Funny, I was about to say I love the mic he uses. Gives it a low key discount vibeI don't like the mic Don uses, please stop get a better one
Also, when is Don gonna be on the podcast already?? Always bet on Don.
Funny, I was about to say I love the mic he uses. Gives it a low key discount vibeI don't like the mic Don uses, please stop get a better one
Also, when is Don gonna be on the podcast already?? Always bet on Don.
He's not on the podcasts by choice I believe.
This is great... How did I miss this? It's great!
Watching this week's podcast, I expected the Beastie Boys part at the start to be cringey as fuck because of the comments in here. It was actually funny and not really awkward at all? Loved it last week as well.
I'm putting the word 'cringe' up with 'pander' as the most over-used words on the internet. Mary Sue's probably up there as well.
Kyle is totally right on Link's Awakening being better than A Link to the Past by the way. I feel you dude. <3
jack party box, get on it allies! it'd be great for the group stream
and Don is the bomb as always. i loved Goemon as a kid but never got into the gambling bit in the game.
They played Quipich(spelling) in their last group stream. That was only because Homefront kept hitting "still installing" screens during the playthrough.
He's not on the podcasts by choice I believe.
Funny, I was about to say I love the mic he uses. Gives it a low key discount vibe
jack party box, get on it allies! it'd be great for the group stream
oh man i really don't like it, I actually avoid the show because the mic quality bothers me so much. I started the new ep thinking "oh he finally got a better mic" but before watching the whole thing I skimmed a bit and noticed that he actually still uses the cheap one and just exited the tab. :x
Watching this week's podcast, I expected the Beastie Boys part at the start to be cringey as fuck because of the comments in here. It was actually funny and not really awkward at all? Loved it last week as well.
I'm putting the word 'cringe' up with 'pander' as the most over-used words on the internet. Mary Sue's probably up there as well.
Three or four people (tops) used the word "cringe" to describe the segment in the past few pages. Most just don't think it's funny, think it's bad or think it does a bad job at "breaking the ice" because there isn't any ice to break because they are all regulars and they don't get guests from outside of EZA on and because it takes too long to explain the rules and get people to actually do it right (and even then people mess it up or miss out or don't join in).
I'd rather 5 minutes spent just talking about games they played recently or 5 more minutes of opinions on a game release/news topic/love and respect question instead of a silly game that adds nothing.
Embarassingis my choice for one of the most overused words too
Three or four people (tops) used the word "cringe" to describe the segment in the past few pages. Most just don't think it's funny, think it's bad or think it does a bad job at "breaking the ice" because there isn't any ice to break because they are all regulars and they don't get guests from outside of EZA on and because it takes too long to explain the rules and get people to actually do it right (and even then people mess it up or miss out or don't join in).
I'd rather 5 minutes spent just talking about games they played recently or 5 more minutes of opinions on a game release/news topic/love and respect question instead of a silly game that adds nothing.
Unrelated to the current discussion, but why didn't they buy and have it redirect to their youtube account?
Just want to leave a shoutout to EZA for timestamping their podcasts. Not many podcasts that I listen to do that, cause it takes quite a bit of time, but it's really appreciated. Big quality of life feature for me as a listener.
So this was the last episode of Don's show? Noooo =(
I need a lot more of this, this show is like gambling, can't get enough.
Where/when did he say this? That would be awful
Dude won the lottery than jar a win at the track. He's probably retiring.
Hell yea dude fight the powerLate to the episode but oh god, the icebreaker bullshit at the start. Worse than the superseat question on GT Time. I skipped forward two minutes. Good on Blood for calling it out as nonsense that they shouldn't be doing.
5 pages about this stupid fucking rap.
Bravo gaf. We've reached a new low.
God forbid people don't like something they are paying for.
Why is Don never on the podcasts? He's a 5 star treasure with the best show on their site. I want more Don.
Well that's an overreaction isn't it.
The rap is okay, but I wouldn't miss it if it goes.
Well that's an overreaction isn't it.