Yeah... that the one thing I was also confused by - as acknowledged in the episode itself. A short written explaination/appendix during Lore Corner or something would probably help.One thing, though, I'm a little confused on the whole travel time, ruined cities, etc. after this episode. It had always seemed like their journey hadn't been very long at all (as everyone was completely unfamiliar with each other), but it's actually been several months as talked about in this episode? And the ruined city, that was where they started, right? Not just where Kyle is from. If so are they still supposed to return there or go to that other city that was mentioned?
Team Update!
Jones continues his fishing obsession. I can't believe how meh he seemed on Gyarados. Once he gets surf I imagine he'll change his tune.
Also, I wish he'd get rid of Wormtail. For selfish drawing reasons.
Not sure what difference it makes that he's an "outsider". Even it did change something, you wouldn't be able to fairly generalize that no one outside of the EZA fanbase likes the rap section based on just one opinion.I've been trying to get my brother into watching Easy Allies stuff since day one, he's watched all of their reviews and he just told me that he gave their latest podcast a watch. These are his exact words:
"I had to turn it off, that rapping part was embarrassing. The fat one was just not into it and the lanky one seemed pissed off. Do they do that shit every week?"
So this is what an outsider thinks of that section.
Not happening. You're just setting yourself up for a disappointment.On another note, I really hope Nintendo shocks everyone at E3 and announces the real NX release date is this Christmas.
Solid DM'ing on the latest episode of Tabletop Escapades, Ben! You really rolled with the punches and came up with great material on the fly when the others tried to zig when you zagged.
One thing, though, I'm a little confused on the whole travel time, ruined cities, etc. after this episode. It had always seemed like their journey hadn't been very long at all (as everyone was completely unfamiliar with each other), but it's actually been several months as talked about in this episode? And the ruined city, that was where they started, right? Not just where Kyle is from. If so are they still supposed to return there or go to that other city that was mentioned?
Team Update!
Jones continues his fishing obsession. I can't believe how meh he seemed on Gyarados. Once he gets surf I imagine he'll change his tune.
Also, I wish he'd get rid of Wormtail. For selfish drawing reasons.
Enjoyed the latest TTE a ton.While I did tell Huber to take the spell in the hopes of seeing how everyone would react to his death, I am still glad that he survived. It's still an early part of the campaign, and Law hasn't reached his full potential yet.
Not sure what difference it makes that he's an "outsider". Even it did change something, you wouldn't be able to fairly generalize that no one outside of the EZA fanbase likes the rap section based on just one opinion.
Not happening. You're just setting yourself up for a disappointment.
It seems the group (and me)thought they started the quest from Guilded dawns HQ in Londongard, but somewhere along the lines Ben changed that HQ to another town and thus they started from there and not Londongard, because Londongard was destroyed months before they even started their adventure but it's only being brought up now...
Just in time to miss all the new Xbox rumors. Seriously what is up with news dropping on Wednesdays this year...Podcast is up for patrons.
Podcast is up for patrons.
Team Update!
Jones continues his fishing obsession. I can't believe how meh he seemed on Gyarados. Once he gets surf I imagine he'll change his tune.
Also, I wish he'd get rid of Wormtail. For selfish drawing reasons.
It's so bad it's good. You're a good sport Kyle.
Is it just the lighting or did it look like Brandon has a lot of grey hair from the backside?
Team Update!
Jones continues his fishing obsession. I can't believe how meh he seemed on Gyarados. Once he gets surf I imagine he'll change his tune.
Also, I wish he'd get rid of Wormtail. For selfish drawing reasons.
Yeah, I felt like that too.Felt like Ian went back to roleplaying Lailia this time around as the personality was completely different from previous times.
Team Update!
Jones continues his fishing obsession. I can't believe how meh he seemed on Gyarados. Once he gets surf I imagine he'll change his tune.
Also, I wish he'd get rid of Wormtail. For selfish drawing reasons.
Fabulous as always calgee
I really love your Pokémon art. The way you portray them, add the subtle texture when coloring and all that is just fantastic. Do you work as a concept artist, or is this just a hobby for you?
Dude, amazing job. Love the depth of field effect as well. Your interpretations of the pokemon look so great.
I love these, I can't believe I enjoy two guys talking about a 20 year old game so much.
holy shit that's fantastic. perfectly captured johnny's performance at the grass gym
Gets better every week, TCG, keep feeding us with your talent.
TableTop Escapades episode 9 is up.
Perhaps it's too good for Dumb Game Monday, but I really liked watching Kyle stream Poképark. I think I like it best when Kyle is having fun, and those smiles made me smile. Also, that Caterpie and Slowpoke Chase humor? The developers were having fun with the game, and I think that's contagious. I think the argument could be made that Poképark is a Dumb Game, though, so I hope we see it until it has been beaten 100%. I could see it getting old, but hopefully new minigames show up as you progress, and the allure of new Pokémon could help.
Dang Law not losing his leg is a missed opportunity was looking so forward to him getting a pegleg. Maybe even an enchanted one xD or one with a blade attached to it. Still what a moment!
Is there any reason why I can't seem to download the latest TTE off of souncloud? The other episodes have the button, but this one is missing it. Do the guys have to specifically allow it or is it a problem with sound cloud?
or is it a problem with me? ;-;
Is there a way to add the soundcloud feed to my podcast app?
Lame. They should fix that.Nope.