Huber just accosting game directors with his locked-at-11 personality is true joy to hear about. "HEY CAGE? SEEN 'HUMANS'?"
FFXV doesn't sound like its in a good place and I'd twigged that from Ben mentioning there was a game he was disappointed by a week ago

They should give it a 2 month bump as it clearly needs it. The framerate issues have been a concern all the way through and it sounds like they've got worse. It's very weird to hear the game is less good than Duscae. SE still having troubles making dem jRPGs to this day I guess.
I loved Ben and Huber's day one show floor experiences. Damiani's negativity towards nearly every game discussion, and then his sudden giddiness for zelda was a little bit off-putting. I think the panel selection is really key with how people receive these shows, the EZA personalities are all so different.
I wish they'd stop putting Damiani into the podcast seats so often when its clear he doesn't want to be there. He's great off camera with in depth stuff like Game Sleuth and obviously drag him on for Zelda chats, but he's just not interested in anything else and drags entire shows down because of that. He just sat there awkwardly pawing a Zelda shirt and not engaging at all.
On comes Huber and Ben and Brad to chat about games and the entire dynamic changes and becomes massively engaging and entertaining to watch.
Once again, I'm sure Damiani is gonna bring a lot to other sides of EZA, but the "troll" shit is so 2010 and for people that can't just be quality live entertainers.