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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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Using your logic, Sony published Final Fantasy X because they owned 20% of Squaresoft at the time.
Sure. I have no recollection of that time as no internet and so on, but the little difference is that FF wasn't always a Sony exclusive IP and apparently they lost/sold (educate me or give a link, please! :D) and couldn't keep FF, which is quite a different situation compared to Nintendo/Pokemon.


I got around to listen to last weeks podcast episode. That was the one that made Damiani quit the podcast, after people complained, right? Is that still a thing or is he coming back?

I'm also sorry to start with this again, but the podcast is getting too long again. I was hoping with a second, 2 hour podcast, there was no need for the main podcast to go over 60 minutes. With FrameTrap being as excellent as it is (thank you, Ben!), I was sure it would also satisfy most fans.

But the recent episodes went well over the 60 minutes mark. It's a shame for me, because it's part of what makes the podcast special for me (as I always mention). A well moderated gaming podcast, focusing on news and events in the games industry. It's not something we have a lot of and Kyle always does it exceptionally well. It would be great if it could get back on that track again.
I want a longer podcast.


You're making good points.

Fortunately, EZA has a podcast for people who want even longer podcasts, it's called FrameTrap.

I want a longer weekly podcast and an even longer fortnightly podcast. MOAR.

Frame Trap should not ever end until the last person passes out from dehydration or exhaustion. The EZA podcast ending after 2 hours is OK though.


You're making good points.

Fortunately, EZA has a podcast for people who want even longer podcasts, it's called FrameTrap.

I don't want the podcast to be much longer than it is now, but the current length of somewhere around the hour and a half mark feels like a great length to me, as Kyle no longer has to rush through things to end on time like what was often the case in the GT Time days.


I want 4 longer podcasts

EZ Movies with Michael P. Huber

Videogame Historia with Professor Blood

Everything is 9 hours long


For me, the length is all fine the way it right now. Podcast: 1 to 1:30 hours and FrameTrap 2 hours or a bit longer.
If they get much longer, I won't be able to watch them during the week I will have less time to game during the weekend.

I do agree they should not have a hard cut-off. I don't mind the podcast going a bit over 1 hour. Of course within reason. I am sure they can fill multiple hours with questions from fans, but I don't think they should rush their answers of a specific questions because they run out of time.


GT time was typically 75 minutes. 15 more isn't that much. Also now we don't have some rushed ending
Plus you have two reader emails now not one so that adds time
I want a longer weekly podcast and an even longer fortnightly podcast. MOAR.

Frame Trap should not ever end until the last person passes out from dehydration or exhaustion. The EZA podcast ending after 2 hours is OK though.

I know you're partly joking and I understand that people want more content from them. But I also think it would be a good idea to offer different types of content for different parts of the audience. To take a bit from a Final Bosman episode I love a lot and make fun of myself a little, I wish I had time to watch and listen to all the hours of content they put out. I wish I had the time for that. But I have so many things to do, ugh (in reference to this part of the episode).

That's not to say that I'd want them to "dumb down" the content or be more like other YouTube channels, which more "digestable" content for 13 year-olds.

Personally, I can't keep up with their output at all and that's absolutely fine. I've been supporting them since day one, just for the podcast and everything else I can watch is is a bonus for me. That's also why I don't feel entitled for them to cater to me, nor would I ever think about pulling my pledge, because they make too much content. But I hope to get my point across in the reply below.

I don't want the podcast to be much longer than it is now, but the current length of somewhere around the hour and a half mark feels like a great length to me, as Kyle no longer has to rush through things to end on time like what was often the case in the GT Time days.

The way I understand it is that the podcast takes longer than before, because of Love+Respect, which is a segment I actually enjoy most of the time and Kyle wants it to have a longer part in the podcast. And you're absolutely right that rushing the end has been an issue.

I realize that I haven't made a good argument as to why they should do this. "I don't want to invest more time to consume their content" is definitely not a good one and it comes over like I'd want them to produce less content or take something away from you guys. That's definitely not the point. I don't want them to compromise their vision and scale back their ambitions like developers of a PS4 game that has to be ported to the Vita (I love you, Huber).

I really don't want them to cut Love+Respect at all. It was a great segment on GT Time and it's actually vital for the EZA Podcast, since the questions come from backers themselves and it's an incentive for others to up their pledge or pledge at all.

As unlikely as it is, my suggestion would be to spin-off Love+Respect into its own show instead. Making it an hour or however long they want it to be. It would shorten the EZA podcast while getting another podcast/show out and uping the total amount of content. It's just something I'm throwing out and would like them to think about.

