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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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still getting the hang of this whole gif making thing.


Nostalgia, honestly are plug in consoles all that popular anymore?

Isn't it one basically?

No they're not popular, as Bloodworth said, they're normally found at the back of second-hand shops.

Sure, it'll sell units, but nowhere near the level Huber expects. This is just a glorified collection of virtual console games.


Devil's advocate game was amazing, heh. Jones, while his effort was awesome, had a loosing argument from the start, but Blood and Huber? Quite good.


Someone already commented on youtube but the game on the ship would have worked beautifully if they rolled the dice. That way a 20 is obviously more valuable but there is some strategy and risk in using an 8 sided dice to try and get lucky to beat the 20.


Oh my god a .hack retrospective yes please!

And someone burn a VMUTool CD stat so they can play with all characters and weapons next time they play Power Stone (...or any Dreamcast game, really).

Don's story was amazing.


I feel like Huber is seriously overestimating the popularity of this Nintendo Mini Classic.

Why on earth would it be that popular?

I think he's right . it's a perfect stocking stuffer. it'll take up a decent amount of shelf space so its not like stores are going to be getting dozens of them. people like Nintendo, people like easy gifts, kids like video games, parents and grandparents are clueless... it'll be hard to find

+ I also agree w Huber on the point that after a while you kinda just gotta stop hating the things Nintendo does, stop caring, and accept they're going to one or two awesome games a year. I'm definitely in that part of the Nintendo love/hate cycle.


Kyle, I love the new inclusion of Don as a third team member for whatever team is 10 points behind until they either somewhat catch up or lose, that's a brilliant move that I hadn't thought of at all. Regarding the winning conditions, though, what are they at this point? Is the only way to win to get ahead by 15 points, or is there also a more finite number or date? Say, whoever either gets 15 points ahead or is first to 30 points wins a season, or whoever either gets 15 points ahead or has the most points by the end of xx amount of weeks wins a season?

If it's just whoever gets ahead by 15 points and nothing else then it seems like there's a risk of it just going on and on forever, which would suck. Personally I think the mix of either being 15 points ahead or reaching xx amount of points first wins the season is the best solution as opposed to having a set date as the end of a season, because then you never run into the unfortunate situation of a team being so far ahead that the other team can't possibly win. If it's just points based there's always that small sliver of a chance that the other team can make an amazing comeback, like in a fighting game when someone gets down to a minuscule amount of health versus someone with almost full health to then turn it all around and win the match, which is just the best.

Also, great games this week, S Rank podcast!


Man, it would be epic if every week Huber gets a new weapon lol

The season finale of Huber Syndrome will show Huber decked out in all of his battle-gear, with dual axes strapped to his back, five swords in scabbards attached to his belt, full chain mail, a helmet with horns, spiked brass knuckles...

It will be glorious.


Tabletop Escapades 16 was SO Good!

We had more Sailor Ben, a fun little card game and Law actually taking events seriously (at face value) for what feels like the first time regarding a notable event.

Going to say it again, major props to Ben for consistently finding new ways to make the story exciting and humorous. There are so many ways one could've set the battlefield in a boring straightforward affair, but I find myself engaged again. MVP of Tabletop for sure (even with all of his bad luck rolls)!

Oh my God. What will happen?!


Been on holiday for the last week (since last wednesday) with no wifi or 3g. It's been nice but I'm ready to catch up on the Allies.

I'll catch up on the regular stuff but is there anything in particular people would recommend from the last week? I laughed catching up on last week's podcast when Bosman correctly guesses the Tomb Raider PS4 extra.


Podcast spoilers!
I can't believe that the panel unanimously thinks that Kid Icarus doesn't hold up, although Huber apparently hadn't played it (yet). I think that it's one of the best NES games. Everyone thinking that the first Metroid still holds up was pretty surprising as well.
Podcast spoilers!
I can't believe that the panel unanimously thinks that Kid Icarus doesn't hold up, although Huber apparently hadn't played it (yet). I think that it's one of the best NES games. Everyone thinking that the first Metroid still holds up was pretty surprising as well.
I agreed with them. I really tried it like blood did. But couldn't get into it.


I agreed with them. I really tried it like blood did. But couldn't get into it.
Same. One of those games I've tried again and again and just can't get into.

