Roberto Larcos
I know, discussing conflicting opinions on a forum??? WTF RIGHT?
Sure, but wait until after the busiest time of the gaming calendar, perhaps?
And phrase things in ways that aren't just blatant attacks on character.
I know, discussing conflicting opinions on a forum??? WTF RIGHT?
One thing that I 100% agree with you on is how they hear about the invasion through a freaking newspaper. That's lame as hell. We went from the bros being in the city witnessing the invasion with their own eyes in Versus XIII to them hearing about it through A GOD DAMN NEWSPAPER. SO LAME. Instead they scrapped the whole invasion of Insomnia and turned it into Kingsglaive.This is absolute nonsense.
I adored Episode Duscae. When we streamed it at GT I was overwhelmingly positive about it. However, that doesn't prevent the criticisms from my 90 minute demo from being any less true. In the time I was given, I tried to explain my issues as clearly as I could. All I'm doing is reporting my opinions based on what I saw.
I said REPEATEDLY that the final game could be much better than what I witnessed. I wouldn't be surprised if I did a 180 on the game in September. But all I can do is express my experiences as they happen. Sometimes those experiences may be negative.
Example, when I played Hitman at a press event it was an absolute mess. However, I've been greatly enjoying the final versions of all three episodes and I can't wait for more. Things change.
The reason you're noticing such a huge difference in the way I talk about Persona 5 versus Final Fantasy XV is I haven't played Persona 5. At all. If I were encounter severe issues during a Persona 5 demo, I would absolutely express my concern to the best of my ability. All I've seen are trailers which I think have been excellent for reasons I've also explained.
You seem to want to believe that I'm purposefully shitting on FFXV for the sake of Persona 5. I hold Final Fantasy much closer to my heart than Persona. Final Fantasy IX is my favorite RPG, Western or Eastern. This sounds like a "console war" argument. I used to enjoy engaging with this thread because I thought it consisted of people who wanted to have reasonable conversations. Tonight has taught me that I should probably take a break.
Sure, but wait until after the busiest time of the gaming calendar, perhaps?
And phrase things in ways that aren't just blatant attacks on character.
Honestly Ben has been getting ready to shit on the game at every opportunity he gets so thats no surprise. Wouldn't want it to overshadow Personna 5 for him.
Why wait? Ben can chose to respond or not?
personal criticism is never nice - and should be framed respectfully, but if the poster have found something he feels Ben has been doing consistently over time than it is a character trait and should be treated as such.
Nah, fuck that right off.
Ben is talking about his opinion on 2 video games. At no point should someone have the 'right' to insult his character over that.
Jesus. Video games y'all
ps. FFVX looks jank
Not to tell you what to do since you're a grown ass man, but it's E3 duder! Rest up! Long day coming up!
I don't know man, it's been that way since 13 (which I don't actually mind) - but before that, FF was a pretty great series. Personally, I wasnt disappointed in any of them aside from XI (I'm not a fan of eastern MMOs).With all of this Final Fantasy beef going on around here. Raise your hand if you don't have an ounce of love for the franchise. It is almost a tradition of watching people debate, but then when the game comes out everyone is usually disappointed anyway. It has been that way for some time now.
One thing that I 100% agree with you on is how they hear about the invasion through a freaking newspaper. That's lame as hell. We went from the bros being in the city witnessing the invasion with their own eyes in Versus XIII to them hearing about it through A GOD DAMN NEWSPAPER. SO LAME. Instead they scrapped the whole invasion of Insomnia and turned it into Kingsglaive.
Honestly Ben has been getting ready to shit on the game at every opportunity he gets so thats no surprise. Wouldn't want it to overshadow Personna 5 for him.
With all of this Final Fantasy beef going on around here, raise your hand if you don't have an ounce of love for the franchise. It is almost a tradition of watching people debate, but then when the game comes out everyone is usually disappointed anyway. It has been that way for some time now.
I will note that Zelda is kind of a shoe in for the EZcrew (from the last Q&A, Zelda is the favourite franchise of the majority of the crew).Edit: On a more positive note - will we get some Game of the Show debate on the final day of E3 coverage? That could be fun. Next year EZA needs some of those stickers they can attach to the winners' booths.
To offer some criticism: I think Ian + Damiani is a rough combination for a podcast because they both have such a definitive and narrow tastes in games that taken together they don't bring a lot to the discussion. It doesn't help when Damiani is reading Twitch chat the whole time and not paying attention to what the people next to him are saying. You could see how much Bosman had to struggle to carry the show last night.
No I don't think that was a stream.During the E3 Day 1 discussion Huber referred to his Heavy Rain playthrough. Was it streamed while they were at Gametrailers?
Welp, this thread sure went some places over night...
For what it's worth I totally trust Ben when it comes to FF15, I share a very similar taste when it comes to JRPGs and tbh the game hasn't looked so hot lately.
I was indifferent about Damiani, but his trollisms made the stream hilarious. Sometimes it was a bit much, but the irritation both him and Bosman shared, was great.
We should be able to criticize anyone/anything and not dismiss it as "haterism" so long as it's done with respect. I've realized that some people mean well, but convey it pretty terribly that it seems like they're being an asshole just because.
Why wait? Ben can chose to respond or not?
personal criticism is never nice - and should be framed respectfully, but if the poster have found something he feels Ben has been doing consistently over time than it is a character trait and should be treated as such.
I'm glad this crew got up and running before E3 because this is some great stuff.
Fuck off. Dude is talking about his opinion on a videogame. Shove that personal attack where the sun doesn't shine. Talking as though it's someone with a trait who should be treated in a way is just pure bollocks. You need to stop acting like the fucking internet police.
E3 would honestly be nothing to me without these guys.
I love FF and haven't preordered 15 yet. In fact I am likely waiting on a sale at Christmas, because I think it will get several patches post release. Showcasing he Titan battle seems like a big mistake. Probably would have been better to give people a chocobo and turned them loose on an open world. Hope I am wrong and it is stellar and has no issues start to finish, but you'd be a fool not to have some concern about the game's current state.
Yeah, admittedly I pre-ordered the special edition like a chump after all the hype (and for the excellent Amano art) but I'm keeping my expectations firmly in check.
Guessing a game's score before it comes out is a stupid thing to do and I am very guilty of that. No argument there.
I was down on Platinum demo because I didn't enjoy it. But I also admitted very clearly tonight that I haven't fully explored the combat based on what I've seen from other players. There's more for me to explore and I need to make the time to do that.
We brought up a ton of details from the Game Informer cover on Frame Trap. I name drop Game Informer multiple times during the episode. (Not the Persona 5 episode, but the first episode of Frame Trap).
As far as "questionable points", I'm not sure how to respond since you didn't actually bring any of those up.
I gotta go rewatch that Yakuza story. It was so good
You should look up the definition of a troll. By all accounts that person's argument might be trash, I dont know I dont care. But of all things what YOU are doing is here is making it more difficult being an ally than anything else. (And I kinda hate to say this because these types of talking about ourselves instead of talking about games is stupid, but ugh..)Ben, don't feed the trolls!
These are video games, people, we play them because we want to have fun. We get hyped about games because we anticipate having fun with them. Let's keep it easy to be an ally. exactly was that?