful of episodes and he just kept saying "investigate" over and over. That sort of thing is actually a detriment to play sessions because you aren't thinking on your feet and trying different things as your character, you're just spamming until you eventually stumble onto some progress
It's a fair point. They are supposed to be limited to one long rest per day, so I am mistaken there. Just know that in the next two episodes there is no resting at all and they're legit some of the best episodes we've ever recorded. While the feedback is appreciated (and in this case very accurate) DnD ebbs and flows. Issues you see in one episode may not pop up again.
EDIT: I guess I should say I don't remember them resting, but I need to double check.
Where's Brandon Plays (Discovers) Pokemon? That's all I want in life.
I can't agree with you more. I've seriously enjoyed every TE episodes immensely and at the moment I think it's my favourite EZA content at the moment, even though I have never D&D'd myself before watching the escapades.I disagree that rests are really slowing the game down. Plus the one in the latest episode ends up leading to some fun stuff with the characters doing their own thing in the meantime
also, I really think some of these actions merit inspiration points, I feel the system might be a little underused
Hit die don't work like potions that you can use to heal at any time. What would be the point of having a cleric? You can spend hit die during a rest as a renewable resource, but the characters actually have to rest. The rule you're saying doesn't exist.
A more in-depth post:
For people complaining about resting breaking up the pace, I totally understand. They should have picked a healer.
To expand upon that a little bit, I get the sense that people get frustrated at me when the players are shortsighted. While it is my job to create a fun environment, the game wouldn't be very interesting if negative consequences didn't exist. Not having a healer is a big deal. The consequences of that have been made very clear and I haven't created any extra punishment or anything like that. It's just a choice they made that is having huge rippling effects.
My apologies, I was basing it off of Critical Role. Matthew Mercer has a few custom rules. Short rests are 15 minutes instead of an hour so they use them quite liberally that way. Sorry, probably should have done more research. I still think maybe reminding them that a short rest and rolling some dice is usually sufficient in healing them would be a good thing.
And I totally understand the negative consequences of not having a healer. It just seems that not having a healer has forced the characters to not be a involved as they want to be. Especially Law/Huber. This past episode was mainly Kyle frying some Kobolds and looking in some keyholes. Last episode was mainly Ian sneaking around and looking around. And it's been great and I'm enjoying it but the pacing seems to be slower then necessary. 6 episodes and it seems we're halfway through the first dungeon. And obviously everyone is still getting acquainted with the rules but just a thought to keep a good pace.
What does the "Geoff" thing in the recent Youtube group stream archive title mean? I'd like to know but I don't have the time to watch and/or search.
New podcast is live
Can't wait for Ben's reaction to the new Persona 5 material from today's stream![]()
Speaking of ホッタケ, what's the e-mail address where they take questions for FrameTrap?There's going to be some HOTTAKE on Monday for sure.
Speaking of ホッタケ, what's the e-mail address where they take questions for FrameTrap?
askeasyallies AT gmail DOT com
1 minute away.
Ben is done.
For people complaining about resting breaking up the pace, I totally understand. They should have picked a healer.
To expand upon that a little bit, I get the sense that people get frustrated at me when the players are shortsighted. While it is my job to create a fun environment, the game wouldn't be very interesting if negative consequences didn't exist. Not having a healer is a big deal. The consequences of that have been made very clear and I haven't created any extra punishment or anything like that. It's just a choice they made that is having huge rippling effects.