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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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Are you still doing your lore corner? I love the story you made.

Half way through the last episode and it feels more like it is becoming Huber's story and just becoming illogical and weird as none of what he says or comes up with seems to have much thought put into it.

Law suffering from schizophrenia would explain a lot.

Seems like everyone else here is enjoying it through *shrug*
Half way through the last episode and it feels more like it is becoming Huber's story and just becoming illogical and weird as none of what he says or comes up with seems to have much thought put into it.

Law suffering from schizophrenia would explain a lot.

Seems like everyone else here is enjoying it through *shrug*
I hear the next Ben's Lore Corner is going to contain the backstory of an ancient evil, a timeless monster that torments innocents through the ages until their minds are completely broken, their senses shattered.

This monster has a name. His name? Was Pepe.

At least at this point it makes a lot of sense how Law was falsely accused of murder and banned from Dread's court.
I gotta say, their direct feed demo of Breath of the Wild didn't really do much for me. The game looks kinda rough, especially the framerate. Just judging by this hour of footage and the more controlled Treehouse demos I can't help but feel like I'd get bored of the game quickly, similar to my experience with Skyward Sword (and the other smaller Zelda games since TP).
I got the vibe that they're trying to do the same for Zelda that MGS V did for MGS, but I've never felt like Zelda's gameplay has ever had enough depth to support that kind of expansiveness; even Wind Waker pushed it at times for me. For comparison, I can replay every MGS title endlessly just experimenting with the mechanics, whereas I've never felt that desire with a Zelda game. I've replayed Zelda games, sure, but always for the world and never for the gameplay. To me, atmosphere, memorable characters, and fantastic locales are Zelda's real draw, and I'm worried that larger, less focused areas will diminish that as they almost always do in other games. I'd love to be proven wrong, though; it definitely seems like they're adding new features to introduce some extra depth to the formula and my complaints about performance could surely be alleviated before launch; the world also might become more interesting to me as we see more of it, especially since it feels like we've only seen a small fraction of the game and the type of environments it has to offer (at least I hope so).
Finally, these are minor nitpicks but I hope the graphic design direction isn't final; graphic elements like the menus, maps, and UI feel flavorless at best and immersion breaking at worst (the inventory menu is particularly bad). To go back to my MGS V comparison, take a look at the seamless marriage of aesthetic and function demonstrated there. I also can't stand oversights like not being able to detonate bombs in the water (even if there's no instance where you have to) and it doesn't seem like you can explore much (or at all) underwater. They've shown videos of Link diving into water, but I've yet to see him swimming around underwater. Would be kind of lame if this feature either isn't there or is locked behind a key item. All in all I get the hype that a truly open world Zelda will naturally generate, but I'm hesitant to buy my ticket for the train till I see a bit more.

As for Damiani's commentary, I kinda wish he recited what he was doing less and talked about his conversations with the developer and the overall "feel" of the game more. Most of the video he's just describing exactly what's happening on screen, rather than the actual experience of playing. When I'm watching demo commentary I don't need to be told what I'm looking at, but I do want to know the things I couldn't otherwise get just from watching a video; this includes stuff like the responsiveness of controls, how satisfying feedback is, if the framerate hurts the flow of gameplay, if controls feel well laid out, etc etc. Also winced at moments like him describing the axe as "very powerful" despite having drastically lower damage than other weapons he's carrying and his inability to manage the jump button. I get he's used to the auto-jump of earlier Zelda games but it isn't like jump buttons haven't existed long before 3D platformers.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Every Damiani podcast man. Just real bad slogging times. Switch in Sophie if no other Ally is available.

Damiani great for scripted pre-made shows.
Damiani podcast poison.


Worth noting that the Great Plateau they showed off for Zelda is just the tutorial area — 1% of the overall map — and that Damiani's run through it barely touched on all the content that 1% has, like Steppe Talus, the fire rod, the other two shrines, etc., not to mention tricks like creating specific dishes for increased stealth, speed, or stamina boosts in the middle of a long vertical climb. He also didn't experiment much with combat tech like shield parries and flurry blows.

