Ahh, well that's fair. Giant Bomb has a cool set up where just their faces are caught in the bottom row. Not sure how that's all done though. I'm guessing more equipment would be needed. Either way, I enjoyed watching it afterwards. It was just a shame that I felt like I couldn't make it my live view.
Yeah, like that tight of a shot is ever going to work for Huber, Kyle, or Ben. HINT: It's done by sitting very still.
There were also very vocal requests from this thread to format it the way we did and when we did a live poll, the preference was 50/50.
And yes this:
Just to be clear, I'm not actually huge on reaction gifs or anything like that. The last thing I would want to do is incentivize forced overreaction, and I think I've already thanked you guys earlier in this thread for keeping it real with your impressions/reactions throughout conferences when I'm sure a lot of people out there in the internet ether were pushing for something to top last year. I just like not having to squint to watch your stream when I can get a fullscreen conference stream at a number of other places at the same time.
but the gifs are legit too
Nothing to worry about, we're not interested in forcing anything. We're just being ourselves.
Just to be clear, I'm not actually huge on reaction gifs or anything like that. The last thing I would want to do is incentivize forced overreaction, and I think I've already thanked you guys earlier in this thread for keeping it real with your impressions/reactions throughout conferences when I'm sure a lot of people out there in the internet ether were pushing for something to top last year. I just like not having to squint to watch your stream when I can get a fullscreen conference stream at a number of other places at the same time.
but the gifs are legit too
Yea. It's one of those aspects that doesn't come across if you just post a reaction gif or something to people that don't know the crew. It's easy to get the impression that they are doing a YT canned "reaction" deal. There's a lot of that out there. But of course it's not with EZA. What they react to is consistent to their likes/dislikes. Not everything gets praised, not everything gets the same reactions, etc. I was glad to see they went into this E3 just being themselves.But nobody was pushing for them to top last year. It wasn't a contest. We just want them to be themselves. We don't enjoy them reacting FOR us. We enjoy them reacting WITH us as one of us. Just a totally natural thing for some of us super passionate about the games we love.
Nothing to worry about, we're not interested in forcing anything. We're just being ourselves.
Is For Honor shipping before next E3? Or at least will Vandenberghe be at next E3?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk7IQ7A-jbA&feature=youtu.beI was looking at the old gifs when i saw this one:
Which bosman ep is this from?
Is For Honor shipping before next E3? Or at least will Vandenberghe be at next E3?
For Honor comes out on Valhalla day. February 14th 2017.
Lol at Warren Spector, he seemed really freaked out by Huber's intensity.
For Honor comes out on Valhalla day. February 14th 2017.
From Kyles stream.
The E3 bets show will be recorded Tuesday night. Kyle is already accepting his defeat.
From Kyles stream.
The E3 bets show will be recorded Tuesday night. Kyle is already accepting his defeat.
No. I meant Kyles Tetris stream on EZA channel that is going on right nowKyle's stream? He has a separate stream?
Huber Syndrome was hilarious. Warren Spector looked so squicked.
Amazing Huber Syndrome episode. Super fun.
EZA is seriously the peak of the most I've ever enjoyed video game commentary.
For Honor comes out on Valhalla day. February 14th 2017.
From Kyles stream.
The E3 bets show will be recorded Tuesday night. Kyle is already accepting his defeat.
You did a really good job. It elevated the stream to next level. Good work, sir.Will keep improving the layouts and such, and try to add extra functionality down the road for interactive stuff, but felt it was a decent enough effort.
While it may have seen like the polls chat made said 50/50, we got the most vocal dissent/complaints when the allies were not visible enough on screen. Unfortunately there's no way to have the best of both worlds. Even if we just had a full screen EZA shot and you brought up a full screen Press Conference shot, because of sync issues it might not be optimal. I do think that there is a compromise to be made, and the GB stream is a good example. Just need a wide enough shot to accomplish that, but sadly the current location for our "studio" doesn't afford that. What you saw was about as wide of a shot as we could get.
As for the audio, the issue was everyone wanted headsets, which meant splitting the audio through a mixer or some other thing I'm not familiar with (audio is not my expertise), and as such no matter what I did with audio, it always sounded about the same on our headsets, unless the source file/stream was just louder for some reason. Normally I would prefer to have a way to monitor the audio from the streaming machine for desktop audio, which I can tell is too loud or not. So yea, I was keeping YT videos at around 25-30% volume in Chrome, and then the XSPLIT slider was around 50% for desktop audio. Sadly, some videos decided to be like those annoying infomercials and blasted their audio louder by default. And sadly, I could not tell until after the 30 second delay when chat heard it and complained, and by the time I adjusted it, it would be another 30 seconds before viewers would see the change.
For the Tim Tam Slam thing, I swear I thought the guys were done, they had all failed ot do it right, everyone was laughing, and I asked if they would like a guide for how to do it. They said yes, and I full screened it for them since there is a monitor in front of them where they could see the XPLIT feed. I could have just moved the browser window over to that video monitor instead and resized the source in XSPLIT, but again, thought they were done and were going to wait to read the info before attempting a second try. I was too busy laughing at the ridiculous images and didn't notice they had already began 2nd attempts.
XSPLIT has come a long way, but it's still janky with some functionality. Also the workarounds I did at times had unintended consequences, like trying to play a video that was age gated and instinctively clicking to login, only to have it show a personal email address for a split second.
Mostly the issue was that the 2nd monitor of the dual monitor setup was not visible to me without having to stand up and look over the monitor I was at. Next time, need to make sure I can see both monitors clearly then I can easily make things work out better and not have to pretend like I was using a single monitor for most of the streams and doing #yolo strats on the 2nd monitor. But it was fun getting used to running a complex stream again, needed to knock the rust off.
Will keep improving the layouts and such, and try to add extra functionality down the road for interactive stuff, but felt it was a decent enough effort.
Will keep improving the layouts and such, and try to add extra functionality down the road for interactive stuff, but felt it was a decent enough effort.
Will keep improving the layouts and such, and try to add extra functionality down the road for interactive stuff, but felt it was a decent enough effort.