Lame. They should fix that.
"Not a zero percent chance" Naughty Dog is working on a Crash game.
I'd say the odds are on par with the rain eroding a mountain away perfectly in the shape of a casino.
Is there any reason why I can't seem to download the latest TTE off of souncloud? The other episodes have the button, but this one is missing it. Do the guys have to specifically allow it or is it a problem with sound cloud?
or is it a problem with me? ;-;
I have to admit I was really not liking the game thought it was boring to watch, and the streams are late at night for me so If they aren't intense/interesting games I tend to fall asleep. Reflecting on what you wrote though put a whole new spin on it. I like the positivity you talked about and the humor. Kyle legitimately seemed to enjoy the game too. I guess I still need to learn to love Dumb Games.
Okay, a quick jolly subject: while brushing my teeth I caught myself reflecting on some of the bets the dudes have made and, particularly, the quality of the stakes. Doing the standup was obviously a recent one but sitting in a puddle was one of my favorites. Ian creating Kyle's Mass Effect character, etc. The stakes aren't humiliating or crude, they seem just right. Wondering what some other favorites have been
Are any other Allies picking up Overwatch for the PS4? I get mine in tomorrow and want to start playing. And by Allies, I mean the posters in this thread, though the Bestie Boys can add me too if they want. Haha. Damiani's segment on Overwatch made me think of this thread.
If you want, add me on PS4 - Saxsoon and just add EZA in the message
Civ 6 Preview is up. Man, what a lot of content in the last couple of days.
The stand up just got uploaded to Easy Allies Plays, the Ian/Mass Effect thing hasn't happened yet but was mentioned on today's podcast and the last 60 seconds of this video is the puddle sit:any links to these videos?
Totally random post.
This dude looks like Japanese Brandon Jones.
Team Update!
Jones continues his fishing obsession. I can't believe how meh he seemed on Gyarados. Once he gets surf I imagine he'll change his tune.
Also, I wish he'd get rid of Wormtail. For selfish drawing reasons.
Oh god last TTE was gold.
If i were the DM though i would be going mad by how much these guys are dicking arounf instead of moving the main quest further.
Same here. I like it better than the VO previews they would do in GTI like the discussion format for most types of content(would even take them for reviews but might be alone on this), so I liked the preview.
Oh god last TTE was gold.
If i were the DM though i would be going mad by how much these guys are dicking arounf instead of moving the main quest further.
700$ to go for the 40k goal!
They raised about what? 1500 since announcing the extra stretch goal?
Hope they do something with it. They have about 5 more days till June when the pledges will drop. I think they'll hit 39700 in the end imo. That should be a good amount of extra scratch the can do something with.
Plus the good thing is that it is extra hardware, and extra hardware is always nice.
I think Brandon said a stream camera and sorting out the audio for guys sitting in the back to be heard are the main priorities. If they came in at that, probably enough to sort that out at least.
I think they're going to stick with PC as far as Overwatch goes. At least for now.
What a bummer here I was hoping they would blow the money to complete the whole FF XIII crew. Imagine a whole E3 with them in the back ground!!
That 40k goal seems like such a poorly thought out idea.
What a bummer here I was hoping they would blow the money to complete the whole FF XIII crew. Imagine a whole E3 with them in the back ground!!
I think you're onto something!Maybe even buy a Vanille soundboard so we can get her reactions since they all (and we all) love that voice so much?
You got it! I mean we live in a world where CrashE3 is a sure thing.We are living the dreams, anythinh is possible!
700$ to go for the 40k goal!
They raised about what? 1500 since announcing the extra stretch goal?
Hope they do something with it. They have about 5 more days till June when the pledges will drop. I think they'll hit 39700 in the end imo. That should be a good amount of extra scratch the can do something with.
Plus the good thing is that it is extra hardware, and extra hardware is always nice.
Why's that?
25 dollars.
None of it seems crucial for covering E3 and stuff like a better camera seems important enough for general quality of their shows that it should have had funding allocated to on day1...from the 38k/month.
I can't remember if it was mentioned but what is the starting tier for the names that Brandon reads out at the end of the podcast?
? They already had a "better equipment" goal, but this is a tier above that, and the E3 is just as good a reason as any other (being THE gaming event of the year) to push people to go the extra mile.
I mean once they buy the equipment, it's not like they're gonna throw it away after E3.
? They already had a "better equipment" goal, but this is a tier above that, and the E3 is just as good a reason as any other (being THE gaming event of the year) to push people to go the extra mile.
I mean once they buy the equipment, it's not like they're gonna throw it away after E3.
I dunno if they'd love having to spend $10-30 on the games, then hundreds more dollars on the good DLC that isn't included in the ME trilogy edition.I would love a "Brandon Plays Mass Effect" after Pokémon.
I don't think those HD remasters are coming any time soon.
About a year ago I bought the ME Trilogy on the PSN store for under 5 bucks.I dunno if they'd love having to spend $10-30 on the games, then hundreds more dollars on the good DLC that isn't included in the ME trilogy edition.
Yea, I'm just wondering why not go for quality straight from the get-go or have allocated resources from their funds specifically for stuff like that.
Seems like a no-brainer that video/audio quality should have top priority for a company that produces audio/video content.
Like Brandon said, don't bleed yourself outI would like to help them reach 40k but $200 is way out of my budget.
The only problem I have with the E3 thing is that I don't think it mattered if they were at 38k or 40k a month to accomplish what they want and because it is a one off event the reason to stay at 40k goes away after June. I feel trailer scores at 40k and maybe frame trap weekly or a new show at 45k would have been better because that would carry the budget for longer, and still raised any extra funds they needed for E3.
The current 40k goal feels like a fundraiser where they are asking people to pitch in to help, rather than sell another good to reach their goal. Either method can work, but I think the latter would have been more successful.
Yea, I'm just wondering why not go for quality straight from the get-go or have allocated resources from their funds specifically for stuff like that.
Seems like a no-brainer that video/audio quality should have top priority for a company that produces audio/video content.
You can pledge whatever quantity you want. You can even ask for a lower tier reward (or no reward) if you want.I would like to help them reach 40k but $200 is way out of my budget.
Just for this month, I wish they had $75/$100 options with no extra perks other than to help them with their E3 plans.