I watched about eight hours of footage all set in that tutorial area, and consistently saw new stuff. If they can derive that much gameplay from the limited palette of the game's starting area, with only the basic items and spells and no upgrades... well shit. Can't wait to see all the possibilities that come later. Like what's the airship on the other side of the map? Or the giant spider climbing Death Mountain?

Heck, just an hour ago I saw a new way the rock monster can kill you, and the player was attempting the fight with the sledgehammer most people didn't find. (Off-screen footage below)


Someone finally managed to kill him, btw, despite the weapon degradation and the fact his moves are pretty much all one-hit kills. Lots of rare loot like rubies, etc. The boss fight music reminds me of Adjudicator from Demon's Souls!


I just wish if table top got back to adventuring I'm getting sick of Laws random outbursts I just want to see the adventure continue.

Like what's happening with the ogres, or the fishman how about the nightingale invasion.
Ben should start laying down the law maybe kill off Huber charecter or something.

I just want to see more of the amazing world Ben has created rather than being stuck in this town.


Every Damiani podcast man. Just real bad slogging times. Switch in Sophie if no other Ally is available.

Damiani great for scripted pre-made shows.
Damiani podcast poison.
Wow man, that's harsh. I also don't agree with this.
While I did not see this episode yet (I don't have time for it during the week + I give 1$ per month on patreon right now as I don't have time during the week to watch the podcast anyway), I always liked Damiani on GT Time and the few times I saw him on the EZA podcast I liked it as well.

Sure, it is a different vibe than some of the other allies, but in my opinion it is good to have different opinions about stuff in there. I think it is because of the difference in vibe that some people maybe like it less when he is on, but maybe you need to get used to him or something. Also saying that a dog on the podcast is better than Damiani seems quite excessive. You can have a different opinion about this (nothing wrong with that), but be sure to maybe have some tact when you put it here (remember, he reads this thread as well).

btw Great TTE episode again. It is insane how crazy it keeps getting, but I love it. I also want to mention how good Ben is at improvising
that whole cat race part (including the whole setting) is pure gold
Wow man, that's harsh. I also don't agree with this.
While I did not see this episode yet (I don't have time for it during the week + I give 1$ per month on patreon right now as I don't have time during the week to watch the podcast anyway), I always liked Damiani on GT Time and the few times I saw him on the EZA podcast I liked it as well.

You really need to go through this episode before you say that. This one was a real doozy.


You really need to go through this episode before you say that. This one was a real doozy.

Sure, I can get that. I will during the weekend.

I still think you should be somewhat careful how you say stuff about the allies in here (I am not saying you can't criticize btw, just be somewhat civilized). I am sure they can take a hit, but still.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Wow man, that's harsh. I also don't agree with this.
While I did not see this episode yet (I don't have time for it during the week + I give 1$ per month on patreon right now as I don't have time during the week to watch the podcast anyway), I always liked Damiani on GT Time and the few times I saw him on the EZA podcast I liked it as well.

Sure, it is a different vibe than some of the other allies, but in my opinion it is good to have different opinions about stuff in there. I think it is because of the difference in vibe that some people maybe like it less when he is on, but maybe you need to get used to him or something. Also saying that a dog on the podcast is better than Damiani seems quite excessive. You can have a different opinion about this (nothing wrong with that), but be sure to maybe have some tact when you put it here (remember, he reads this thread as well).

You'll have to see the episode I'm afraid. What was going to be a quick-paced fun "yup" "nope" reaction game gets mired in Damiani's shit "trolling". Log on to /v/ or whatever, knock yourself out dude. I just feel embarrassed for him every time and the cringe just takes up like 20% of each podcast.

If he can leave the sort of shit-posting trolling that would get you banned in these here parts behind and gel with the tempo of the rest of the group, great. If not, sorry, let the adults do the show people are paying for. I doubt he'd like someone constantly interrupting an episode of Game Sleuth with minutes of cringe at a time because of "the lulz".
Sure, I can get that. I will during the weekend.

