Just saw this, but the latest episode of the Beastcast expressed excitement for Persona 5 right at the start.
Yes but they didn't really go that much into the topic since one of them hasn't seen the trailer yet.
This Frametrap is gold on that point, despite actually not talking that much about what was shown either. But I liked the different things Ben tried to explore around and related to Persona 5. Thanks to everyone for delivering a cool discussion.
On the point mentioned in the podcast of P5 maybe having a chance on revitalizing/strengthen JRPGs it and P5 maybe being the FF7 moment for the franchise, I personally doubt that even if I wish that it could be in case that it succeeds at what it sets out to do.
Really the most I personally hope for is that it changes the way people view turn based combat/UI navigation. And in case it accomplishes that I hope that designers of all kind will take note. Because I cannot tell you how often I play a JRPG and I get ticked off by how unnecessarily inefficient certain navigation parts are to specific options. Or how cumbersome certain actions feel after you repeat them a 100++ times because of bad UI element order. Or how bad turn based combat can feel because of both.
A general recent example of what ticked me off is in Digimon Cyber Sleuth. I was wondering why the Digiline in Cyber Sleuth wasn't tied to a controller button when you had so many still available, no instead you had to go through the main menu to access it.
Or why there wasn't an option to quick key bind the Escape/Homegate items, again you have to go through the main menu scroll down a long item list to use those.
Or another side example I love love DQ8 on the 3ds but come on those menus just shouldn't be a thing in 2015.
I feel like the studio behind P5 is one of the few that is aware of those things and tries to improve on these fundamental things that most other studios don't even seem to question anymore. Maybe if they're successful new standards could be established on menu navigation/UI design which I feel could be really big since they're a really underrated and huge part of the user experience.
Basically what I'm saying is that I hope that the UI Designers and Game Freak are massive Persona fans and that one of these days some of that smooth UI magic(not necessarily the presentation but more the handling judging by the shown P5 UI elements and by P4G) trickles down into one of the future Pokemon games. (~_~)