I think you did a great job. Also the OP is outdated!Will keep improving the layouts and such, and try to add extra functionality down the road for interactive stuff, but felt it was a decent enough effort.
I didn't know you were Damiani!
I think you did a great job. Also the OP is outdated!Will keep improving the layouts and such, and try to add extra functionality down the road for interactive stuff, but felt it was a decent enough effort.
I think you did a great job. Also the OP is outdated!
I didn't know you were Damiani!
Should I tell him that Paper Mario was playable there?
They mentioned in the youtube comments how it doesn't count because it was behind closed doors / not on the show floor.
Nothing to worry about, we're not interested in forcing anything. We're just being ourselves.
Kyle's face, lmaooo.
Edit: direct pic link https://theta360.com/s/e1Di6VbASRoQ4U8BIaK4MCu6i
EZA is seriously the peak of the most I've ever enjoyed video game commentary.
After this amazing E3 coverage ( I thought the camera and table and all that were perfect, really don't see an issue there) , I decided to pledge monthly to the PatreonFirst time I use Patreon lol. You guys deserve it. Thanks for all the amazing efforts you guys put into this ! <3
Wouldn't be surprised if GameSpot wouldn't allow it even if they asked her. It's a shame though since she has really good taste (KH, Persona etc) and is a good host.Lol Warren Spector looked like a deer in headlights.
They should try and get Lucy James on the podcast some time, she seems like a big fan of them.
I agree. It's why I loved their coverage this year so much more than last year. All of them able to be on the E3 floor, doing appointments and then coming back that night and spending 4-5 hours talking about their experiences. They got to play and talk about what interested them and not necessarily about the game dev they were able to book (which might not always be the same). And even then I'd rather hear from the crew about the game then the devOne of the best things about EZA's content this year was the complete lack of on stream interviews with developers. There were so many places where I saw basically the same pre-canned interview with devs. Do not get me wrong because I do think there is a need for that in the industry; however, having an interview free EZA meant it was all reaction all the time.
Wouldn't be surprised if GameSpot wouldn't allow it even if they asked her. It's a shame though since she has really good taste (KH, Persona etc) and is a good host.
Danny has supported them heavily but he hasn't appeared on one of the EZA podcasts. And they've allowed Danny on KF podcasts because of the partnership with KF GameSpot seems to have (with KF doing trailer breakdowns and E3 stuff for them). I'm saying I don't think GS would let an employee (and Giant Bomb doesn't count because they're under the same umbrella) on another outlet's podcast without a partnership like the KF one but maybe I'm completely wrong.Hmm, that'd be strange after Danny's very open support for the crew after GT closed. Plus they're always collaborating with Kinda Funny. I don't see why they'd say no.
And yeah she's a really good host, used to do a show on UK tv about games which was pretty good.
Well then it would probably fine I guess. I've just heard of big gaming press sites not wanting employees on other outlet's podcasts so that was my assumption. Though I would say Totalbiscuit is not as similar in his style of content to EZA since it's more one person's outlet versus a group discussing games not focussed on one person which is more similar to GS' style (though still different). But regardless, like you said it doesn't really matter since it won't happen because of the location difference.Danny has been on all kinds of podcasts as a guest, including totalbiscuit's. The main issue would probably be with the Gamespot people being located in SF and I imagine her living a a busy life in general.
I feel the urge to import some Tim Tam now...
Agreed. Love EZA.EZA is seriously the peak of the most I've ever enjoyed video game commentary.
Did we ever get results to bet showdown?
I don't know why anyone would want the conference to take up the majority of the screen. We watch for their reactions and the RE7, The Last Guardian and Shenmue reveals would not be the same. I understand if it was only one person reacting but it's 5 plus.
Also she. The Allies hit the 45k goal it needs to be trailer reactions/reviews. The views are off the charts with reaction videos.
I'm just afraid that one of these days Huber gets punched in the face by some freaked out stranger :d
I dunno if I agree with your example. The problem there was the show didn't adjust to a guest and that they just brought someone to bring someone.
The ideal way for guests on podcasts is the host being confident enough in his skills to adjust that it isn't super fish out of water for the guest + have the guest on because they bring a specific and relevant perspective to a topic that is going to be discussed.
Especially the latter is quite important I think(in the sense that it makes it much easier) that's why in my experience devs sitting in on podcasts generally works well.
Yep. Thanks!@Brian_Feto
That song Bosman plays in BvW is really your creation? I thought it was from some old game you sent him. That's awesome, man, sick mix.
Huber would just exclaim "I mean you no harm", very loudly.I'm just afraid that one of these days Huber gets punched in the face by some freaked out stranger :d
I don't want the show to have to adjust to a guest. Again, that's not to say having guests can't work, but I'd rather have no guests than a 50/50 split on guests that do and don't fit in, because it'll be an entire podcast that's ruined with a guest that doesn't gel well. To me the negatives outweigh the positives. If the show was mediocre on its own and got elevated by having guests on I would be all for it, but I love the EZA podcast on its own so the gamble with guests aren't needed.
Dunno I just disagree I think. I think forgoing some of the quirky bits that are harder to explain in exchange for a guest that brings a relevant and interesting perspective is definitely worth it.
Again if a guest gels well or not is largely dependent on the host, I mean look at the first episode Damiani was on, I think he did pretty well to follow along but I definitely think if Kyle met him somewhere in the middle the episode would have profited from it and even then it wasn't that bad so nothing is ruined even if someone doesn't fit a 100%.
But also don't misunderstand me I don't want a guest every week or anything like that. Have them on if it makes sense. Like I've just seen Vandenberghe tweet being open to being on an EZA podcast. Like how do you say no to that just based on this idea that anyone that isn't part of the crew would ruin the podcast especially when the host can do a lot to work around that.
EDIT: Regarding Ben and Frame Trap, not wanting guests on isn't the same as not wanting any sort of changes in format. I thought the ramen segment was fun.
Jason seems to be a good sport in general, but really even if not I firmly believe that depending on how comfortable the host is with the unexpected they would have big influence on any awkwardness(even in cases where its unavoidable a host can just own it and suddenly it's part of the comedy). I think Jeff Gerstman for example is very good about that, making people feel comfortable etc. Even if things get really hard(there was one with the devs of Overland) he's pretty good about it. If we go outside of gaming(although I think esports also has great examples like Redeye) there are probably even more good examples of this.Regardless of occasional awkwardness, guests are important and great for cross-promotions.
I mean yeah depending on what's the end goal having a guest in something extra totally dedicated to them(like dev x when their game releases similar) is best when resources allow it, I totally agree with that sentiment.For me a happy medium would be to have bonus episodes or something of the sort whenever they have a guest that genuinely wants to be on that they also want to have on.