The announcements are happening in tonight's 6pm stream, correct?
What does this mean for EZA?
What does this mean for EZA?
Sounds like IGN will let EZA put up a video on gametrailers to let everyone know where they can find the staff now.
Eww, gonna get spammed by the GT youtube with game trailers? I have my fill with Playstation and Nintendo already :S
Sounds like there's a good chance Kyle could get Final Bosman back in future if he wanted to...or at least that's what I got out of it.
Brandon also mentioned that Defy said they could get their show's names back but that they'd have to wait. Then Brandon added that they can't wait with that and decided to start Easy Allies?
Sounds like there's a good chance Kyle could get Final Bosman back in future if he wanted to...or at least that's what I got out of it.
2 more announcements during the group stream.
I bet those are two words you were not expecting to see in the Patreon for Easy Allies. Today I helped IGN announce that they have acquired,, and the entire video archive that still remains after several site revisions over the years. Their purchase was just the URL, the YouTube account, and the videos. They didn’t buy a business, because there was no longer any business to buy.
I have no idea whether this transaction took place during or after my employment at Defy Media. I was brought in recently to chat about what the site and channel could be in the future, and to communicate to all of you what the heck is going on. From my perspective, it seems like IGN sees the GT brand as too good to pass up, and as the person who created it and slaved over it for 14 years, I completely agree with them.
IGN is actually going to try to do what Viacom and Defy Media never could - get trailers for video games on It was always tricky even getting those for the main channel, as a lot of publishers and developers now prefer to drive traffic directly to their YouTube link, instead of one from another, unaffiliated channel.
But, they’re IGN, and I think they’ll have a lot more influence, experience, and creativity to do things with the brand that we never could, or never even thought of. I’ve always enjoyed their trailer editorials, like Rewind Theater, and they continue to drop one awesome exclusive after another. In these last few years GT for me became less about the site and more about the people, and I still get to work with those amazing people every day, so I’m ready to let the site go.
Trust me, GameTrailers is in good hands. When I heard about this it put a smile on my face. It was tough to let GT go after being so close to it for such a long time, but just 2 months into Easy Allies I’m fully committed to this new endeavor. It’s difficult for me to imagine a better fate for GT considering how things worked out. I’m ready to see what someone else can do with a location so many of us are used to visiting, especially with all I’ve seen them do so far. So, just like you, I’ll be waiting to see what happens.
Let us not forget, in this moment, the most important thing: the video game trailers themselves. Do they not deserve to have some place to call home that welcomes them with open arms and shows them triumphantly to all the world for the glorious gifts of electric emotion and volcanic hype that they are and forever shall be?
I think they do.
Love & Respect,
Oh whoops on that My Edited Video thing going live. It was just a test and should have been set to private. I really hope that the original video will just fix itself and I don't have to replace it.
Looks like IGN found BackTrack and is uploading that as well which makes me super happy.
Their purchase was just the URL, the YouTube account, and the videos. They didnt buy a business (...)
Sounds like there's a good chance Kyle could get Final Bosman back in future if he wanted to...or at least that's what I got out of it.
2 more announcements during the group stream.
Do you think there's a chance that they'll announce that kyle is the first full-time employee and that, after the ign acquisition of the gt properties, they got back the final bosman name? I don't believe these are the announcements, but that kinda makes sense...
Looks like IGN found BackTrack and is uploading that as well which makes me super happy.
All of those times Kyle has gone "eew" when IGN was mentioned. Haha.
Real out of the blue news this. I assume IGN just want that "Gametrailers" name yeah? Deep down they couldn't give a tuppenny fuck about anything else. Or is that just me being rather cynical?
Brandon also mentioned that Defy said they could get their show's names back but that they'd have to wait. Then Brandon added that they can't wait with that and decided to start Easy Allies?
Sounds like there's a good chance Kyle could get Final Bosman back in future if he wanted to...or at least that's what I got out of it.
I still do not think 1 of the announcements is about E3.
So do I need to subscribe to a new Youtube channel? Or is everything being archived on the current Game trailers channel?
EZA comment section, best comment section.
really interesting first announcement. I'm thinking an IGN/EZA E3 might be in the works. like, IGN didn't have anything unique for E3 last year from what I remember; they just kinda had stream feeds and re-caps. they need to give people some reason to go there over the other 500 gaming websites, or just going to Twitch.
I was certain the "announcement on another site" was going to be for Damiani's show, but I guess not. hm
It's going up on the old GT channel yeah.
So do I need to subscribe to a new Youtube channel? Or is everything being archived on the current Game trailers channel?
E3's like 4 weeks away! I'm sure their plans are pretty put together at this point