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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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I'm sad that the Mighty no.9 epsiode is not happening. kyle said he wanted to do it but the game is so bad he doesn't have any desire to finish it :(.

If it was going to be him just ranting about it, I don't mind him scrapping it. To me, the episodes where he just rants about something or someone (most recently Miyamoto) have generally been weaker than his other output.

I'd be glad to get any Bosman eps though.


Ay, we're arguing semantics here.

Wikipedia: Invest => To allocate money in the expectation of some benefit in the future. Investors generally expect higher returns from riskier investments.

You can spin it however you want but these are projects that are inherently super risky. If they were a sure thing they would be getting funding already. Kickstarter is also especially skewed against the backers because you are bearing the entire financial risk of the project and in return you are expecting just to get what your money back. Its great for companies. They get their funding, own complete rights to their products, and if they run out of money, theyre back to where they started. Meanwhile, youre shit out of luck.

If you're cool with gambling your money away, thats on you. And absolutely back stuff that you are passionate about. But me personally, I just expect better odds.

Patreon is a lot less risky. Theres less commitment. Much shorter time frames. Different deliverables.

Sure, I can see that. I do agree kickstarter isn't for everybody and I had arguments with backers on a kickstarter for a cardgame from Cyanide & Happiness where there are a lot of new backers who never backed anything before and they saw it as a store (which it certainly isn't). Most of the stuff I backed are playing cards and small stuff which isn't that expensive anyway and which is a lot easier to produce than tech or video games.

I have backed 70-80 kickstarters the last few years and I have problems with maybe 2 or 3 of them (+ 2 which helped me getting my stuff after it got lost in transport) (and yeah, a lot of them go over time, but most of the time it isn't that much of a problem). You just have to be careful on what you back. Like I said, it isn't for everybody and I am not backing that much stuff anymore (as it is somewhat of an addiction as well), but in the end I think it is kind of safe as far as you use your brain (which you need to use on the internet anyway).


If it was going to be him just ranting about it, I don't mind him scrapping it. To me, the episodes where he just rants about something or someone (most recently Miyamoto) have generally been weaker than his other output.

I'd be glad to get any Bosman eps though.

I am also unsure if ranting is something he likes to do for a whole episode.
I am sure he will come back with a great episode once he finds something to create an episode about (I did like the Miyamote episode btw, but I don't think he wants to create a lot of those episodes).


This made me think your earlier post again. Indeed they are super risky since the reason for kickstarter is to get games made that don't have high mass market appeal. So it would make very little sense for kickstarter to be about actual investing. The goal is to let developers make the game they want without being pressured to please the bigger market. It would be a bad idea trying to turn this about making profit. Why invest in something that isn't projected to make much of a profit. Invest in something else with bigger chance of actual pay off. If anything there needs to be a cap for what invidual can pledge through kickstarter to protect the user from getting burned too bad. I'd hate to see someone paying 5k for a game that they end up hating and then blame the developer for not meeting his/her personal wishes like he has some other ownership of the product besides getting the actual game and possible promised tier reward. Ofcourse scams or games getting canceled when the money is already changed hands is another thing. I'd say it's better if people just pay something between a dollar and few hundreds for example. It's much safer for the invidual and not a huge risk. Even if they end up empty handed they will survive and don't get in financial trouble.

Buying a game is always a gamble. I liked Arkham Asulym a lot and thought I would enjoy City just as much if not more. But I tried to play it a bit on PS3 with my friends copy, it didn't hook me. Later when I built more serious gaming pc I bought it for myself to give it another chance, since I should like the game. It's a sequel to a game I liked very much, from the same people, critically acclaimed. But now I just feel that me investing in that game was mistake. It didn't profit in hours of fun. Atleast I got the game and didn't end up empty handed. So "it's better than nothing" but not much if I don't actually play it. And to play it I should enjoy it.

Sure, I can see that. I do agree kickstarter isn't for everybody and I had arguments with backers on a kickstarter for a cardgame from Cyanide & Happiness where there are a lot of new backers who never backed anything before and they saw it as a store (which it certainly isn't). Most of the stuff I backed are playing cards and small stuff which isn't that expensive anyway and which is a lot easier to produce than tech or video games.

I have backed 70-80 kickstarters the last few years and I have problems with maybe 2 or 3 of them (+ 2 which helped me getting my stuff after it got lost in transport) (and yeah, a lot of them go over time, but most of the time it isn't that much of a problem). You just have to be careful on what you back. Like I said, it isn't for everybody and I am not backing that much stuff anymore (as it is somewhat of an addiction as well), but in the end I think it is kind of safe as far as you use your brain (which you need to use on the internet anyway).

all great points.


To me Might No. 9 is a perfect example of Kickstarter working as intended. Sure, the game may not be great, but that could happen to any project, regardless of how it's funded. It's the reality of game development.

I still think it's pretty nice that Inafune got to make the game he wanted to make, and people got to play it. And sure, putting down money for a game that doesn't exist yet is not for everyone. If you're contributing to Kickstarter the fact that you're part of making something possible is a very large part of the appeal. It's what you're buying into. If all you want is a finished product you should definitely wait for it to go on sale.

Patreon works both ways. You could put down the minimum amount of money just to get something you want, like the podcast early. But you could also see your contribution as being part of what that allows these guys to keep making what they're making, and that on its own is a reward.

