That's GT Live, where they interview a developer/industry, usually while having someone off screen play their game. They also have a live Q&A from Twitch followers, after the main interview.
I was talking about Funhaus.
That's GT Live, where they interview a developer/industry, usually while having someone off screen play their game. They also have a live Q&A from Twitch followers, after the main interview.
I was talking about Funhaus.
It's interesting to read the Funhaus viewers comments on Youtube. A lot of them are saying how they never get to see Elyse this "natural" and wish she was on Funhaus more. I don't watch them but what on Earth do they do with her over there?
I just have to say that Don's Discount Gaming are some of my favorite EZA segments at the moment.
Man, if we don't hit 40,000 before the end of the month it'll sting... I want the E3 coverage to be the best it can be.
Man, if we don't hit 40,000 before the end of the month it'll sting... I want the E3 coverage to be the best it can be.
That 40,000 is happening...
Trust me
Sounds like we have a wealthy fan of EZASounds like backdoor shady deals to me![]()
That episode of Easy Update ended at twilight, so I think it is safe to assume the next one will be a 90 minute episode of Easy Update Nights.
What is all this silliness on the past few pages about whining that people don't get the definition of a "patron" and the "artistic freedom" associated with it?
Patronage is heavily associated with commissioning of artwork and contracts. That's a free cry from some carte blanche artistic prerogative.
Must be nice.Sounds like backdoor shady deals to me![]()
Someone link the rod comic Brandon mentions.
One aspect that seems unfair is when Brandon gets made fun of for mechanics in Polemon when almost everything is explained by random NPCs in odd ordering.
I'm just like Brandon (and similar age) where I never tried Pokemon even though I know it's been out there forever. And so I'm playing my first Pokemon in a similar pace as Brandon. I'm playing yellow. And I can't recall a RPG where items, moves, etc whether in menus or stores don't describe what it does. I keep thinking I'm missing a button and maybe I am. But the game can be intentionally obtuse.
I just end up looking things up online. And to his credit he's not.
Favorite Pokemon time? Favorite Pokemon time.Haunter is my favorite pokemon, just thought I'd throw that out there
What's interesting is that me and my friends in school never looked things up either because there wasn't a great lot of places you could look things up, but it seemed to make sense. I don't know if it's because it just made sense tons teenagers brain or because we were all playing it that the knowledge gaps were filled by us talking about it, but it was always a smooth experience.
Brandon Plays Pokemon is probably the greatest thing ever. Just ever.
In your experiences, do you find that most people give their Pokemon nicknames?
Personally, I like to keep them unnamed, but it's hilarious to see what people come up with lol.
In your experiences, do you find that most people give their Pokemon nicknames?
Personally, I like to keep them unnamed, but it's hilarious to see what people come up with lol.
Michael Damiani
The spiritual successor to Pop Fiction is coming. Episode 1 of Game Sleuth arrives soon.
Wow Jones building up a pretty awesome team, can't wait to see our fellow Gaffer's artwork!
It's interesting to read the Funhaus viewers comments on Youtube. A lot of them are saying how they never get to see Elyse this "natural" and wish she was on Funhaus more. I don't watch them but what on Earth do they do with her over there?
Can anyone give a summary of Damiani video? At work.
Can anyone give a summary of Damiani video? At work.
Haven't been through this entire thread, so I'm not sure if this idea's been done before, but the most recent episode of Brandon Plays Pokemans really gave off this sort of vibe: