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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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"The Merriam Webster dictionary defines new as... "not old.""

*Kyle nods like Bloodworth just made the fairest statement in history*

I don't know why, but that made me laugh so hard.
so that's it? huber plays alttp and kyle does nothing? he needs a real punishment. like playing animal crossing amiibo festival by himself. or full playthrough of paper mario colour splash.

Whoah, whoah. Let's calm down for a second here. I don't think anyone deserves to have that forced on them.
so that's it? huber plays alttp and kyle does nothing? he needs a real punishment. like playing animal crossing amiibo festival by himself. or full playthrough of paper mario colour splash.

Kyle said that this punishment was worse but Huber took the power away to keep trolling.

And if you didn't enjoy the trial for the sake of the trial In question why you watch the Allies in the first place.


Ok I have to ask this. What are the dog(s) names in the Easy Allies videos. Which videos feature the cameo of the dog(s)?

One dog - Sophie.

Doesn't actually feature in any videos but makes brief appearances. I'm sure someone will link the gif of her trying to join in on Dungeons and Dragons.


Awesome! Thanks for the link.
Looking back, I really wish Don would jump into the EZA crew. I really liked his vids he contributed to the site, but I would also liked if he was a regular on the podcasts or did some gaming streams.
Maybe I'm missing something, but the only time I see him, he's sitting quietly on the background during the group streams.

It's already been said many times Don doesn't like to be in front of the camera much, it's his choice. There will be a few exceptions in which he gets really excited and does it, like yesterday,


This trial was an obstruction of justice but if the people believed him to be guilty then I suppose that's that. 😭

This whole ride has been really funny. Excited for Huber's stream.


Still without luck
Wouldn't it have been pretty hard to beat Link in 3 streams? Those streams would have to be like 5+ hours each...


Wouldn't it have been pretty hard to beat Link in 3 streams? Those streams would have to be like 5+ hours each...
I think so, but Kyle did long streams before. Maybe 5 or 7 would have been better. But I don't think it would have made a difference to be honest.

I also think it was a lot more feasible than creating an hours worth of standup in 1 month.


They should have put Goddess Lightning on the stand for a minute and have Brad/everyone else nodding/pretending like she was making statements while there was complete silence in the room.

Edit: Brad did a great job.


They should have put Goddess Lightning on the stand for a minute and have Brad/everyone else nodding/pretending like she was making statements while there was complete silence in the room.

Either that or have her cosplay as Justitia and standing over the "courtroom":

But I guess there was no time for that :p

Permanently A

Junior Member
Even though I like Bosman I feel like he got off too easy. He deserves a punishment befitting the crime. Have him watch and commentate a stream of Huber playing LTTP.


I think they just wanted to end this thing, which is a good idea in my book.

I watched the trial again and I couldn't stop laughing while I was watching it.
It is just brilliant in my opinion.


Ben's face in the background during the trial was tremendous, I definitely shared his emotions.

So I guess Bosman's ultimate punishment is he's lost his number 1 contenders spot for the Slusser Cup. Can't wait for the money in the bank situation to start going.


Someone care to explain this, for those of us not familiar with Wrestling shenanigans?

There'll be essentially a fatal four-way to decide the new challenger. I.e. A match deciding the challenger for the title.

I'm actually sort of disappointed, as much as I love the other guys, i feel like Bosman is a big part of why Bets works.


Someone care to explain this, for those of us not familiar with Wrestling shenanigans?

There'll be essentially a fatal four-way to decide the new challenger. I.e. A match deciding the challenger for the title.

I'm actually sort of disappointed, as much as I love the other guys, i feel like Bosman is a big part of why Bets works.

Slightly wrong. Basically, whoever is the Money in the Bank holder can cash it in for a title match anytime, anywhere. So the next challenger may not take the place of Bosman for PSX/Game Awards, but could theoretically make a betting special about anything, anytime, anywhere. Theoretically, they could even cash it in during the betting and make it a triple threat betting special.

How that works logistically, I have no idea :lol. But it's slightly more than just being #1 contender.


Ben still hasnt played battletoads
Huber still hasnt joined jones for toy box tuesday
Jones and Bosman still havent preordered (baby) Titanfall 2

Buckle up, we could have a lot more trials comin'


::Conference starts. Dark auditorium, sizzle reel of EZA streams. Highlights suspiciously include: Bosman stand-up, Bosman eating Pizza backwards, Bosman troll-streaming LttP. Sizzle reel ends.

On screen text: Boundary Pushing Exclusive Content. Genre-Defying Experiences. Easy Allies.