As for Metroid, after I played Zero Mission I HAD to go back and play OG Metroid. It holds up. I used a map for some parts, but it's definitely playable without. With that said, there's no reason to play it other than to just say you have (like it FF1)
Man. Great Xenogears stream Ben and Huber. It's my all time favorite JRPG. So glad Huner gave it a shot. I'd love them to continue with the game. Huber loved the slowest part of the epic game

its a shame my resub got missed


Man. Great Xenogears stream Ben and Huber. It's my all time favorite JRPG. So glad Huner gave it a shot. I'd love them to continue with the game. Huber loved the slowest part of the epic game

its a shame my resub got missed

I saw! And yeah, great stream.
Thank god they figured out how to jump

Oh, and I'm a big fan of the Huber syndrome changes


Remember Bosman at Home? Maybe one day they're resurrect that ancient and forgotten series...

That's Bosmans own thing that has no attachment to Easy Allies, he just gives them a shootout at the end.

This is why its not part of it or taking Patreon money, so he can just do an episode when he wants to with no schedule.


Neo Member
Man. Great Xenogears stream Ben and Huber. It's my all time favorite JRPG. So glad Huner gave it a shot. I'd love them to continue with the game. Huber loved the slowest part of the epic game

its a shame my resub got missed

I also really enjoyed the stream. Seems like Ben expressed some interest in playing the game again on his own. I would love to hear his thoughts on the game, maybe on an ep of Frame Trap.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This is why its not part of it or taking Patreon money, so he can just do an episode when he wants to with no schedule.

I hope he decides to return to a fixed weekly or bi-weekly schedule. Would love to see Bosman's things regularly.


I hope he decides to return to a fixed weekly or bi-weekly schedule. Would love to see Bosman's things regularly.

While I really enjoy Bosman at home and I can go for a new episode regularly as well, he should do them when he feels like doing them imo. By forcing himself to come up with ideas there is a chance the quality will suffer and he will burn out on Bosman at home.

Content creators should create content because they want to create that content, not because other people want them to create it.

That said, I think Kyle is also maybe a bit too critical over his own work (which is good I think). I really loved all the episodes while it seemed he didn't really think some of them were that good.
Anyway, like Hasney said this is the reason why he didn't want to put that show on Patreon in the first place. I am sure we will get some episodes in the future, but just let him create them when he wants to (I also think he spends a lot of time on EZA stuff, so maybe he just doesn't have the time for it).


While I really enjoy Bosman at home and I can go for a new episode regularly as well, he should do them when he feels like doing them imo. By forcing himself to come up with ideas there is a chance the quality will suffer and he will burn out on Bosman at home.

Content creators should create content because they want to create that content, not because other people want them to create it.

That said, I think Kyle is also maybe a bit too critical over his own work (which is good I think). I really loved all the episodes while it seemed he didn't really think some of them were that good.
Anyway, like Hasney said this is the reason why he didn't want to put that show on Patreon in the first place. I am sure we will get some episodes in the future, but just let him create them when he wants to (I also think he spends a lot of time on EZA stuff, so maybe he just doesn't have the time for it).

I'm sad that the Mighty no.9 epsiode is not happening. kyle said he wanted to do it but the game is so bad he doesn't have any desire to finish it :(.


Excellent episode of Huber Syndrome! Only wanted it to be longer. I still need more Witcher talk from Huber and Blood atleast, please make it happen! Witcher 3 and it's expansions is an event rarely replicated, don't let this slip without proper discussion.

It was also hilarious how careful he was when saying that Witcher 3 is more memorable game compared to Dark Souls 3. I guess he has noticed the "why is DS3 rated the same or even close the same than these clearly inferior games I have never played!"


I'm sad that the Mighty no.9 epsiode is not happening. kyle said he wanted to do it but the game is so bad he doesn't have any desire to finish it :(.

Yeah, that would have been fun to see him go over that game as he seemed to be a big supporter of it in the beginning (or at least looking forward to it), but after a while he lost all hope in it (and with good reason).

It is a shame, but as far as I have seen and read, it is possibly better to forget about this game as quickly as possible as it gave a bad name to games on kickstarter in general (which is unfortunate).


It is a shame, but as far as I have seen and read, it is possibly better to forget about this game as quickly as possible as it gave a bad name to games on kickstarter in general (which is unfortunate).

