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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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Mr Rivuz

Is Damiani really one of those people who irrationally dislikes Wind Waker? Is toon Link not 'cool' enough? That seems more odd that Kyle dissing LTTP.
Why do you assume it's for toon link not being cool enough? Maybe he didn't like it for the few dungeons it has, or for the emptiness of the ocean, or that slow boat that made every travel soooo long, or the boring triforce search?
I liked Wind Waker, a lot more with the hd remaster and its fast sail though, but it had some issues beyond the peculiar art style (that i love).


Is Damiani really one of those people who irrationally dislikes Wind Waker? Is toon Link not 'cool' enough? That seems more odd that Kyle dissing LTTP.

No he doesn't dislike it, he finds the game enjoyable. I also don't think he is bothered by toon Link, since he praises the game's timeless aesthetic as he puts it. His biggest problems are with the sailing/traversal it seems like.

I would also like to mention the latest podcast, got to watch it late since I unfortunately had to drop my pledge down for this month.

I'm not quite sure where the huge criticism for Damiani is coming from. Are these people who joined Gametrailers just before it's closure and Damiani feels like an outsider to them? This wasn't the first podcast where there has been trolling, fanboys or "wasted podcast time". And it hasn't been just Damiani doing these things earlier. But for some reason he gets called out for it. Just to give an example, Ian (love you Ian!) with Sony and From Software games, which has led to some disrespect towards other platforms and games. Or is it because he loves Nintendo/Zelda so much? I remember Kyle commenting on their podcasts when their Nintendo discussion has gone for "long" that people in the comments will be annoyed. This has never happened when talking about Sony or Microsoft.

What I love about EZA, they are group of friends. They act on camera as they are on real life, they don't put on a show. The chemistry between Damiani and Bosman was the best thing in that podcast. Sure I like to hear some gaming news too, but mostly I tune in for these people and their hijinks.
No he doesn't dislike it, he finds the game enjoyable. I also don't think he is bothered by toon Link, since he praises the game's timeless aesthetic as he puts it. His biggest problems are with the sailing/traversal it seems like.

Well I only commented because whenever Wind Waker got brought up during the Game of Show segment he was really negative about it. A certain (lame) subset of the Zelda audience had a crappy response to the Wind Waker announcement so I linked the two.


Well I only commented because whenever Wind Waker got brought up during the Game of Show segment he was really negative about it. A certain (lame) subset of the Zelda audience had a crappy response to the Wind Waker announcement so I linked the two.

Wind Waker is his second least favorite 3D Zelda game. But when taken his love for other Zelda titles in consideration, that really doesn't mean he wouldn't enjoy the game. It looked like he had fun with his first EZA stream that was Wind Waker =) Witcher 2 is my least favorite Witcher game, but I love it.

And sure you weren't that much off, he was disappointed about the visuals at first. Because he was waiting for the style shown in a earlier video demo. But he did grew to appreciate the aesthetic and has complimented it.

BTW, gathered this info from his review and old Invisible Walls episode where he discusses the game after the review. There was a hilarious bit in the IW episode, it made me think some people in this thread during the latest podcast and Zelda https://youtu.be/jzkOlLjmwq4?t=1839 Marcus represents those Gaffers =P The Wind Waker segment starts at 26.16 if anyone is interested.
I'm not quite sure where the huge criticism for Damiani is coming from. Are these people who joined Gametrailers just before it's closure and Damiani feels like an outsider to them? This wasn't the first podcast where there has been trolling, fanboys or "wasted podcast time". And it hasn't been just Damiani doing these things earlier. But for some reason he gets called out for it. Just to give an example, Ian (love you Ian!) with Sony and From Software games, which has led to some disrespect towards other platforms and games. Or is it because he loves Nintendo/Zelda so much? I remember Kyle commenting on their podcasts when their Nintendo discussion has gone for "long" that people in the comments will be annoyed. This has never happened when talking about Sony or Microsoft.
For me I just didn't find it entertaining and the games flow would come to a screeching halt as Damiani would recount what Nintendo did that year every single time. You could see Kyle get more and more annoyed as it went on as Damiani turned it into something he didn't intend. And really filtering almost every story, even ones that had nothing to do with Nintendo through a Nintendo lense was getting old to me. To the point both Kyle and Brandon commented on it. And then taking forever for his to answer the L&R question was another strange moment. I have no problem with lengthy Nintendo discussions (like the NX reveal game weeks before) but when they're actually the topics discussed

I enjoy having him back in LA. I liked his work on other things like the streams at E3, game sleuth, other podcasts, the trial of bosman, etc. If you enjoyed it great. It wasn't for me. It'd be like Huber relating everything through RE. Or Ben through JRPGS, etc. you mentioned Ian who has been known to do that. But I do think since EZA he's gotten better at it. Also he's gotten better at explaining his points of why he likes the games he does way more.


Honestly, I can appreciate any opinion about Zelda as long as it's not "Twilight Princess is better than Wind Waker" or "Phantom Hourglass is a good game".

As long as everyone loves Majora's Mask, we're cool

Ben also rolls his share of 1s, lol.
Ben's expression of utter bewilderment at these rolls is maybe my favorite part of the show so far.
Lars had grain. Law has grain.


It could have been. But that one design decision ruins it for me

The temple of the ocean king? If it's about that I gotta say that while I get the complaints I personally loved that thing. It's pretty tough, it's massive and that intimidated me, and I love that. I really like how it was timed and how I felt like I got so much better at it as I progressed through the game and unlocked shortcuts.

But hey I actually like backtracking in games in general. A lot. As long as it doesn't merely feel like the developers padding things out that is. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment and progress when done well.

They don't have to be the centerpiece of the game again but I'd absolutely love to see more Zelda games with an enormous dungeon l have to return to and track back through like that.


Listened to this week's podcast and was wondering if there was going to be any chatter about Damiani... sure enough. I found him to be a bit grating this episode. *shrug*


For me I just didn't find it entertaining and the games flow would come to a screeching halt as Damiani would recount what Nintendo did that year every single time. You could see Kyle get more and more annoyed as it went on as Damiani turned it into something he didn't intend. And really filtering almost every story, even ones that had nothing to do with Nintendo through a Nintendo lense was getting old to me. To the point both Kyle and Brandon commented on it. And then taking forever for his to answer the L&R question was another strange moment. I have no problem with lengthy Nintendo discussions (like the NX reveal game weeks before) but when they're actually the topics discussed

I enjoy having him back in LA. I liked his work on other things like the streams at E3, game sleuth, other podcasts, the trial of bosman, etc. If you enjoyed it great. It wasn't for me. It'd be like Huber relating everything through RE. Or Ben through JRPGS, etc. you mentioned Ian who has been known to do that. But I do think since EZA he's gotten better at it. Also he's gotten better at explaining his points of why he likes the games he does way more.

I don't know man, Kyle seemed more amused than annoyed to me. He was having fun with Damiani. That's what I ment earlier when I mentioned the chemistry between them. But sure, too much fanboyism can get annoying to viewers. I just feel that not all fanboys are treated equally. And there was context for those Nintendo mentions though, as the question was "is this game/console worth of Best of Show". If someone thinks it doesn't deserve it, then there probably are better alternatives that you are looking for. And he did mention Metal Gear multiple times also, God of War got a mention etc. He was just pointing out what were his best of the show. Unfortunately for some, it was very Nintendo heavy but not exclusively. Actually I would have loved to hear more what was presented those years, even if it was something for Xbox! =)

For the L&R question, the podcast has a moderator who kept insisting an answer even after Damiani just said nope. Could have moved on, without the answer. Damiani started by saying that he has hard time coming up with one. So maybe share the blame if that segment bothered you.

I'm not referring to you by this but I fear that this might be happening with Damiani and few people.



I need a Bosman at Home on Pokemon Go once things have had time to settle. The response everywhere else I've seen has been too positive for me to count it out, and I'd be interested to hear what he thinks after the initial bumps smooth themselves out.


I need a Bosman at Home on Pokemon Go once things have had time to settle. The response everywhere else I've seen has been too positive for me to count it out, and I'd be interested to hear what he thinks after the initial bumps smooth themselves out.

He said he didn't like it on stream, I believe.


I like Damiani, but I don't feel he has a great presence in podcasts. He thinks more than he listens, talks over, and in cases like this particular podcast, lets his fanboyism overcloud his judgement. I mean, that Yup or Nope segment took like three times longer than it needed to because he was bringing up what Nintendo was up to every year. That wasn't part of the game; it was whether you agreed with the best of show for that year (slightly flawed premise anyway, since we can't perfectly remember the showing and what other games were showed in what capacity every year).