To make it perfectly clear. It's not a huge deal, of course. I'm being a whiny little diva, tilting at windmills and this is not supposed to be a huge discussion. 1h20 or 1h30 isn't terribly long and I could always skip parts I don't like (which don't exist) or listen to it sped up (which I'd never do). My entire point is that for some people, it's easier to listen/watch to their content, when it's not all one big chunk. I listen to a ton of podcasts (37 subs right now) and as an avid podcast listener himself, maybe Kyle understands when I say that the "big stuff" kinda gets in the way (and yes, Kyle, I agree. There absolutely are "podcast games"!) To me it's like having a huge music playlist and your favorite artist releases always releases the entire album as one track. It would be easier to listen to the album, if you could split it up and mix it through the playlist. That's why I honestly think my proposal wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Anyway, I didn't want to ruffle any feathers. I still love the podcast the way it is, but I wouldn't mind two separate shows with 1h runtime each.

Cheers and, of course, love and respect.
Frame Trap should be weekly and the regular EZA podcast should be bi-weekly. To be honest it kind of sucks now. Especially when Ben or Huber are not there.


Frame Trap should be weekly and the regular EZA podcast should be bi-weekly. To be honest it kind of sucks now. Especially when Ben or Huber are not there.


EZA podcast should always be weekly as it is a news show. I would like frame trap to be weekly but wouldn't switch them at all


Frame Trap should be weekly and the regular EZA podcast should be bi-weekly. To be honest it kind of sucks now. Especially when Ben or Huber are not there.

what the... ?? no... no... I have to disagree hardly there

EZA podcast as well as Frame Trap are really awesome, if anything the latest Frame Trap time was actually shorter than what I expected.

I think I am in the majority where I love these longer podcasts, they don't have to rush anything and actually extend their talk as much as they see adequate for the topic discussions, I always hated when they had to rush through things on GT Time
Frame Trap should be weekly and the regular EZA podcast should be bi-weekly. To be honest it kind of sucks now. Especially when Ben or Huber are not there.

1:20:00 - 1:30:00 is the sweet spot for most podcasts to me. It is possible to have a podcast that is too long *cough*Beastcast*cough* (relax people I still like it) but I've never thought that an EZA pod was dragging.
Frame Trap should be weekly and the regular EZA podcast should be bi-weekly. To be honest it kind of sucks now. Especially when Ben or Huber are not there.

This makes no sense. Taking quality out of the picture, it makes more sense for the main podcast to be posted on a regular basis as it's about current gaming news.

I also completely disagree about the quality, the EZA podcast is my fave podcast at the moment, but that's all down to opinion.
The word of the day should count towards the Lizards vs Eagles points totals. Maybe they could catch up then.

Also both podcasts are at their best when they're not blazing through segments to get finished on time. I think 1 to 1 and a half hours is perfect. .


The word of the day should count towards the Lizards vs Eagles points totals. Maybe they could catch up then.

Also both podcasts are at their best when they're not blazing through segments to get finished on time. I think 1 to 1 and a half hours is perfect. .

Make em half points


Eh, no need to change the rules to manufacture competition. Just make "seasons" or whatever -- mark it down, wipe the slate clean, and start the next round.

What we do need

is some Stranger Things love in the next Huber Hype to get me some fine gaming accompaniment for this crunchy '80s show.


Listening to the podcast right now and Kyle has a problem with Nintendo being credited, and I have a feeling they're about to have a discussion based on something they really don't fully understand. Looks like you guys more or less took care of it already in the previous pages.
I live in the central time zone so i never get to watch the Tetris stream live. But I managed to stay up late and got to play in the chat and actually got a line read by Kyle that made him laugh. which was a lot of fun.

I am Buransuna

Good stream. Great new tunes sent in. A lot of fun.


I live in the central time zone so i never get to watch the Tetris stream live. But I managed to stay up late and got to play in the chat and actually got a line read by Kyle that made him laugh. which was a lot of fun.

I am Buransuna

Good stream. Great new tunes sent in. A lot of fun.

Some good tet today. Hopefully one day Kyle beat Woz and Kotaku report it like
Guy beat Wozniak's score in Tetris after 10 years of training.


I live in the central time zone so i never get to watch the Tetris stream live. But I managed to stay up late and got to play in the chat and actually got a line read by Kyle that made him laugh. which was a lot of fun.

I am Buransuna

Good stream. Great new tunes sent in. A lot of fun.

good line. good stream. he was SO close to 400k :(
Twitch doesn't notify me when people are streaming. I "follow" EZA and have notifications on including emails and I don't get anything anymore.

Is this happening to anyone?
I ended up falling asleep during the tets stream :'( the 2 to 3am struggle is real

Was in and out of consciousness during the new songs though and they were nice
Talking syndrome is such a genius idea. A lot of fun

Xenogears is my favorite JRPG ever. So epic, great music, fun battle system and memorable characters (Except chu-chu. Die in a fire)

I'll try to get him to try Suikoden 2 later. Huber would love it


My Amazon US shipment is apparently arriving to a CA PO Box on Monday finally after 2 weeks. Who knows why I'm posting this in this thread....
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