Gun Animal

Does anyone remember which episode of the Final Bosman featured Kyle talking about the player character's mom in Pokemon GSC? I've been skipping through all of em for an hour and I can't seem to find it. I'm starting to think it was in a podcast or something.
Nah, I disagree. It takes me a lot to Kickstart anything now after the Double Fine Adventure Game, Mighty No. 9 and Mansion Lord (which was just a scam in general). There's no point me backing anything. I'll just get it after release when it's proven, especially with how many games from proven developers just end up happening anyway.

I was backing a lot of things that sounded interesting at one point. Now I've got Shenmue 3 and that's it.

Git gud at Kickstarter

Personally, I've only backed one dud Kickstarter so far (Starlight Inception). I did almost back Unsung Story as well (solely because they disingenuously stuck Matsuno's name all over it), but I thankfully cancelled that before it ended and dodged a bullet. Everything else I've backed either delivered what I wanted (Banner Saga, Wasteland 2, Paper Sorcerer and a few others) or hasn't come out yet (Cosmic Star Heroine, Shenmue 3, Knights and Bikes, etc).


Kyle's The Promise Ring story was awesome, Bosman v Wozniak always delivers.

I've only just started watching the archive, but yikes I do not like that new emulator (or perhaps Kyle's settings in it), the graphics have become super blurry, it's terrible to watch:



I've only just started watching the archive, but yikes I do not like that new emulator (or perhaps Kyle's settings in it), the graphics have become super blurry, it's terrible to watch:


He probably just has bilinear filtering turned on somewhere. I don't know what emulator he's using, but personally I think it would be cool if he used one of these shaders. Not sure how well they would translate over a stream, though, since they'd probably get downscaled and such.

I prefer the first (Game Boy Pocket) one, myself.


If someone could create a gif of Hubers reaction to eating the candy on today's Talking syndrome stream I'd greatly appreciate it


He had like 3 minutes of different reactions though, don't know which part exactly you wanted giffed.

Best Talking Syndrome episode by the way, it was so jolly with other allies involved.
He has only reviewed Cooking Mama 5: Bon Appétit! because he lost a bet I think.

Adding to this, I'm nearing the end of my complete Final Bosman watch (for the first time!), and I've realized that I get great pleasure out of hearing other Allies read/act out Kyle's writing. It has such a distinct voice behind it that even it comes across in that old Cooking Mama review. I love noticing stuff like that.


I absolutely loved the Xenogears Huber and Ben play through. I really hope they play it again some time because it gave off the same vibes as when they played through RE3 together. It's also awesome to see them play some more niche older jrpgs.


Best Talking Syndrome episode by the way, it was so jolly with other allies involved.

Strongly agreed. I actually wonder if it would be possible for Huber to do this format in the future;e it isn't likely, considering that it seemed like it was the constellation of Frame Trap and D&D that resulted in so much of the group being together in one place, but it honestly felt like the best iteration of all of the episodes so far.

I mean, content and mood-wise, it occupied a very comfortable space between Frame Trap and the EZA Podcast. It was like a very calm, highly interactive show, that was sufficiently different from the Q&A sessions.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Does Easy Update have a concept or is it meant to be rather random and/or spontaneous? The last episode wasn't really that different from streaming a game.


Does Easy Update have a concept or is it meant to be rather random and/or spontaneous? The last episode wasn't really that different from streaming a game.

Song + a date of some kind. The difference between that and a general stream is editing basically.

It's just hanging out with other people doing whatever.


Does Easy Update have a concept or is it meant to be rather random and/or spontaneous? The last episode wasn't really that different from streaming a game.

I felt like it started to form in recent weeks. Some sort of BTS/Out of work hangout that has small ties to gaming. However, this week's really was barebones.


Does Easy Update have a concept or is it meant to be rather random and/or spontaneous? The last episode wasn't really that different from streaming a game.

It has taken more of a format since the last few episodes. Typically, it's an original composition, followed by either discussion or engagement of the latest gaming phenomenon. The ending segment is usually something completely different and is more of a highlight of whatever is going on in Ian's life.

It's not for everybody, but the show has definitely evolved and it is also arguably one of the most creatively taxing shows that EZA puts out. Ian recording a new song once a week, and then finding time to record with a guest is not something that I envision is even remotely 'easy to do'. It's a testament to Ian's ability at balancing his work responsibilities with his creative energies, tbh.

cm osi

I absolutely loved the Xenogears Huber and Ben play through. I really hope they play it again some time because it gave off the same vibes as when they played through RE3 together. It's also awesome to see them play some more niche older jrpgs.

hope they can follow the story, it kind of get messy if you don't pay attention. having to chat and read the comments while playing xeno can be difficult (like huber didn't notice that elly is the girl in the captain photography in the intro


Riptide GP is on the schedule, but it's Bloodworth streaming it. I'm really interested in what he thinks about it as someone who enjoys racing games, because for me, Bowman was on the money with that game.


Damiani streaming from the other side.

Damn, Damiani streaming from deletion.

Brandon Plays Pokemon...are we getting that anytime soon?

It happens when it happens. I'd guess it was filmed over the weekend, but that was a late one with Frame Trap and the next group of Tabletop episodes. Think they went from the early afternoon when Huber did Talking Syndrome until 9;30pm though, so they may have held back for another day. Last one was a week ago though.
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