Stage lights rise, Kyle Bosman enters stage left. Dressed "smartly" in fitted jeans, trademark sneakers, slim blazer and pressed white button up. Top button undone, to stay "casual" and "approachable." Hair dialed in to perfection.::

Kyle Bosman: "I'd like to thank all of you for joining us this evening. We at Easy Allies believe in the transformational power of play. In the power of experiences shared with one another. This content, these experiences, are only possible because of our Easy Alliances with our partners at Patreon, Twitch and Busch, the makers of Bud Light.

Our Genre-defying content ranges from shared group-stream experiences, to solo game streams, from game reviews to the exclusive "Cup of Jones." We here at Easy Allies strive to continually push the boundaries of what "Play" can be through experiences that stretch and redefine "streamed content."

Tonight I am pleased to announce an initiative that I have been personally working on for the past several months. Through an exclusive partnership with Bud Light I have been creating a streaming experience that is unlike any other experience you have ever had. In fact, you have all been participating in this content all along.

Welcome to the New Era of Bosman. No longer is my trolling limited to small bit videos to end my shows, or even bet specials. My trolling has now reached out through the internet into your lives. Nothing is sacred, nothing is safe.

Your very existence is just a canvas for me to troll. You may have just found me "Guilty," well, you see...the joke is on you. I've been guilty all along!

You are all puppets, and I am pulling the strings."

::Faint sound of the "Love & Respect" jingle.::

Kyle Bosman: "Oh, whats that?"

::Kyle reaches into his inside blazer pocket, revealing the saxophone playing Furby::

Kyle Bosman: "Love and Respect? That has been my ploy to make you believe I was on your side. I never cared about Love and Respect. From this day forward, you will remember that I am the one who started the conversation!"

::Kyle drops the Furby to the stage floor, hovers his foot above.::

Kyle Bosman: " And I will be the one who finishes it!"

::Kyle Stomps his foot down, crushing the Furby. Stage black.::

Kyle has reveals himself to be the villain many expected him to be by pulling back the curtain on the full scope of his trolling. No one knows how deep this meta rabbit hole goes. Only one thing is certain, we have not seen the last of Punished "Guilty" Bosman.

For real though, Kyle and the team did some amazing work last night. He may eat his pizza the "wrong" way, but he's okay in my book. Also totally innocent. That contract was fulfilled, not the way Huber wanted it, but if you are going to up the stakes by introducing a "contract" you have to expect Kyle to work extra hard to find those loop-holes. Justice was not served. He was not given a jury of his peers, but rather an angry mob to judge him. Huber was certainly shady in showing the contract to Allies and then recruiting them to his team (regardless of how that could have affected the outcome, it is certainly shady). Kyle will always be innocent of his accused crime. He is only guilty of being too masterful in his trolling abilities and, like Icarus, flying too close to the sun.

The best part of the trial was the pizza person showing up. I really, honestly, did laugh out loud thinking about being the person that walks up to the door to deliver pizza and stumbling in on the "trial."

#FreeBosman #Innocent #JusticeLost
Watching Damiani's Zelda gameplay

I wasn't feeling the game before (as someone who really only digs Ocarina) just because it's more about being in the wilderness and exploration, but it's giving me Dragon's Dogma vibes.

I still need to see more but I'm definitely more interested than I was with initial trailers


Watching the TTE... Goddammit, Huber...
All that for practically nothing.

So what happened to Jeremiah's cats? Necator and Therese grabbed three of them and one or two of them ran away when Therese sliced the drunkard's throat, but what happened to the remaining one(s)? Did everyone just forget they had them and that Therese's familiar doesn't have to pretend to be Zhizhi anymore, or am I forgetting something myself?
Ian so rarely gets points of inspiration that he forgot he had one :(

Law was great this episode. Moof's teatimony is his best bet, but I think the gang will blame him and cause him to lie.


I keep thinking that they can't possibly derail the adventure any further and then something like todays episode happens

Ian so rarely gets points of inspiration that he forgot he had one :(

Law was great this episode. Moof's teatimony is his best bet, but I think the gang will blame him and cause him to lie.

I actually think inspiration should be given out rarely. It's extremely powerful.
I actually think inspiration should be given out rarely. It's extremely powerful.
Oh, you're doing a great job with them! I just think Ian forgot he had one because it was his first haha

I was just lying down in the park looking like an idiot because I was laughing so hard at the fake Baron stuff.
Oh, you're doing a great job with them! I just think Ian forgot he had one because it was his first haha

Yeah, I agree. I need to make a note of special things the players have before we shoot again and then just casually remind them before the session. Could promote interesting situations.
Finally caught up with the trial. Gripping and hilarious viewing. Lost it at the pizza arriving ("We're having a weird trial!") and Damiani's notable background as a mental health expert.

Not happy with that verdict though, you monsters.

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