This is something I don't quite understand though when this happens. Developers making a bad game through kickstarter has nothing to do with the service itself. The game would had been bad either way. And there's so much good games from kickstarter, that I don't see how Mighty no. 9 should break the trust between kickstarter and consumers. If someone doesn't trust the developers anymore, that's reasonable I guess. But it to affect kickstarter is dumb.


This is something I don't quite understand though when this happens. Developers making a bad game through kickstarter has nothing to do with the service itself. The game would had been bad either way. And there's so much good games from kickstarter, that I don't see how Mighty no. 9 should break the trust between kickstarter and consumers. If someone doesn't trust the developers anymore, that's reasonable I guess. But it to affect kickstarter is dumb.

Nah, I disagree. It takes me a lot to Kickstart anything now after the Double Fine Adventure Game, Mighty No. 9 and Mansion Lord (which was just a scam in general). There's no point me backing anything. I'll just get it after release when it's proven, especially with how many games from proven developers just end up happening anyway.

I was backing a lot of things that sounded interesting at one point. Now I've got Shenmue 3 and that's it.


Nah, I disagree. It takes me a lot to Kickstart anything now after the Double Fine Adventure Game, Mighty No. 9 and Mansion Lord (which was just a scam in general). There's no point me backing anything. I'll just get it after release when it's proven, especially with how many games from proven developers just end up happening anyway.

I was backing a lot of things that sounded interesting at one point. Now I've got Shenmue 3 and that's it.

Wasn't Broken Age mostly favorably received though? Or atleast the first act that was crowdfunded. I understand perfectly if you dont want to fund another Double Fine game because you had a bad experience with them. To be honest I never have played the second act myself, but atleast the first one was a solid (not great) point and click and really charming. But what has Double Fine to do with Larian or Inxile who already released games that were among the best games of that year. As you said you were backing many things, would you say most of the games you backed weren't worth the investment?

Shen Mue is also my only kickstarter backing, never played the originals but i'm well aware of the games. And besides my personal interest in the series I also did it for Huber.


i think the model needs to change to allow backers to get a share of the profit. i dont think just getting the game is compensation enough for the risk involved now.

imagine if someone asked you to invest $100 in their business and told you, well, in a year you might get your money back... but.. um, theres a good chance you might lose it all.. you'd tell them to get stuffed. you're the one baring all the risk so you should be compensated for it.


Wasn't Broken Age mostly favorably received though? Or atleast the first act that was crowdfunded. I understand perfectly if you dont want to fund another Double Fine game because you had a bad experience with them. To be honest I never have played the second act myself, but atleast the first one was a solid (not great) point and click and really charming. But what has Double Fine to do with Larian or Inxile who already released games that were among the best games of that year. As you said you were backing many things, would you say most of the games you backed weren't worth the investment?

Shen Mue is also my only kickstarter backing, never played the originals but i'm well aware of the games. And besides my personal interest in the series I also did it for Huber.

Double Fine adventure was alright yeah, just waited too long and it wasn't that close to what was promised as the scope grew as they got all that money. Not on them really, but it made me realise that pre-ordering a concept isn't something I should do with my own funds, even if I have made some good games happen.

i think the model needs to change to allow backers to get a share of the profit. i dont think just getting the game is compensation enough for the risk involved now.

imagine if someone asked you to invest $100 in their business and told you, well, in a year you might get your money back... but.. um, theres a good chance you might lose it all.. you'd tell them to get stuffed. you're the one baring all the risk so you should be compensated for it.

Yup, it's why I'm surprised Fig backings seem comparatively lower than the Kickstarter equivalents. I thought their investment idea would be a good hook. I guess Kickstarter just has the eyeballs on their site.


i think the model needs to change to allow backers to get a share of the profit. i dont think just getting the game is compensation enough for the risk involved now.

imagine if someone asked you to invest $100 in their business and told you, well, in a year you might get your money back... but.. um, theres a good chance you might lose it all.. you'd tell them to get stuffed. you're the one baring all the risk so you should be compensated for it.

Isn't Fig something bit like that? I found it all very confusing so can't say for sure. But from what I've understood some bigger investments can get little bit of profit and I mean very little.

One hundred dollars I wouldn't really call an investment though. Maybe when we go to tens of thousands dollars. But still this isn't something that average gamer should be doing. If you are an actual investor even outside games and really understand and accept the risks and possible profits then sure, it could be a good system when done right.