I don't want him to feel like he has to quit doing it, but I do think it's not really his forte.


My favorite part of the podcast was damiani looking at everything through the nintendo lens. Nintendo is clearly one of his favorite game company's and that seems to be his starting point for most video game conversations. I hope next time he's on the podcast he goes even further down the nintendo rabbit hole just to see the reactions here.


I'm late to the Damiani podcast discussion but I liked him on this week's podcast and past podcasts. I first heard him when I was catching up on GT Time a while ago in the early episodes and thought he was really good on it. His style might be different from the rest but I think he does well on podcasts. I feel sorry for him getting so many harsh comments on the YouTube video.
I'll just recuse myself from the podcasts going forward since people don't honestly like who I am and think it's an act or something.
I know it's hard with the critical comments but don't let this discourage you from appearing on the podcasts again, you're good on them.

Ray Down

Just saw the Huber Second Half of 2016, I thought he was hyped for Dragon Quest VII, I guess not.

Honestly can't be to hyped on this either, of all the DQ games I played( have yet to play 1, 2 & 10) I couldn't get though it. Those first few hours are fucking boring...got to the Dog party member and just lost my interest.
I need a Bosman at Home on Pokemon Go once things have had time to settle. The response everywhere else I've seen has been too positive for me to count it out, and I'd be interested to hear what he thinks after the initial bumps smooth themselves out.

He said on his Tetris stream that he played it for 10 minutes and deleted it. Wasn't a fan I guess.
Playing through it again right now on the 3DS. Only 3D Zelda I haven't beat... It's still not clicking with me

Same. The world just feels weird. I don't like the city layout, I ďont like the reused OOT assets (especially the characters), I have a hard time caring about the story, a lot of the mandatory side quests are tedious, and the mask transformations take away from the Zelda experience I enjoy.

I think the game is really good, it's just not for me.


Has no PEINS
Honestly can't be to hyped on this either, of all the DQ games I played( have yet to play 1, 2 & 10) I couldn't get though it. Those first few hours are fucking boring...got to the Dog party member and just lost my interest.
For what it's worth, they've apparently streamlined the beginning of the game in the remake and removed the stuff that people thought was boring

I've never played a DQ game but tuning into Huber's periodic DQ8 streams for a few minutes has warmed me up to them and I'll be giving the DQ7 remake a shot now. Kinda funny that he's turned me onto the games and yet I'm more stoked for this upcoming one than he is

Gun Animal

I like Damiani, but I don't feel he has a great presence in podcasts. He thinks more than he listens, talks over, and in cases like this particular podcast, lets his fanboyism overcloud his judgement. I mean, that Yup or Nope segment took like three times longer than it needed to because he was bringing up what Nintendo was up to every year. That wasn't part of the game; it was whether you agreed with the best of show for that year (slightly flawed premise anyway, since we can't perfectly remember the showing and what other games were showed in what capacity every year).

I don't want him to feel like he has to quit doing it, but I do think it's not really his forte.

if Ian had been there he would have based his yup/nope answers mostly around Soulsbourne and nobody would bat an eye---partially because of the persona he's cultivated but also because Nintendo fanboyism gets wayyy too much criticism.
Not meant to be a swing at Ian (if anything I wish he was a permanent 'cast-member like the old days)

I really enjoyed watching Damiani squirm over being slightly negative about League of Legends, of all things. That was the highlight of the podcast, other than Kyle trashing on Bioshock Infinite. You'd think LoL would be the one game it's universally safe to talk shit about.


I finally watched THE TRIAL (I can only listen to podcasts at work, I wanted to wait to the weekend to be able to also be able to watch it.

What an amazing piece. Everything about it was fantastic and non-stop hilarious. Well down allies *ups his pledge another dollar*.

Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are both good games.
Yikes, what a new page opener
I agree though.


Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are both good games.

Absolutely. The stigma comes from the unconventional controls. The game themselves are very good. Not the best Zeldas, but we know that many other series wish they were at the level of the worst entries in the Zelda franchise.


I have no idea why I like the easy updates, but they're great.
Also, Kyle gives a voice to my pokemon go reservations, so that's nice.
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