I still think you should be somewhat careful how you say stuff about the allies in here (I am not saying you can't criticize btw, just be somewhat civilized). I am sure they can take a hit, but still.

Oh, definitely. I'm very careful with how I present criticism knowing they read the thread. I do think putting a dog over a human being is taking it a bit too far.

You'll have to see the episode I'm afraid. What was going to be a quick-paced fun "yup" "nope" reaction game gets mired in Damiani's shit "trolling". Log on to /v/ or whatever, knock yourself out dude. I just feel embarrassed for him every time and the cringe just takes up like 20% of each podcast.

If he can leave the sort of shit-posting trolling that would get you banned in these here parts behind and gel with the tempo of the rest of the group, great. If not, sorry, let the adults do the show people are paying for. I doubt he'd like someone constantly interrupting an episode of Game Sleuth with minutes of cringe at a time because of "the lulz".

He's not doing it for the sake of trolling.


You'll have to see the episode I'm afraid. What was going to be a quick-paced fun "yup" "nope" reaction game gets mired in Damiani's shit "trolling". Log on to /v/ or whatever, knock yourself out dude. I just feel embarrassed for him every time and the cringe just takes up like 20% of each podcast.

If he can leave the sort of shit-posting trolling that would get you banned in these here parts behind and gel with the tempo of the rest of the group, great. If not, sorry, let the adults do the show people are paying for. I doubt he'd like someone constantly interrupting an episode of Game Sleuth with minutes of cringe at a time because of "the lulz".

I will check it out this weekend. I am not saying you have to like the episode or something, it is possible I will not like it either as I am not the biggest fan of trolling either. Still, you can say you don't like it without saying putting Sophie there would have been better, that's all.


Has no PEINS
Damiani is extremely internetty. Cares a lot about what people online think/say, does the "durr dumb voice" when speaking of dissenting opinions, all about those memes/gifs, etc. I can see how it would rub the wrong way, especially considering the rest of EZA isn't on that page
Oh man, just saw the Allies are diving back into FFXIV in a big way. May be time for me to resub. Need to catch up on the latest couple of patches anyway.

Do they have an FC on Gilgamesh? I'll probably transfer my character; currently on Ultros where they used to play in the GT days.

Panda Rin

Oh man, just saw the Allies are diving back into FFXIV in a big way. May be time for me to resub. Need to catch up on the latest couple of patches anyway.

Do they have an FC on Gilgamesh? I'll probably transfer my character; currently on Ultros where they used to play in the GT days.

I'm also on Ultros...is there a fee?

Haven't played since before Heavensward was released.


I don't think "play game you don't like" is a good measure for punishment. They can choose a game that was totally off his radar and make him play it. But to make someone play a game that he has tried before and didn't enjoy is, well, not what I really want to watch.
Half way through the last episode and it feels more like it is becoming Huber's story and just becoming illogical and weird as none of what he says or comes up with seems to have much thought put into it.

Law suffering from schizophrenia would explain a lot.

Seems like everyone else here is enjoying it through *shrug*

I'm not sure if you mean what I say is becoming illogical and weird or if you're referring to Huber. You're probably right in either case. It honestly doesn't bother me.

I've had to improvise more with TTE because the group has gone so off the rails. So yes, I'm pulling a lot out of my ass. I enjoy that, though. It's a different kind of fun than elaborately planned stories. Rolling with things and seeing what happens is so enjoyable for me, and it's an essential part of DnD.

I do feel like people jump the gun a bit too much. If you're sick of the town, it's coming to an end very soon. If you want more story bits, it's coming very soon. Keep in mind that the ebb and flow will change constantly. Just because you didn't like the direction of a particular episode doesn't mean it's going to be the same for every single one. Even if it feels like it after three or four of them. Sometimes the ship takes awhile to change course, but that's only because this isn't a scripted thing.

EDIT: I hope this post doesn't come across the wrong way. The only reason I'm responding is because I actually really sympathize with a lot of the complaints here. They have merit. The group has just been "dicking around in town" for a long time, and I can appreciate the desire for more focus, logic, and consistency. I just wanted to say where I was coming from and to reiterate that I believe those issues are going to be addressed in the near future.