Also can't wait for next month when I get to up my patreon pledge back to 10 euros! It's been rough this month waiting to get the podcast.


i think the model needs to change to allow backers to get a share of the profit. i dont think just getting the game is compensation enough for the risk involved now.

imagine if someone asked you to invest $100 in their business and told you, well, in a year you might get your money back... but.. um, theres a good chance you might lose it all.. you'd tell them to get stuffed. you're the one baring all the risk so you should be compensated for it.

Kickstarter isn't a website where you do an investment, it is a website where you show your support for a certain product or developer to help them to make their product a reality.
In that sense it is somewhat like patreon.

I am sure there are other websites out there where you do make an investment, but I am sure there are other rules which apply to those. I think it is a lot more difficult in terms of taxes and such to comply.

I still have some games backed but apart from shenmue (I never played the old ones either) and yooka-laylee they are quit small games (and to be honest, I don't even remember the names).

I am screwed harder with tech I backed on kickstarter to be honest (the SCiO sensor which still hasn't been delivered to most backers and who are removed from KS because of some legal battle on the name). I will probably never back tech again on kickstarter, but for games I don't really see a problem (as I don't back the high tiers anyway).


Kickstarter isn't a website where you do an investment, it is a website where you show your support for a certain product or developer to help them to make their product a reality.
In that sense it is somewhat like patreon.

I am sure there are other websites out there where you do make an investment, but I am sure there are other rules which apply to those. I think it is a lot more difficult in terms of taxes and such to comply.

I still have some games backed but apart from shenmue (I never played the old ones either) and yooka-laylee they are quit small games (and to be honest, I don't even remember the names).

I am screwed harder with tech I backed on kickstarter to be honest (the SCiO sensor which still hasn't been delivered to most backers and who are removed from KS because of some legal battle on the name). I will probably never back tech again on kickstarter, but for games I don't really see a problem (as I don't back the high tiers anyway).

Ay, we're arguing semantics here.

Wikipedia: Invest => To allocate money in the expectation of some benefit in the future. Investors generally expect higher returns from riskier investments.

You can spin it however you want but these are projects that are inherently super risky. If they were a sure thing they would be getting funding already. Kickstarter is also especially skewed against the backers because you are bearing the entire financial risk of the project and in return you are expecting just to get what your money back. Its great for companies. They get their funding, own complete rights to their products, and if they run out of money, theyre back to where they started. Meanwhile, youre shit out of luck.

If you're cool with gambling your money away, thats on you. And absolutely back stuff that you are passionate about. But me personally, I just expect better odds.

Patreon is a lot less risky. Theres less commitment. Much shorter time frames. Different deliverables.


You can spin it however you want but these are projects that are inherently super risky. If they were a sure thing they would be getting funding already.

This made me think your earlier post again. Indeed they are super risky since the reason for kickstarter is to get games made that don't have high mass market appeal. So it would make very little sense for kickstarter to be about actual investing. The goal is to let developers make the game they want without being pressured to please the bigger market. It would be a bad idea trying to turn this about making profit. Why invest in something that isn't projected to make much of a profit. Invest in something else with bigger chance of actual pay off. If anything there needs to be a cap for what invidual can pledge through kickstarter to protect the user from getting burned too bad. I'd hate to see someone paying 5k for a game that they end up hating and then blame the developer for not meeting his/her personal wishes like he has some other ownership of the product besides getting the actual game and possible promised tier reward. Ofcourse scams or games getting canceled when the money is already changed hands is another thing. I'd say it's better if people just pay something between a dollar and few hundreds for example. It's much safer for the invidual and not a huge risk. Even if they end up empty handed they will survive and don't get in financial trouble.

Buying a game is always a gamble. I liked Arkham Asulym a lot and thought I would enjoy City just as much if not more. But I tried to play it a bit on PS3 with my friends copy, it didn't hook me. Later when I built more serious gaming pc I bought it for myself to give it another chance, since I should like the game. It's a sequel to a game I liked very much, from the same people, critically acclaimed. But now I just feel that me investing in that game was mistake. It didn't profit in hours of fun. Atleast I got the game and didn't end up empty handed. So "it's better than nothing" but not much if I don't actually play it. And to play it I should enjoy it.
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