Ian out here with the trigger points smh lol. His asides are so obtuse I can't help but appreciate them. But let's not do the language thing again.
The mic placement in front of Kyle gives him this air of mystery. Love it.
Do we know BTW when Huber's puppet show will be?
Everybody here has dad's right?
Great setup, kyle lol
Lol, I honestly didn't expect him to troll again
That was pretty painful, but hey he tried. Probably did 50x better than I would have in the situation, but still very painful.
The whole "we're not at E3" announcement got me wondering - in terms of the bet, what happens ifWe all know what we want next. Huber's Action Figure Improvised Act.
The whole "we're not at E3" announcement got me wondering - in terms of the bet, what happens ifNintendo pulls a Saturn at E3?it won't happen
The whole "we're not at E3" announcement got me wondering - in terms of the bet, what happens ifNintendo pulls a Saturn at E3?it won't happen
what happened with the saturn?
If Nintendo fakes us with all this "zelda only" talk... oh boy, I can already picture the hype from kyle.
The easiest answer is Overwatch just because it's hot right now and very goodAlright, I don't have anywhere better to ask, so might as well drop it here:
Salt and Sanctuary for $18
or Witcher 3 for $25
or Overwatch for $40
I would love to dive into Total Warhammer, but there's no justifying it at $60 with those options sitting there
Speaking of which, it'd be awesome if EZA could fit in some Total Warhammer stuff
The easiest answer is Overwatch just because it's hot right now and very good
That said, every game fits a different niche. Do you want a challenging/combat focused game? Do you want a huge, beautiful world with quests? Do you want to shoot things as a team with iconic hero characters?
Dag nabbit got caught up taking care of patients and watching basketball and forgot about this, any YouTube link?
Really liked Kyle's stand-up.
Someone with photoshop skills, PLEASE add Bosman's face to this gif.
For what it's worth I think the aesthetic and vibe really sets Overwatch apart from standard shooter fare
Wicked cartoony and such, fam
It's easy to just start off picking "mains" like a fighting game but I made myself try other heroes and they play super differently (and ones I may have found visually unappealing are actually really fun/useful)
I'm surprised how nervous Kyle was, in his shows he's confident.
Probably never performed in front an audience of that size before. Plus all the guys watching on twitch.
I'm surprised how nervous Kyle was, in his shows he's confident.
If there's any wrestler that can get Ben into watching it, that wrestler is Nakamura
Look at how persona he is Ben!
I'm surprised how nervous Kyle was, in his shows he's confident.