For those of you who crave more Elyse videos, showed up in my recommended videos feed.
For those of you who crave more Elyse videos, showed up in my recommended videos feed.
Thanks for sharing! Is that her husband or family member? (I noticed the last names.)
I posted mine too late so I knew they wouldn't get to it once I saw the number of questions. Mine isn't time sensitive so I'll do it again. I love these Q&AsBen ya bastard you skipped right over my question during the "countdown" *shakes fist*
it was the rocket launcher question look forward to it next month
What if E3 is bad this year? Has anyone considered that?
What if E3 is bad this year? Has anyone considered that?
Persona 5 gonna be there, that already makes this E3 for me.
Persona 5 gonna be there, that already makes this E3 for me.
God, the Mighty no9 trailer score was fantastic, Brandon nailed it. His show about trailers needs to happen eventually.
And Ben and Ian absolutely should do a parody trailer.
Trailer score?
Awesome, man!
lol at Huber's face while watching the Mighty Number 9 trailer
Source please!
What if E3 is bad this year? Has anyone considered that?
It wouldn't matter anyway cause the streams are still fun.
Not to put a downer on things but I think this year has a very high chance of disappointing. There's a decent chance that it will just be arrogant Sony trying to sell the Neo and VR. I'm excited nonetheless.
Then we have crazy MS trying to sell any old box which will be a blast. The thing with Neo is that it won't sell without games worth upgrading with, so that leaked list with GoW seems like a good minimum. Hell, i;m already all in on Neo and PSVR anyway though so it's all gravy.
Think EA might have some stuff up their sleeve (Skate 4) with it being their first non-E3 E3.
Where can I find Bosman's new comedy special? I remember people here talking about it, but I couldn't find it on EZA or his own YouTube channel.
Thanks!Go to their other channel, Easy Allies Plays
Where can I find Bosman's new comedy special? I remember people here talking about it, but I couldn't find it on EZA or his own YouTube channel.
lol at Huber's face while watching the Mighty Number 9 trailer
Wait, what are y'all watching on this Huber reaction to MN9 thing?
That was on the last Hearthstone tournament live stream, here:
@ 7:20:30
Don is doing a ton of freelance work.Wait, so Don also works in Funhaus too? I saw him in a video the other day and I thought he was just hanging around, but since Omar says he "sees him every day"...
That was on the last Hearthstone tournament live stream, here:
@ 7:20:30
Wait, so Don also works in Funhaus too? I saw him in a video the other day and I thought he was just hanging around, but since Omar says he "sees him every day"...
Huh. I thought with Funhaus being owned by RT, they would be located in Austin. Guess not.
That was on the last Hearthstone tournament live stream, here:
@ 7:20:30
Haha yea that reaction was amazing.Bonus reaction gif
Bonus reaction gif
Funny how we had a few episodes of Cup of Jones with him saying he's done with trailers and that's the past he's in no hurry to revisit...then when he's doing that Mighty9 trailer score he just suddenly jumps right into the zone and tears it apart. Dude was born to score trailers.