EDIT: Lore corner is not dead. I've just been busy and neglecting it. Totally on me. I might try and do one tomorrow.
Worth noting that the Great Plateau they showed off for Zelda is just the tutorial area — 1% of the overall map — and that Damiani's run through it barely touched on all the content that 1% has . . .

Oh definitely, I just hope the gameplay has a sense of progression beyond finding some new items and doing more damage. What I look for in an open world game is a sense that I'm being presented with situations and tools with which I can create my own unique solutions. The Zelda formula is definitely capable of supporting this, especially with the stuff they're adding, and they have those kinds of situations in small chunks in the mini-dungeons, but I find them to be a bit jarring and would rather see this kind of problem solving integrated into the open world instead of awkward contained environments.
I'm not sure if you mean what I say is becoming illogical and weird or if you're referring to Huber. You're probably right in either case. It honestly doesn't bother me.

I've had to improvise more with TTE because the group has gone so off the rails. So yes, I'm pulling a lot out of my ass. I enjoy that, though. It's a different kind of fun than elaborately planned stories. Rolling with things and seeing what happens is so enjoyable for me, and it's an essential part of DnD.

I do feel like people jump the gun a bit too much. If you're sick of the town, it's coming to an end very soon. If you want more story bits, it's coming very soon. Keep in mind that the ebb and flow will change constantly. Just because you didn't like the direction of a particular episode doesn't mean it's going to be the same for every single one. Even if it feels like it after three or four of them. Sometimes the ship takes awhile to change course, but that's only because this isn't a scripted thing.

EDIT: I hope this post doesn't come across the wrong way. The only reason I'm responding is because I actually really sympathize with a lot of the complaints here. They have merit. The group has just been "dicking around in town" for a long time, and I can appreciate the desire for more focus, logic, and consistency. I just wanted to say where I was coming from and to reiterate that I believe those issues are going to be addressed in the near future.

EDIT: Lore corner is not dead. I've just been busy and neglecting it. Totally on me. I might try and do one tomorrow.
I've seen most of your comments as people reacting to Law's madness realistically, which works well. Basically everything Baron says to Law is perfect! Tabletop is currently my favorite EZA show.


I'm not sure if you mean what I say is becoming illogical and weird or if you're referring to Huber. You're probably right in either case. It honestly doesn't bother me.

I've had to improvise more with TTE because the group has gone so off the rails. So yes, I'm pulling a lot out of my ass. I enjoy that, though. It's a different kind of fun than elaborately planned stories. Rolling with things and seeing what happens is so enjoyable for me, and it's an essential part of DnD.

I do feel like people jump the gun a bit too much. If you're sick of the town, it's coming to an end very soon. If you want more story bits, it's coming very soon. Keep in mind that the ebb and flow will change constantly. Just because you didn't like the direction of a particular episode doesn't mean it's going to be the same for every single one. Even if it feels like it after three or four of them. Sometimes the ship takes awhile to change course, but that's only because this isn't a scripted thing.

EDIT: I hope this post doesn't come across the wrong way. The only reason I'm responding is because I actually really sympathize with a lot of the complaints here. They have merit. The group has just been "dicking around in town" for a long time, and I can appreciate the desire for more focus, logic, and consistency. I just wanted to say where I was coming from and to reiterate that I believe the those issues are going to be addressed in the near future.

EDIT: Lore corner is not dead. I've just been busy and neglecting it. Totally on me. I might try and do one tomorrow.

I think you are doing a great job, Ben. I wouldn't be able to think straight after the stuff Huber pulls in almost every episode (although he is not the only one with strange ideas), let alone following this stuff up with coherent stories.

I think Visceir is talking about Huber's illogical and weird stuff (otherwise I don't know what he is talking about, I think you are pretty coherent and logical with your responses).

While the illogical and weird stuff is very funny to me (it happened plenty of times that I was watching it with tears in my eyes from laughing), I am glad to hear the story will get back on track soon.

also, you guys are masters in rolling natural 1s and natural 20s ;)
Great podcast. Loved the cast especially this episode. Great L&R question with console wars. I appreciated them not being vague but really expressing his they felt about them in the grand scheme of things and I completely agree.


Another great episode of Tabletop Escapades. Yogalla's
cat race
worked out so perfectly. Haha!

I am loving the town antics so much. Sure, it's more of an improv comedy sketch than a quest->town->quest->quest-> town deal, but I'm loving that about this run. Huber's antics, while a bit wild-mannered for the sake of it (even what I'd consider beyond his initial character), are downright hilarious. The rest of the crew works pretty nicely as well. Teresa seems less-crazy than I imagined her from the origin story, but that has made for a good straight-man for crazier adventurers in the cast like Yogalla and Law. Ben does such an awesome job as DM for this particular group. He finds himself and moves on, even when you can tell he finds the situation preposterous.

All said, I do still agree that we've had our fill of abusing the town and could use a little more structure again. The poor Baron has grown enough new gray hairs from the trouble-making gang!

Lastly, I too am glad that Ian finally got an Inspiration Point.

Anyone that has watched all of Tabletop Adventures, what was it like compared to this story thus far?
Damiani's a lot better than he was in the original podcast when he never played any of the games being talked about and just trolled most of the time, but yeah his style really contrasts with the others.


I can't believe Jones doesn't know that beard is one of the two main characteristics of Barry Burton along with big ass magnum revolver.


Damiani's a lot better than he was in the original podcast when he never played any of the games being talked about and just trolled most of the time, but yeah his style really contrasts with the others.
Isn't that still the case? :)
Him constantly comparing everything to Nintendo gets annoying to be honest.

And where the hell was "orthography"?


I'm not sure if you mean what I say is becoming illogical and weird or if you're referring to Huber. You're probably right in either case. It honestly doesn't bother me.

I've had to improvise more with TTE because the group has gone so off the rails. So yes, I'm pulling a lot out of my ass. I enjoy that, though. It's a different kind of fun than elaborately planned stories. Rolling with things and seeing what happens is so enjoyable for me, and it's an essential part of DnD.

I do feel like people jump the gun a bit too much. If you're sick of the town, it's coming to an end very soon. If you want more story bits, it's coming very soon. Keep in mind that the ebb and flow will change constantly. Just because you didn't like the direction of a particular episode doesn't mean it's going to be the same for every single one. Even if it feels like it after three or four of them. Sometimes the ship takes awhile to change course, but that's only because this isn't a scripted thing.

EDIT: I hope this post doesn't come across the wrong way. The only reason I'm responding is because I actually really sympathize with a lot of the complaints here. They have merit. The group has just been "dicking around in town" for a long time, and I can appreciate the desire for more focus, logic, and consistency. I just wanted to say where I was coming from and to reiterate that I believe those issues are going to be addressed in the near future.

EDIT: Lore corner is not dead. I've just been busy and neglecting it. Totally on me. I might try and do one tomorrow.

Thank you for responding, I really like when you steered everything back in course and the cat race was amazing.

And yay more lore corner is great.

On Damani I actually like him, I just wish he could be more himself like on the streams were his a funny charismatic guy rather than playing this troll charecter on the podcast.
Pepe needs to be the evil alternate personality of Law's. During the time in the town Pepe has slowly taken over Law to make him act insane and disregard his well-being.

Separately, Brad has gotten WAY better infront of the camera since the GT days. It's nice to see and hopefully Damiani's critics will be patient and let him get better too.


I'm about to never come back to the Neogaf EZA thread. The EZA website forum must have more jolly vibes.

You have competition, Gaming Oblivion =)

Seriously, personal insults are not ok, guys, i'm sure you can criticize it some other way, if it's only personal just refrain to do so, there are other allies and if Damiani brought the mood down for the episode juste say so, no need to insult.


I love damiani and what he brings to the allies. I feel like some the hate he's getting here would just put a smile on his face. He probably loves it.
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